p. 8


DOW well tion was named Society on Sunday, abones religious on Sunday the 15th oth Classy Races the est residents Ice Cream Factory are Life and Law Benevolent Appreciation Tomorrow Races. Canal Zone Notes Friendi y Society To The EDITOR THE WORKMAN: Tomorrow afternoon proCon inued from rage 5)
Sr. Keeping in toog with the gram at Juan Franco Park Bocs District, are bent on To Colebrate Fifth AnConstitution of this crganization comprises nine races with reviving the Interest of the niversary. and instructions from the Parent over forty native and impor and no stypes will be left ontart people in their enn ton welfare, Body in New York, a local conven.
ted horses taking part. ed to get a goodly number of Arrangements are present com JUAN FRANCO TRACK five furlong race to bring employees at under way for the celebration of during the at our Liberty Hall Dext Friday of the.
out seven native horses is meeting ceremonies and closed cn listed as the first item, to be the general Sunday the 22nd, TO MORROW followed by another of the Mrs. Bascombe Died committee and the various sub. At the fourth session of this same distance, but featuring Suddenly, committees sparing no pains to onvention, it was unanimously Sunday September 5th, 1926, only five native ponies.
invited guests the time of their that greetings be sent to the local The thtrd race will be for Apparently well on Saturday lives. am instrue imported horses and the dis evening last, Mrs. Bascombe, There will be a procession from ted by the Chairman of the Contance is four furlongs. Oran, wite of James Bascombe, both the Future Hope Lodge hall, foot vention (Mr Lindo) to of 20tb. Street, Avenue, where coavey to you the Novici, Altanera, Lucera, prominent members of the com.
greetings of the Society is now housed, to the the N LA ACL in the ReTigre and Belle Sauvage make munlty and connected to the up this aggregatio.
St. Peter Church, where the public of Panama, expressing the St. Paul Chontepgale, took sick on Sunday morntog last and died in Reyd. hearty appreciation of this Associ Races for Imported horses Eight imported horses will the Ancon Hospital on Monday parson of them all, bas ation for the kind assistance we and for Native bred Ponies try conclusions in the fourth after an kindly consented to conduct divine have received from your preso in operation.
event. The distance will be The serve and deliver pastorial publisbing matters of interest perBuscombes are of the oldto the six furlongs. This race will be of Boca and the CE WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Dews service, followed by what will really Bascom be threw a gloom over of the procession will again and its activities during the past the death of Mrs.
be formed, this time wending its year.
be the feat are event a, one the entire community, especially way to the Panama Capital Hall, Accept therefore on behalf of the corner of 22nd, and 12th Oc ober Vaiversal Negro Improvement AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT ported horses; only three enclosely connected in the works imto wbom Streets, Guachapli, which has been Association and African Communi tries Dhole 125, Reina Mora of the Church.
secured in order to give more ties League, our heart felt gratielbow room to those participating. tude.
126 and Perque 96.
She was baried at the Herrera The Beneficient Band under With best wishes for your con. Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
Zapa, Chiqui, Payasso, being followed to her last resting Cmetery on Tuesday afternoon, Director Nibbs will furnish the tinued success, Coceha and Repulse are place by several hundreds of music, am, on behalf of the associa First Race Starts p. Sharp booked for the next race people trou Panams and LA Boca President Dodson takes this tion.
which will be over four furopportunity of urging upon all Cordially yours members the recessity of attending longs. The seventh will bring SACRED CONCERT the two meetings which will be C, BURKE ADMISSION out Carcajada, Argentino, held during next week, Tuesday Secretary of the Convention.
Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
Mitzi, La Vittoria and Oran 7th. and Friday, 10th. in order to At St. Bartholomew Las while three entries each comget thoroughly lined up for the CHURCH SERVICES Cascadas occa ion. Don forget your anniprise the eight and ninth versary Tevy.
Thirteenth Sw day After Trinity Dhole will again run in the Concert will be given in St.
At p. to morrow a Sacred Dr. LOWE AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE THE ACME ninth race, this time taking Bartbolomew Church, Los (Anglionn Catholie)
up one pound more than in Cascadas, The proceeds will Appointed Medical Officer St. Paul Church, Panama. 89 the fifth race. The distance ward the repairing of tbe will be six furlogs and he will ar a friends in this and neighof Health.
urch building.
Our members Rev, Nightengsle, Rootor) a. Holy Communion. The Rector CORNER 23rd. 24th STREETS CALIDONIA run against Bravo Lassie 126 VARDK distric: Tbe NORTHERN News cordially ch and Bolsheviki 123, 10. 15 a. Matin Mr. Atwell, Montego Bay, Jamaica states that Catechist.
BELOW THE ELKS LODGE to turn out in large numbers and back up a worthy cause Dr. Lowe was selected by a 10 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermon, Let Help The The Choir of St. Barnabas larger majority to the Niedical The Rector Solicits the patronage of Lodges, Wedding AnniverChurch, Empire, will be responOfficers of Health for Monteg pm Chureb Bcbool.
sible for the major portion of the Bay. There were four applicants 30 Choral Evensong, per mon saries and all Social Functions, also caters (Continued from page 1)
program, for the post and Dr, Lowe get the The Rector to a daily trade with all.
majority of 10 The habit of loafing, acquired in votes while the next nearest recelsed only The apSt. Alban Church, Paraiso Manufacturers for Wholesale and Retail trade youtb, is very dificult to shake off Dr. Wendehake poiotment is only for one year.
later on, and the loafer, addicted This paper congratulates Dr. Rov, NIGH PENGALE, Delicious Cream Cakes and Cool Drinks. to drink and betting, becomes, in MEDICAL CLINIC appontment and feels Priest in Chargo.
the long run, the unemployable.
7, 025 Front Street Colon sure that with his vast knowledge Matine and address 11 Mr. Call and be Convinced Scouting teaches the boys to Mail or Phone your orders of health conditions, sanitation time for them OPPOSITE STATION and PHONE 11 selves and for the service of their ygiene acquired mostly during his O4borne. Catechist Phone No. 1253 Box No. 809 p. Church School and Corfirms.
many years practice on the Cana fellows, They are Ancon, Zone and in the city of Panama, tion Lastrue ion Osborne, Catecbiet.
the town of Montego Bay stands to PYLE, General Manager and the loyalty which they cherisk LEGAL NOTICE benefit much, 30 zn. Choral Evensong address for their troops is expanded in Mr. Osborne Datecbist.
after years into loyalty for their obligations as citizens of the em Notice of Pendency of Suit Little Lesson on 31. Peter by tha Soa, La Boca pire, Further Trouble in the American Episoopal (Anglican ComaThe badge system is a means of UNITED STATES DISTRICT discovering their hobbies, so that COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE (Continued from page 1)
munio. Continued from page 1)
their individual talents may be de. Balboa Division Holy Communion 80 The Any woman who has to swallow veloped instead of being crushed ber pride and say: Hubby darling Rector.
warder was found going out of the premises with four by unsuitable labour. ve worn the last hair out of my Holy Bap iom 30 pounds of sugar concealed up his sleeves. Another rumour strive for their side. and campCIVIL No: 779 The team game teaches them to trotb brush, or could vu spare 1bLitany, Holy Euchariot and is that on the occasion when the meat was missing on ing brings them face to face with for some cold cream? Sermon 10 45 a. Rev. Mulcare, search being made, twelve pounds of meat were found the wonders and beauties of Crehalf a dollar for DONALD EASTMAN. Plaintiff, and stande meekly by while the Church School p.
dole is counted out (grud locked up in the safe, and the key to the safe was found atiche Scout Law in a code of Choral Evensong, sermon. 30 LEONA EASTMAN. Defendant.
gingly enough) to ber; is justified The Rector.
in a warder pocket.
Divorce in shying the cuspidor at her lord T. MULCARE, Rector and master when he starts enjoying moral teaching which has been them as anything else. In regard to the trouble itself, it is thus are the foundations of inter usł wth, 1928, the plaintiff above These, of course, are only rumours and we do not give adopted throughout the world: To LEONA EASTMAN: You are hereby notified that on Aug.
his perfectas.
is a one sided partner At 3t. Barasba Church, Empire said that a junior officer of the Prison sent for a detachment aational friendship being laid.
ship in which one of the union St. Bartholomew? Chtreh La Cascadas, of Police without any authority from his senior officers to voluntary aspetition wherein the prays for an Aled above court Scout officers are gives more than the other; it is serving a Sindhoo. choroba Ontel Zlobo do so; and further, that when investigating the complaint, workers, but they want money for absoluto divorce from you on the. Sunday. never runo Benfilty fiftyerbasis. Clamu meetings and Evensong will be hold the Director of Prisons had occasion to send for a certain epuipment and organisation, roome statutory ne rounds of Cruelty, and generally generously for meetings and green spots for. therefore, hereby notified that you are required to enter your allows Benedictine to do the sac at the usual time by the Lay Readers, senior officer who was eventually discovered locked up in camping. Above all, they want appearance in writing in the office of rificing. MULCARE Prow. in Charge the kitchen presumably for purposes of safety.
the Clerk of said court at Anoon, your sympathy St. Paul says: It is not good for It is possible that an enquiry may be ordered by the Canal Zone, and make answer thereto man to live alone; but you will Government into the whole matter so as to ascertain if HELIOPOLIS TEMPLE on or before the 16th day of October NOTICE.
notice that he left it to a woman 1928.
there is any genuine ground for the prisoners complaints.
If you fail to do so within the time discretion whether or not double.
No. aforesaid the said petition will be taken barness is preferable.
as confessed, and the petitioner will 77 Personably TO WHOM IT MAY CON ATLANTIC SIDE. believe: take judgement against you by default travels fastest who travels alone; and demand from said court the CERNED.
THE OPEN FORUM. CELEBRATE THIRD ANNIrelief applied for in the petition.
there will be do wedding, bells for VERSARY This is to inform the public at EL SHEIBLEY am perfectly willing after large, and members of me. Continued from page Continued from page Clerk, baying lived a little over one of the three score years and ten of. Rs. Inc.
allotted me; to bave a miten itse older, that a Mystic festation of kindness, Interest others, for have been disturbut The celebration of the third anni. September 4th, 11th and 18th, has been duly overlooked. am told that the Limoa for 25 months and he has Rs Iac. took place in do suspended from carved on my tombstonese; there the Heliopolis Temple No. 5, FA boere he campleo bitia felicom never purchased one single copy.
Rent Receipt Books In Span not fear loneliness or old age; there o. 0, Rs. Inc, and to those who came to hear them their Temple, on August 22nd.
Ish and English for sale at the With regard to the Welfare jolly numbr of Frae human familv, who need minister Jarrett, D, has been form. Those who did not attend leto any lame ducks in the that the Honorable Percy sing and recite and see them per Committee of which he mentioned, Masons journeyed from the all. Wortman Printers ing to, to allow me time for those duly appointed and commissione, will doubtlens be glad to know and he is a member, the committee ferent sections of the Isthmus, indulgencies, would not swop for the West that the Cantata will be staged been appointed by the Governmen. The Temple was call to order by with or the many distinguished it has Notto the celebration my free soul for Mrs. just to Indies Central South America Suod uy the 12th of Septembe at committee had been legally and with the singlog of a special in Bro. Gittens, cheat the shelf, glory in the of the nor elected by the Colonists. If the B:0. Burleigh. visitors.
knowledge that what so ever my Representing the Interest Supreme Grand Temple, pm. guardians and life toil malere more posible de Rafne bearing abildren of Gatoa win hear more cabilitationally preanized and are uploadedoog hours followed, wat be appointed out of the most for by. CooperAct. the evening and table was It matters not straight sherficial credential, about within a days.
had no place gate serviceably blessed by the ap.
the Grand Officers among its membership How charged with punishment the of the Supreo e Board of Directfor he is not one of the colonists. ter the devotion special pointed officer who pltorward seroli, ors, in the city of New Rocbelle British Consulate Notice Me. Nurse, you can bring up your duties were performed by the gave a very striking address, and am the Master of my Fate!
County of Westchester, and siate The British Consul at Colon Casualty corps at your pleasure, Depary Officers Namely Bros. then Introduced Bro. Mitchell, am the Captain of my Soul of New York BELL would be glad of information as to will not agaia reply to your writing To Gittens as first speaker, who gave a very Loyd, Asst. serviceable address, followed by (Sgd) NIGHTINGALE the preseat whereabouts of one on this subject.
Asst. Secretary Mrs. Gertrude Simpson, a native Thanking you, Mr. Editor, time was spɔnt during the anni dresses.
Franele. moat enjoyable many other well intentioned adof Jamaica who is stated to be for space.
ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO most bearty and convivial Heliopolis Temple No, versary service.
residing in Colon; also of Miriam THE POPULAR BIPODROME OF The members then retired to evening was spent by the Jolly Panama City, Murray, aged sixteen years, native Yours truly, JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW.
the banquet room, where the re group who participated in the Aug, 26th, 1926 of Jamaica. MARKHAM malader of the evenioglwas spent celebration.
Lowe on his make use of their Panama good turn to care expected to do a Vs.
4, Nurse would and sealed


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