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PRICE Cts. Cy.
SERVICE Many Many Shot, Two Died In Riot at Penitentiary arv ships 2nd Several New Projects DON TOMAS STEAMER DUQUE Of Law Before Assembly Elected First Vico Pre Botweon Canada and sident of the Republic. West Indies TemporBill by Deputy Mendez Pereira arily Service. very pleasing act, and indeed Over Sixteen Prisoners Escaped Secretary of Public Instruction one that meet with popular approval To connection with the vexed was the election of Mr. Tomas question of stramship communica And Change Prison Garb to Vigorously Opposed.
Gabriel Duque as First Vice Pre tion between Canada and the Britsident of the Republic of Panama, ish West Indian Island which bas Avoid Detection.
by the National Assembly, on been arousing the ire of the Press The National Assembly now sitting in Ordinary Session ſuerday last. This places Mr.
Last Saturday issue of the Jamaica HERALD states cable despatch was projected several measures of law, prominent among Puque in a position to act as Chietiese verloor ikoee iebted recently following in of which are two by Deputy Fernandez of Colon, one which hay cultores en lincidence to the more from Halifax S. dated August that the climax of the Penitentiary disturbances for the past ау will make it compulsory for all industries operating in the sent iacomben teori dont higher ince: 24th would seem to aford a tempor six weeks was reached yesterday afternoon, when a riot occured, resulting in a few fatalities.
Republic to employ fifty per cent. Panaman labour and the President Rudolfo Chiari The Royal Mail Steam Packet other to annul the law which imposes a tax of one per It was about 30 o clock and the men were on the of Mr. Duque was company will operate a four weeks received cent on mortgages.
by the entire populace of service with the Chigaecto and parade to go for dinner. Just as the muster was taken and eira, Secretary of Public Instruction has for its object the bear potona Mehatan ocela sin egen het het original au balsiyceba tract bacis doctor garden, tore down the grape arbor, climbed the Bill introduced by Deputy Dr, Octavio Mendez Peru Panama City with an acclamation Chaleur between Halilaz and the they were to march off to get their meal, a number of men popularity is seldom or West and British tish Guiana on who. The and he must indeed feel proceeds from this tax would be used for restablishing na at the confidence and estetica parte abandoned above the entiret diately after, the ranks broke loose, and the prisoners armed fund for the construction and upkeep of schools. This men. For when a man attains the Denpired in June and was not re themselvee with rails, pieces of pipes, and whatever they with the Federal Government final.
which he is held by bis country. Ty measure of law was vigorously opposed by Deputies Arias highest position could lay hold on. Just at this stage it was observed that to which its the the burden more on the working man and that a levy on the bin, he must indeed realise that fox for the Royal Mail Comprox. and a call was sent out for the Brigade.
and Jiminez, who argued that the tax on salaries would cast possible for his people to place by John Hulbert, manager at Hali STORES WERE ON FIRE, capatalists and property owners would be more justifiable. he is esteemed and honored in bis In to the Several other Billls were brought forward, including The Workman congratulates Goverement bas been renewed.
Royal Mail paid by the Federal Orders were issued for all Warders to go to the Guard one for the construction of a new Central Fire Brigade Sta Mr. Duque on his selection to the Room and get armed; then a general fight took place betion in Panama and a sum of money to be voted for the high position and wish for him understood it had been done as the revolver attack, how these were secured could not be exMr. Hulbert said as far as he tween Warders and prisoners, the latter retaliating with a building expenses; also a Bill for the presentation of Medals continued success and progress in result of strong protests from the plained.
to the Ácaldies of the various cities and towns in the re tis youthful, and illiant career. West Indies ich and which had been public who have secured the best results for the communi.
cut out of the Whilst the riot was proceeding, the prisoners who Today and Tomorrow since the subsidy changed schedule ties under their charge.
had been with work at the Rockfort Quarry were nearing the Penitentiary drawn and the Royal Mail opera warf and on getting inside, realising that the hour for dePATH NEWS No 71 JEALOUS PARAMOUR CUTS ting is independently, liverance had come, joined in the riot, disarmed the SCENES OF RIOT AT VALEN.
The itinerary which these ships warders, broke the locks of southern gates and escaped.
will have includes Bermuda, St WOMAN THROAT They scurried along the water front across the Sea Shore Police Reserves batile mob that Kitts, Antigua, Montserrat, DomiBelieving Her Doad Turns Razor on Selt and struggles for last view el noted nica, St. Lucia, Grenada, St. Vin Gardens, Breezy Castle, and on to the Myrtle Bank lands screen sheik body. Continued ou page 8)
where a search was made for civilian garb. During this stage Slashes Throat From Ear to Ear.
THE RIOT WAS AT ITS HEIGHT INSIDE There considerable excitement, the great walls of the Penitentiary, and the warders were in Ander on Road, Woodford Park, WITH BEST WISHES SPARKLETS now compelled to fire into the renegades, whilst calls were in lower St. Andrew yesterday (BY WCK)
sent out to the Police Depot and the Central Police Station mornio. says the GLEANER of the ins whe1 Caleb for reinforcements and in a short while armed squads and shoema zer, it is alleged, To Tes Editor THE WORKMAN Choap Argumontation.
our general advancement in all a party of detectives were rushed into the institution.
on bis one time paramour, Sir read your Editorial of Words are like leaves, and where they we want to tell them to let down ported that the Warders came in for gun shot and other fields of human endeavour. Then number of prisoners were shot down, and it was reJohnso a domestic servant, sev. Saturday the 21st of Augu in eral cu with a ko fe and then reference to your fifteenth anni Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely their backets where they are and wounds. At about 5:30 o clock Dr. Michael Grabham, attempted to take his life by slash versary. It true we have bad our found.
dip up whatever good they ing his throat from ear to ear small grievances and misunder Is it really one of our instinctive The question load leadership for Price nfurgeon, hurried into the institution, followed some Ind an time by Both parties are at preseat in the standings in the past, but that did weaknesses that, in place of being Isthmian Kings At six o clock it was stated that two of the prisoners 01 Public Hospital in a seri. not preveut me readi your werk, serious, we take pleasure in indulg portant factor; at least the most ous condition and there is very ly for as a lover of reading reading in cheap argumentation both in important factor in our progress; who were shot little hope for the recovery of anything. Your anniversary which Press otherwis. And and cheap argu nentation is no HAD SUCCUMBED TO THEIR WOUNDS HI home se na pogratulate you for ingen te being a rewers by experiente heladerabigar bert bibition Garvey having broken the Williams and Johnson lived toand sought pret, fordi downloaden een discovering which for the Ministero un bel colore bias do one. consciousness your is is well by cheap most The police patrol and service cars filled with, warders part involves our persistent of course some this of gether as inan and wife for some me, which was no larger than acousation parties for our beingtion now is the right leadership: search of the rioters, and when they rushed to the Myrtle years at Woodfod Park. few thirds the size of the Panama otser people as the while others will not. the big ques and armed policemen were up and down the streets in months ago they quarrelled and American. It has developed to four could not get along peacefully. times its past eize, you have fought kept at the foot of the economic leadership, for instance, that will Bank Hotel they were informed that about seven of the priJohnson tyls the man that she was the good fight, you have out lived ladder, is a dream in the middle of convince the thousauds of West soners going to live by herself and he not only other West Indiao public a deep sleep? At tho slightest pro Indians who work for the Panama WERE IN HIDING IN GARAGE ACROSS HARBOUR ST.
begge deler to remain with him, cations but ever white; it maken vocation call or wehe trovovich, o comit ander mies that she the They were located some had already rid themselves of one Canal Railroad their ecopromising that he would treat with stamina to better.
not only in the newspaper concern getting contence; that shows Brest the pay en veloprs; leadership their prison garb and at the point of bayonets, the muzzles that at every trifle scorn size of will be but even other lines of business, to, About three weeks ago there was even Companies often fall to pieces, pride and little sense and that the be able to impress them of guns and revolvers, were got into the patrol van. Two those heads, as stomachs, are not most invariably spend act of Rae Town.
that the system by which they a contention between the couple, as others were found up the lane.
a consequence of which Johnson left You have admitted you have sure the best, which pauseate all, per cent of their earnings Tower Street right on to the Prison and the whole disWilliams and went to live in Frank erred in the past, which might and nothing can digest. hand to mouth kin Town. For some days when he but it is common with man; be Indians, our principal handicap to work for them and in course of thousands of people lining the way looking on at the caphave deterred your greater success, and that such To my mind, as Isthmaine West stream of expendinot locate ber and WAS IN STATE OF EXCITEMENT, discovered where she was living he who never erred, was aot human, ture may be diverted and wade to went and begged her to be friends Our mistakes often briug us the bettece progress is courselves in our time help to absorb mach of the tured convicts being marched by warders through the subsequently went to live at 12 ddowledge of what we could have lowo dear selves. We unknowingly surplus labor now available, allyl growth of hair, and dress in a pantaloon above his knees, most the and streets. One long dangerous looking fellow with a heavy Allman the amendment, at the sime time time promote cheap Towa. For about two weeks Wi.
argumentatico bring about be higher valuation was marched in a little after six o clock by two warders, the iams was on the bunt her huil. agree with your thonght for over the question. Someone your sixteenth year cause which produces the undesir.
could not trace her until Tuesday for as you bave fought alone the able effect our being kept down of the Pue of the principal Indian passed inside the big iron doors a couple lashes on the back objects prisoner letting off volumes of filthy language. As he hich down. We create the whiche question of higher valuati right when he heard from someone past years without failure where she was living. He went to believe Association may be In short, we are, principal et he brought about not only by getting HUSHED HIM UP.
ut about in clock and rapped at strength tour people to list conta do cooked upod and treated by some then Prebelky Barel emeloped from was wondered why he was not relieved of his implement outlive the past, for of a the window of Johnson room the ur:derstanding that the voice and. reThe woman opened the window of the press is the voice of the garded by others as such. When we shougands of West Indians here by the warders. He was not even being held.
in cheap argumentation, than 10, 000 (Continued on page 5)
William looked 10, and the people, and the only way justice blaming our failure on the other day for the ordinary ne cssities of life. It is only saw a mia sitting on the chair in can be sought is through the press, fellows, we are uncone Jes, question of knowing how to dam Mr. Duque to be Fotted the room Ibis made Williams for the peo is stronger than the unknowingly, growling at IRENE angry aod he asked Johnson to sword, it the only medium by Under the conditions, what we fair percentage of that flow and come out to him in the street as he which man can express his sufferwanted to talk to her. She refused ings and obligations to his brother really need are not pen or oratorical make it work for ourselves, instead The Panama Rotary Club at it At the Cecilia Theatre To and closed the window, Williams man.
gestures of arront nonsense. We of let:ing this stream of to gold meeting on Thursday last, on moleft but on going he told her, it is Our people want more unity, Press what will tend to educate need on the platform and in the tion of Rotarian Albert Gutberlet, night and Tomorrow Night.
Cheap argumentation is like voted to give a banquet to Mr. Irene will be the slogan used at otated hihna obe sbaldi hot became they fail to understand that unity our people to the fact that their arguing that or Christianity is a re Tomas Gabriel Duque also a Rota che rende la Honighe adds tomorrow. that if to come out another time as he was crumbling building that falls like economic salvation lies in their sarding factor in our progress in: ran, as a means of showing their. to of night, This exciting Paramount prepared to make an end of her. Lucifer to the ground; the Chinese, erit, nand Wehneed initiative than the ministers and tell them that in pride on his being elected to be picture is said to be full of action ABKED LOAN OF REVOLVER.
Early yesterday morning, Will Spaniards were no better than we, essentials which may not be disre. after death, life which will lic. The banquet will be held in the screened as the following Prese the East Indians, the Italians, the energy and tolerance are three addition to their sermons on lifo First Vice President of the Repub and has made big bits wherever iams was seen in Woodford Park, if not worse when they came here, garded without disastrous effects entirely depend on a life at the Union Club dext Thursday even will abow. Continued on page Continued on page 8) upon our economic life and in fine. Continued on page 8) ing. Continued on page 8)
can Williams.
material, the by this timer will admit 88 tell inay be ter of Prince of Wales Street her valuation for her the future of Employers come to engage oooo side them


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