
PACE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1926 The Church of God British Finance And Commerce.
Aristocratic flavor at a democratic price. Lucky Strike simple reason for being preferred by millions is Padams, Aroer mens Street, Houre 25, San Miguel Sunday at a. Pryt meeting and Gospel weetings at 11sm.
kod 30 Sunday School at p.
Monday at 30 Testimsoy Steeting Tuesday at 15 m. Young People Meetin. Wenceday at 30 pm Gospel meeting. Thursday at 720 Open air meeting. Friday at 30 o.
Prayer Meeting Bro, Pessoa. ir charge)
Red Tank, Canal Zowe Sunday Schoo po me Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 Sin. GRAY New Providence. Gospel Mee ing at 11. 30 sm and 7, 80p. Suncay Brool. p. Wednesday at 30 Gorpel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting Bro. MeDONALD Gatun, Canal Zone. Gorpel Mortings st 11. 30. and 30 pm Sunday Zebool at pm. Wednesday 30 Goepel Meeting, Friday at 30 pm Prayer Meeting Bro, GEORGE GRIPPITH Jolen. and Streets. Gospel meet logs at 11. 30 am and 30 Bredey School at 3pm. Wedne day at 80 m. Gorpel Meeting Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Because it toasted Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness The hidden flavors of the world finest tobaccos are developed by this costly, extra process, and that why Luckies taste so good No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St.
SAN MIGUEL Sunday 530. Prayer Meeting 10 a. Children Service; 11 am.
Divice Service. Bro. Swall! p. m, Sunday Sehool, Superintendent pm. 30 pm. Goo pel Service, Preacher Bro. Reice The usual weekly services will be cOnducted on Tuesday and Thursday night, at 45 BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 Divine Service. Preacher Bro. Webloy 30 pm, Sunday School, Superintent dent. p. Gospel cervice. Preacher Bro. 8, Webley.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Prayer, All other notics for the week will be given from the Pulpit.
Bro. WEBLEY, Acting Pastor in charge reason millions can resist (BY ROBERT MACKAY)
London, August. The proJooged stoppage in the coal mines continues to loflict loss on British Industry genera ly. How great this is, cannot at present be estimated but a few instances will serve to show the general loss.
All the big Britieb railways have bad such heavy traffic declines that their interim, or half yearls, dividends have been cut. The trade figures of ex.
ports and imports during last month have just been issued and comparing July this year with July, 1925, there is a decline ir Xports of over eleven per cent. large part of this is accounted for by the falling off in coal shipped The amount of coal exporte last month was 7, 881 tons as against 4, 442, 256 tons in July, 1925. On the other hand foreign coal imported during the last montb was more in quantity by 319, 000 tons than in July, 1925. As this foreign coal costs the British railway companies or manufacturers from three to four times that of the negative product, and is not so suitable fuel, tbe difficulties of the position will be obvious.
These painful facts are mentioned because it heightes the admiration that must be accorded the leaders of British industry for the way th y bave faced, and to some extent, overcome the present difficulties. Severai Railway Companies have equipped their locomotives with oil fuel apparatus.
In doing this under stress they are but imitating a process that has long been going ou normally in the mercantile marine. Some indus.
tries are ubtaling power from oil and there are cases where tractors bave been driven into for shafting. But most interestthe workshops to provide pwer ing of all, the coal shortage bag directed attention to the che up and convenient power obtainable 1rom coal gas, It need hardly be said that a stoppage in the coal mines indefinitely prolonged would put out of action the gas work, but these latter generally have stocks of coal that will last for months.
In the present dispute also foreign coal has been available if needed. Of course there are losses here, and at the recent general meeting of one of the largest British gas companiesthe South Metropolitan Gas Coupany the Chairman stated that at the last coal strike, which lasted over three months, the C18t to the company was 350, COO Present losses must be much greater The attention that the British gas companies have recently received is quite useful. There is a tendency nowadays, in the enthusiasm generated by the Government proposals for the production of electricity in bulis, to igcore or depreciate the much older gas industry. Yet this has had a wonderful career, a career far from finished. Many industries depend on cheap coal for their prosperity and foremost among them is naturally the gas ir dustry few figures will demonstrate the iu portant position this industry bolds in the national economy and its recent progress.
industry stands in in the front rank of the great national industries. In its 1, 500 undertakings 160, 000, 000 of capital has been Invested. This is not very far short of the capital of Dining industry. Apart from dustries dependent on the byinose engaged in the great ingas works (dyos explosives, etc. the industry employs over 100, 000 men, Coal consumed in its raw state Great Britain in 1924 amounted to 147 million tons and in the Rame year the gas companies carbonised some 18 million tons of coal. As illustrating the growth of the gas industry it may be recorded that whereas before the war, in 1912, the total output of gas was 205 100 million cubic feet, ten years later this had risen to 265, 100 million cubic feet, and last year the figure was 294. 756 million cubic feet. The rate of development in the last two or three years has been striklog.
At the last meeting of the London company, the Gas Ereibt and Coke Company, the chairman reported an increase in the company business of nearly elven per cent in two years. is interesting to recall in connection with the last named (Contiduel u Page 4) LUCKY STRIKE IT TOASTE Baptist Churches CIGARETTES Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD The gas (Under the auspices of the Soutbera Baptist Convention. Colon 11 Leader Bowman: 15 pm. Major Joy of The Salvation Army Chorrillo 11 a. Pastor Witt. 15 Rev, Dani: Wilkins Calidonis. 11 a. Deacon Yearwood 15 Pastor Witt.
Red Tsok 11 a. Descon Smith 15 Dec con Crooks Empire 11 am Desen Cumu inge 15 un. Deacon Russell.
Gatun 11 a. Le der Wiggins; 16 Deacon Rubie Additional Church Services.
New Providence. 11 am. Roy.
Wilkins; 15 Deacon Broome.
Pueblo Nuevo. 11 a. Diacon JobsSeventh Day Adventist Church sn; 15 Deacon McFarlane. STREET CALIDONI ROAD (Dear Isthmian Park. PANAMA, The Salvation Army Sabbath (Saturday) 45 mm. Sabpath School: 11. 15 am, General Worship 30 pm. Spanish Clase; PANAMA CITY CORPS, 30 Society, meeting Services are followe:5. 30 Junior and Senior Standard a. Early Prayer Meeting.
ta tainment Class p. Vespere. 10 a. Obildren Directory Meeting Sunday ever ing 30 Stere and Brigade United Open Air Meeting optican Lecture. The general public is 11 am. Holines Meeting to be con cordially invited to turn out in large ducted by Commandant Martin, numbers. p. Y, Company meeting and Brigade Open air. Seventh Day Adventist Church Junior Open Air. 45 m. Separate Brigado open Air 3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Meeting, Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. ta Sabbath 30 m, Big Salvation Meeting.
dehool; 11. 15 mm. General Worship Other notices for the week will be 30 p, a. Young people meeting given from the pulpit. 30 Vespers Sunday evening 30 Preaching Salyatlon Army Hall, service. You are cordially invited to attend these services and bring your LA BOCA COUPS friends, 30a. Knee Drill.
Ebenezer Church of God 11 Holinese Meeting. Holiness p. Sunday School. 80 Open Air.
No. 46 CALIDONIA ROAD 30 Salvation meeting.
We extend a cordial ir vitatoa to ali Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetia 11 Divine Service Preacher 0000000000000000000D DOO 3p. Sunday School Superintendent. p. Programme TRY 30 Gospel Service, Preacher Supplied.
Tuesday 30 sepel Service Note Other Services for the week ON DRAUGHT will be given from the pulpit.
Elder ODLE OR BOTTLES Pataor in charge.
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