
THE WOREMAN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 1926 PAGE THREE Interesting News From The West Indian Islands BRITISH GUIANA. Inspector General of Police Drowned JAMAICA Suggests Jamaica Should Have Coast.
Guard Service, VIGOR TONIC BATHING TRAGEDY IN MA ZARUNI RIVER COLONEL BLACKWOOD EFPORT TO SAVE MISS KING THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD the former Is said Ote tlement irean King, daughter of Prisone, who ina; Inspector of The name. com unity entire MAD BUTTARE land The question of a coast guard service for Jamaica and the revision of certain sections of the Customs law are problems that are receiving attention from certain people in in the colony.
In regard to the it is felt that there should be some supervision of the coast line especially that part between Morant Bay and Carlisle Bay. 1: is on more than occasion men have stowed away on ships sailing for Jamaica but on arrival mo at this island they have been refused permission to land and ordered to be sent back to the land from which they were so eager to leave.
When the ships have left the barbour they have been safely on board but by some wears or another they have managed to land during the night or day before the ship bad got out of sight of the Island, It is said, but how true it is cannot be ascertaiced, that they come ashore in a canoe and at some vufrequented part of the coast fide, It this is true it is bigb time that the authorities took sou e steps to prevent it for in this way any undesirable, who bad left bis own country for that country good, would be able to to land to land in Jamaica.
An effective coast guard service would do a great deal to stop this. It is also learned that smug gling goes on in this way, espscially with regard to drugs such as opium and cocaine. It is probe hibited, under the law, for these, expect for medical purposes, to be imported into the Islacd but it is a well knowo fact that quite appreciable quantities do come in With reference to smuggling, the opicion is also expressed in certain quarters that there should be an alteration in the Customs Law which would enable oticers to search people coming from the ships without having fear an action against them if potbing was found on the persoo.
It is this tear which in a great measure handicaps customs org.
cers to the disebarge of their duties and their attempts to stop smuggling the eb1 XIN INUIGORATINE WINE The ARGOSY of the 17th ulto. renorts the following: The colony received a severe shock yesterday morning, when news came through by telegram from Bartica to the effect that An Colonel Frederick Herbart Biack This wood, Inspector General of Polic: and Commandant of the Local Forces, had been drowned Invigorating Elegant Tonic 12!
in the vicicity of city of the Penal Setin attempting to rescue and Preparation Men King, was also drowned Health Imparting cast a gloon over is highly The tragedy occurred about a. at Barracurra on the MzWINE recommended runi River in the vicinity of the Ponal Settlement Colonel an!
Mrs. Blackwood with their two in Debility, ch liren and the It Misses Dreen Bernice King, went for a bath is the rver: After they hinde, beslissa Doreen King swam been in the water for som Nervousness promotes digestion tincs towards some rocks some disott. The tije, improves Female Weakness the last of ebb was running swiftly out to sea, and Mise Kiag was the appetite seen be in di ficulties.
Impoverishment Colonel Black woud who was and gives tone near the bank, on hearing shouts for help by Miss Kirg, immeof the Blood and energy diately went to her assistance HEALTH By this time several persons had and to build up a been attracted to the scene, and to the to their consternation Colonel IMPARTING Black wood and Miss King were whole system Been to sink suddenly and rise no run down constitution more WIFE AN AGONIZED SPECTATOR Horritied, Mrs. Blackwood sbouted the news of the frightfal scene of which she bad been en an agoniz spectator Her cries brought the warders and several verra prisoners on the scene. search party was immediately organ zd and they dived for the bodies, but up to late last evening no DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or trace of them had been found.
Substantial rewards, Under4 times a day, stood have been promised for the recovery of the bodies.
The spot where the tragedy occurred is alleged e over 30 JAVIER MORAN feet deep at the normal height of the Mazar uni River. Various SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS theories have been adyanced as the cause of the accident. As Colonel Blackwood was a good swimmer, the theory most favore ed is that he as well as Miss King was struck by one of the large electric eels which are said to infest these waters and thereby COMBINED COURT been paralyzed, rendering them incapable of helping themselves, ith the terrible result stated. Approves Expenditure for Rail BRILLIANT MILITARY CAREER way Engineer Colonel Blackwood was born in Scotland on November 9, 1895, The Combined Court after a and married Miss Nora Widdup lengthy debate rassed a GuvernCaughter ot Dr, Ponson by Widdup, a retired Government Med ment Resolution approving the estimated expenditure of 25. 000 ical 10fticer of this colon. He to secure the services of a Railthe Army from the Mill is in 1906 entered the first battalion was Epiceer at 200 per month He to carry out location surveys and the cost of perved do during the great War in the construc France and Flanders 1914 15, the construction and operation of a il Mazıruni Diamond and in the Sudan. He was at Bimbashi. with the 13th Sudto the in order for the Governanese, Egyptian Army in 1916, ment to secure was the Commandant of the espitalists. motion by Me 1916, da ta for negotiating with private Military School, Khartoum, in Webber was also accep the Kaimakam commanding the 14 same referring the whole question to the Development Sudanese. He was awarded the quire whether any proposals Board to en 8. in 1914 He was a gra befora the Government offer duate of the School of Military reasonable basis for negetiations Organization and Administration or attainment of a preliminary Chisled Colonel Blackwood was appoint. Governmect.
survey without cost to ed Inspector General of Police and commandant of the Local Forces in Demerara on ber 17 1924 and arrived in the colony from from England on October in attempting to rescue her, Mies soos 10 of the same year when he he King death cats short a most appointment. During Los promising career. All those who the short time. Col. Blackwood knew her, at school, at the Ursuin the very popular with all classes in line Convent, or in the Girl 1o Gaides, pay tribute to the community as a result of his disposition and atrability, to the evenbaoded manner of dealing with people. While a strict dis her body. In of her mind as weli as of ciplaarian, he was approachable she showed exceptional talent in her school work and courteous to all.
drawing and painting, Ste bad PROMISING YOUNG LIFE SNUFFED successfully entered for several OUT.
As in the case of hin who died don College of Art.
It is to be American Pharmacy.
Silk Industry ot Jamaica Regiments.
GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted MAT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY the necessary and was 10 Under the above heading the foliowing article appeared in Empire Production for July: We notice with very great interest in the Journal of the Jamaica Agricultural Societsalways an informative and interesting publication report on the silk industry in the colony by Mr. Hoffman Bang. Mr.
Bang draws two main cocclusions from his recorded obseryatone; firstly, that that Jamaica possesses ideal natural cuditions for Sericulturt; ordele that the Agricultural and, or Society is right in its policy to start on small sccare lines and only with selected producere.
The Society aims at ind cottage industry and Mr. Barg state that the bulk of the world silk production is produced by small farmers, more especially by their wives and children, whom the industry is profitable, bat that general y speaking it does not pay to employ outside labour endeavoured to point out the importance of healthy association of small industries as an auxiliary to the large staple producing industries a saf. guard in the times stress to which ses single industry countries are dangerously liable, and we note this article with especial interest because, in artificial silk production there are Pro many uses in which artificial silk can never seriously compete with the natural product. The development of a silk producing indust y in the Empire deserves ali the support that can be given to it, and from the purely Jamaican point of view, it would seem that the cottage Industry, growing from small beginlogs to larger (Continued op Page 7)
We bave always th9 and a Only First Class Ones Need Apply.
Septem at the enormous spread of apie took up his had been in to her sweet ADVERTISE on these and orange of the Low In The WORKMAN it Pays


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