
FAGE SIX TI WORKNAM SA11 RDA) SEPTEMBER 11, 26 Be Preparec 99 THE ATTENTION to MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Republics knd American there is Workman Stationery Store o 28 269, 663 (PAIN ENEMY these West THE BEER Colna.
the Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
They our petroleum develo Turnish bananas COCOR Us Peace Congress Wars to il riiiiiiiiiiiiiiitorystortrifi wifive tisibig tiiii Recognize As Spirit of Pax BriThe Importance of for that Pain tannica Rules West Indies Trade.
You can stop excru.
HINDU DELEGATES HEADS OFciating pain instantly It should arrest the attention if you will only apply REVOLT of Canadians that the United Friendly Societies and Secret Orders States is recogniz! og more and SLOAN LINIMENT more the posibilities of the West As Unemployment Talk Ousts Indies as a market for American Sloan Liniment is Important Question of Wars IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF products. The attection of the pain greatest enemy, In Asia and Africa.
American exporters is being and is backed by 40 years directed the field through the of success the world over.
medium of the Department It is an invaluablo rom Bierville, Aug. 18. The sixth Cocgress, of Commerce, which by means of Iaternational Peace edy for Consular and Trade Agencies Rhe Sea which opened in pertect barin close touch with trade Sore Throat Becade many yesterday with the best possbtilities the world over, Io.
Sprains Bi trained German cbo rs singing recent recort the Depariment Chest Sulf Nede bymns of peace and good will to points out that, excluding the all men, today threatened to three It penetrates right to break up in a general squabble Suitable for Lodge Business possessions in the West Indies, oper conflicting views on basic the seat of trouble, and considering only the British warms and soothe the principles.
and French possessions there, nerves and tissues, ban Frenob and German delegates population of approx ishing pain.
so far bave continued in bar AT THE wately 2, 220, 000 who bought Try it now.
mony. but grave dissension bas from the United States in 1926, At all druggists and srisen between Asiatic delegates product to the value of 29 dealers.
and the Congress Resolutions ollars, and contributed to Committee. Open Reyolt aperican imports to the value ou peared near throughout today SLOAN 9, 66 dollars. As showing proceedings.
ang gampango wa gaganapangan teman dan go ang gagagangan dan gapangan ang mag anabangan anatomien market to the Uoited States be comparative value of tb LINIMENT The Opposition was lead by Panikkar. Hindu deleAmerican sales to gate wbo, protested bitterly Books WSS Iodian purchasers amount to against the committee discussmore than the American sales to ing unemployment statistics and Norway, Peru, Uruguay or Veneotar topics which be considered zuela, and to three times of those trivial Instead of tackling the to all the countries of Southmost important question of all Eastern Europe. Let us quote. the warfare now ragiog in the following paragraph: North Africa, Syria, Arabia and SUPPLIED BY In a private indignation Especially in the British Left possessions, these Islanders committee attitude Wing disentertain our tourists, read our periodicals, patronize our mail peace, wbich it alleged 18 based exclusively on the League order houses and buy from us of Nations viewpoint. This almost every article found on the In every form can be seen shelves viewpoint, according to Panikkar, of our domestic.
take large quantities of here at its best See our was peace as a purely European meats proposition and dairy products, flour, lumber, cotton goods, machinery Wrist Watches RESOLUTION CALL FOR PEACE and iron and steel, particularly is brewed from the best Maintaining his position as the tobular products in the case of Bracelets storm contre of the dissident those island which sbare in the materials obtainable developments ot forces, Panikkar got his supDiamond Rings Tenezuela. They porters so adopt a resolution de claring that the bringing of im.
spices, sponges, and a hundred other adornmediate universal peace was the It is specially suited for this climate first duty of the Congress and oils and numerous other items ments and you ll recognize. asphalt that Africao and Asiatic wars which we do not produce to why this is the LEADING is superior to all imported beers sold sufficient quantities at home. JEWELRY HOUSE in town must be stopped. The resolution continues to say that peace canpot be maintained while some here and it sells to the With regard to trade with the ask prices and you ll find still public at British West Indies American peoples subjected to alien rule exports and imports are about another reaso and demands that immediate HALF the price.
evenly balanced, amounting to 22. 942 self determination be granted these. The resolution urges that dollars respectively in 1925 dollars and 18, 684 000 Fuller Jewelry Store total trade of over 122 Cetnral Ave.
s)l delegates be instructed by TRY OUR NEW BEER in that Phone 629 Thes year.
the Congress to exert themselves figures and the present aggresto obtain freedom for subject spirit of the American trade races as soon as possible especially the delegates from coun In: portant.
promoters should have tries which are ruling other interest for our people, who, under the recently Contributors West Indies Treaty now enjoy a The Panikkar resolution main.
in general talning that the Congress must SUPERIOR TO ALL special preference in all the West and our Atlantic side writers not end without a strong protest Indies, wbich will give us de in particular, are asked to against the failure of League cided advantage and should draw breath when writing enable us to to overcome success and Condense their contribupowers to prevent the arms fully the kcen competition which tions considerably, to ensure Se des bois to China, which, it says, is the main cause of the present American exporters will institute publication.
It alleges that the to enlarge their bold wholding the European veel of Nations is selfish in they now regard as an excellent for United States products. If there were some among M, WILKINSON polot of peace bitterly criticiz.
ing what It us wbo for political reasons minibypocrisy. It asserts that peace mized the importance of the Contractor West Indies trade, they would do is a mere lure, while Asia the well to observe that our American and Builder largest and most populated conneigbbours, who are very keen tinent, is not free and remains and enterprising traders, take the pawn of the greed and amthe other view and regard it as bitions of the League nations and House No. 20 Of every description a very promising field for exploiEuropean rulers.
tation, 28th NOV. STREET. Real peace is unlike pax BritSAN MIGUEL tapica, Paalkkar saia, is peace with bomb throwing sirplanes, which nay suit the Box 411, Panam, League of Nations but does not Bait tbe Hiodus.
DESPATCH LEGAL NOTICE The left wing coborts also Plans and Specifications Free complained tbat the congress bas been split up into bumerous Notice of Pendency of Sult committees where they were inAT THE First Class Workmanship sufficiently represented. They UNITED STATES DISTRICT Satisfaction Guaranteed alleged it was impossible for them to voice their opioions beCOURT OF THE CANAL ZONE fore the main committee or the Balboa Division plenary sessions. FLOWERS Panikkar flery resolution CIVIL No: 779 will be presented to the comAbogado. Attorney at Law mittee and to the DONALD EASTMAN. Plaintiff, congress meetings but the left wing OFFICE: No. 44, ST organizers LEONA EASTMAN. Defendant.
Aguadulco to Have Race until BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY it will be ruled out on the the very end, when Track.
TELEPHONE No. 1377 grounds of political issue Divorce and Will mar the farewell festival. According to late reports from Practicing before all the courts of TO LEONA EASTMAN: One radical youth declared the Aguadulce, local race promoters the Republic since April 1914 congress is run for old men have acquired a tract of lind THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER You are hereby notified that on Aug. Whose experience proves to south of the town of Poeri de ust 20th, 1926, the plaintiff abovenamed filed in the above entitled court often prone to send youth to wars Aguadulce, adjacent to th. Aguawhich they do not enter.
the purWITHOUT AN EQUAL a petition wherein he prays for an pose of building a race track after Dentist Howell absolute divorce from you on statutory grounds of Cruelty, tern of the Juan Fraoce the pattern track, which is six furlongs You are, therefore, hereby notifica of Don fail to try it that you are required to enter you HOUSE 912, LA BOCA 200 meters each. substantial sum appearance in writing in the office of of money is said to be already the Clerk of said court at Anoon, Why pay double price CANAL ZONE.
Canal Zone, and make answer thereto available and eontract let for the for Interior Imported (Opposite the Restaurant)
on or before the 16th day of Oetober building of the track.
No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required. 1926.
Beer when you can Office Hours: a. to p. m, If you fail to do so within the time aforesaid the said petition will be taken to p.
buy a superior Beer as confessed, and the petitioner will DAILY take judgement against you by default such as BALBOA for ADVERTISE and demand from said court the half the price.
Rent Recelpt Books In Span relief applied for in the petition. PHONE 1941 BALBOA sh and English for sale at the SHEIBLEY Clerk. Specializes in all the branches Workrian Printery IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS September 4th, 11th and 18th, of Dentistry, dollate in KRONEN BRAÜ special peoples.
negotiated sale of والم)
civil wars.
duction Entre delaying its introContra Crespo


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