
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 1926 PAGE SEVEN Cider Champagne wills in Take Notice Chesterfield Ho Ro Co Famous Products CESARETTES Interesting West. 1000 to Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR BARBADOS EL GAITERO Sudden Death of Chief JusTHE ONLY ELABORATED tice Orpen The Advocate of the 17ch Spanish Cider with its August says. It is with profound regrt own Carbonic Acid that we record ibe death of Mr. Orpen, late Chief Justice of this Island, who died suddenly cigarette that on Sunday morning at his lata residence, Harmony Hall, Chilt Cbureb. Mr. Or ped had passed In North America, the home knows no frontiers land of tobacco, Chesterfield ble 56. birthday The news of is outstripping all other tighis death came upon the comURETIC AND REFRESHING arettes ia ita rale of growth.
munity, as unexpectedly as a STEADILY climbing in favorpeal of thunder in a clear sky.
Trade Mark in Latin America as well as Oa Friday be bad probated som: Io tha Courts ot Ordinary North America, in Europe as well and on Saturday be was bright VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ as in the Far East as man after and cheery as usual.
Oa Sa:urS, day evening be complatbed of man recognizes its tobacco qualsome pains in the region of his VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN ity and tastes its smooth fullness beart and Dr. Manning was called in and prescribed. Early and satisfying aroma.
on Sunday morning as daylight was breaking, Mr. Orpen had a ESTEBAN DURAN An unusual cigarette, combinsharp attack and expired instant SOLE AGENT ing without a hint of harshness or aneously.
For the Republic of Panama over richness the choicest tobacTribute to Late Chief Justice cos of Turkey and North America.
Well worth a trial by any man tribute to the memory of who knows and loves good toMr. Orpen, late Chief Justice, was paid by the Judges, bacco.
of the Assistant Court of Appeal on Monday before the business of the Court was begun Their Honors Justice Williams and Acting Justice CollsA Regular Assortment of more and 8. Thorne presiding.
Members of the Bar present were: Messre. Grant Ellis, Henderson Clarke, FW.
Holder and E, Ward, bar.
CIGARETTES risters at law, acd the whol SUCH AS Court stood in their places, while the tribute was being pald. Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Bequests to Hospital, Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, At the Quartely meeting of the Board of Directors of the General spital beld recently the etc. etc. etc.
oara inter alia that the widow of the late Dr. G. Pilgrim had given to the Institution to assist The Workman Printery (Continued from page 3) in the completion of the new Pay Wards and Surgery dimensions, but remaining even for a similar sum had been made bequest 93 CENTRAL AVENUE then the sain of small individual by the late Mr. Joshua Barzand efforts wisely Raided and direct on the ground floor of these ed, should be of the greatest wards Panama City.
Corner 12 Street East Avenue value to the colony. We shall ed The Rim was to be built call Room He had not watch the progress of this move yet circularised them but coples ment with keen interest. of the latter and terms signed by We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also Mr. Pilgrim would be soon sent watches. Our prices are the lowest and our to each member of the Board. TRINIDAD Shot By Venezuelan Workmanship is guaranteed.
Body Found Hanging Meda For Long Service Indians.
On Tree.
The Trinity Ville correspon was held at the Central Station dent to the GLEANER writing on at o clock on Tuesday morning Augu:t 29th, says: wben His Excellency Mr. MAN STORY OF TREACHEROUS Foot Arrow Through Lungs: FRIEND From this date on, Robertson, attended the body by. Wiltred Carter, a young man presented Long Servic3 and Mr. Herbert Browne, a TobaAUCTION SALES from Llandewey, was discovered Good Cozduct dals Tw) depɔrtees from New York Ronlan who has been working far will be held every day from a. to p. bare to be meira Giraltov banging following members of the Barba. arrived bare on Sunday morning write the interactice ale tue la, of on tree his house about adventure.
a ty feet from the ground and be Goddard, Acting Deputy Insper One of them, Esau Westcott the sta adard Company were dos Constabulary Captain in the S. Mayaro.
Hle, with a party of others from up to the time of tor General. 20 years. Sergt was onployed on the TLS prospecting in a wild and unclviDo not fail to pay us a visit and you shall wiring 10 a. deceased, it is. Major Goodman. 32) Serxt Moraval and was found to be pleased.
said, best an elderly woman Major Best 29. Sergis sulfaring with a contragious bungal)w on evening one of ised part. While sitting in their Mary Waite, last evening and Wharton (82. Worrell (24. disease. He was take off the them, was threatened with man named Smith retion, and Jones (18. ship at New York and detaineoceived an arrow through his He wounded a girl Louise Carter, at Ellis Island from whera be back. Two more arrows burtled on the neck who reported the was translerred to the Mayaro through the mosquito wire netoccurrence. The police informed but about midnigbt ST VINCENT and returned to Tololdad.
ting one of which passed between some persons near by beard a The other, a young araned Mr. Browse leg as he jumped peculiar noise but did not know Charles Applawhite, has been ut of his chair, what was happening.
Resolution of Protest.
returned in somewhat unfortanate circamstance Tie ittick was made bra age The wanted man body is in a Indians wbo live in the junge Five years ago Applewhite who bereabouts and who had already nude state, suspended by a piece St. Vincert August 15 At a was then in the employ. of Messrild Give or six peous.
of cloth, around the neck, was meeting of the St Vincent Cham Faroess, Withy working on one AND Smith was found with seven found this morning, his pants ber of Agriculture and Com of their launches, osta ned cigarettes and a pair of shoes tha following solution were also on the tree. pack of merce held on the 11th instant berth on one of the Trinidad Incbe of a six foot arrow stick was Line steamers Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 as a ing into bis back between band were found under the tree. passed and cabled to the Cape Os arrival in York he shoulders. It was crawliy barbad, large crowd gathered gzog aan Governor General: Having deserted the ship and managed and conld not be pulled out The Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages on this fearful spectacle, rigard to the fact tbat the serievade the Immigration pror man had to wait six hours ous Incon verence and loss of cals. He want to work and upTais operation had to be done in for the doctor, trade are caused by the present time got married and op ned op Summary of Contents: of bis own. To Pal wi:bout chloroform because, as Tragic Death of Rev. nese misfactory ateamship service business History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years bet ween Canada and the West business was in a Aurishing his lung was plei cad he could Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, N. Gordon From Islands, White Indles and in particular to the condition when a friend of Apple not take an anaesthetic, But in by the stances Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, the present service ble for the in New Orrounding his arrival wounded man died six days later, Gun Shot.
spproached him It is sid to tbirk. writes Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, conveying of freight and pro: with a suggestion that they join Mr. Browse. that Smith after Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual viding The Gleaner reports that the tion, the Pse. Viacente comambo fuads and enlarge the business. many years work was on the eve Players Rev. Isaac Newton Presbyterian paster of Mount to use its best eade svours to ini would not b: much to bis benefit.
Gordon, urges the Canadian Government Applewhite refused to do so con of retiring.
sideriog that the partnership Valuable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Horeb died at the Montego Bay tiate without furth. delay an It is al Interesting Hospital at p. on the 27th improved tempɔrary service.
It is alleged that the friend in Why pay double price August within hours after revenge reported bin to the Immigration Authorities.
being admitted. Desth was due for inferior imported They immediately called on Price 50cts.
to a gun shot which he received Beer when you can bome. The allegations and at his chair and the gun went off in Applewhite for his pastport, etc and on bis failing to produce are that flicting fatal injury buy a superior Beer Daniel Emanuel The deceased was hurried of taem instituted deportation proagainst bien for breech such as BALBOA for visited the late Pastor, seeking to hospital and died at 9pm. of the Immigraston laws of the Secure yours now there will be (a great rush for them, half the price.
advice. the former taking with Bennett whose address is him a double barrel gon. tur rick Lene, Kingston, delivered u. try.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN border to get into that both the way bridge last night and was arrestwas about the house and in himselt to the police at CamRent Receipt Books in Span Panama Bennett took up the gun, and oned by Sergt. Major Hay on a ADVERTISE the trigger got in contact with a to Montego Bay.
replacing it, it appears that the charge of murder, and brought sh and English for sale at the Workrian Printery In The Workman It Pays to the suill there prosecution was STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History to 160 cut it out. being


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