p. 8


se 19 Good Races Don 16. 00 The Court that in the miio event in hard a Last Sunday Races Canal Zone Notes. Tomorrow Races, Stiff Sentences Handed Out by Judge Martin continued from page 5) ride race program is arraro: There was some very good and when the final bell rang the ed by the Fanama Jockey Club racing at Jus Franco Park on Silver Five were just three points for the race meet at Juan Franco Says be Wants to Break up Sunday afternoon last; but that behind, However, as the saying Parked tomorrow afternoon.
span of the day, as far as the According to the line up the goes, to the victor belongs the Burglary in Canal Zone.
popular track was concerned, spoils, therefore to Pacific belongs atfernoon will be replete witb was not uneventful there was thrills excitement as well as thrills, and both the victory and spoile.
JUAN FRANCO TRACK Judge Martin in the Cristol The preliminary brought togeThe card will commence with District Cou Ibe afternoon failed to paes oft has been desing a sia forlong distene to be run out a few long term sentences this without a little display of the ther Tropical Five and Poineers.
TO MORROW The first balf was rather interesting by the following five dative week. Oa Wednesday a coloured bistic art.
with Pereque. with the clever jockey broughe about their own downfall horses: Zapo, Cococba, Zapa, man answering the nsme of wil.
in lead. But they Dictador and Candlewood. Then fred Bushnell West Indian wis Perkins in the saddle, won the Sunday September 12th, 1926, there will be two three furlong sentenced to five years in the mfeature race of one mile for the by changing around their best distances for native borses. The boa Penitentiary for stealing best Imported borses, with much lelayers and from then onward, first is to be the second race and of cheese from the Mount Gatun bad things all their oro to spare. It was the prettiest in way will bring out Repulse, Payass, Cold Storage Plant. He pleared trace for the afternoon, on account finishing up with a 34 to 17 score Fap Harold, Ruso Zapito ard guilty, but stated that someone In the Fiye of of Per riding Simon, The otber over kios, who took his mount away sidəd game from the way lover sized Jr. took away a oneof some fort Libertud a spell Jr.
same diktance will such fils. 40 from Reina Mora and Dbole, the The institute lads put up a game ers rs, Rialto, Chiqui. Fenomeno, the Cold Storage plant and st sal over bím which caused him to enter other entries, from the raising fight Races for Imported horses Linda. Zapa. Cocicba and Dic. the chease and thut he was not of the barrier and kept Reinight agai ist their bigger oppönents tador.
Mors at a comfortabla pace be but the strain was too great, and and for Native bred Ponies Frou Frou will be given 120 iba responsible for his actione bind over each furlong, winning they lost by the wide score of 33 statement Bushnell Jid 17.
by over Rix and one half furlongs not carry aoy weight with the comfortably. Dhole started to Before the game President Moore take the race seriously when it befor WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Cap. Alvarado three pounds court for Judge Marta in passing Jers, Snear Blade 116 and Poncho sentence said to him:was two late bat finished fresh after a few intru lustory rem urks, presented the Silver Five with a Roto 90.
Lacera in the third race, a beautiful trophy which they won It spperrs sa If the feature stock at all does not take any four furlong bandicap for class when they cline bed tha champion in your story that sotee imported horses; Carcajada in ship of the Atlantie, He also exAN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT race will be the seventh en the body put a spell on you and that the seventh, also a four furlong hibited the magnificent Luky program. It will be over seven you were acting without your own for class imported berses, Strike Trophy for waich both the Boisheviki carrying a tow weight do not happen in this world not this and Bolsheviki in the ninth, six: Silver five and Pacific are now farlong handicap for class struggling, Everybody will be there. Don miss it. of 126 pounds, Reina Mara 124 withstanding the fact that you Brave Lassie 115 and Preque 108 may believe them. Even if only Mr. Moore refereed the prelimi favourites who come through First Race Starts p. Sharp The eighth race will also be were true, that is no justification over seven furlong, and those for the commission of a crime by carrying their colors as was ex pary, and Mr. Bradley ofáciated Both thes pected of them booked to go this distance are: a person who is apparently as gentlemen must be commended for Ona 126, Titima ADMISSION 126, The ninth race which brought the splendid manner in which they Argentino mentally alert as you are, able to 125 and Meddler Bc Ishevikland Brave Lassi to run handled the situation, 106, as their lorem proletary course of action BIX surlongs, was also a good decisions were Carcajada 132. Meelah 124, and pursue it. want to say to Grand Stand unanimously ap Field Stand 50c.
Spear Blade 123, Coronel Arango you and want to say to others, event.
ant. The Irish horse proved to proved by all present, 117. Luce o 114 and Mitzi 105 are and want it to be koowo publicly be a dangerous competitor in booked to run ovei five forlongs that the Court, if it can possibly do Class and while Bolsheviki LA BOCA for the last race on the program so by the imposition of won under the good riding of seutences, German Paper Pictures Next Carilio, Brave Lassie It promises to be an altercoo means to break up the commission to the race to the winning of real aport.
of burglary in the Canal Zone, not ADDRESS ON LABOR only for your puoi binent but for post. Continued from page 5) small free for all paddock The sky will remain perfectly blue and serene. No ST. PAUL SUNDAY from committing like offences. bigbt capped the climax of the special item on the program SCHOOL am goiup to impose upon you third event. In the fourth event of the Athenaeum on Tuesday airplanes will be in sight.
Fenomeno, who was ridun by evening next will be an address Notwithstanding, an enemy squadron of planes will following sentence: It is the sen judgment jockey Ordonez was one of the on Labor by Father McDonala manoeuvre above a city out of sight and hearing of the To Give Concert At Excelsior that you be taken to and corfined favourites for the afternoon; but of Balboa. The Society new people. These planes will be without pilots and con.
at apparently, jockey Crdenez administration is very energetic ducted by wire less rays. And these planes will let loose The teachers and pupils of St labor for a period of five thought otherwise, is it looked as and indications polnt to a most charges of tear gas, the most in humane gas, or lewisite, Paul Sunday School will stage a yento cent Wright and Emanuel 11 be was unwilling to earn eļther successful term.
bonors for himself or his mou: a little less innocuous, or perhaps bichloride of sulphur Grand Secular Concert at the Ex Brown, both West Indians, were that afternoon; and to it appear: celeior Theatre in this city on both sentenced by Judge Martin to Employees Meet.
ethyl, mustard gas, the king of poisons.
ed as if he were not willing to let The war of deathly gases will have begun. The Thursday, 23rd inst.
the borse years each in the Gamboa Pen for start with the rest The concert will be preceded by second degree Burglary. These of the field. When a start was Last night the La Baos District action of mustard gas, latest perfection of modern technique offected Fenomeno ebow signs of of the Panama Canal West Indian cannot be described in words that will adequately describe propertiel show on the screen. The boys it is alleged entered to obso.
program will consist of songs lete storehouse at Gatun and stole being willing to work for bonors Employees Association met. its atrocious effect. It is death itself.
choruses, glees, dielogues, musical cundry articles which they disposed bat was unrble to govern bis respectable number of Employees There is no mask in evidence enough to counteract drills and instrumental numbers. of the of.
leader Zapa won and Fenomeno responded to the invitation of the its penetrating force.
The last concert given by this tion received the stolen goods were came in fourth, Association to link up with the school was held at this theatre six later For months even those objects which have been the detected and the boys The mutuels pald largest lump movement and belp work for years ago; and now after so long a arrested and charged with the eum for the afternoon on Mar common welfare of the workers. saturated with mustard gas will carry death. When a silence the pupils and teachers will above redird.
cela, of the fourth race. The letter from the Governor of tire region has been thoroughly drenched with mustard gas be heard from again.
paldon Col. Arango Panama Canal to reply to the every doorknob, every chair, every cupboard will be a fatal, The popular theatre prices will CHURCH SERVICES who ran second in this race and employees request for improved weapon of death.
largest be charged the third largest on the third conditions was also read and Food cannot be eaten any more, Water will be borse, Poncho Roto; their backdiscussed.
poisoned. Life will become extinct.
ers baving reecived 11 90 and New Vice President Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity 00 respectively, on each 00 GATUN SILVER CLUBSerenaded.
Jealous Para mour (Anglican Catholic)
Sparklets St. Paul Church, Panama WITH BEST WISHES. To show their high appreciation The Girl Risørves on the Atof his selection as First Vice Presi Rev. 7, Nightengsle, Rector)
lantic side beld their regular Continued from page (Continued from rage 1)
monthly rally at the Gatun Sil He went to several persons in the present time to pitch in a dent of this Republic, a large am Holy Communion. The Rector (Continued from page 1)
prac number of Mr. Tomas Gabriel a. Matins Me. Atwell, ver Clubhouse on Saturday. district asking them to loan bim a tical sermon every once in a while, Duque country men and friends Catecbint.
many of our people as common September 4tb. At 12:30 there revolver but he did not succeed in a white ministers do to their white organised for they were brought the same monster demon 10 30 a. Holy Eucbariet sermon, was a volley ball game between procusing one and he got into a comgregations, Cheap argumentastration 00 Tuesday labourers in the past; today they the Fanny Coppin girls of Red. rage. At about o clock, while tion is catching at a word or sen and with several bands of music, night, The Rector ephe in our faces. Why because we Tank and the Frances belarper Johnson was going to her work lence and ople in Portion Park and marched to the residence 12 m, Holy Baptiem.
Santa Ana pm Church School.
have spat in the air and allowed it girls The being ia of up foaming over it a 30 Choral Erensong, sermon to drop back in our faces, in this favour of the Red Tank girls.
Road. He stopped her. There month or until we are ordered to of the new Vice President, where The Rector At o clock the rally was con followed beated talk and the stop and then compelled to way we have been counted fools.
after serenading him, demonstrated too late, the fool ducted by the Frances Harper woman becoming afraid ran away Let argue mostly as by if be ll happy St. Alban Church, Paraiso speeches how his wisdom, for no one is features on the program was into other side. Dew position. Mr. Duque over hele last foolishly when we build dril by the France of a pergirl lato da pared for confety but she te the aceleration reports the replaces ned proud other mfelt of being in het road where Williams (Rev. NIGH TENGALE, and is Priest in Cbargo.
at the them for their demonstration of 8o. Holy Communion and sermon mixed with tbree or more sub Girl Reserves, Miss MacGull several times on her Does, arms abies and must be constantly into his residence wbere they were tion loetracion Mr. Osborne, stances it is solidified and in the ivrary, the Secretary and other parts of her body.
no foundation alone, yet when! Cousius on the Social side of the maker knife ad cut her severely but will 0; it wundeplied sympathetically thanking argue that we are not appreciation; he then invited them detle 3p. Church School and Coifirmathe same manner three or more on the Atl side nursed. Let The unfortuaate wonian fell to not know our strength and we do treated to light refreshments.
getting togetber io truth and present and gave the girls an honesty is like unto a strongly instructive talk. 30 Choral Eventong address built house, The next rally on the Atlantic profusely.
back. Let we Mr. Osborne Catechiet.
argue know Wishing the best of success Mr. side will be beld at the Cristobal Editor.
Silver Clubhouse on Saturday, crowd socn gathered and why horses allow themselves to Williams believing that his victim be ridden by featherweight jockeys St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca am October 2ad. Continued from page 1)
was dead took the same knife and and tell the world in this argument EDWARD A, REED cut his threat from ear to ear. in. do not know their strength.
that the reason is that the horses cent, Barbados, Trinidad, Deme Ameriana Episcopal (Anglican Com IRENE The Allman Town Police were inrara, calling at St. John, New formed of the occurence and Corpl.
Matino, and addrese 11 a. Lay Brunswick, Dorth bound. In bumIf we could but Campbell and Constable Smith strength in numbere which run well indicate any substantial change per ber of sailings this really does not Reader Me. Hunter, BRITISH WEST INDIANS Church School p. to. Continued from page 1) hurried to LET YOUR BOYS JOIN THE It a sensation! Nothing else ed man and women were put in a strength ia intelligence which com the Royal Mail contract with the The Rector.
the scene. The wound up in double figures, and our over that which has existed since Choral Evensag, sermon. 30 to.
SCOUTS could describe Colleens Moore in tacicab and taken to the Public pares fovourably with other good Canadian Government expired in THEY ARE TAUGHT GRATIS Irene.
Hospital were they were admitted. men intelligence, we would not June and the subsidies ceased DISCIPLINE, SELF RELIANCE Colleen Moore biggest achieve. After. Williams had backed bis find time for cheap argumentation except that the Royal Mail steam Ember Days in the coming week Members are reminded of the HANDICRAFT ment is an actress. John McCorGOOD CITIZENSHIP. mick master stroke as a producer boat, be threw his knife oyar the by continually telling the intelligenters will visit those few smaller Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, He is a native of Whitborn, world that we are being kept down Islands which they eat out from the Saturday. Let us all pray for those WE ARE RECRUITING 1000 If you adored Ireneon the in the parish of Westmoreland and by a certain section and that alone, origina schedule under the subsidy. who are to be ordained to any BOYS.
stage You ll worship her on the thirty two years of age and has holy function in the Holy Catholic screen 3aucy, will be able to tell you along the JOIN BEFORE DECEMBER vating Irene Dare ting, capti been abroad.
same lines; be is thinking, and in only Colleen Church on those days, 15th.
League Meeting Johnson who is a domestic ser, our next issue shall tell you T. MUL CARE, Rector WILL YOU LEND US The screen can offer no greater want, is about 28 years of age and thie very column what think of HAND?
evening of complete entertaiment, said to be of a quiet disposition, this young man efforts as leader ich wedsthmain. sue hold its Dr. Wendehake League of Britall on any Scoutmaster venhos best areseed laugha show Her employers were much moved of the United Negro Improvement regular meeting in Paraiso o They will te glad to help. that ever came to town.
heard of the occurence.
they Colon.
Wednesday the 15th Instant and MEDICAL CLINIC MAJOR RATHWAITE WALLIS in this City on Saturday the 18th 025 Front Street Colon Chief Commissioner ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO Sgt. Sutton and detective Sgt. ments in the matter.
inst, BARHAM JR. THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF Steele of Cross Roads police station Williams is under guard at the All members are requested to OPPOSITE STATION Country Commissioner JUAN FRANCO MOTO ROW. PHONE 11 were busy yesterday taking state. Hospital.
be present at those mettings.
88 formed met but it boree for doodle flowery CANAL ZONE.
foolish we house more valuable at end Leonove more and de STEAMER SERVICE Argue that fore gue that munion)
know in


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