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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Latest Details of Riot At Kingston Penitentiary London Girl Bandit Stirs Scotland Yard re beld by thinking PRISONER IN HOSPITAL Colombian (quired captain or a powerta!
a pew trial decidered pon. ccompanied manage in Lighthody waited the than at been seen.
but all CAYMAN GARVEY FISHERMEN EMANCIPATED Mako Claim Against Mind of the Nogro Says Colombian Authorities. Boston Nowspaper Another Prisoner Dies. Last The local government are in The Boston CHRONICE in a Believe She Has Chosen Life of Back Escaped Man Brought communication with the Brition recent issue says:Foreigo Office relative to the The pre ent convention of the Crime to Kill Memory of UnTo Prison.
olims of the Covman Fisherm. in sessioa in New York who were arrested aod belt at San City, has set aside a day on ite pro.
happy Love Affair, Andreas by the Colombian anthori grate for oreciel diecussion of The Geganer of the 28th inst, Jovaning. He ir Harăld Macintoeb. Hint for any reasoningen in Greatestial contribuie compleabilitationda hit ties alleged fishing London Sept. London bobbed hair bandit, who is published a telegram from its who was serving a sentence of six The circumstances Correspondent at Mrocbional to months inprisonment for bouseis early yet for such a discussion believed to have been concerned in seven robberies during well the effect that a man had been breaking and larceay. He was sea known to uewspaper readers. The any many will smile superciliously the past two weeks, has so upset the equilibrium of Scot land Yard that the internationally famous sleuths are seriarrested there who admitted that tenced on July 2nd thiq year at Old fishermen after being arrestpl werSerious Reflection on the influence ously considering putting women dectectives on her trial.
he was Eiward Richards, one of Harbour He had twelve previous months, and it was only throngh end far reaching effect vf prevail.
at San Andreas for several the prisoners who had escaped from convictions, The cleverest operatives of Scotland Yard thus far have the General Penitentiary during intervention British Vice og notion of will the riot there on Friday eveniug deaths to four. Two me, Cecil ly deputed to proceed This being the pastat number of Computent Colon, who were spreidery worth while contribution made been unable to discover her identity. One of the most last, It was stated that this man was 00 Friday and Ralph Walker Andreas that the rate was brought Re Cirvey as be helped the present astonishing features of the case is the fact that no policeman to thick black without who has seen her, and she has been seen several times, has Feen passing the police station at passed away as a result of his 60, lege of black men and been able to formulate any accurate description because of to trial.
Manchioucal on Monday night at wounds on Saturday.
on, and after hearing the evide ce their outlook on life. The Negro her adaptability to various disguises.
the Judge about revea o clock. At the station dis as missed the The notion ab ut bimself as he Some report her as dark and slim, while others mainwere Police Sergeant Vascall, Cor poral Bailey and Constable Mc It is understood that the prisoner authories, however. appealed; und was by false notion of himself bela tain she is of heavy build and has blond hair. All agree tha: Hinds who is indeterm to Cres by Bogota. loy felt the she possesses the skill and initiative of Arsene Lupin, Richards, for su:h was the name tentiary. and who was wounded nate Sentence at the General Penis Cout the decision of the San Asurge to aspire to be steamship coupled with uncanny feminine intuition.
dreas tribunal was reversed and of hé gave, was detained and quesa fortnight azo by other prio In each robbery she has directed operations from a tioned but wis unable. gvel e brick yard, is still in the bos it was decide to released.
Subsequently organisatio with world empire in satisfactory anewers to the gives pital.
that the Caym. u is mind. efforts until Garvey motor car in which she drove the thieves away. In every inds should About! demonstrated to the world that case but one she has been able to steer herself and accomLions asked bim and so he was detained.
From what conld be gathered, three wesk ago three of their num the Negen rould own even if im plices through the police net set to trap her and her band.
hy the Hon.
its first veature Later the evening the cap be while Hinds and a number of other ber, accused TL on the perfectly operate oc an going ships and on the last robbery two men were captured who absolutely 46: wearing and the knife he had bim of giving news to the warders nial, Secretary of Jamiica and the foxter an orgauization with a larget refused to disclose the identity of their queen.
made a claim for lose tosk to On this occasion the woman eluded the police and jo bio poro sion wote identifed by and they threw stones at him with Caymcainst the Colom bury the dead. ro for the sick and drove away in the company of a third man. She had been Richards had the was indigenous to pursued on several occasions, but each time she jammed his head broken foto his house.
tion. The Colonial Secretary has the group. Whatever its defects her foot on the accelerator of her fast motor car and Nashed Richarde was then looked up until yesterday morning when he since placed the representations of a shortcomings at heart there with breakneck speed in and out of traffic to safety.
The Gleanar bnder taade that the men before Iris Excellency the hongat efforts of Negros the The woman knowledge of London streets and sidu was escorted back to the Penis the Government have taken steps the Governo. and it is learnt that to do some condition of Nogroes turnings is better apparently than that of the bobbies who tentiary to be recognised as the to appoint the Commission to ea. steps have been taken through the status mely man who failed to answer the quitebe Generale e dintorbyg ned Forvign Oifice in London to obtain not merely in the counter in but have pursued her. She is known to be well educated and roll call after riot.
Penitentiary the world. under compensation from the throughout the system of the He was dressed in plain clothes of the Island as a whole. The acts. What will be the outcome of its inception in the Negroes miad of prison man gemont Authorities for their alleged illega ta king may have been too big, but of desperate crime for adventure in order to kill the memory that there with out the permission of cerve on and it is aesumed that be took entlemen who have been asked to the representations remain to be and the faith in it, evidenced in of some unhappy love affair.
the lawful owner and thus dieguised Commission have (Continued on page 8)
White Scotland Yard frankly is nonplussed, the attaches made bis way acros country.
written to. all the replies he ve wear knowing smiles as they continue doggedly on the case Thue all the prisonere who made ever, learnt that a legal map of pot yet been received. It is, howand recall the old slogan: Thev all get caught soon or break the southwest SPARKLETS later.
gate when it was broken opeth were, bigh rapute and well knowa will be now safely lodged behinda the to serve on the Commission, Pos be appointed (BY WCK)
prison bars again after their brief leib sibly an elected mamber might also SAD DEATH OF SAFETY BONUSES pell of liberty.
be appointed on the body, but it Connor Sucooss.
but one thing what about encumANOTHER MAN DEAD. can be stated for certainty that Where the Concor Bakery. brances, you have to pay high Yesterday the information was the Superintending Medical Officer said to a burly and apparently rentals for these premisesl ven Mrs. Elizabeth Greaves. Street Car Mon Provent obtained that another prisoner hnd (Dr. Wilson) may be one of the genuinely happy Nezro, after tored. Oh, no sir. Mr. Connor Accidents.
med from gan shot wounds he had appointees. The O. bas bad stranger had directed us to the on the sipas did the employee Mers. Elizabeth Greaves, wife of BROOKLYN CITY RAILROAD ebuckled, laying as much emphasis We regret to record the death of received during the riot on Friday (Continued ou page 8)
a ted looking wooden building of Teath Street who first greeted us this building Mr N. Grenves of the Western and Hudson Lane, Co on; Is this is the OFFERS MONTHLY TO RETHE WEEK NEWS NEGROES RESCUE oolowed, and the added Brillian: Colon No sir in the United Negro Auto Supply Co. at Street in Association of this city, ich sad occurrence took DUCE DAMAGE SUITS.
said the manwith place on Wednesday night last at The Brooklyo City Railroad IN BRIEF. WHITE WOMEN ev in eyes avis on the replacing some My friend and took another five minutes past eight o clock. at Company has established a bonus that other short penetrating gaze on the white the residence of Dr. Joseph Ham plan for conductors and motorm.
Police Officer Shoots Judgo When White Mon Flod. entrance of a new concrete building counters and general fixtures, and Colon, And he led us to the back walls, the spotlessly clean shelver, lette 5th Street and Broadway, to reduce accidents on its limeo.
Each employee will receive for where he proudly showed us the once inore obs Tved the up to date Mra Greaves was in a delicate each 30 days in which bz epentes rly Sunday mor inglast CAR DRIVEN BY WHITE WOMAN Wi utes inspection, we discovered the As ociation two motor driven for the dast few weeke; madical an oven which, after system of handling sales. One of state of health and had been aikng cars without accident.
Awards reported from the Province of Clarious ont roudge Mouin Rial PLUNGES DOWN EMBANK. be a property its owners, as well delivery tru ks druve up; we bude nia was consultad and it was derid Dec, 15 of each year, so that Warehol nad killed in the Bouquete MENT AVOIDING WHITE AND well be proud of. In the room Farluthful cashier, Miss Meed that she should take a change employes entitled to tonuses may Court House by police officer Julio NEGRO WORKERS.
Colon, the to which houses the residence, of De collect the funds in time for Morales It is alleged ibat Morales ven, the Mrs. Hamlett, the latter being Christmas shopping.
were escorted ehot the Judze after he Colombia, Aug. 18. After forem un baker, Mr. was rum M.
Coonor to his office jo relative of Mrs. Greaves. It pony expecte the reduction received moned to answer charges of hu ving young white woman Miss Will a stated that after being equal the amount of the bonuses. Paymeots for damages will at least necklace Lou Gray, driving with her com little time. found or three young ladies capacity flour which he bad taken awy from panion, Miss Agnes MeMaster, bad te demonstration of a tion meeting place.
except for We wonder it birthy she were adopted by the authorities of police officer was arrested 30 foot embankmemt time of to and beli in coetody and an offcilin ting a group of eight men, tour pulled a lever: the front door the President desk is an opposite seemed perfectly well. Theling accidents in sod sb. ut this Wednes toon.
a 300 loaf capacity oven was there the local street cars whether it Ao ther pleasant sur day there would not be effective in minimis vestigation of the affair ordered, white and four colored, standing ia by tbrowfully illumined. as it office with modero ledgers into hour, it was noticed that abe and its the middle of the road between inside, small but aratly kept and although not was in city.
two parked cars, the four white were smiled to our satisfied took to their herls while the The mixer had just finished one of keeping is employed by the clerka gate, a mordern system attention Thirty Months for Emboz Four Neeroos faced dowo the eco its many daily shifte turned 500 who were taught in the technical to baby boy which was born once given ber and she gave birth PERSONAL bankment to the wom sa below pounds of flour into dough which schools of the Association. Ask dead teing of premature birth.
pinioned under the machine, extri. in the next hour would be convert. anv question concerning our busi is further at ted that after giving ing the week from Eldet TC commnnication received durFor the embezzlement of tecnicntel them and brought them here ed into fio shed nroduct of many ness and we will tell you to just a birth, Mrs Greaves spoke and com: Prancis of the Church of God cally, 250, 00 but actually 540. for medical treatment, varieties, and in an additional hour few sec pels, said Mr. Connor el out of danger but later her Holiness who left here some week 81 of trust funds of the United States Government while he was Mise Gray, State Supervisor of the Bakery would be woable to extending his almost permacent the smallest order, neting Distriet Court Clerk at adult illiterates, and Miss MeM. Sil the sold and it was out. We was satisfactory carried out.
Cristobal, Paul Bugbea, Aneri. ter Columbia teacher, were return worth having been very cent board smile. The demonstration condition changed for the worse ago for the United States, states that she was that he is well and doing nicely, gradually can wae sentenced in the Cristo ing from upper South Carajina, were next shown into the front morning last to serve two years in a road near Broad river bridge the finished product bal: District Court on Saturday and when they approached curve apartment of the brand other Unitei Negro Improvement Associ despite all that scientific medihealth and success in his spiritoa)
not online months in the penitentiary movement to which has been in after Mr. Greaves who was born items of commodity ation of Colon is really sa out skili could do she gradually sapk pursuite growth of. away just a few minutes Canal Neods no More al Gamboa came upon a blocked road with vision of Mr Clifford Clarke, the mode; the ingenious young rived at her side.
the two automcbiles Miss Gray, beide ed eight me manager, from Panama arSnakos right on the a brisk ocular in.
Chorillo Cabarets Closed Mi pir ty, Her mortal remains were interred Department of the Panama Can After September 21. the Hes th Temporarily.
her machine to the left and down in shirt sleeves through a drizzle movement and well known figure at the Mount Hope Cemetary on which has been purchasing snakes the emb: nkment, about thirty Hello, had just overran your on on both the Pacific and Atlantic Thursday afternoon last in the in order to determine the proper fe Magom opere detective on the 14th under the car. They called to the dich you had topped to be one que hoy responsible for the improvement. and a large gathering of sorrowing on the Tothmus, will discontinue Mayor Paredes ordered closed feet. The occupunts were piano besin our plac popped were not out to seabourd of the Isthmus, being presence of the berea vad busband tion uf the various kinds of people (Continued on. page Continued on Page 8)
find things? enquired You have pleasantly surpsised us. Coutinued on page Continued on page 8) these purchases, 000000 emphasis on o re.
West Indians, may the the oven, alert force and Me The comtreated Ed bre by pre odabiye There a appropriated for himself a and came a open evening pot expected spacious which a sem of book travail was. AL AL sale are


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