
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands VIGOR TONIC Council haveare of the British Guiana out instant.
clear, results NicoRFOR XN AND INVIGORATINE and energy to the Wong, at Elgreat value to and 001JAMAICA 24 220 BRITISH GUIANA Resolution on The Delegates to ConConstitution.
ference Are Compli.
At yesterday meeting of the Council of the Kingston and St.
Andrew Corperation, suy the British Guiana August In GLEANER of the 31st alto: OracTHE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD connection with the report of the cil or Bain Alves give notica that British Guiana Delegates to the at the next meeting of the Conference, to His Excelbe would move Where the cɔnstitution conlency the Governor, says Demerara Exchange we were ferring Representative Governfurnisbed yesterday with the ment upon the Island of Jamaica Collowing Minute, which bad was surrendered in a moment of been addressed to tbe Colonial papie in 1865 and Orown Gy.
3ecretary by His Excellency the ernment imposed on the paople An This the Governor on the work of the of this Island delegates And whereas in 1881 alter read with much interest Rest agitation new ConstituInvigorating tion was granted which was Elegant Tonic the Rerort termed by Lo Derby step Delegates to the West Lodian Conference dated the 25th June, in advance to Representative and Goveroment.
Preparation and handed to me by them on the And Whereas 19. present Secretary of state has now con2 Pending their submission to Health Imparting ferred a further and more subis highly the Legislature for ratification it would not be proper for me to stantial step to political freedom Bit resolved that this Council comment upon the Resolutions on behalf of the people of KingWINE passed by the Conference or upon recommended ston and St. Andrew the recommendations contained accept with gratitude this new and in the Report dated the 4th June more substantial advance on the way to the Secretary of State for the It in Debility, to Representative Government Colonies. It is cler however, that under the able chairmanship granted to us in the new ConstiDavson, tution aod that of Sir Edward His Excellency Nervousness have been achieved of the the Goveroor be humbly utmost roques promotes digestion ted to accept for himself and the importance to the future of the Secretary of State the bearty Colonies represented, individual.
thanks of tbe Council of the Corimproves Female Weakness ly and collectively, and that in poration for the benefits granted this achievement the British by the new Constitution.
the appetite Guiana Delegation bas not mereImpoverishment ly done its share but played a Shop Completely Destroyed prominent part and gives tone Apart from the proceedings by Fire of the Blood of the Conference itself, tbe DelA correspondent writing to Rates appear to bave made the HEALTH fullest use of the time at their the GLEANER fron Boz Walk on and to build up a diep asal in England in order to the 30. ulto. saye. This mornIMPARTING further the interests of the Coloing at aboot 30 o clock, a shop py. attach toe kept by Miss Nena whole system ward Piece, with a interviews, discussions WINE a stock lung run down coostitution versations which, ich, as represent 300 and 126 in cash, caught ing not only ihe Government and tire. Miss Wong and her gil the Legislature, but the people of baby had to be cued from the upstairs and nothing but a few the Colony, they have held with belongings could be saved.
the ofticials of the Colonial Office, with Members of Parliament and The origin of the fire is unwith men and women of bote, known. The stock was not insared. The building belonged to the the in affairs of this part of the estate of the late Jam 28 License.
world The police are busy making may have an important investigation into the matter.
DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or effcet upon future develpment progress. I warmly compliment the United Fruit Company times a day.
Delegates on the manner in which they have discharged tbe responsible task entrusted to MAY RUN HOTEL AT MONJAVIER MORAN TEGO BAY American Pharmacy. Continued oa page 7)
SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS Said To Have Bought Premises For The Purpose On Hill Over ent way you beat your wife, and to bave nothing to say to bimloading Town.
No, be called me a damned Jog.
The Montego Bay CorresponWhat are you? foreman dent to the GLEANER writing on carpenter at the Public Works.
the 3rd inst says inter alia. Montego Bay appears to be on TRINIDAD the eve of a pericd of prosperity and am always a man dents in the yard. St. Clair on Eliza St. Clair, one of the resi Beating His Wife. He said it was then that De Silva Yec ou teach at Sunday School?
insulted him. He called me, keeping religious observance.
promising as going to tha outbouse was said complainant, a daaned Conrad Parris, work man at the preparation being made for the Newly Born Babe aber acte de imong other things by ALLEGATIONS AGAINST SUNDAY dog and other things.
coming years, In vestors seen tɔ Macurapo Pumping Station, said the piercing sounds of inAbandoned be taking every edvantage of the SCHOOL TEACHER coming from the De Silva was also a married he was passing aloog Gallus Street on Sunday and beard de situation and general improvecessplt. On looking in the direcments long looked forward to tion whence the sound came, M RELIGIOU3 MAN that Mr. and Mrs. Graham were De Silva said that Mrs. Gra.
Defendant solicltor suggested Silva tell Graham that he was a dog, and order him away, may be obtained, suficient that FOUND IN CE3PIT AT RIQUES she bebeld the form of the su: the town continues to attract tering infant with its tender Charge Against Neighbour got living very happily together. Den PLACE.
capitalists, head scotched in a corner of the it ia understood that Mr. Cipriani: You, Grabam, bam ran over to his house, and the Henrigues Brothers will be suspected Mother and Baby Clair at once raised an alarm and wɔǝd work of Dismissed.
of the cesspit. St.
beat your wife very frequently. com plained to him that har husTbat my owa and my wife bad run there for refuge before.
bana threatened to beat her.
showing considerable activity in business tbase parts and apart from lightAlive in Hospital. soon after the whole neighbour following Mr. Prizgar for complainant, as male infant said to have been bood was on the scene. In a mo heard in a Trinidad Magistrate As early as the Drah Saturnight, in the field of business will be not more than walceo hours a mont a huge crowd of the idle Court appears in the Weekly objected that this was not a come here no hi ha to get bad ay to at the time was found in and curious assembled at the Guardians of the 14th ulto:ree question that bis client was trom her husband blows.
bound to acswer.
It is also understood that the casspit at Riques Placa at about plece, Uries of Shame! it is The story of a man who was His worship ruled differently admitted calling Graham a dirty United Fruit Company has pur 30 o clock yesterday morning shocking! and such like adm ini.
be a wife beater chased a splendid hill residence says the PORT OF SPAIN GAZ: tions were the principal object related to Mr. Wale Baren at the MY WIFE BEATS ME about 500 Mr. Prizgar: You do not seem of the 20th upto. Nale and of their jabberings. Even the Police Court on Thursday. His ETTE 2016 alleged mother of the child is reMr. Cipriani repeated the very strong. You took good care WILL ENTER THE HOTEL BUSI bleeding the helpless to stay in your gallery when you babe ported to have jbloed in the like name was William Graham, a question.
sprightly and appeared and in a 19. remarks. This was previous to Gallus Street resident, whol Complainant sald thst he did realised that you could not stand called him this. Probably you This is an excellent site overhealthy cendition. Shortly alter alleged to the Magistrate that not beat bis wife, but that she a good slap? No answer.
Bortie de Silva, bis next door used to beat m. Laughter)
looking the town, and hab ur the discovery, suspecio as to ber remɔval to the bospital. man called Romeo Rafael neighbyur, used insulting rewith lands enough for extensive the maternity of the folant, fell Mr. Cipriani: she is alck in bed SHAKING HIS WIFE LIFE OUT building operations. This is Marie Waldron Woman named ripped away the flooring of the marks to him on Sunday after pow fron all the blows you have used to sbake the life out of his a Don Da Silva said that Graham move in the right direction and an occupant of a outhouse in order to get out tha noon. July 25th last, given her? Nɔ, sbe has a cold. wife.
bas caused anothor stir in busi barrack room in the inmediate child while a woman named ThoDa Silva dealed the charge but Her She had to run over to Mr. de Mr. Prizgar (humorously. ness circles. The Parochial Board vicinity, of St James is also falling in line as 19 years. Wald ton said iveal masie Amora washed it at the admitted that he was provoked Silva house to get away from Well, that is his right, isn it?
age bas been to ba plpe in the yard; and as a matHis Worship: What, to shake with the town advance and will a native o! Tobago, was subse ter of fact rendered such relief boto, calling Graban dirty the beating you were giving her?
the life out of a woman? dismake the approach to White quently taken up by the Police to the little thing as to give it dog. Mr. Cipriani, who No.
ore and conveyed in a taxl to the esistance in breathing freely examined the complainant, Gra: Saturday night? No.
appared for DeSilva, crossSands attractive erecting an or Colonial Hospital where she has Tae infant was taken to the hos ham, as to his conduct towards You beat your wife on the miss the case.
wall with Quite likely there will be regule boer detained for observation pital before the arrival of the his wife: And you were getting up steam to give her another licking Increase of Crude Oil tions at the place for the comfort ander Policesupervision. But Police to whom the first intimaand convenience of vistors.
before this the abandoned tafant lion was given through telephone Mr. Prizgar repre that was why she ran next door to de Silva s? No.
The annual Conventioa of the bad been removed to the hospital by Mrs. Joseph at No 35 Dake sented complainant. North Western Union of Chris by a man named Henry Bygce, a street. Detective Corpl. Caesar Graham The Weekly Guardian states Why didn you go into Mr. De that for the sixth time In sucsaid, to commence North Endeavour meet hero on neighbour. The discovery was and Lance Corpl. Songater and with, that bis wife. Mrs. Gra Sleephouse and call your cession tbe las pector of Mines the 23rd inst.
made by at aged woman named Sergt, Kennedy of the Besson ham went over to De Silva place wife? Da Silva and do not reports, there was a considerInspector Alam has Street station soon after arrived. on the Sunday afternoon in ques: peak. He is tutoring my wile to ale increase in the production returned from Hanover and reWaldron had been living tionB, abuse of crude oil in 1925 as comsa med his dutie: bere from the resumed last Saturday and car Riques place, it is said with and gate of De Silva and said to the You were useing insulting pared with the previous year.
1st ried a great number of passen old woman for the past seven latter that it was the second time remarks to Mr. Da Silva at bis Oil production in 1925, establishThe local trained between Ca gera. Tois train fills a long months. The Police are still be bad requested him not to gate, and he told you that you ed a record, beibg 329 895 bar tadapa and Montego Bay was felt want.
making enquires.
encourage his wife in his house. were a dirty dog for the persist rels more than the 1924 total.
and fant cry man.
she Mrs.
stimulating: 20 was NESS.


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