
Divorce London. Aug. 18. King George bas just coacluded a business transaction with one of his oungest subjects, little Bob Toolinson, son of the rector of Bolton Abbey, Yorksbire The King has bought it for ten shillings Bob ball of Wilfred, a tame rabbit. He bought it for Bob sister Kathleen, who owns the other ball.
Bob planned to sell his ball to another boy, which seemed Pri u matter to six year old Ka bleen, who is ill.
Hearing about Kathleen illness, tbe king, on bis way to the moors dally for shooting, wayed his band to her and finally went to see her. It wes then she told ble of the impending tragedy The next morning the King guerry called on Bob and bulght 50 per cent, of Wilfred He then deeded it to Kathleen World Will Eat Food From The Sun, Savant Predicts The flavor of a Lucky Strike is unique. It is the only cigarette out of over 200 brands on the market which Because it toasted To LEONA EASTMAN: You are hereby notified that on Aug.
ust 2th, 1926, the plaintiff abovenamed filled in the above entitled curt a petition wherein he prays for an ab o uto divorce from you on statutory grounds of Cruelty, You are, therefore, hereby notifie that you are required to enter your appearance in writing in the office of the Clerk of said court at Ancon, Canal Zone, and make answer thereto on or before the 16th day of October 19es.
If you fail to do so within the time aforesaid the said petition will be taken a confessed, and the petitioner will take judgement against you by default and demand from said ecurt the reliel applied for in the petition. SHEIBLEY Clerk.
British Consulate Notice develops the hidden flavors of the world finest tobaccos a costly, extra process and that why The British Consulat Colon would be glad of information as to the preseat whereabouts of one Mrs. Gertrude simpson, a native of Jamrica who is stated to be residing in Colon; also of Miriam Murray, aged six. een years, native of Jamaica Williamstown, Mass. Aug. 18 Synthetic food, taken from tbe Night of the 30o and from tbe Nitrogen ef the air, will be resorted to in solving the world food problems a: population inereases.
Dr. Barnard, president of the American Institute of Baking, made this prediction tcday at the Lostitute of Politics.
He said the ocean foroisbes yet plies that is virtually untouched another storebouse of food sudHe pointed out that processes already have been developed for the production of buman foods ibrong the growth of the yeast plank manufacturing plant 20 to 30 men would be able, be said, to produce in the form of yeast as much food in twenty four bours as 1, 000 workers could produce from 70, 000 acres in a year. The Falling Brith Rate Luckies taste so good Why pay double price for inferior imported Boer when you can buy a superior Beer such as BALBOA for half the price.
employing reason millions can resist The Church of God LUCKY STRIKE IT TOASTED CIGARETTES War, have Writing late in Augus, Henry Blanford a noted London Cor respondent says:The birtb rate in England con inues to fall. There were 181, 455 births in the second quarter of this year, 5519 less than in the corresponding quarter last year. On the other band there is further decrease in the Infant death rate, so that it we bave fewer babies more of them survive. The desrease in the birth rate and the remarkable increasa during the last cenera.
tion of the average age to which people live, with the holocaust of ihe young curing the raised the age of the population very considerably. Taking them all together the population la a kood deal older than it was twenty five years ago.
There are those who deplore the fallirg birth rate and say that the modern ideal of marriage is a flat, no baby and a motor car. There are others who apbude plaud and declare that it is an better babies and that anyway England is overpopulated. But wbatever may be said for and ainer against the rival views of the theorists, there can be no question about the dominant tendency of those most concerned the young husbands and wives.
93586X3oxoxoxoxos Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD Panams, Aroremena Street, Houre 25, 3an Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer meeting and Gospel weetings at 11. and 30 Sunday School at p. e.
Manday at 30 Bestimonis Meetin Tuesday at 15 Young People Meetio. Wednesday at 30 m, Cel meeting. Thursday at 30 Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting BRO, C, PESSOA. in charge. Red Tank, Canal Zone. Sunday Sebeo pm. Gospel meeting on Thureday at 30 Sis. GRAY New Providence. Gospel Moe ing at 11. 30a. and 30 Sunday School 3p. Wednesday at 30 Gorpel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting Bro McDONALD Jatun, Canal Zone. Goupel Mertines at 11. 30 a. and 30 pm; Runday School at pm. Wednesday 30 Additional Church Services. Soepel Meeting. Priday at 30 Prayer Bro, GEORGE GRIPPITH Seventh Day Adventist Church Solon and Streets. Gospel moet ings at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday Echool at 3p. Wednesday at STREET CALIDONI ROAD Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Prayer Meeting.
Babbath (Saturday) 45 mm. Sab Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON bath School: 11. 15 am, General Worship 80 Spanish Class; 30 Society, meeting Services of the Bethlehem 30 Junior and Senior Standard Church of God Holiness of attainment Class p. Vespers.
Sunday ever ing 30 Stereoptican Lecture. The gener al public No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St.
cordially invited to turn out in large SAN MIGUEL numbers.
Sunday 30 Prayer Meeting.
10 a. Children Service; 11 am.
Seventh Day Adventist Church Divine Servico. Bro. Small? p. Sunday School, Superintendent. p. 30 GoeBrd STREET BROADWAY COLON pel Service, Preacher Bro. Reice Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath The usual weekly services will be Sohool; 11, 15 a, General Worship conducted on Tuesday and Thursday night, at 45 30 p, Young people meeting 30 pm Vespero BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching Webley 11 a. Divine Service. Preacher Bru.
Service. You are cordially invited to 80p. Sunday School, Superintent attend these services and bring your dent. p. Gospel service. Preacher triende, Bro. B, Webley.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Salvation Army Hall, Prayer, All other notice for the week will be given from the Pulpit.
LA BOCA CORPS 30 a. Knee Drill.
Bro. J, 8, WEBLEY, 11 am. Holinese Meeting.
Acting Pastor in charge. p. Sunday School. 80p. Open Air.
ADVERTISE 30 Salvation meeting.
Wo extonia cordisl ir vita ton to all In The Workman It Pays Temperance Sermon.
The negro preacher was making an appeal for temperanca. Brethren, he said, exhort you to take de example give you. bend the knee, but not de voice from the back of the ball was raised in protest. Dat your bad manners, passion drinkin out of the bunghole.
Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
For Sale at all Drug Stores 000000000000000000000000 TRY KRONEN BRAU ON DRAUGHT OR BOTTLES CODE ODD0000000 000000008 Rent Receipt Books in Span ish and English for sale at the Worker Printery And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT


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