
which CoGOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY polist (BY OUR STAPP CORESPublished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica PONDENT)
WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes. Not a very big audience, but Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
one truly representative of the All copy for publication must be coloured element of the Pacific PO Box 74, Pasama written on one side of paper only, and end of the Isthmus who are Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of thinking on the present as wel!
as the future of Isthmain West One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaNo. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue Indians. what is to become of Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of Rood faith.
those who gave and are still givThree Be.
We do not undertake to return reing the flower of their work days On 25 jected correspondence.
Telephone 695 in the service of the United States on The Panama Canal, and The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUS He are now reaching superancuation SATURDAY SEPTEMBER, 18, 1926. the promising youths who are to replace them in active service, THE SPIRIT OF SELFISHNESS. listen. attentatively, sighed at 18 applauded at others to a masterful address on Labor Whether the colore people are ready to believe it or delivered by Reverend Father not, the chief and most harmful enemies of the race are the OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Balboa, at the La Bocage McDonald of St. Mary gangs of know all the clubs of the stand aloof and the associations of the wait and see. In all of these classes can on Tuesday evening last. The address was given under the be found these who are too cowardly to talk out, but nevertheless, like hypocrites of the first waters see no good in Work Done While You Wait auspices of the La Boca Athenaeum, a literary society which anything except one sided and back handed propositions put may always be relied upon to forth by themselves. The man who criticises everything provide interesting programs for the public from me to time.
is the most dangerous man in the community and the best way to get rid of him is by asking what he would recom7RY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED The Reverend Gentleman, who is always at home when preachmend as a worthy venture without considering himselt.
ing practical Chriatianity to Deep underneath the criticisms lies the spirit of selfishness either white or coloured congre.
Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices and me oneness and it doesn take much of a microscope gations, took his audience up and to reveal it.
down the ramifications of the laLadies Garments carefully handled bouring man positions, after be had first riveted the attention of Food For Thought.
his hearers on the central figure Light chirt who was ibe REID Manager himself a (FROM THE COLORED PRESS)
their minds to and from differa labourer, ard carried There are many things being left undone by us as assieme se soos ossists ent countries so as to amply cover the entire question and group that should reccive our attention if we hope to come bring out in the simplest form, into the limelight. Some thought to conditions, and then LABOR, its dignity, influence get busy and do tour bit to improving them, should take and the true value which should hold of everyone in our race. No one with a sane mind is 209540S SSSS be attached to it both by tbe going to blame you for doing things that will help elevate laborer and the employer.
The laborer, the speaker em the group. We claim that the Nezro editors are doing much phasiz d, is the produc and in bringing about improved conditions, and if you can see after the Creator, bas the first it as we do go on and let us continue in the good work righ, an honourable, dignified without your condemnation.
right, to the fruits ot the He declared that it is the absolute truth that the laboring ciass Citizenship rights, privileges and obligations should be should receive a living ware not. a wage subjects for lectures and discussions in the church just as will allow them to live in reasonmuch so as the trip that Christ made to the temple.
able decency and give their operation in temporal matters is more essential at this time children a a respectable education, than unison in prayer. While both are evidences of organiE hica ly, the producer, he pointed out, is rimary and the monozation, temporal success will doubtless induce prayer with With reference wo less skepticism if not unbounded faith.
to oganization of the laboring class, be beliaves it is ahsolutely fair and that this class should so much thought to The Negro only wants a man chance. He wants the their organization, because the respect and friendship of his white neighbour, but the employers organized, deceitful tactics are not appreciated and are looked upon as It is his opinion that Capital a more inimical force than that exhibited from the loud and Labour should meet and that mouthed individual affected with Negrophobia.
labor, being the producer, deserves fairplay. He said, bow.
ever, that is the between man. but bul is very necessary that fer. the man who stands between Capital and Labor, be Controversy Over Pictures educated as also the children of laborers in the dignity of labor. remarkable, though at present a perfectly friendly COXocs Koso Sock o 300 SEXO The speaker pald great tribute controversy has arisen between the British and Irish govto Tousant Overture, the go ernments over the ownership of a valuable collection of gest man that was ever born on the Eastern Continent, who pictures formerly owned by a well known connoisseur called Sir Hugh Lane. The difficulty arises from the fact his view history may be exhilarating without being mislead Record Traffic Of The Panjealoe Killed because he was cf him. He urged that Sir Hugh left two different sets of instructions as to ing. There are no doubt danger and difficulties about this. ama Canal For Eight Months bis audience to learn more and tiach their children more of the the destination of the pictures, the testamentary disposition It is necessary to be certain that the balance is held reaBut even though the Prime Minister, with. For the eight months period great men of their race.
which gave them definitely to Dublin, the capital of Ireland, sonably even.
Reverend McDonald having been drafted and signed shortly before the testator the modesty he always effects in such matters, observed from January 1st to August 31st met his death in the last voyage of the Lusitania. Unfor that he spoke as a fool among wise men, most people will 1926, the revenue collected in tolls nearltily applauded and givenas tunately the document was not witnessed in the legal manner agree that there is a considerable amount of sound sense in from trafic passing through the rising vote of tbonks forenthe ated 16, 007, 661. 86, splendid address, and therefore has not actually legal effect. An early codicil his observations.
equivalent to average receipts of In connection with the address, to Sir Hugh will bequeathed the pictures to the City of month The foregoing figures vocal instrumental and elocuthe Dublin provided a special gallery was built to hold them exceed corresponding figures for home within five years of his death. This was not done, and in tolls for the same period during gram.
items on the proGreat Britain Health.
Mr. A, Neely, Presi.
any case this codicil like the other was drawn up without the any previous year traffic. With dent of the Societs presided, usual formalities. Ireland is now claiming the pictures, but of fruit, nea meanwhile a gallery has actually been built in London to goods, and grain hold them, and the British Government is disinclined to In a recent review of the work of his Department the normal traffic, it is menting the while in the audience were Mr. it is unlikely that Whyte, Presldent of the Panama West Indian Em ing them to Dublin on loan, but that is unlikely to give the physical welfare of the nation. Broadly speaking there during the remaining four months Mulcare. Rector of St. Peter the calendar year and it is pro Church, LA Boca, Miss Amy satisfaction, and it is not clear how the controversy can be are grounds for optimism. The general health of the Eng bable. therefore, that total revenue Salot of Panama City and Mr.
in year contented.
been completed, the many diseases that are an inevitable 000. The record calendar yer prominent West Indians. HERALD staff ard several other result of overcrowding may be expected to show a sub trafi: to date waa in 1923 stantial reduction. Already partly owing to better living 22, 966, 838 18, or an average of receipts from tolls aggregated conditions tuberculosis, which a few years ago was Eng 1, 913, 903 18, per month. It is The Writing of History, and greatest menace, is being mastered; and if the neces. likely that tolls for 1926 wili BRITISH WEST INDIANS sary funds for preventive measures are forthcoming there is exceed the 1923 record by about LET YOUR BOYS JOIN THE SCOUTS The versatile Prime Minister of Great Britain, Mr. little doubt that in course of time this disease will practically 1, 000, 000, THEY ARE TAUGHT GRATIS Stanley Baldwin, one of the best examples of that com disappear, DISCIPLINE, SELF RELIANCE paratively rare type, the cultured business man, has been But one passage in the Minister statement brought HANDICRAFT giving to an audience of British and American history pro home very clearly that the cancer is responsible for an in Why pay double price GOOD CITIZENSHIP.
fessors his ideas of how history should be written. His creasing proportion of deaths in England. It is realised that for inferior imported WE ARE RECRUITING 1000 speech resolved itself into a guarded but decisive defence of the country cannot affoard to neglet this disease, and a BOYS Beer when you can what may be termed biassed record. Not of course that the small army of the best scientists and biologists in England JOIN BEFORE DECEMBER Prime Minister really approves of prejudice and partiality, have for some time been engaged on cancer research work buy a superior Beer 15th.
but he is convinced that the studiously impartial historian is in an endeavour to discover the cause of the disease. Al such as BALBOA for WILL YOU LEND USA almost always a dull historian, and he fears that the boy though they have by no means solved the whole of the HAND?
half the price.
Call on any Scoutmaster brougbt up on that kind of history will never read history problem, sufficient progress has been made to ensure that They will be glad to help.
willingly again. What is wrong with biassed history is the ultimate immunisation from cancer is certain. Meanwhile, as MAJOR BRATHWAITE WALLIS danger that it may be read uncritically. Mr. Baliwin way the Minister pointed out, the great danger is ignorance, and ADVERTISE is to read a historian with a bias one way and then correct people must learn that the only hope at present is early!
Chief Commissioner A, BARHAM JR, the Impression by reading one with the opposite bias. So in diagnosis.
In The Workman It Pays Country Commissioner.
secondary do and give are Only First Class Ones Need Apply Canal aggregated tionary


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