
PAGE FIVE THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER :8, 1926 ATLANTIC SIDE Athletic and Cycle Meet Attractions at the Theatres AMADOR STRAND music vero which Ice Cream Factory AT COLON SUCCESSFULLY PULLED OFF.
COLON The Cycle and Athletic Meet bader the auspices of the AlanToday Saturday Sept. 18th Today Saturday Sept, 18th Today Saturday Sept. 18th Today Saturday Sept. 18th tic Athletic Club, which was and Edmund Lowe in actually wasbed out by rain on Dorothy Revier in Pola Negri in Labor Das, the 6;h inst; when Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 19h MARRIAGE IN TRANSIT. THE ENEMY OF MEN THE CROWN OF LIES most of the event had to be abandoned. was pulled Norma Shearer in oft on Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 19th Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 19th Torrorrow Sunday Sept. 19th Sunday last in the presence of a HIS SECRETARY Jack Holt in Belle Benett in Hoot Gibson in very large but representative THE MAN IN THE SADDLE crowd. THE RECKLESS LADY On this occasion the Monday September 20th THE BLIND GODDESS Weather king was much more considerate and Matt Moore in Monday, September 20th and stayed his bands Monday September 20th Monday September 20th for the entire sfternoon, thus HIS MAJESTY BUNKER BEAN Wm. Fairbanks in Bebe Daniels in Fields in giving the various contestants no THE GREAT SENSATION THE PALM BSACH GIRL IT THE OLD ARMY GAME opportunity for excuses.
Tuesday September 21st Tuesday September 21st select Orcbestra wbich was Allice Mills in Tuesday September 21st Tuesday September 21st in attendance opened up Hoot Gibson in tbe DAUGHTRR OF THE NIGHT Belle Benett in Doughlas MacLean in afternoon program with snappy THE NAN IN THE SADDLE gladdened THE RECKLESS LADY THAT MY BABY tbe Wednesday September 22nd bearts of the large excited Wednesday Sep:ember 22nd Wednesday September 22nd dnesd y September 22nd crowd in the Wm. Fairbanks in pavillon Norma Shearer in PL Gloria Swanson in Fields in The redoubtable Batiste of THE GREAT SENSATION HIS SECRETARY THE UNTAMED LADY IT THE OLD ARMY GAME Jamaica demonstrated that he is class by bimselt so far as Thursday September 23rd Thursday September 23rd Thursday September 23rd Thursday September 23rd His Belle Benett in Wm. Collier Jr. in Matt Moore in only Ingical opponent Davis, also Allice Mills in THE RECKLESS LADY THE LUCKY LADY HIS MAJESTY BUNKER BEAN from Jamaica who might have DAUGHTER OF THE NIGHT been able to make things warm Friday September 24th for Batiste was unable to com Friday September 24th Friday September 2ith Friday September 24th Fields in pete as he was suffering from an Neil Hamilton in Alice Mills in Norma Sbearer in IT THE OLD ARMY GAME attack of intluenza. And Nimb DESERT GOLD DAUGHTER OF THE NIGHT HIS SECRETARY ley, who Panama depended on to down the colours of the boys Saturday September 25th Saturday September 25th Saturday September 25th Saturday September 25th from the Isle of Springs did not Ramon Novarro in Clara Bow in Wm. Fairbanks in Matt Moore in sbow that dogged form of sta THE MIDSHIPMAN THE RUNAWAY mina and courage to which he bas THE GREAT SENSATION HIS MAJESTY BUNKER BEAN accustomed us.
The following are the results 77 of the events contested MILE CYCLE, OPEN HANDICAP 1st. Baptiste, CRICKET.
Abrahams, 3rd Alberton, time 39 CANAL ZONE NOTES Marcus Garvey Under THE ACME ONE AND HALF MILE CYCLE The Knife Sussex Defeats Wanderers OPEN HANDISAP LA BOCA t L Batis, 2nd De Pass, 8rd Mai klaad.
time The Baseball Park at Mount CORNER 23rd. 24th STREETS CALIDONIA Atlanta, Georgia. Upon reliable 51 Hope presented quite a liv:ly Stanley Cragwell Leaves. authority it has been learnt that 100 YARDS DASH, OPEN HANDI appearo: ce last Sunday afterBELOW THE ELKS LODGE Marcus Gervey underwent an operCAP.
noon when a large and enthusi ation several days ago. Tbe reasona Stanley Cragwell, wife and for this operation have not been 1st. Wallace, 2n1 Gordon, journeyed out their to witness astice crowd of chicke admirers Solicits the patronage of Lodges, Wedding Anniverchild left for Cristobal last given out It is further stated that 3rd Bellizaire, time: 10. 5.
the match between Wanderers saries and all Social Functions, also caters Saturday from where they sub the General President of the UniTWO MILE CYCLE OPEN SCRATCH and Sussex scquently sailed for Barbados versal Negro Improvement Associa1st. Batiste, 2nd The Crag wells do not intend to tion bns quite recovered from the Toe day opened fair and for to a daily trade with all.
retuin tr the Isthmus. Mr. Cras operation, and will shortly again Davis. 3rd Nimbley, time the exception of a slight shower Manufacturers for Wholesale and Retail trade well baving to take over his be assigned to his printer duties 38 of rain which fell at about eleven 220 YARDS, DASH OPEN SCRATCH clock mother property at bome, the Another report coming from eqund continued so the entire Delicious Cream Cakes and Cool Drinks.
latter baviog died recently.
afternoon SG Wallac. 2nd Bellizzire, authority has it that the ProvisiouFrom the time he was a teacher al President of Africa was ordered Time 24.
The coin was span at about Call and be Convinced 12, 45, and resulted in favour of Mail or Phone your orders at the Government School bere. to bed for two weeks after the ONE MILE NOVICE CYCLE up to bis relinquisbitg bis last operation and that he is still coIst. Markland, 2od Brown decided to send bis oppenents to the Sussex captalo who at once Phone No. 1253 Box No. 809 position as Check Clerk for the fined to the hospital ward.
Panama time 48 5.
Ancon, the wicket, which was somewhat Panama Railroad MILE CYCLE, MARRIED MEN damp but playable. The WanA PYLE, General Manager Balboa, which covers the spin of! The reason for the operation to long residence here, be ad suddenly ordered, has not been de ONLY ders did not play up to exectalife, 1st Atherton, 2nd bra. tions and were only able to put bimself to all whom he came in leader lower abdomen had become exemplary endearing binitely disclosed. It is said how e ver, a growth on the confined hams.
up a total of 49 runs for the encontact. The Cragwells leave eade MISS AND OUT tire side.
to king with them the good will so acute that he was ao longer able ist. Davis, 2nd J. wickets quickly struck up 56 The Sussex in their turn at the of the entire community.
to work. This incision was postponed for many years, it is said, Alberton, time 158.
by reason of the incessant CALL IN AT runs for the loss of six wickets 15 MILE CYCLE SCRATCH OPEN Mrs. Olga King Celebrates business and speaking, he was conof and declared.
1st. Batiste, 2nd The scores foliow: Her Birthday Anniversary. confinement, it under. The worries and Smith, 3rd Brown, time 47. 41 WANDERERS Vated that condition and hence the At the conclusion of the Reid, Weeks. Having reached another mil. operation. If the condition returns events, Mr. Bolt well known Sumbleton, Price, stone of her life, Mrs ga King, and becomes a chronic and danger.
and popular figure in sports both at the Atlantic and elfie Peters, A berlev the most polished local culored ous affliction then a pardon will be 20 ends, in a neat speech thanked Clarke Ibw, Nurse amateur singer on the Isthmus immediately asked of the Preeldent.
entertained a number of her the large audience for the sup: McDonald, Eastmond, friends at her residence at the port which they bad given in Layne.
assisting the the Atlantic Club to No. 93, Central Avenue Quarantine Annex, Balboa, on Baptist Church Activities Saturday evening last. The carry out the sports. He assured Loboson. Laynè, Atberley Hocker, Its Hamilton, not out was spent playing cards other ASSORTMENT OF games and dancing, the The Chorrillo Sunday School batto briny Jamaica for the Joseph, Weekes, Layne.
and Batiste from bappy hours ruoning far into will hold its anniversary services Oooke, run out.
Smiling contests were on Sunday and Monday. The purpose of competing with the Extras. broduced as an innovation, Mr. e. Wilkins will preside on boca! boys and that he was GOOD STATIONERY pleasrd to see that Batiste bad Total Jump winning priz in Sunday at p. and Pastor Witt.
48 the mall division with Messrs at the monday night entertainagain demonstrated his superBOWLING ANALYSIS SOUVENIRS, Sewell and King island be represected. It was and won laurels for the the OM RW for second place. In Heldg went.
Division 2 12 Miss Leanor Pastor Wilkins will conduct Jump. by two special services at Pueblo very regrettable that Davis was Lavne. 2 15 The victim of an the presenting to attack of influe. Weeks.
ers which was responsible for Price 3 10 the prettiest smile of all the Naevo this week, He will be pretty smiles which came from Wednesday. The meetings will the there on Monday night and the poor showing be had made. Nurse. 0 1 the Misses Alice King, Undine be in English and Spanish.
He congratulated the boys from Atberley. 2 3 Papams and Colon who had so SUSSEX C, Smith and other pretty girls, ably belped to make the meet Eastmond, Hamilton, o the first and ooly prize. too lavish use of the talcum on Clubhouse on the 30th of the success. Mr. Bolt then referred Price, lbw. Hockr to the flat events and said was Simpson, not out the forehead, the ladies who regrettable to note the poor Weeks, Mattley Why throw away your old, but no judged for the males declared, month. The Case is being presporting spirit of some of the Wint, run out.
prevented Mr. King from cap pared and will be published at a later date.
who, because they Nurse Hamilton doubt interesting, books when you contestants iuring first prize.
Expressions of appreciation of met defeat in me instances. Layne, Hamilton can have them neatly bound at Mrs King cordiality and genialRot cold feet and failed to show Send Off For Extras ty as as her success in singup in the two days eventsHarrison Mr. Boit next presented Miss ing were given both in senti56 Winifred Gordon. Lyric Colora ments and presents. Among thoes BOWLING ANALASIS.
present tora from Brooklyn, New York, were: Mr.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE and This epening members of the who be said would distribute OM RW Harris, Me. and Mrs. Jump Panama Canal West Indian Emthe prizes. With ber customary Hoecker 4 19 and Family; Mesdames Allen, ployees Association will give Smith; Misses social reception for Harricharming smile, Miss Gordon Reld. 10 15 Opposite Cecilia Theatre T, Jenkins 3 051 Alice King, Doris Rodney. sen, Treasurer of the Association stepped forward and handed Mottley 0 Rodney, Moulton and Messrs. Sewell Inst. for the United Ste 22ad each winner bis prize with a o Hamilton Smith, White, who expects to leave bandsbake. McDonald. 09 hearty A Neely. Hall and Joselyn extended vacation Mr. Harrison an After the distribution of the Notice to Correspondents.
prizs Mr. Spalding a valuable gold buckle and chain is a member of the La Boca DisDounced that on account of the Have you tried the trict of the Association and the Mock Trial. affair will be held onder the early printing of the programs, which was won by Mr.
Contributors and correspondente new Beer the name of Mr. Lois Devaux Batiste.
are asked to send in their contribu auspices of this District, and will be a token of appreciation of his did not appear therein as one of This terminated the afternoon tions not later than Thursdays to Kronen Brau The La Boca District of the long and faithful service to the the donor of prizes, but that the exercises and the crowd dis insure pablication. This is imperaEmployees Association announc Association and pleasant fnterVeterao sportsman had donated a persed, tive apd must be adhered.
es a mock trial to be held at the course with its membere: ao straia is said, bad aggraThe Workman BOOK STORE Wetks.
evening Daunen jority and audience Book Binding. Won well Totals. THE WORKMAN 00


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