
PAGE SIX THE WORKNAM SATURDA) SEPTEMBER 18, 1926 Daily Mail Writer Finds Awful THE ATTENTION or with direction New Messiah Has Arrived in United States.
113 DREADFUL DIN, BAD MANNERS AND UNTIDY STREETS IMPRESS JAMES DUNN. OFJIDDU KRISHNAMURTI CONFI DENT BIS COMING MEANS RALICAL CHANGE IN RELIGIOUS LIFE, DRESS OF WOMEN Well Doer Friendly Societies and Secret Orders IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for Lodge Business None legitimate without portrait beard gaganggagagawa Dbarelllian At all drusriate and dealers.
Workman Stationery Store (PAIN ENEMY)
THE BEER Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
aboard cboros udness cities of the com Messiah ahipot claim for him said. HO Morogor Boote Fuller Jewelry Store In: portant.
New York, Aug. 25 James HAILED BY CHICAGO.
Dann, writer on the Loodon Daily Mail, who is well klown SLOAN LINIMENT Do for his articles on the Seamy New York, August 25. pains and aches than any Side of Life small, Swartby skinned under the pen Mar other known remedy; that is walked down the gargplank ol ame of Corde. bas conwhy thousands of people the cluced bis visit to Ch cago and be steimship Moj stie to das world over call it pain confident that bis visit in thi: enemy.
tuis city and sailed for London on the Cunarder Aquitania at cuntry will bring about a radical Rheumatism, sciatica, stiff 11o clock last night.
change in the religious life of the neck, sore and tired muscles, lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, nation.
sprains and bruises are in According to the impraslon stantly relieved by He was Jiddu Krisnamurti, ha gave 110 a reporter before ad Hirda theosophist, hailed by his SLOAN LINIMENT avior. Mr. Daon did not appear to have been gs a:ly pleased Followers as the world medium algnature of for the voice of the goc head.
with New York, əgpeeia ly AT THEits police e urts and its noises.
Altho gh he claims to have the voice of the universal God. The best side of New York, ihe visitor aress and manders Mr. Dunn said, is the outside.
were no different from those of Toe more saw of the city the any: ou1 Hinda in occidental SLOAN better 1. ked such chara ing garb.
LINIMENT :s Le ces and other similar places in Nes quan nga gogo go go to ganggananganggo gagnanna onat ang mga manananananang H:S gray suit striped shirt, blue tie and tan sboes were strictly Jersey and the various nestling of Loug Ilard.
twentieth century in style. EXOSSSSSSSSxcox speaks with an Oxford accent. N98 York is the inly city that screams at one. London His a rival was a quiet event.
hums, Paris eos, Berliu Besides reporters be was met but New York j1st yells at the steam ship only by a press Henry has write abut the agent and the head of the voice of the city; but it isn a American Theosophical Society voice: it a vie.
SUPPLIED BY Krisnamurtl has been called IN the Now, du ing vacation. be Messiah, but be made it clear to day that he makes no continued, this city is like an untidy bouse going through a claim to that title. He declined process of repoyatio and docuto di cuss with newspaper te ration The whole place is being porters any spiritual message be in every form can be seen pulled down or dug us, and to is bringing to this country. I:stead, be referred them to al neral din is adid he the here at its best See our chamour of a thousiod in chani Small pampblet which was districal dcmons gibbaring ia bellisbios buted Alter a lecture in Chicago, be the steamship. Wrist Watches is brewed from the best fore members of the Star in the Bracelets Not only is Yorke lbal East, of wbich he is head, he noisiest, but it is amocg the materials obtainable probably will go into retreat on worst wattered of cties. The Diamond Rings bis ranch ni ar Ojni, Calif.
prevailing idea se ms to be in and a hundred other adornmans eCiciency ad Mrs. Annie Besant, 80 yearspoliten ss spells weaisness. New It is specially suited for this climate olu International prezident of ments and you ll recognize York sbould take lessons frm the Theosophical Society, who why this is the LEADING bicago in a gers. la Chicako accompanied Krisnamurti on bis JEWELRY HOUSE in town to y lay murder you, but tney is superior to all imported beers sold voyage, will tell people ia 31 doit gute on you.
the coming of the new. ask prices and you ll find still Nerves, just nerves. That is here and it sells to the public at world teacher. another reason. We do what New York is suft riog from, and every body is rude to HALF the price.
everybody else because everyis the teacher of body nerves are on edge. am world. Sinee 1909 we have known Dot surprised. Take your tax.
that be has been selected as the 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 and automobile. Every one seems TRY OUR NEW BEER vehicle of of yoice of the Godead.
to have a different sbriek, gros, believe that through him we whistle or boot, and when you are the beginging of a new civill get an tɔp of these the tiendish, sation, such as bas occured five exi splitting scream of th tiro times in the bistory of the Aryengines you have indeed a city or ian race Contributors in general dreadful din.
Krishnamurti said of himsell, and our Atlantic side writers reputation for hustling am different from other mer, in particular, are asked to is badly founded. You save time SUPERIOR TO ALL never touch alcohol or meat draw breath when writing play golt acd tennis, and swim: and Condense their contrib: only to waste it. Nowuere bave have studied all the sten men spend so much time in great wrteig.
tions considerably, to ensure wasculine bauty parlors, seek 30. oc oceXSCOX Sokokoso ing to repair the ravage of outThe pamphlets distributed by publication.
lagd time.
the prees agent on behalt of the.
Гbe chief impressions tk Theosopbist stated that in 1910.
a when he was a bos, be published WILKINSON a way are the prettiess of your a book At the feet of the Master, exquisitely dressed women aud wbicb had written the teachings the plaints of your badly of his teacher, received during Contractor dressed men. The women are like peacocks and Builder HAILED BY CHICAGO THRONG walking among crows, The sa dest reflectido have is the Chicago. August 28 Across a Bcarcity of children at play, and carpet of Ilowers spread through House No. 20 the fuaniest sight recall is that Of every description the concourse of the La Salle 28th NOV, STREET, o a chubby faced fat man nib street station by a throng of bling at an ear of corolk, a rabfollowers. Jiddu Krishnamurti SAN MIGUEL bit playing with a moota organ bailed by these Incidentally, your DONE WITH NEATNESS AND Warists as founder police of a new mode religious era. Box 411, Panama, courts are the worst have made a triumphal entry into seen.
Chicago tc lay.
They are far too casual and bure.
aucratic, more like ill disciplined DESPATCH Dis mounting from New York Plans and Specifications Free class rooms than courts of lar.
at the. To me, New York em to b: Mrs. Annie Besant, president of suffering dollar dyspepsia the World Theosophical Society, First Class Workmanship In the great scramble for wealth AT THE the thirty year old Hindu walked you are losing the art of living.
impassively and benignly through Satisfaction Guarantead People have the sort of city thy a lane which police opened ahead deserve; and Nəw Yorks ci izens of him. He bent under the weight deserve New York of garland heaped about his neck In spite of his criticism, Mr. FLOWERS and flowers tossed by the crowd Dann said that he was going to onto the beads of himself and Mrs. Besant.
a second visit to the United ASANG Abogado. Attorney at Law States, but intended to go right through the country to the cific Chinese Logic, OFFICE: No. 44, ST Coast. BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY of existence altogether. We have TELEPHONE No. 1317 almost reached that point already man who resided abroad bad for the Liberals in the House of employed for many years an exCommons are s) few that they cellent Chinese cook, fe dec ded Practicing before all the courts of British Party Troubles, have no effect on the party bato ra se tiie man wages. the Republic since April 1914. When the chinaman received It is always possible, however, THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER 3) long as the increase weed money at the end of London August. Observers as the party maintains the month be said. Wły bave aboard who may be taking any iis separate identity at all that Dentist Howell you kind of loterest in Br tish parts a day night come when the num WITHOUT AN EQUAL Because you have been such a disputes will still fibd plenty to bers nf Conservatives and Labour good cook, his employer replied.
engage their attention in the in members would be sy nearly tornal Don fail to try it Then you have been swindling HOUSE 912, LA BOCA troubles of the Lib 1 qual that the adhesion of even me all these years, said the Party. They are CANAL ZONE.
of more impor bandful of berals to one side or Chinaman.
ance than might at first sight the other might make all the dit(Opposite the Restaurant)
appear, cause wbat is really ferenca. And it is not certain for Office Hours: a. to p. m, Involved is the question of that matter that the berals whether Great Britain, where always wl be mere hand:u.
No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
Have you tried the to p.
the two party tradition of gov Some of their leaders are pre.
DAILY ernment is strong, is really in dieting with confidence that the new Beer process of gitting back to two day of a great Liberal revival is parties on PHONE 1941 BALBOA more. Conserva lat band. All that can be said is Kronen Brau tiver and Labour surviting a that there are few signs of it at Specializes in all the branches the Liberals ing Equer zad out present.
side from WORKMAN PRINTERY Da Contra Crespo paid me me more ADVERTISE


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