
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 1926 PAGE SEVEN BARBADOS EL GAITERO Tragic Accident THE ONLY ELABORATED Cider Champagne sudTake Notice Chesterfield Ho Ro Co Famous Products GARETTES Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR About a quarter to three o clock on Tuesday morning says Spanish Cider with its he WEEKLY Illustrated of the 21st alt. a tragic accident occurs own Carbonic Acid. ed at Mason 1 Street when a Dan name1 Augustus land, 50 years of age while engaged in That rounded out trimming a tree fell from the same and died on the spot. It appears that Holland was sa wing North American Tobacco, flavor no one off some of the branches of this and added to them, the dotree and when ab u thirty feet lightful spice of choicest URETIC AND REFRESHING Tarkiah, in a blend which bigb held a limb wbich he was tobacco can give cannot be copied cutting. The limb broke off Trade Mark derly and he lost bis foothold, one tobacco by itself no fell over a pailing into the next backyard, and instantly expired.
VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ The body was taken to the Public S, produce that satisfying ChesterMortuary on the Ret grounds VILLAVICIOSA field taste.
where an inquest was held at p. by Deputy Coroter SPAIN For Chesterfield is a unique Seen on a jury. The autopsy was mixture of distinctive tobacco performed by Dr. H Bantister who stated tbat death was ESTEBAN DURAN types Virginia for sweetness, due to a broken neck, and that panel accordiogly returned a SOLE AGENT Turkish for rich aroma, Kenverdict of accidental death.
tucky Burley for mellow body.
For the Republic of Panama And once a smoker tastes the Ordination Service.
famous Chesterfield blend, it would appear that no other cigThe STANDARD of the 24th arette can ever satisfy.
ulo. states that an ordination service was held at Michael Catbedral, yesterday roing at 80 o clock. when Mr.
Mallalio, BA, Codring on Colwas ordained a Deacon, by Regular Assortment of His Lo dship the Bishop. Mem bers if the clergy prisont were: Archdeacon Skeete, an Shank.
land, Canons Reece and Murray.
CIGARETTES Reverends Hutson, Calpan, o. SUCH AS (skyfield comie, Hodgskin, W John Briggs, Mandeville, Frederick, W, o. Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Bradshaw, Matalieu.
aw, Clarke Aunte, and Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Ry. Frederick, preached a very appropriate sermon, and Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, the service wbich was attended by a congregation of over three hundred persone was very im etc. etc. etc.
Interesting West.
The Workman Printery (Continued from page 2)
Arrival of Colonial Secretary.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE them by the Executive Council, the Legislatur and myself; ard Panama City. note with pl a sure the tribute The same paper of same date Corner 12 Street East Avenue with which the Report concludra says: to the services of Mr. Mr. Stewart, tbe recent Green, the Secretary to ly appointed Colonial Secretary We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also the Delegation.
of this colony to succession to watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Mr. e orckorowo, Four Found Hanged in English been promoted to the Colosial Workmanship is guaranteed.
Increased Cost of Liv cretaryship of Teinidad, arrived here on Village.
ing in Demerara Chaleurday night Der from the WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED Islands, via Canada, accompanied by Mes Stewart and three chilJEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. GOVERNMENT REPLY TO LABOR dren.
London, Aug. 18. tragedy as terrible Owing to the late arrival UNION PETITION, of the ship Mr. Stewart did not as that related by Thomas Hardy in his novel come asbore until yesterday From this date on, Control of Foodstuffs Prices morning at 12 20 o clock He Judge the Obscure is reported form Patmore was met on board by Lieut Col.
AUCTION SALES Heads, Herefordshire, today.
of Police, Mr. Scoute, Actis will be held every day from a. to pm.
In connection with the reso Colonial Secretary aud When neighbours broke into a cottage lution passed at a recent meer Brandburo, DC. to His ExEx named Chez Nous there they found its four ing of the Labor Vuion and cellency the Governer.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall forwarded to the Government after landing Mr. Stewart took with respect to the increase in the oaths of oltice be pleased.
and assumed statoes occupants, a mother and three children, hangihe prices of foodstuffs and of his duties immediately after.
ter, ing dead from hoods in a back room.
rents, Mr. Habert Critchlow, Mr. Stewart principal Secretary. Treasurer the Assistant Colonial Secretary of The mother was Mrs. Halse, a woman of Union has received the following the Fiji Islands, where he held reply:several responsible positions for education and refinement, aged about 50.
Colonial Secretary Otice, twenty one years.
Her children, a boy and two girls, who were British Guiana, 25th August, 1926 remarkable for their attractiveness, were aged SUICIDE Sir, am directed to acknow thirteen, twelve and five respectively.
ledge the receipt of your letter dated the 26th uit, enclosing a When the Schooner Marguerite copy of a Resolution passed at a bound from Damerara to BarA physician said that the four had been AND meetics of the British Guiana bados was about 150 miles from dead for several days.
Labor Union the 25th the. Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Juiv on the subject of increased passenger Walter Hunter, of similar incident in Hardy novel created prices of foodstuffs and rent. Alberttown, Demerara, shot him. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages to say that Government is a revolver while cilting in bis deck nineties that the novelist definitely abandoned As regards foodstuffs am self through the chest with a such an uproar when it was published in the opinion could give stances do not warrant the conthat present circuplanation of the deed. letter Summary of Contents: The chief complaint trol of prices.
was found pinned to his chair the wricing of novels. The question of rent is was the only clue to the solution, against Jude was that it was not true to life.
History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years the being dealt with by a Committee Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, appointed to consider the matter. farther trouble and desired that not wish to give bis fam ly any Mrs. Halse had been separated from her Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, have the houour to be, sir, his body be buried at sea, which husband, a well to do business man of NewYour Obedient Servant, was doue.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour. Sgd. OWEN, ton Abbott, for some ttme. On a table were Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Assistant Colonial Secretary, Players found three letters, one of which was adThe Secretary Treasurer, Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and British Guiana Labor Union. after relinquishing his position, dressed by Mrs. Halse to the coroner.
Interesting turned his attention to diamondDIAMOND DIGGER BITdigging in the course of which At the inquest Francis William Halse, the he was bitten reeently between woman husband, testified that he had not TEN BY SNAKE.
Price 50cts.
the toes of both feet by a said to be about four feet seen his wife since 1919 and had no knowCompanion Drains Poisen by by mala de final de los tres bois legs ant ledge whatever of the existence of the third Incisions.
Secure yours now there will be (a great rush promoted bleeding then applied for them.
local remedy. The mishap child Patty.
Says the Demorara Argosy of occured at Back Canister Backthe 28th ultimo:dam while the men were out Under the separation order he had allowCopies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Mr. George Trotter who some prospecting, Mr. Trotter arrived Panama time ago was engaged on the in Georg town yesterday, for ed his wife money for the needs of herself and mail services operating from farther treatment at the public (Continud on page 8)
Bartira to Kamakusa and beyond hospital.
was of STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History snake was near


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