p. 8


ites Shots wel that com Classy Races her predial cero.
Jia 70 munio. three.
it Miss Mildred Taitt Tomorrow Races. CHURCH SERVICES Last Sunday Races Passes Away Indications point to another Sixteenth Su day After. Trinity not too naughty weather good day of racing at Juan AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH fo: this time of the year enticed After a somewhat protracted il.
Franco Park tomorrow as the (Anglican Catholie)
a large crowd of fans to enjoy ness of many months during which the nine races at Joan Franco she suffered untold a guish, Miss Jockey Club has arranged: a St. Paul Church, Panama Park on Sunday afternoon, The Mildred Taitt, Panam inian, pass.
nine race program which Rev. Night ngsle, Retor)
track was a bit stift but witbed away on Sunday afternoon last JUAN FRANCO exception to two outsiders in the at about two o clock, at her late СК gives promise of an afternoon. a. Holy Communion. The Rector of real treat. On the program 10. 15 a. Matin Me FR Atwell, betring who came through and resideuce No, 48 Street in this there are three races for Catechist.
rewarded their backers with city.
TO MORROW handsome dividends, the favour10 30 a. Huly Eucharis germa, Miss Taitt was born in Colon native horses and six for imran true to form. The thirty two years ago and lived there ported horses, Dardanela, he Retor 12 Holy Biptiem Long were Zapo in the for the greater part of that period. Sunday September 19th, 1926, Excuse Me, Zapa and Feno3 pm Caurea Seaool.
tirst rase, paying 28. 30 by winShe was well known aod much meno being listed to take the 30 Coral Breasons, vermoa ning Cococha, Candlewood, Zapatespected in the windy city and in and Dctator, to the tape and her youthful days was a field over tive furlongs as the The Rev. Canon Melcber.
Clia in the sfthrace. Celia known figure in social circles curtain raiser. These are in Tuesday 21st Feast of St, Matwon her field over LA Gai zona, community. About three years class native horses and thew, Evi ngelist Holy Commun and paid a lump sum of 42. 10 Belle Sauvage, Oriental and Oransmicileto ill bealth, she was each is considered a good bet. io. at a.
in Panama where sbe For the main event in the un each two dollar investment had many friends notably among Mora, ridden by Jockey them being Mise Louisa Capen who Races for Imported horses Reina imported Division, Pereque, St. Alban Church, Paraiso Hidalgo, in in the main event, a looked after her all the time she and for Native bred Ponies Towello, Frou Frou, Dandy CANAL ZONE.
seven furlong handicap for class was sick here, and to whom much and Spear Blade are booked (Rev. F. NIGETENGALE, imported to run a mile. UnquestionPriest in Chargo.
for a brother on the At atgap which tic side and WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE abiy this ought to prové a at the start, opened Matic, and addrers a. Mr.
a sister in the States good race. 04bre. Catechist Pereque, who was a bit slow to Mildred bad no other knowo reFrou Frou is again listed 3p. Church Schal Concert (Para ge. oit could not recover, and latives won easily. Perkins brought in latives in Panama AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT to take part in the ntnth race Clubhouse)
Brave Lassie third and Bolsbe mains were taken from her late On Monday last her mortal rewhich will be over furlongs, Rev. Nightengsle. 30 Choral Evengong sermon, viki could not keep up with the residence to the St Vincent de taking up 126 lbs against In.
bot pace the Catholic Church, the others and blew up on the Ancon Avenue where alteru rebel Everybody will be there. Don miss it. fante in, Olla 11, Spear way.
funeral obsequies were observed, the Blade 106, Argentino 100 and St, Matthias Mission who came in the First Race Starts p. Sharp Poncho Roto 92, LAS BABANAS money were Fab, tirot Piasto, hier preceded by Father Colbert, a of The other two races for na. Rov. NIGUTENGALE, BED. secoud and Ruso third in the and followed by a large gathering tive horses will be over Priset in Castgo.
second raca of ibree furlongs of friends, was conveyed to the ADMISSION Matuels. Fap: 50. 50: Herrera Cemetery where interment furlongs each, while all the p Church School Pyasso 90, Ruso 90.
Lucero and Sister Cecilia in was made.
Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
others for imported hörses 30 Evensong and address peculiar incident in conection will be over furlong routes.
Mr. Richards Catechist.
the thi d, of five furlongs. with this funeral was that after the Special attention has been 80 and 40, Sis:er Coc body was committed to the earth St. Poter by the Sea, La Boca paid to weights, and tomor, it was Cap. V, Alvarado in the fourth discovered that the corps was in Four Found Hanged in English Village row meet should prove a American Episcopal (Anglicno ComTace of 4 furlongs. 60 most interesting one.
Holy Communion 6, 80a. The Chiqui in the sixth race of the wrong grave and it had to be taken out and transferred to the Rector.
turlongs 00 proper place. This Oils and Middlar in the eighth tunity for Mr.
3, Alfonso Fereira their children. The order contained a provi. ST. PAUL CHURCH (Continued from page 7)
gave the oporHoly Baptism 30 et seven juroogs. Olls 6, 50 who took an active part in the Matins, and addrese 11 a. co Lay Resder Mr. Hunter. 5, 50 and Meddler 90.
Neelab and Spear Blade in the ceased to the second fuoral. to give a eulogy on the desion that after the children attained the age of SCHOOL Church School p.
ninth race of five furlongs. ment, and it is stated that so im. nine yearshe had a right to call upon his wife Choral Evensong, sermon. 30 Meelab 00 and 13, 20; Spear pressive mway personstipre elit do to send them to him for one month each year. EXCELSIOR THEATRE THURSWILL STAGE BIG CONCERT Daan Meridith 6, 50, caused to The Dean will speak primarily werp on the work of the Episcopal NEXT TO the sister in the States and This year, for the first time he had written to Church in Hayti. During his recent furlough he visited Bishop Carson Sparklets others closely connected to the ask for the children, fixed the date for tomor. The grand Concert announced and had the opportunity of seeing is tended.
row and sent money for their travelling ex. Paul Sunday School for which is doing in the Black Republic by the teachers and scholars of St. the work the progressive Bishop (Continued from page 1) Ths Week News. penses.
elaborate preparations are being Come and hear speak about it.
It is hardly a correct time to vote made will take place at the Ex Tuesday next is St. Matthew complete success for the grafting, next Thursday Day. There will be Holy CommuThe coroner, in summing up, observed celsior Theatre but iv is quite time to sảy that it Coatinued from page 1)
nion ot 7, a.
Rives every promise of healthy instant, the three cabarets in Cho that judging by an insurance policy found in Preceding the Concert Program Browth and indications of abundant riflo the Boneme. California and THE GIRL GUIDES.
juiry fruits. Why? Because Connor Half Way Acuse. on account of the house the youngest child was born in production will be shown on the Mrs. Coostaoce Rose, the new tbe title of which is The Cap. ain of the First La Boca being conducted by a force capable which were rented brawle he thesis of 1921, whereas Hales had been in Escape. of separated of conducting the bnsiness; a in versal Picture. No extra charge would be glad to meet all Patrol ta product busr Captain Grimaldo Instructor from his wife in 1919.
nes which is unsurpassed on will be made for the show as it will Leaders. Guiders, Brown es, and the of the Natior al Po ice Force, part of the evening enter. Owls, next Monday evening at the Isthmus Captain Grimaldo was shot by pro Rosendo Alvarado in the B5 o clock, in St. Peter Church, duction of the same kind of com: heme Cabaret shortly fo e mid. the to older children got to their father they St. Paul Sunday School høs La Boca inodity is concerned; a always given attractive programs. and died JT. MULCARE, Rector, poor thereby making.
that their lies both the heiglemand Santo Tomas Hospital Tuesday would naturally talk of their small sister to and this year which will be the since will be for it far exceeds the output; a Police Captain was actualed bs an ainh was het in bed. he him. Everything points toards the reason for diversified amusement consisting St. Barnabas Church, Emp: business which is conducted under overdrawn family fead.
of fancy drills, song dances, conit was this terrible tragedy.
the a neatly built and well learned.
stume plays, songs, recitations, am Rev. Micar.
dialogues solos kept concrete structure, the exChurch Scho p clusive property of the Association Don foil to atiead and gain a Caorl Event Đg and addrew p.
Burglar gets Heavy Sentence.
Latest Details. Sad Death Of maximam of pleasure at a mici. Lay Re der fairly demonstrated in the con business methods, mum of cost Doors will be opened at 30 Canal Zone Public Schools nothing in these that cannot be For burglarizing the Post Ex. ontinued from page Continued from pagel. o e ock, and everybody Who reached by the of the Association officers. Connor fernandez. CogozelErnesto wide experience with regard to the relatives and friends. The funeral Who will be there.
The public schools of the Canal Fernandez, 19 year old Guatema: diet scale and his appointment is obsequies were conducted by the suceese must serve as a conclusive Zone for white and coloured chil.
lan, was sentenced by Judge Mertin regarded as a good one.
Rev. Cousias pastor of the proof that it is not impossible for in the District Court at Ancon, on dren will be re opened on October Isthmian West Indians to conduet Tuesday The appointment of the Con mis Colon Wesleyan Church, at the Havana Improvements.
1st. All American ehildren on the last, to serve three years sion to enquire into the recent dis residence of Dr. Hamlette and also paying business on a large scale and six months in the penitentiary turbances at the Geners! Peniten at the grave, Isthmus, including those residing and thereby quietly but effectively at Gamboa. When arrested Fertiary the in the Republic of Panama, are of prisons in Many wreaths, tokens of con Havana, Cuba, August 27. entitled to free school privileges.
xlsorb much or all or all of the now notnandez was identified by the Post the and it is expected that before over from Panama by friends of spent ia improvements in the city island is now in pro dolence and sympathy were sent Thirty three million dollars will be all children living in the Canal openly recognized and dimuni. Exchange Barbor as a boy who had gress tively remunerated skilled as well generall ng as surplus West Indian labor bere previously worked at the Exchange the end of the present week an the Greaves as also guite a number of Havana during the next ten Doyees, are entitled to free whether of employees or nonConnor is a successful effort, and as a boot. blark and Barber ap official anaouncement will be made of residents from this city went years. presidential decree, signed school privileges: but no child will and prentice, as to the personnel of the Commis. over to attend the funeral to day, authosizes the appropria be admitted who will not be six successes of this kind are those together with the terms of Mrs, Greaves was a native of the tion of this amount from the pro years of age on or before February that help to promote one of the reference.
Another Trained surest ways to invite, strengthen Singer island of Barbados ant came to the ceeds of public works taxes.
1, 1927, and hold for us as Arrives sa community From what can be gathered the Isthmus a little over two years at of other communities.
members of the Commission will which time she arrived to be the NEGROES RESCUE. To honor such leadership is encuminclude the following: Col. bride of her bereaved husband, of all Another coloratura soprano bas Mudge, General oficer Command a very quiet and pleasing disposi: GARVEY EMANCIPATED arrived, time womsabóod. To support to (Continued from page 1)
Full very extent such bareness as the cast are the draine Foster who member om Bilgileri ve Cowboys sie mit Geea ves made friends of of the Legislative Council all with whom come visiting brother Foster, for St. Catherine; Hon.
United Negro and for berpage 1)
of on road. Negroes present Acting Superintenda attes member at ens eller tive Council eile a portation genuine contribution to the com Miss Foster was a popil of Doctor the Superintending Medical Officer community, Pectable coloured opposition brings to light and in men paid no attention to the cries the Panama Railroad Company. for Manchester and Dr. Wilson, in our social mon welfare of West Iudians here, Narcico Garay at the Panama ner worth of the Negro heretofore of the women, bad risked Enquiries were made at the helping community several Conservatory of Music but left Penitentiary yesterday and was To the bereaved husband and loverlooked or underestimated their lives that they would not bit it épbespieces headers of economiche e katory dumber of years ago Period iebra Palerway quiet and readers sincere condolence in their sergrony gleaine to follow through and there are the solente Coloff relatives Whether we reorganize it or not these same young men.
the less progress.
had Negroes car been studying voice and orderly.
sad bour, opera abroad. She made her debut further deaths had occured No in Italy days when wiser he. ds and as an opera singer about amongst the mea wounded in the more throuwbly trained minds will broken lise M6 Master suffered a collar bone and two years ago. It is learnt that riot on Friday last.
brirg to a his crude beds, while Miss Gray got an bruised Miss Foster will give a few recinings at pemerine and transform Why pay double price Small parties were at work but flest wound in the back retals here, the the main body of men had not yet for inferior imported League Meeting resumed their laboure. It is antiWhetber bis movement continues quiring several stitches to close. No or not the changed idea about one knows in which direction the Boer when you can Dr. Wendehake cipated that the regular routine color ig to felt will be restarted to day.
white men went in the excitement buy a superior Beer MEDICAL CLINIC ish West Indians will hold its being black are further removed not secured.
the colored men were such as BALBOA for regular meeting to this City to from our minds. The benefit 7, 025 Front Street Colun ADVERTISE night.
halt the price.
ALL ROADS WILL LEAD accuring from this will add matOPPOSITE R, STATION In The Workman It Pays be present.
All members are requ stei to erially and culturally to civiliza THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF tion.
JUAN FRANCO MOTO BOW, out a quality of. It is manifest, he added, that when forme per roof of a and piano as there is a and sion the bent on true manhood and aud has the a ing tha miod of го PHONE 11


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