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PRICE Cts. Cy.
New Immigration Law Victims of Lightning In Affects Foreigners Here Tolle of now plans to in Costa Rion Govern Country Parts at Jamaica GARVEY THINGS TO SUCCESSOR BOOM SOON very your which cap: Rica Gain Support of Negros Railway Loan West Indians and Others Leaving New York. August 30 new The contract for the electrifica. Three Men and one Woman programme, to in the support of tion of the Pacific Railway of Panama Will Not be Allowed negroes alienated by the tactics of Costa Rica owued and operated by Struck Dead at Crescent Park Marcus Garvey, was announced the Government (using wo as its to Return.
last night by George Weston, principal fuel) has at last bas been And Youth at Gayle.
Dewly plec ed President General signed by the Executive and a The immigration of West Indian Negroes to the Repub ment Association, at a meeting at Engineers. It only leaves ratifica of the Universal Negr) Improve German Comrany of Electrical The Claremont Correspondent telegraphing the lic of Panama will be prohibited if a bill now before the berty Hall, 120 West 188th tion of the Concession by Congress GLEANER on the 14th says. National Assembly enacted into law. The bill in street, for the work to ba immediately Very heavy rain, accompained by lightning and thunquestion passed its second reading on Saturday last.
Weston announced that the started.
der fell here to day which resulted in the death of four Article one of the bill in question forbids the entry of follow us of Garvey had been The company styled the G.
Chinese, Japanese, Syrians, Turks, East Indians and West entirely defeated during theses. Allegetarine Electricates Geseli persons. men and one womanat Crescent Park, Indians of the black race, to the territory of the Republic sions of the Convention held this schaft of Berlin, has a zreed to ad miles from Clarendon.
month. The Garvey surporters vance the Government a loan of Five of them took shelter in the root of a large cotton Cuban Negroes are not included in the prohibition. Immi met their fiual defeat on Thurs tay 1, 850, 000 with which to purchase tree and Laura James, the mother of one of the dead ones grants from all other nations and races are welcome, at the election and withdrew from the necessary machinery. The escaped alive tell the tale.
The bill further provides that after the date on which the o ganization, work is to be completed in thirty this bill is sanctionee, the Panaman Foreign Office will issue Unfortunately. Weston said, months. donkey was also killed on the road at Crescent Park from lightning.
no more passports or certificates which would permit the the public has up to now seen The Executive is enthusias by Prosper not return to Panama of those foreigners whose immigration is only Garvey and knows little bit lichtere bene teks woáter fula ined killed. She was taken to the acting and treated forbidden. Panaman Consular agents will advise the autho. anything. of the organization ha that there will be a wonderful env.
has so gravely misrepresented. ing. Twenty years is given to which Dr. McKichan visited the spot where the four dead lay rities and steamship agencies in their consular jurdisdiction The organization is faced with the to pay for it, but it is expected it and inspected the bodies. post mortem examination will regarding this new provision.
imme linte task of setting its house will be paid for much earlier than be held. fine of 500. will be imposed on those persons who in order, and re establishing itself that.
American Bankers have also got BOY STRUCK DEAD AT GAYLE enter the territory of the Republic despite the fact that their in the esteem ao respect of the Am world.
representatives endeavouring to Gayle, September 14. The village of Gay le has been entry is forbidden and upon the payment of the fine they Garvey is confined in Atlanta make a loan of 000. 000 to the suddenly plunged into a state of great sorrow due to the will be deported. If the fine is not forthcoming the guilty party will be sentenced to a jail term and deported upon its write about nieverthelees hoe om te verhindert to mobile top improve. tragic death of Luther Thompson, a pupil of the Gayle Gove tinued to direct the association your certain works. cf improver ernment school, who was struck dead by lightning. Hervin conclusion.
through his followers. They have ments, by way of roads. water jail sentence of from six months to one year will be established a new organization works, wharves, etc. but they ca. Nelson and Aston Hyatt were terribly shocked. Continued on Page 8)
The children were in an outbuilding at the time. It was imposed on those persons guilty of helping the introduction under the tus oí Garveyites.
about 20 m, when a heavy downpour of rain accomof prohibited immigrants and in the evevt of a repretition of pained by one af the fiercest electrical storms ever wit.
the off nse the penalty will be from one to three years in SPARKLETS jail. If the guilty party happens to be a public employe he nessed in this district. The qutbuilding was rent.
The lightning also struck Mr. Donald Silvera house will be dismissed from his post and forever rendered intelli(BY CK)
which is about half a mile from the school. It also rent gible for further public posts.
Steamship Companies who bring undersirable immi An Innovation.
Leacock, the cabinet maker, and a considerable portion of his pasture.
on Spinster hood from grants to the country will be subjected to a fine of 500. and compelled to return them to their respective ports of origin: gentle reader, over such classical You may have discovered that Instead of worrying you this week Miss D: Bull, the happy epinster, JACK DEMPSEY DEFEATED whose entry is forbidden will receive as a reward half of thrift, frugality and the ke, am in the preparation of the pro Champion Did Not Show Usual Form and Was Any person denouncing the presence or an immigrant but, to the frentally indisposed, among the persons have men BY GENE TUNNEY study as that of economy, tioned the total of the fine imposed after it has been collected.
introducing for Thirty days after the promulgation of this measure The deration suggestions for the intro pould either eara a fortune or careful classic from Executive Power, through the provincial governors will duction of which would Easily Outclassed.
order the taking of a census of the foreigners affected by ought to keep us in just ab eood in eam have polite.
omittarame of my third not better humour ihao normally The tuult o er, the battle this measure, at present resident in this country.
Authentic copies of this census will be supplied the time. am thinking, seriously, Richards, and so make thing. bum for som die orell, the SEVEREST STORM IN some being left out is this: reason for the world heavy weight Boxing that boy Champion, by outboxing and out HISTORY corresponding photographs, in order that in this department the fun it Foreign Office, together with the identification data on the re sellion to you in book form, for dabbles mostly in chrichristians squared area at the Philadelphia certainly all as ty, a generaling Jack Dempsey in the of the Government, a general census be prepared and said you the fun and profit are versed in; and so with excep, stadium on Thursday night last Devastates Miami, Florida foreigners be required to take out residence cards. it ought to bring tion to an Invocation which before the largest and most specThe Bill was further dabated on Monday afternoon in been appearing in this column Frank Reed, the Lay Rrader, nessed a fight.
of the little sparks which have would receive gratis from Brother tacular crowd that has ever witthe National Assembly and the remaining clauses were from time to time, of course Cablegraphis despatches reachannexed to the Forwari It is expected that the would have to delete the rough paragraph of the works, would approved with minor amendments.
ing here on Sunday and Monday Anxious crowds all over the of this week gave a graphic account Bill will come up for a third and final reading during the edges; the thour bts for the most leave out that sabject. So as not lothrious waited with bated breath of the virtual wiping out, on Satur coming week although it is reportod that some deputies are one of those of bofoma disposition to plagiarize e mac walbe no idea sults of the tistic battle that was day morning laste of eie cities of and in favour of further modifications.
normal. on whole. would not inter Miami and Palm Beach, her to although you masa there my ap especially pro e with poetry and decided which of the two Fiorida, by one oonaco bave cause tu HEAVY SEAS ENCOUNTERED plication of the King English owing to the fact that warring gladiators should Moulton our poet lau the heavy weight crown as cham. perverest storme in history, accomneeds re touet ing. Bu. pained by torrential The But with the BY BAYANO kind assistance of such memhers ofte is on an uolimited leave of pion of the world. Aod when at velocity of the wind reached as some minutes past ten o clock on literati as Brother Sam Whyte absence in the interior of Crion Thursday night the cables flashed high as 135 miles an hour bis, Good Ship Ran Into Hurricano. Excellent Soa of the Police graphet volled Woments lacad by man hexos semblance of would preface decision, there was great relaxation, drove harbor crafts to manship of Captain Swain.
libelous Brother E matter escape therein!
noble contributios to Negro in practically every erealoopainettoia wreckage while the floods followed Hunter, the people history with my red in Jamaica, Sept 15th The voyage friend; Brother Reynolds ado Owa good casted; the in baconare time, e tudies the procefaite a doua com o ate of the Bayano, from Avon Sydney MoClean Award slepias butterfly and astronomy: or be placed book, as a finished awaiting the results. There wae a quick suecession wreckibita Dans when the news were broad everything. The fleeing mouth to Kingston, which ended in od Degree.
the when the good ship was docked either killed outright Mrs. Linda Smart Clubb, dopes of the big of whom thousands were recored.
The who backed either shortly after 7o clock yesterday member of the Society of Young product would, in fact, represent Jaches of the many deshed to were made miserable while they bachel Dempsey were to frantically tried escape, the insca drowning ma y that the passengers who traveled on Sydney MeClean received the Editor of sorts, all of whom mind would rather my stuff boastfally anticipating a big baul. paling buildings and all kinds up. We are glad to state that Mr Gaskin, the Critie; Sidney, Youngco who but a few minutes before were others caught and killed by bert the panot likely to forget in a gcod news a few days ago from know more or less good English Ridiculouseld und theirs. Sub. gradually thioned until there were debris which were being carried burry the La Salle Extension University composition, the finished product me.
few through the air by the ferocity of For three days after the depart. in the States that he had passed would be made into something Wbile the circulation and sale of for Tunney to tell the tale.
the storm, ure of the Bayano from Avon an examination taken recently readable mig it be According to the cablegrams. muuth dense foge were encountered, nere, under supervision, and had As free contributions to this among the o:her fellows as might both men stepped into the ring to the reports, that the hurricane On the fourth day the lifted awarded the.
fog conditionall for heavy rolling sens presented them McClean is a native of Barbados proposed laminoiule volume Labout the beats buy fit life ameriend the fray, and From the tap of the struci Miami Beach from the selves. request article on would on its. heir tan Bahamas, whirled viclently and their Friday when the good ship ran into elementary Schools after which he from Brother Sam Whyte who it would at least serve as a test gong which sent them on a hurriegne in the vicinity of longi entered Lynch high school. We know more about that subject to prove in what extent we the round journey it was a batten spread northwest across Ilorida, swot into the tude 67 degrees and latitude 23 de Spry Street Bridgetowa. Ho came to be any otner living, Negro, on the willing to support our own honest wous at, with Dempsey adopting his with death Mee Gouttif, MexiIsthmus; Teachusual gnies. The passengers were helow decks as the waves mer gered to the Isthmus and wonle here took idg of Negro History should tel. This is one of my budded ideas; lefort io meet the tornado wiicb. mgde to attend to the dead.
opponent whi e fuadey made no dily and all the inhabitants panie, few were a course with an American school Included in the sides of the ship which was talking to the study oncourw. Ho ex principal of the Government use it up at the present, spring it courage and confidence as seldom Cross that most worthy national ly darled themselves in fury against which tap the foundation for bi culum. from Brother Sam Inuis then some day, if happeu not to and cautious and fought with a Tite American National Red in completed law in La Boca; on. etdy. The wind had then in March 1925 bed wees the timeques Woman and her Rghts from Mrs, would consider it as included in the fight progres. ed it was noticed with its forces to rescue, feed and Modern as yours (although if you do that displayed in nioden fighting. As instination, was eariy on the scene reased to to sit the examination to Linda Smart Chubb; one per hour, and the vessel rolled obtain the degree. Mr. McClean Lio on our progress just the same) Let that Dempsey was tired while administer to the homeless thousometimes asuch as 32 degrees. is to be congratulated bis Agnosticism from my friend me hear from you may pronto.
sands of them propertyless and inTun ey appeared to come Gaskin the Critic; one up jured, while state militia who were has enabled a As the st wards bad elosed all persistency which fresher at each round, ports holes, the cabins became fear. bim to acquire the desires of his Drama or Exceling in Cabinet TAE POPULAR HIPODROME OF Scientific Mu ic, The Spoken ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO The bout went the limit of the order and protected property. Proalso rushed to the scene, kept (Continued on page 8) ambition to be a la wyer.
Making from my friend D, P, JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW. Continued on page Continued on page 8)
of Himipulian, would bring subject which we and me, some te vers to he eyes Share sperse the that of the and do with also but ligesoetc. Then cits groups an inset among heigh or group Pentr. Was one of the most efforts.
Не School, on 011


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