
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1926 THE PROSPERITY TAILORS CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Six Months. 20 60e.
Ono writing, DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING built conduct Educate the Child THE WORKMAN (BY PHILIP LEWIS. Train up the child in the way be should go, and when he is olc, Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies he will not depart from it.
WALROND, the office No. 83 Central Hon. Correspondence on all mattes These words of the wise man Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
Solomon are especially written PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be for those who are blessed with written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription the production of offsprings.
must be accompanied by the name of These moral virtues are to be One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicainculcated by the prudent. But tion but as a mark of good faith.
bow many do heed them. In Three We do not undertake to return refact there are few who know 25.
jected correspondence.
them. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS Many dear parents believe that the only form of education SATURDAY SEPTEMBER, 25, 1926, the child requires is the advance knowledge of reading, and mathematics, therefore THE NEW PROJECTED LAW.
every energy or effort is directed along these lines; but, from time to time. It has been proved that measure of law at present before the National Assemtbese faculties must be obtained bly of this Republic, will, if passed in its present state, work OF THE HIGHEST ORDER in conjunction witb, and must be considerable hardship on West Indians domicile in this Reupon other points of education which will fit the young public. According to a forecast of the measure which man or young woman for any appears on the front page of this issue, any West Indian position in our present world.
residing in this republic who may be compelled to leave here Work Done While You Wait According to Webster, the for any cause whatsoever, will not be permitted to word educate means, to bring return notwithstanding he may be a property owner, up; to cultivate and discipline in business or in any other way one of independent means, the various powers of the mind; from this and no charge on this government.
TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED we see that the knowledge of reading, writing and The projected measure of law alsoincludes Chinese, mathematics is not all that is Japanese, Indians, Turks and Syrians.
As it is known that many West Indians here are land Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Oa a test it has been proved owners, house owners and otherwise engaged in what may repeatedly that ninety five per be considered as permanent business in the cities of Pan ima Ladies Garments carefully handled cent of young men and women la our village, although fitted ele.
and Colon and in such interior towns as Bocas del Toro, mențarily for a position in the David and other parts of the country, it will be at once seen cammercial element, lack the the akward position in which these people will be placed, REID Manager proper knowledge of good man should any of them be called away either on domestic or pers, courtesy and discipline wbichle business affairs.
equally eesential for the filling of aby position and the Let it be supposed that any of the parties affected by a sex XXXXXXXX proper of one anywhere the projected law is desirous of taking a trip to Europe or Some parents think that the say to the United States in the interest of his business, school teacher is responsible for this; unless he be armed with a return passport, no steamship but it is not so. child would dare to accept him as a passenger for Panama; enters school at the age of six or seven before this, his for according to one of the clauses in the Bill the Panama understanding and vocabulary Foreign Office will not issue any passports or certificates begins at bos. e: a he is able to which would permit the return to Panama of any of the understand and express blmsell, the th foreigners whose immigration is forbidden.
seeds of good manners, Generally, West Indians domicile here, are of the courtesy, kindness and discipline should be planted lo his mind opinion that a law restricting the immigration of foreigners and form the first por don or to this Republic is in order and highly neccessary, but in so bed rock of his education. in far as it restricts the going and coming of persons domicile school the other portion added to this, helps develop bis mind here for the past decade of years or more and whose interest to that quality which makes him are more or less intertwined with those of this Republic, the proper young man of to day it is believed that the law should make provisions for those, and the respected and intelligent As it is reported that some of the Hon. Deputies are old man of the future.
in favour of certain modifications, it is the general wish Once a lawyer who wanted an among those affected by the projected law, and even office boy, Inserted an Ad in many others, that the clause restricting the going and comthe newspapers. On the same day ATsmart looking boy entered ing of those already here will be greatly modified, and be bis office in answer to the in keeping with the mo to Pro Mundo Beneficio on which applying for the position; many this progressive republic is founded.
questions were put to bim whlen be Do or yes. He was told to return next day. Another bov applied few hours later, who conveyed less impression than One Law For AU.
the former boy: the same ques. tions were put to bim and the polite and mangerly way in The following timely article which should be read with which ne answered them, gained more than mere passing notice, is culled from the editorial the approval of the gentleman columns of the NEGRO WORLD: wbo at once employed bim. The form of education possessed by Long ago Dr. Washington laid it down that there can.
the secold boy was not acquired not be one law for the white man and another law for the in the school, but in the home.
black. Nothing The properly looked could be more judicial than that definition of whit law tion to Orlanda, Fla. When she reached Jacksonville she NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES alter at home vergroten the should be. But the law may be good and the enforcement was ordered into the separate coach and refused to go most successtul pupil in the school and is always admired by of it may be bad, or the law may be bad and the enforce into it. She was arrested and confined in jail over night (From Our Correspondent) bis teacher and his school mates, ment of it be bad. That is the case of most of the laws and fined 500 by a justice of peace. Her contract was an Mr. Jam 28 Aldridge, aged 76 (Continued on page 5)
enacted on the color line. bad law and bad enforcement of inter state one with the State of Florida, according to the bad law. All segregation laws and regulations based on ruling of the Inter State Commerce Commission, was years, rative of St. Ann s, Jarace and color violate the fundamental law of the land, bound to respect. Lawyer Hayden of Chicago, being matca, died at bis residence here at mid night on Saturday last cheating one set of citizens at the expense of another. Law in Atlanta, sought to purchase a Pullman reservation and the 18th, Instant. He was an old themselves in the best possible of contract and law of protection to life and property, the was denied and ordered away from the window by the timer on the Isthmus, apd one of mander; they spend their time. is pioneers of colony: daily openly fiouted and violated in segregation legislation an ine just held Payden allegation was not sustained and that it right was much impaired for and they are friendly contato immunity from responsibility and punishment it gives to was shown that the attiude of the Pullman Company was pear his general health was also come quite. wbile, and during this everybody with whom contact, and by the mobycratic element, which thrives wonderfully when not unjustly discriminatory. It is a notorious condition in the impaired; but whenever he was their excellent behaviour they are not restrained within bounds.
well There would be no mob and lynch law in any State if reservations. The rules of the company may be, and we bisebougb be went around in certainly fit for auy Bociety, If manner of legislation was not so designed and enforced as to victimize und rstand that they are, against such discrimination, but bis broad. wile and in love and the United States Army Weremos friendship with every body. He the same character and the black man and to give the white man immunity from the agents of the company treat the rules with contempt was faithful member of the as these four gentlemen the punishment when he robs or murders the black man. and are not punished by the company or the courts. And Wesleyan Methodist Churcb; army would indeed have been an Color lines an color bars work that sort of demoralization since when was a man or compauy held irresponsible for and he was also member, and ideal one. Their names are as one of the founders of the House followe. Sergeants.
Biny, everywhere they thrive in our own country and in foreign the acts of the agents done in their name. man who construes the law and the facts as. Burton Society of the Church of New ard Gray and Bender; they bold of countries.
lars Charles Le Clair; Privates RichThe separation of races on the color line legalized in Fuller did in the case of Lawyer Hayden should not be alProvidence, which was inaugu are attached to the 63rd Service travel and the inferior accommodations given Negro travelers lowed to hold a position on the Inter State Commerce Computer and told me to one alega, eta gero o repertoriano: Squadron, Field.
funeral took place Sunday hardship on the victims which provokes a dangerous spirit The only way to ovecome the injustice of separate 19. at p. large gathering unwelcome visitor to the jungles If we followed bie mortal romains from bearby the village, viz. Mr.
of disgust and antagonism in the victim against law and travel laws and rules is to keep on fighting them.
bis residence to the Church, and sult of the conspiracy we cannot Reni Lion) what will be the reget no more than the equal accommodation all such laws from thence to the cemetery celebrat we want them abundant lawful authority All agents of transportation enter into contract to carry and rules guarantee but neglect to give us we shall be the which was manifestation freight and passengers; the contract carries with it equal gainers. Always, eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. the estem ia which he was held and exact treatment of the person and chattels. That is The ceremony wał coaducted by Mr. Markham, in the ab New Provibence is place fundamental law. When a State or many States make laws sence of the pastor of the where respectable soldiers and which discriminate against the person and the freight trans Calidonia Baptist Church Church. H, is survied by his sailors, and clvillanalso, and ported on account of race or the ownership of the freight, widow Mrs. Oliver Aldridge, and Olvil Service employees can come it becomes the duty of the Supreme Court of the United The Calidonia Baptist Church Why pay double price other relatives who mourn bis and enjoy themselves when they States to declare such laws unconstitutional. But the court tiversary services on Sunday will bold its Sunday School Anfor inferior imported lose; to whom we tender our are on vacation, and especially has not done that. As often as it has been appealed to it and Monday. At pm, the profound sympathy. during the dry season of the year.
Beer when you can We invite others to come and see has taken the position a black man has no rights that a scholars and friends will take buy a superior Boer for themselves that this invitaFour United States soldiers tion is no camouflage as we bave white man is bound to respect. That is a barbarous con part is very interesting prostruction of law and law enforcement as between citizens gram. The Entertainment such as BALBOA for are spending month vacation no doubt the soldiers above rewill on Monday tat at New Providence from the 4th ferred to, and many others wbo on account of race and color. 30. Pastor Witt will be chairhalf the price.
inst. They bave rented a small have come here before them will Mrs. Brookins bought in New York a Pullman reserva. an.
cottage where they are enjoying admit.
GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted A, ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply Into Eber conduct an success


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