
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1926 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Of Colon Attractions at the Theatres STRAND for from to Ice Cream Factory Bizia o Report For August The United Negro ImproveCECILIA AMADOR AMERICA ment Association of Colon bss issued their monthly pamphlet which, as a rule, embodies the PANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON monthly report of the Associatlon. The report for August Today, Saturday Sept, 25th Today Saturday Sep, 25th Today Saturdy Sept. 25th Today Saturday Sept. 25th which includes principally the and Clara Bow in Wm. Fairbanks in Matt Moore in financial transactions recepts Tomorrow Sundzy Sept. 26. THE RUNAWAY THE GREAT SENSATION HIS MAJESTY BUNKER BEAN expenditures ard names of tinan cial members is covered in ten Ramon Novarro in Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 26th Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 26th Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 26th pages. The monthly Letter THE MIDSHIPMAN of the President, Mr. Hector Marion Davies in Marie Prevost in Art. Accord in Concor, for this month carries LIGHTS OF OLD BROADWAY BOBBED HAIR THE TERROR some truth as to what Monday September 27th may be accomplished by by the co operative Leatrice Joy in Monday September 27th Monday, September 27th Monday September 27th efforts of West Indians here. HELL HIGHROAD.
Buck Jones in Jane Novak in Lew Cody in In stressing the need of sell. GOLD AND THE GIRL LURE OF THE WILD TIME THE COMEDIAN help among his people he points Tuesday September 28th out that many good men are Wm. Collier Jr. in Tuesday September 28th Tu sday Sep embir 28th Tuesday September 28th emplored by the Panama Canal Pete Morris in Art. Accord in Marie Prevost in fire THE RAINMAKER fifteen years BUCKING THE TRUTH THE TERROR BOBBED HAIR only to be thrown out with empty pockets on account of the Wednesday September 29th Wednesday September 29th Lew Cody in Wednesday September 29th dnesday September 29th restriction in pay, and who by Co operative efforts could rise Colleen Moore in TIME THE COMEDIAN Ramon Novarro in Jane Novak in to higher positions and be of IRENE THE MIDSHIPMAN LURE OF THE WILD inestimable value to the colɔured Thursday September 30th community Ma io Prevost ia Thursday September 30th Thursday Septembar 30th Thursday September 30th There is no question but that Pola Negri in Leatrice Joy in Wm. Collier Jr. in BOBBED HAIR Mr. Connor is thinking along THE CROWN OF LIES HELL HIGHROAD THE RAINMAKER.
right lines. The Co operative Bakery and Grocery promoted Friday October 1st Friday October 1st Friday October 1st by the Association gives promise Foid y October 1st Jane Novak in of great development; the sale Irene Rich in Wm. Collier Jr. in Ramon Novarro in LURE OF THE WILD of s product in the Oral Zone THE WIFE WHO WASN WANTED THE RAINMAKER THE MIDSHIPMAN is author d by the Executive Saturday Octboer 2nd Saturday Bctober 2nd Department of the Panama Canal Saturday Octboer 2nd Saturday October 2nd eives a good opportunity for Sydney Chaplin in Dorothy Revier in Lew Cody in Dinslos.
Leatrice Joy in Its THE MAN ON THE BOX ENEMY OF MEN TIME THE COMEDIAN HELL HIGHROAD Acco ding to the Association report for August, a complaint department has been established 09 obre complaints ard constructive criticisms of the business and service to the public will be CRICKET aknowledge of the conditions Woman Club is Active received and given proper atten.
and disadvantages in which our tion.
people are enveloped; and the The foancial statements for Susesx Defeats Kent by laying of a proper foundation in The Women Life Problem the month gives the receipts as Narrow Margin their minds; the structure of Club is now directing its atten 799 274 and the expenditures life, when built, will be as thesion mainly in preparing for a 787 274; the expenditures in CORNER 23rd. 24th STREETS CALIDONIA house that is built on the rock, which the members elude a loan of 105. 00 to the In one of the most exciting upon which the rain and floods are arranging to have during Grocery departments games of cricket witoessed on BELOW THE ELKS LODGE December next. Beautiful hardcare, but bad no effect.
this side for a long time, the In conclusion say: Educate made articles are being prepared the child at bome: Teach bim the by the members for sale on the Boy Sentenced to One Sussex c, defeated Kent Solicits the patronage of Lodges, Wedding Anniveroccasion at the former oval on Sanday proper course of life. Let bim last. There being no rain the pre saries and all Social Functions, also caters Year for Forgery know the wbys and wherefores vious Saturday night and Sunday of his own people; teach him to to a daily trade with all.
Regular Monthly Rally morning, the wicket was perfect know and love God; teach him to Manufacturers for Wholesale and Retail trade love and respect his fellow me: SENT TO WATSON INSTITUTE At about 12. 45 the coin was spun plant in his mind the bighest The Girl Reserves will bold INSTEAD OF GAMBOA PENITEN and turned up in favour of the Sussex skipper, who sent his Delicious Cream Cakes and Cool Drinks. aims and ambition of life, and their regular monthly Ridly on TIARY BECAUSE OF YOUTH, opponeats to bat. By careful last but not least, be sure that be Pacific side at the La Boca and cautious playing Kept put up he bold in bis grasp the full Clubbouse on Saturday Sept 25 Call and be Convinced Mail or Phone your orders On Friday last Commander the score of 52 rua for the entir knowledge that his supreme Mr. Robert Thorbourne will Watson of the Colon Boys Insti. side; of this total Baker was top Phone No. 1253 Box No. 809 address Miss Gartude Geopfarth, the accomplish only tbat at which Panama tute was called to the Magis scorer with 21 rupe.
Ancon, air General Secretary of trate Court at Cristobal to reAfter the usual ten minutos ed at home. achievements celve a boy who was to be rent intermission, Sussex took their PYLE, General Manager will be in proportion to ibi Girls, well as Miss Jean Mac to bis school The boy name is turn at the wicket. The innings Claudius Cumberland, he was for at the fall of the ifth wicket start disastrously for Sussex amount of knowledge and energs Gillivray, th: Secreput forth for them.
tary on the Atlantic Side.
found guilty of forging the name All girls are urged to be preof Paredes to a check only runs had been registered SUSSEX CC But with the partnership of ligious, commercial, political sent.
for 150. 00 at the Chase Nation Layne and Harding things Eistmond, lb Lynton. sceentitic or otherwise, did not (CANAL ZONE. NOTES a) Bank at Cristobal. gain began to look encouraging as Forteau Griffith their success through Installation Ceremony Before Commander Watson ar 2 frivolities and discourtesy, but rived, the court was packed with these two bats men carried the Price run out.
othrough the only gate way eduscore to 36 before Layne wis run Weeks Griffith.
friends and sympathisers of the out from then on Sasee forged Wentt Baker Lyntoa. cation LA BOCA The opening installation cere boy pari nts whose eyes were ahead until the fall of the ninth Nurse e McAllister mony and pleasant Sunday afterall bathed in tears at the The young man who is taught he wicket when the score was 54 noon of the St; Philip Lodge No.
THE ATHENAEUM thought that the boy would be and Captain Layne declared, thus Layne run out.
19 the wbys and wherefores of 50. Inc. of Paraiso, 15. and b Small.
his race will be able to see the will come off on Sunday, Sept. 26 but when the Commander put in one wicket. need of his coopperation to New Juniors Chairman at pm.
his appearance there was a sigh Atberely not out.
achieve a common good; he will All Galileans of Sister Lodges The scores follow: of relief and whispers of thank be able to see that his assistance and visiting friends and well NT J. Brathwaite run out.
great God. It was a moment of in the backing up of a common Extras. 3cause will accomplish much to the Miss Uadine Smith has been wishers are cordially lovited to deliverance. Perhaps the Judge. Ponder e Wentt Atherley. 21 attended is a a father of children, for he. Lynton run out. beni it of himself and his colored lected Chairman of the La Boca.
Total Booke lengtbily and sympatheti Grittit run out. 54 brother: but the lack of education Athenaeum Junior Night ProBrilliant Christening showing cut the great H, Nelson Weeks. BOWLING ANALYSIS prevents him. He canot see the grams for the present term, wreck the little boy bas made Marshall Werks. Sussex. o MR imperitive necessity for his co succesding Mis: Lennor Jump of his life in his young days by McAllister stod Layne. Price. 0 operation to meet as a means of sho filled this once with distincA brilliant cbristen ng of the tion blighting his prospects. He then Rankin and Atherley. Atherles. 0 10 bettering his own position an during the past term. Mis: twin babies of Mr. and Mrs.
called Com cander Watson. to Chatterton and L yle. 12 Weeks.
Smith election tok place at last Williams of Paraiso, cape of. 022 te week Juniors ght.
bench, sbowed him the hand Bennett, Harding Weeks Liyne. 0 11 14 It is very plercing to admire successfully on Suadiy Sept 19th.
writing of the boy and remarked Harper Weeks Layne. Kentthe young men and young women gular Agenda will again be taken at an early hour. The babies Eva Nest Tuesday evening the re large attendance ware on band that the boy had a better fist Smsil not out. Lynton. 3 15 of our village. To address them up and a round table discussion, and Una were e iristened by the than he the judge. Continuing. Griffith. 10 22 on any matter of import: probably on Mexican religious Rav.
the judge poinied out that the Baker. boy was of tender age and that Total oş ance, provokos the revelation of questions. will be one of the Rr. Cousins at La Boca We.
62 Small 1 the depth of frivolity and items, Mr. Reynolds, ex home to Paraiso. The function leyan Church, and were motoren it would be doing him more thoughtlessness. Many Critic. is listed on the program was the largest seen in Paraiso barm than good by putting him SETTES in prison criminals.
Edicate the Child expressed: am youps bend r a song.
for many years, and hearty conthese What everyone is The judge then asked Comgratulations were heapad on the. Bat they do ot know mander Watson if he would be saying that time waits do man.
parents. Harrison Leaves able to the lad any good in his (Continued from page The hour carelessly ep nt today: school and at the same time and achieves the greatest advac incurs tbe lost of of years in thp KRONEN BRAU 0000 300000000000000000 keep blm very busy so that he tages in almost everything in life. future. We know as a fact that Mr. Harrison, ex treas.
TRY might realise that be had done a There is scarcely any or no much cannot be accomplished, urer of the Panama Canal West wrong, not to bimself alone but superior to all cause for complaint against him, This condition ever existed and Indian Enployees Associat on to his parents also.
Good manners and courtesy are was fought by many great minds and Loyal Excelsior Lodge, KRONEN BRAU Commander Watson who 8 imported beers the governing factors of the life lo the past, who have di Manchester Unity, bade only too willing to receive the at: of the young man who will suc. without achieving their de good bye to his friends and ecON DRAUGHT youthful offender and to save ceed: the fostering of these lie sired aims; but, in the word workers on Wednesday morning him from the utter disgrace, with the parents at home. For of the great states men, last and later bwarded the steamOR BOTTLES replying to the judge said. Sic, which the little fellow was saved our race to succeed and overcome rick Henry. Let us say: We hp Macburia for New York am quite willing to do all that from the Gamboa Penitentiary: the many difficulties and ob must fight. They tell us that where ne expects to join bis gogo 1000 1000 1000 1000 1900 les in ing power for the little This further prove that Watson stacles by which it is surrounded, we are weak; unable to copa family and spend an extened boy. The boy was then turned Institute is saviour to the it needs education. The eduea with so formidable ad adversary, vrcatin, List SaturJay aight the over to him for one year and he youth of this Republic and that to cannot be obtained in the But when shall we be stronger? Boca District of the cause of West Indiac labor on the Panama Canal. The letter and fare wonento were presented by havious. The judge ordered that the public.
roaming about the streets and we make a proper use of the and ou this occasion be was pr. plbyees Association who WAS th parenta puy a monthly fee of states parks. the 500 t, the Institute for the that on Sunday last be peiden murke at de blodebe Grerteat, you musts which tbe God of nature sented with letter and a mo bareman of the functionele door way to bath placed in our power.
the as bos surprise visit to the Institute knowledge is reading. The great Our youths do not need to be expression of the very bigh Rent Receipt Books in Span Both the parents and others and found little Claudius install men of the past upon whose trained in the use of arms; but esteea in which he was held bish and English for sale at the in court seemed to be gratefully ed as office boy attending to knowledge the present elements with the most formidable weapon his ci orkers and the valuable satisfied with this decision by telephone calls and other duties. of the world are built, be it re of proper education in grasp; 89ista ace he rendered for the Workmur Printery he aims by the education acq. nts will be present to address the Grifti ch othere. 9 Extras.
among things.
do dance next are President Wagte of the Em


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