
indir Pain Enemy ia and disappear.
ot problems arising out Workman Stationery Store (PAIN ENEMY)
but charges in course of THE BEER The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
Up to date Jewelry caurse.
with FAGE SIX THE WORKNAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 25, 1926 Alies Again Charge ifle เI มาภาน iriliardi urioribitori his lifiกว ยให iitoeiiiiiiiiiig British Commercial That Germany Arms.
CUSES BERLIN IN THREE London, July 1925. As most OFBritish factories and industrial NOTES OF MILITARY ACTIVITIES enterprises depend largely upon Friendly Societies and Secret Orders coal for the generation of their ALEGATIONS DENIED.
motive power, the long stoppage in the coal industry has batIS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF Fren Milltoristic Crique Said pered manufacture to a stort time, and a few bave had to shut To be Intriguing to Interfere down entirely for shorter or With Locarno Treaties.
MINUTE BOOKS AND longer periods.
This has naturally affeut adversely the fidancial and commercial postSLOAN Liniment le proBerlin, Aug. 27. The recept Selaimed the world over tion of the country, but fortunof three new wllied notes on being Pain greatest enemy.
LEDGERS ately British commerce and disa mament, couched in what finance are based upon such firm Multitudes of people use and the Wilhelmstrasse spokesmen recommend it.
foundations tbat the effect bas ter med an alarming tone, was Rheumatic aches and paine admitud in offcial quarters Dot been anything like so serious instantly obey its command Suitable for Lodge Business hers to nigbt. In these comas was expected many quartere.
munications the Council of It penetrates right to the In the middle of May, it wil sore spot. No need of rubbing.
Ambassadors complains. oat It does its work thoroughly.
the military activities of Gr.
be remembered, in spite o the AT THEGive it a trial.
fac. that the country wa, called man patristic soci lles, ilg. enlistment of volunteers in the upon to deal with all the vast One bottle will convince you Richswer and deliberata otAt all druggists and dealers stacles placed in the path of the Geral Strike, the pound stelu e alla Control Commisling to eto above parity on the New York Exchange.
SLOAN sicn inquiries Sine On the Garuan Government we go ahead and Ango. com Paparanasan anggarapen grand managed and rear anananan iben it has ilucuated a litile, LINIMENT behalt it is alleged that the it bas never lost auch ground. When the termination The reply to the Entente will be question are baselesa.
Xosesssssss Oi the General Strike still lett formulated, it is stated not only ibe miners idle, everyone watchby Foreign Minister Strese ed carefully the mann, but by General von Pavels events, knowing quit well that head of the German military any strugels between coal commission dealing with disowners and minere is tradivouarmament matters There is a ally a stubborn ode; bui there tendency here to attribute the SUPPLIED BY was never any pa ic in the notes to intrigue on the parts of Joey market.
The positin the Freno militaristic clique was view quite calmly, the which is supposed to be desiricountry being convinced that in ous of stiiting up trouble the end reason would prevail and between France and Germany British froance and commerce before the Reicb admission to (cofidently resume their normal in every form can be seen the League of Nations, and thereby, it possible, preventing One Indication of the effect of here at its best See ou consummation of the Locarno treaties th: industrial situation which is Wrist Watches of considerable interest is the Germin officials concede that is brewed from the best returns of the Backers Clearing the Doucil it Abbassadors Bracelets House. As compared materials obtainable last latest move can bioder friendly ytar, there was a decrease in reception of the German petition bank clearings for the first half Diamond Rings ball at Geness. While the unpleasant of this vear, but the decrease and a hundred other wdorpcbaracter of the tes 19 coaceded, it is pointed ou: they are It is specially suited for this climate was not nearly so great as hd ments and you ll recognize been predicted. For London the merly additions to soma 2, 700 messages of a similar character is superior to all imported beers sold total clearings ir received from Paris during the Jatuary to the 16. oth suferit of why this is the LEADING here and it sells to the public at 199t six years.
year were 18. 410, 402. 000 as JEWELRY HOUSE in towr gainst 19. 038 712 000 during ask prices and you ll find still On behalf of Foreign Minister HALF the price.
the same period to 1925, another reason. Stresemano, emphasis also is decrease equal to 82 per.
laid on the alleged recent change in the provinces the be a les electory Fuller Jewelıy Store in attitude of the patriotic saciiogs showed a then this, Hull, Liverpool and 122 Cetnral Ave.
greater disparity ties. The order of young GerTRY OUR NEW BEER mang, the Wilhelmstrasse deManchester suffering Phone 629 clares, row is strongly in favour Manchester in parucular was of the Franco German aliance badly bit, the Manchester Bankagainst Bolshevik Russia, and a eis Cearing House showing so meeting to discuss joint action average me kly decrease from against the Soviets bas been of Contributors June ofanvatuary to the 19. old in general arranged btween German and about 670. 000 as comº French war veterans.
and our Atlantic side writers paty with a year ago. NavertheTo a certain extent the cluy SUPERIOR TO ALL less, when all the strain of ile in particular, are asked to of Pistnier Poincare as he recent industrial crises is taken draw breath when writing still appears to the Germaos is into consideration, these Egures and Condense their contribu een tu tha allied recriminations, is es give no cause lur alarm. tions considerably, to ensure Foreign Minister Stresemann, Another interesting standard publication.
however, bus no doubt that the by which to measure the finanFrench Premier means to supcial aed commercial strength of port ile tnuyor Germany into the country is the value of the WILKINSON ibe League. The disarmament business doce on thy otvelopment, it is felis possibly Exchange. The second quarur way be desigged for the purpuse of the year opened quietly, for Contractor ut vargaining with the Reich various reasons. There is idom over be number of French mach activity about Easter time: and Builder troops to be maintained in the and the problem of the Budget Rbineland, tends to sluggisbness on the Of every description Sloek Exchange at that particuHouse No. 20 lar period. Also, before the mar 28th NOV, STREET, ket bad time to recover from Canada Building Five these influences this year, the SAN MIGUEL New Ships DONE WITH NEATNESS AND General Strike came to depress is still ju ther. Box 411, Panama, Bearing these facts in mind, DESPATCH FOR THE WI. SERVICE certain UADER TRADE TREATY published os The Bankers Maga Plans and Specifications Free zine illa trate how well values tave been maintaloed dating First Class Workmanship Direct West India cable AT THE period of industrial unrest.
despateb from Montreal, dated Taking 365 industrial securities. Satisfaction Guarante si September h states that the it was found that their aggregate of tive new ships for the building value bad increas a Canadian Government Merchant from 384 000, 000 on the 19. Marine for serv. c) between that of May 1925 to 6, 490, 679, 005 on FLOWERS country and the West Indies in accordance with the terms of the the same date this year. The Indies Trade Treaty, is outstanding feature of this para Abogado. Attorney at Law ticular is thus the underexpected in local circle to Lying firmness of the markets. 07FICE: No. 44, ST underteken shortly, ancording to Business Dalrymple. Vict President British Consulate Notice BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY in charge of freight traffic Canewird. Buited, Polly tended tothe safest line for money TELEPHONE No. 1377 dian National Ruilways, and to take, but there were constant The British Consulat Colon these ships will bave refrigeradealings in other markets, and Practicing before all the courts of tor, and fieight would be glad of information as to the present wherenbouts of o speculative offers were not the Republic since April 1914 accommodatioas.
Mrs. Gertrude simpson, a native Deglected. Many causes have These vessels will be built in of Jamrica who is stated to be THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER contributed to strengthen GorCanada Mr. Dalrymple said. The residing in Colon; also of Miriam stocks offer to establish this new ser Murray, aged six, een years, native WITHOUT AN EQUAL poration issues, but in no direct, Dentist Howell vice has been made to the Gov. Jam tica.
ion has there been any sign of ernment by the Canadian GovMerchant Marine kod Don fail to try it real weakness.
Thus, taking into account the exceptional trials HOUSE 912, LA BOCA it is anticipated that some action GOOD QD00000ODODO DOOO DOO which the country bas had to will be taken as soon after the face, there is every reason to CANAL ZONE.
elections as is practicable. Mr TRY believe that it will soon recover (Opposite the Restaurant)
Dalrymple intimated It th its old financial and commercial Office Hours: a. to 1p. m, otter is accepted Montreal will KRONEN BRAU No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
prosperity when once it cau be the summer pot of the ser.
settle down to work. to p.
vice and Halifax the wi ter port.
DAILY ON DRAUGHT Rent Receipt Bo. ks in Span ADVERTISE OR BOTTLES ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO PHONE 1941 BALBOA Ish and English for sale at the THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF Specializes in all the branches IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS Workmak Printery 0000000000000000000000 UAN FRANCO MOTO ROW.
of Dentistry, most.
In portant.
KRONEN BRAU the 1st hoof JOB. PRINTING and this actually WORKMAN PRINTERY West onlar period securities, a Contra Crespo ernment


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