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Progress of The New Proposed Immigration Law of ho negroes. ile with with the Brookins House Former Officers of JUSTICE WHITE MEN MARTIN SENTENCED Held on Burglary Charge Tempers Justice With To Death For Killing Mercy in Passing Negroes In State of Sentence Florida.
Alleged They Broke Into HeadSection Affecting Return Of PerNow and again through the dark Florida las put four white men quarters Office And Took Away clouds of oppression and injustice in jail for killing Negroes. Two of sons Domicile Here Debated Money And Documents. which like a bevvy pall hanged over them face the death penal y and the career if the average Wist lo the other two have been sentenced And Amended.
dian on the Isthmus there breaks to life impri onment. Priit The latest issue of the Negro World to hand reports soine shining act of sympathetic Pringle, one of the two men who the following: The most important topic discussed in Panama now a regard for Lis condition which are condemnel to die, is the first It is well that the members of the universi Negrə im Ibing him a nav at bore nd en white maxu to be convicted of first days is the projected new Immigration Law now before the provement Association know that the officers elected at the cated. Such a coadition wis wit The accused are making the use Tuesday last and was referred to the Revision Committee couragement rot easily to be eradi, degree murder or bilim va Negro National Assembly which passed the second reading on Convention held in Detroit last March are, under the guid uessed in the District Court at efforts to avoid the ance of the Hon. Marcus Garvey, doing all in their power to Ancon a week or s) ago when Jutge what were xtraordinarily brura to be reported on in twenty four hours.
Article which is of special interest to those foreigners put the programme over, and this in spite of the efforts Martin in passing sentence on one crimes seeking retrials and combeing made by three self seeking Negroes of New York charged with operating a lottery on cording to the Asso siated Negro away from the Republic was debated at some length and Toussaint, Wist lid an, mutations of sentence; but, ac resident here prohibiting their return should they be called George Wesion, George Marke, and McD. Holder, the Canal Zone, trok into consider. Press the county officials who pros amended to read as follows: to stay the progress of the Association: ation the responsibilities resting osecuted the eases, seem deterrained When the Hon. Marcus Garvey was sent to prison che prisoner minhas made and toned the horish Floris opus ion for the Secretary of Foreign Relations will refrain from issuing to sce the course of juetice On and after the date of promulgation of this law the these gentlemen thought the ti ne had come for them to children to maintain the sinull seize control of the Association. They have tried by every and inadequate wage paid him by law, however, works paradoxes in passpor or certificates permitting the return to the country means in their power to make the public believe that theresia by a fire instead of the aut the Canal Governador pun saling for the is a split in the ranks of the Assuciation, when, as a matter ane sod co fineme it and declaring party of Noreets the life and one of aliens of those races referred to in Article 1, wh) may be from white eripro domiciled in the country and desire to leave it temporarily.
of fact, the Association is intact, and they are the leaders follows:the other she punishes Exception, Powever, will be made in the case of those of about one hundred persons in New York, members of th The fact that you have a wife the commercuring for themselves aliens whbefore the passage of this law were married to New York Division, whɔm they have been able to hood and Mrs. Blanche fact that you get only 32, 50 bought in New York a Pullman wink estate.
They even had the hardihood to stage a Convention month, which the Court no rescivation for through trip to On Wednesday a measure of law was introduced attended by their paliry New York filowing, and have becitacy, in saving is inadequate Orlando, Florida, Al Jacksonville prohibiting the naturalization of those aliens who the new themselves elected as President General Secretary Payeronth of the cofonit, me pay. she was asked to leave the Pullmao law terms as ineligible of admission to this republic.
88 a leaving General and what not of the Universal Negro Improvem ni 21, 60 with which to buy clothing. Crow law, she refused. At Palataka with Florida Jim Association. ood and other things necessary for Sie wks removed from the train. NOT CHEAP ARGUMENTAThere s humor in this, and everybody enjoyed the comfort and welfare of your limpriscued over night, and in the joke. But those wnon the gods would destroy they first family, leads the Court to beliee mornine fined 500 and costs, the TION BUT CONSTRUCTIVE that this is a case where merev pro maximum penalty for a Jim Crow make med. And so it was that last Thursday mo ning (Continued on page 8)
vislation ACTION.
George Weston, Giorge Marke and Wesley McD.
Holder staged a raid on th: headquarters of. ices of the Association at 55 West 13th Street. Westun and Holder FURTHER PARTICULARS ON Says Mr. Babington Simons Who Opons a Fund With 25. 00 a and window eluding the night watchman, and entered the building, TRAGIC DEATH TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: with or withont interest. but the Mark was at the front door with a few of his victims and h: soun gained admittance. The upshot was that the police Of Alleged Jamaican Stowaway at Santiago, Cuba of maintaining the defense of will be spent and all bills paid, by Sir: Wien undertook the task understanding that the amount were called and Holder was arrested, the others having Aed.
Westies here, it s not my inten our. Japanese Colonel to be He was held on 000 bail on a charge of burglary. The eged atrocity on boord tion to indulge merely in cheap appointed, say Sparklets. Items to warrant for Weston arrest on a siniilar charge was also the SS. Ola cho in Santiago LEADS IN argumenn musim cuts and quips, few set of pretty tiles or a. personal journa include procured and he was arrested the following day and held on barbour some time ago will still be yards of linoleum, electric clear in our reader 000 bail. He spent the night in juil. Marke is still at (to keep Sid cool while he Shipping in August was st. ted at the me in the in the end, the liberal According to the Panama Canal: evolve che prevede lervice.
of suber views would help shaves) a few costs of paint, large. The case will come up for hearing on Tuesday, Cuban Prres that Gebler, the mile Record. official organ of be Pa ply u September 21 of the Olancho confined one practical plan, to sup chairs, tables, mirrors. clectric elippers, a year subscrintion to It appears that when the impostors gained admittance Jones, a stowaway, said to be a nama Canal, 464 vessels used the It to a the Triends in fully evident is that may be responge bog ka na loro como e. gool. a few poiler for acts of insubordinu. this year. On this figure the chiemand when od led for the other advertising in the local Westies a burst of (Continued on page 8)
tion and that when released Jones ited States of America supplied side, had no such useful intention papers, Terme for returning the was in a practicall; partozled con the greatest sumber, 236, which celing that he has vio:ed the ques amount and other points, to be dition and expired at once. SPARKLETS net registered tonnege of ion without as mach as califng on arranged at the meeting. UnThe Gleaner took the matter 979 453 and raid 1, 129. 772 95 in his backers to present their con doubtedly we have had a lot of. By WC K)
up and enquired editorialiy mahirat tolls. British ships came next; 110 kuru bicetem to meet their eliti The old Hebrew pr phets And many other shining pets reports, if any, on the matter had of them used the great waterway cism been received from Mr. s. carrying a net tonnage of 444 124 Add thereby justify their Canal. They are here pictured on event, Protector of Jamaican im and saying tolls. Cartoons The good Book, amounting to Easy Stret in Uncle Sammy Number One: An al le bodied own country.
The prayer book, migrants Cuba, and Aeting 52 take it then, they retire from ships And the little old bym book, West Indian (oldtimer) on the Consul came third with 22, net regis the field completely bestea since we at Santiago Number threr: When you shall Now for an ansavory look Canal Zone boasting of havi all agreed, be full repot on the matter hos tered, honnage 42 044 tolls paid constructive. and as they are a 99 At that ankempt pocket book.
giver sixte yer of the best have collected 50 from Pach of been made to ing the 7000 West Ladian workers ou Jamaica by the Goverment 99; while Germany of Japan and able to advance the latter, they wilt open the fund with 25 00 service to Cucio Sammy, hy having the Canni and Rilroad, what are at Havana the British Asinister fifth 10, respectively; the one Torever hereafter hold their peace. cheque attached to chairman to build and now helping to the which very Jinro tem. And if iests Young, operate the Panama Cawal, the you gong to do with that 10. 500 different complex on on the case, carrying 55 418 net regisrtered ton about Westies here engineering which airing have all along admitted, that Jingles o thefault the first place that nage and paying 969 817, 63 in tolls you would ask of us for annual modern time. He is pictured re is no proof at all that Jones and the other 39, 999 in not tonnage hings nre as bad with our masses brigadeput up 250. 00, amongst the West India y old oues and paying 50, 925. 80 io tolls. as it is with all other masses. But making a total of 300. 00. Surely themselves, ceiving the balance of the maxi dues? ask was a Jamaican. more gave imum 00 timer on the Canal, of Sam allowed him 580. 00 ho who is gazing on him from under a Wayte national nationality as Juso Slavics was listed as having from the begining said, and still a Canadian American, Jamaican, month. He is really not one who ball head which the rays of the Honduranian, Haitian, und from tered tonnage of 3, 281 and paying workable remedy based on a practi coming from the classes (Westies ap, furnished one, carrying a net regis do say, that what we need, is a the other 200. 00. will carries the cruel and pernicious 105. 00 il mondum thesebeme and colould become onlyToading the positiog to gbiga paid coming We keep was all 50 appears too Lig an amount for at once site imagined he could can be founp as to what cationali Ione. Det tonnage 34 lift old 206, 00 for quiet.
STANTIAL ASSISTANCE. And an employee to pav aw.
am through with merely ship in the Panama Canal West pany with the balance of 6, 999 em: Because, fault airing rears an awful wording on the question of Westing man, William Jones, in Jalodian Employees Association. ploscolato su better world, Wat: mac who thought the dead mau Joint Musicale at The here having come to the point Notice the 15, 000 or 20, 000 in a might be his nephew, has been toon in the opposite corner sitting short space of time, easily change communicated with bo ynds there Variedades.
And when our friends are on dislike where, one must either put up or shut up once and for all.
in juxtaposition with one of Uncle the face of our economic condition, como relationship off that scent, they can be sent, rare musical treat will be of Brother Elijan Hunter is certified by given at Theatre The to Yours truly the greatest orgacization of unodero bistured duck ruhu ok ground with cors previously partly insane comərrow afteruoda by the pan advance even the slightest sugges BABINGTON SIMONS tim: bis head check full of matter when and had had to be confined before ama Symphony Orchestra and the tion, makes me conclude thalie he expects to emp y in the columus on the voyage when Number two: Here are Mr How of the had destroy. Atlantic Glee Singers of and Severs and another Usain Number people REASON ed furniture, etc, in the rooms be of Colon Several classical City boys are Young in name and in COPIAPO WINS AGAIN who, a few years ago, carri here with Meats Indians was placed in. He had also tireat are on the program, both from the And uw to give the puland ands of de llars, collected from white paper what could be done refused to submit to the same treut lending vocalists, Mesdames Olge our critics are, lic a chance to better underdisembarkation Sautingo Joves. On the program will also be threrstand the splendid tpye of men Copiapo, Mr. Raul Espinosa thousands of West Indien work with amounts such as those meo ment as three o her stowaways and King and Adela Walker Hedly ollowing helpful plan. That we raise by Joekey Aranda, wou his second suggest the fol. crack thorou zn bred horse ridden Panama Canal and Railroad. The tricksters extract Sam Whyte, President of the Pana, in the ramp room which needle. Colon. Mrs King will sing Felice Appoint, say Mr. Waliodai the nesday According to cable adve and tioned by a Caual ol! timer to was placed by the first inate Gebler this city and Miss Rampie of fund of say 500, 00 race in the United a:es ud Weded that fortune from the poor ma Caual West Indian Employees to say is newiere near the boilers. a new and specially prepared classic Workman, chairman. Call all the received here from New York, workers by telling them that they Association. Severs Compeny) would com Number Five: Itehmian West he was found to be in a dying conbeing released two hours later cal number.
city topsorial artists from the Aranda rode Copiapo to vietery pel the representatives of Uncle Indians Sleeping; their pockets are dition due to partial asphyxiation. grants has notified the Cuban ing, whose ten nancy is secured by like an Earle sunde. After the race West, and select one of good stand. a whirl ng head to head finish Sam on the Zote to pay West In balng run through by the Chinese diatis salaries equal to those which Syrians, et al. Happy Me sium. and it is expected bis trial will present at the trial and will furnish estimate for nicely fitting out his around the scales to give him a Gehler is still confined in prison Government of his intention to be a long term lease. Strike a liberal hundreds rushed to the rails and American citizens receive for their Retrace these with coloured take place some time next month, a full report to the Government place, and offer him a loan of noisy greeting with cheers nad service to their vorum ot on the cryons, you cure.
Mr. Ewen, Protector of Immi of Jamaica.
that much, properly guaranteed handolaps.
the minds of but that exchange of painfully with a Bri were fourth 17 feat of greatest It appears מין there He his Varirus tines as be forththe scent: cnr.
we in a bent, the numbers the main.
ers the On


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