
THE ONLY ELABORATED THE GOVERNOR CONSIDERATION, Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid Pleasant Experience, Cider Champagne Crowd Chesterfield Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products town and Interesting West Jewelry Shop The Workman Printery the and Was which Ocea The The troop of thirty three Boy Seguts which left here for Barbados in the Lamport Holt linar, Voltaire, on August witb In any language good tobacBeout Manter Hugbescou speak for themselves.
Olivierre in charge, returned The quality and good taste of Chesterfields need no in URETIC AND REFRESHING bere on Sunday morning in the terpreter.
Taste, taste, tasteD.
Trade Mark Donat ejable time.
On arrival at what else matters?
were met by representatives of Bridgetowo they VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ the different troops of the Island OOD taste knows neither frontiers and Mr. Griffith, Reception GOOD S, Officer, along wití th) ComVILLAVICIOSA nor continents.
missioner and Sea Scouts. Whea SPAIN On taste, and taste alone, Chesterfield they got ashore they were acco ded a bearty welcome by a is America fastest growing cigarette.
of specta ors who hd assembled ESTEBAN DURAN And its steady growth in popularity on the whart and snapt we taken of them as ile y Dipared SOLE AGENT here rests on the same solid foundation.
to leave for the Camp at Gon skillful blend of Turkish and North Hill where they were taken while For the Ropublic of Panama their American tobaccos, perfectly balanced later by Police waggons.
luggage was brought up iu yield rich aroma and mellow fullTwo days after thuir arrival they were visited by Mr.
ness and, as a result, a cigarette which Robertson, the veroor, wbo door tastes immeasu: bly better than any made a tour of inspection and one tobacco smoked straight.
congratulated the troup on tbeir efficiency.
The boys were busy attending dances and entertainments got Regular Assortment of up for their benefit in the days that followed. They played cricket match against local term which tbey lost and several Clubs lent them their grounds to CIGARETTES arrange football matches amo. se SUCH AS themselves. Everytbit was doce to make tb ir stay a most enjoyable one. Sue Oficers were inTonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, vited out to tes parties and were afforded several opportunities of Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine playing tennis and other outdoor games ablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
The Camp bing some distance trom away from the etc. etc. etc.
ses, motorcars and cycles were placed at the disposal of the visitors to con convey them on sightsee ing tours of the land. There was an excursion to Bathsheba, famous health resort Continued from page dinner in their bonour River at the lee Hous. Hull. The only 93 CENTRAL AVENUE untoward incident EL EXCELSIOR TRINIDAD ed during the visit was when the Panama City.
boys had been in camp for. week one of their number. Scout.
Corner 12 Street East Avenue Usefulness of The Boy Never mand had to be removed to Motammed GRENADA BARBADOS Scout Movement, hospital. camp was We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also diately fumigated and mode Federation of The West Indian Cricket watches. Our prices are the lowest and our (Frum Weekly Guardian) municated with arrived a tew Workmanship is guaranteed.
Excellent uso bas been made Barbados in hospital and is on the dayslater. Mobamm:d is still Windward Islands Tour to England.
ibe ment for the further cemer ting way to recovery WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED Discussing West Indian Cricket of bonds of onion between some The odicers and boys all speak The Wesr INDIAN commenting JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. of these Islands. The visit of the in glowing terms of the hospital. on the question which forms the orihe future and the 1928 West Trinidad Boy Scouts to Barba y extended to them on all side Indian Tour says:Eozland, the dos and to Grenada bave led to They mention especially the inter The wonder in wby some Advocat in a leadiog article beest which the Governor took in practical step is not taken first bon lmperative that Soalas of Control for From this date on, them, Beeldes ween the boys of the IB was present wben tho troops amalgamation of certain Goyatives each from Trinidad. Bartion to the descoberta de inspec to bring the Windward Iolaads concerned, and, 28 in tim camp His Ezcellency together? Why not begin by AUCTION SALES visits will be to be returned; there can be no doubt about it that were entertained at lunch on the ornment Departments of the walca and one each from the the bados, British Guiana and Ja.
will be held every day from a. to p. splendid beginning is beine grounde of Combermere School Windward Island. To made in commend direct on which must und in all ways he showed aken suggestion of amalga nation with Leeward and Windward Island itself to all those who interest in the Scout movement. Grenada we say an empathic no? 10. no. group be sent up. the board Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall have the linking together in It is a blind a sugg ston as can osrrange tours, govern finances.
be pleased.
srea appoint selection Committees thought and action of these Naparima Disaster.
be. There are at least when dratt rules and superviae West Ielande. Boys who meet ore sons why 8t welcome another as Scouts and who know gion lodian games Insular and Inter well planned scheme of fusion all that the Movement Stands MRS. BITCHON AWARDED with Trinidad, and these are a) colonial prejudices should not prevall and peity jewlousies be sure to do their OND to promote greater eficiency in such as clamour tor equal pro 1, 400.
little bit in getting other boss, certain departments of Civil at least to thick less of petty Service, and (b) to edect ec no portio of places in the team on Insular jealousies and part of the The Naparima be bow Colonies, being all Along the broad lines of their mission bas offered the sum of my would be elected by any especially Jamaica, be the 1, 400 to the widow of Mr. amalgamations with Grenada, aside. We must have the best glorious British Empire.
Hitchon who lost his life and it positively certain that team and the best captain. the while travelling, frem Chaca that colony ciocanneord be able lodian Team contained at least paper adds. our last West chacare to Port of Spain lo the the scheme of the. AND Road to Teteron Bay, Feb Naparint on the 17th of eficiency, we seek for our Gora la rele acelea membaro. Eopetai is the Advocate of by February. This claim bas been ere the police. Can Grenads Challepor aad Bt. Hull and wonMessrs.
Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 EXTENSION SCHEME APPROVED Pizwilllam Co. Solicitors on offer us eficiency it that colony. derful bowling tests by Francis behalf of the widow. Mr. Police Department were lit ked and Griffith in 1928. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Finance Committee Recom Pitchoa who was an Englishman up with our Police Department?
Trinidad 18 No; absolutely no. And our police LIBEL CASE monds 8, 000 Expenditure Missionary with a view to belor would not be able to help the admitted to Holy Orders. During Grenada police. It will be sad underSummary of Contents: The Flance Committee bas no short stay to the Colous case of the blind leading the stands that the defendant in the Mrs. of blind, approved of the expenditure of History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years Walcott Hutchinson Kinch 1! bel 8, 090 for widening and improv Stadents attending the Traio belp Can Grenats give us to this besnokher 29:b in the Court of the for Anglical Take again Education. What suit has applied for date of Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, ing the Western Main Road which has been fixed for Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, where it meets the road to lng College.
matter when like us they are Maqueripe Bay and for its exgroping in the dark in trying to Common Please. The plalotifts Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, tension to Teteron Bay.
solve the education problem. And have applied for commission to This Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual sum is the unexpended balance in other department of the Road Scbeme allocation Have you triod tho as in these, take certain evidence in Newthere canot be the falntest hope foundland to which the defendPlayers of the 1, 000, 000 load.
of the Windward Islands helping now Boor the other to greater efficiency.
ant has agreed.
It is further learnt that Mr.
Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Then Windward Islands DeFreitas, one of the fo Interesting Kronen Brau Improvement of Side Union means retention of the ofa leading lawyers of British Guiana Paths.
fice of Governor of the Wind ward bas been retained for the plainIslands whleb public opinion in tiffs along with Messrs. Price 50cts.
St. Vincent and St. Lucia is in Ward, and G, Adams. Mr.
Tourist roads with favour of Board has recommended the tracke bardly usable. The advocial benefit of the soilonilo finar Aameip. Wells of Trinidad is apImprovement of side paths to cate of improved roads sees.
We believe the Governor bus pearing for the defendant.
Secure yours now there will be great rush enable better use being made of bowever, in the announcement first submitted the report on his for them.
them by.
that while main roade in the Teteron Bay bas been approved. of State (which is correct euis before acquainting the Secretary It is a Trinidad resolt to Copies may be bad from the office of the WORKMAN City, for instance, are kept in and 8, 000 recommended to be quette) and will atter that put of State.
excellent condition, lanes in out spent is recognition by the Gov the scheme before the public for We want to bear abont fusion Panama districts have been allowed to ernment of the importance of a discussion. It is unreasonable to with Trinidad bat urion with Ret into miserable condition. proper road scheme in the expect the Governor to go telling Grenada name oi 11. The St.
Areas along the Colony main opening up of the Colony.
from Dan to Beershebs the Vincentian.
for, will Cast STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History of Arthur Accepted by came out to Hostel Tbe


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