p. 8


Races! Races! Classy Races 10. 80.
OD for class The Workman BOOK STORE jost on Clear weather predominated reaEiyhteenth Sunday After Trinity From Turks Island to JamaiNearly all the starters at on Sunday eresing last, and AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE ca Met Hurricane Jnan Franco Park tomorthere was a fairly gocd crowd at (Anglioan Catholie)
row afternoon will be Juan Franco to take in the St. Paul Church, Panama HAD NARROW ESCAPE given five furlong distances.
rac; the ladies were most con.
spicuous which added greatly to Row, Nightengls, BD. Ractor)
FROM WATERY GRAVE over which to prove their the brilliancy of the occasion. a. mn Holy Communion Reet JUAN FRANCO TRACK merits. There are eight races The track was fast.
10. 15 Matias Atw. ll, on the card and six will be Mr. Espinosa Super Catechist.
Goria, ridden by jckey Scholtz, Having been given up as over five furlong routes.
TO MORROW 10 30 a Hly Eichiriat seren, lost, the Schooner Mary sprang a surprise in the seven Tae Reet.
The program will start with Sultan which is owned by a five furlong for furlong race for class im pm Church School Sunday October 3rd, 1926, native the Jacobs Commercial Shiphorses which will include ported horses, by winning ber 30 pm 20 ti ping Agency came into King. Dictador, Zapa, Don Simon, Roto, ld of five other horses, Ponchobe Receptor Cbəral Breasong, sermon Sister Cecilia, Novica. There will be a service of Holy Cone ston harbour on Thursday Repulse, Harold, Ruso, and Translate and Celia, ani psid the firma:ion on Wedasdy, b inst. at night, five days overdue, Intimo, and the second a sixbreest!
tlumpsum in the mutuels 30 tp. The Rv. James Craik looking none the worse for furlong will be contested by Morris, D, wille noirm the class.
Mr. Henry White Roa the terrible experience Excuse Me, Hope, Dardanela Mr, ridden by jockey Hidalgo, St. Alban Church, Paraiso through which she had pass. and Peter Pan; while the third won the featur: event the filth Races for Imported horses CANAL ZONE.
ed, says the Jamaica HERALD will be over five furlong with race of tive furlongs for class (Rov. P. NIGY RENGALE, and for Native bred Ponies of the 25th ulto.
Zapo, Candlewood. Rialto. imported borses, beating up in a Priest in Charge.
The Sultan is a forty Chiqui, Fenomeno, Cccocha.
tional Anist. After a prop iing 45 am, Holy Communin and ser.
ton schooner which trades and Fap as starters.
WOO WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE start under the able direction of min between Turks Island and The feature will be over Jockey Perkins, Brave Lassie, pm Church School and Conti mthis colony. She has, as her turlongs and Brave Lassie was unable to maintain pace tion Lastrueio Oiboru, master, Mr. ry Eb inks, will take up 126 pound: and ticisbed tbird Bolsheviki, Catrebist.
AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT Caymanian Skipper of against Dhole 124, Frou o.
the fourth horse, lost time in a 30 Choral Evebong and acmarked ability, and thanks 115, Infante 07 and Araucana bad start and came in last.
Jockey Perkins rode in seven Mr. burne Catechi to his experience the Jacobs to contest over this distance.
of the right races on the afterEverybody will be there. Don miss it. Co. is today fortunate in The seventh event over noon program. He woo St, Matthias Mission still having this boat affoat. five furlongs will bring out in the tirst race of Candlewood First Race Starts p. Sharp The Sultan was loaded Carcajado 126, Meelah 93, five furlongs for class native 448 SABINAS race hors p, In the second of (Rev. NIGH TENGALE, with a full cargo of coarse Clandina 122, Argentino 11 seven farlongs for class Priat la Cargo.
ADMISSION salt from the oth inst. and and Marcela 105.
Tunported borses he tock Oan in at the end of a field of four 30 pm Eveasong and address pm Church School was scheduled to leave In the last event the follow Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. Turks Island shortly after ing are booked to take the which was won by Girol2.
Mr. Richards Jatechist.
for Jamaica.
ridd by Jimea He again won field over five furlongs: Tigre on Fap of the Stud EI Carmen in As a result of storm indi 1:26, Novicia 123, Altanera 107 the fourth event of tive furlongs si. Puter by th Sea, La Boca cations and warnings, how Bhomba Gordo 107, Socia Jative ponius; in ever, the Commisioner and 104, Belle Sauvage 99 and this race Moore brought in Dun Atprio in Episovpal (Anglican Com Collector of Customs Simon at Peter Pan 90.
ia second place and CALL IN AT mua. Bazi rode Zapa wbo ran tiid.
Turks Island advise the cap The program therefore is an Matios, sod address 11 a. Lay Perkins rode Brave Lassie in the Reader Mr B Hunter, ain no to leave port. She ettractive one and should feature event and Meddler in 3p. Church Schol vas detained until the 15th furnish the sports with a high the sixth race, ruaning out of Choral Evonsbog, sermon. 30 nst when weather conditions class entertainment tomorrow the money in both. He again The Rre or eemed favourable. aptain afternoon.
ton Celia in the seventh but MULCARE, Pries in Charpe.
banks left East Harbour at he mounted on Araucana is the spendid win over Carc do who st. Simon Mission, Gamboa eighth race and led ber to o clock, and did between Ihree and four miles per hour, LEGAL NOTICE was pick as the favorie, aod The Lit ny Hly Lucb rist und Sur.
until about 13 miles from mon 10. 45 a The Rector No. 93, Central Avenue To the third race of farlongs Church Sch vol2 30 the Turks Island banke when he drifted into a calm. It was Notice of Pendency of Suit for class imported horses Silver King, ridden by met 2, ASSORTMENT OF Mating, and not until o clock when the won an exciting race from Mar: School and Evening Prayer will be and Addr se, Church wind sprang up from north UNITED STATES DISTRICT cela with jockey Moore up, while neld at St. Barnaba Church, EmDandy won east, that he set sail and gut COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE won bandily in the sixth pire, and St. Bartholomew Church GOOD. STATIONERY clear of the banks. He then Balboa Division a mil und ın eighth class thorough Cance Las Cascadas, at the usual bour made four miles per hour, but for ly the Lay Readers, SOUVENIRS, his program was voted at o clock on the following CIVIL No: 738 complete success from all angle: JT MULCARE Priest in Charge morning (Thursday. there FITZ BERESFORD BANNISTER good riding and the absence of was every indication of a ter.
any otj ctionable features having Plaintiff, sports New Lodge Berved to furnish the Former Officers of rific gale ahead. The wind be.
with a maximum of pleasure.
gan to freshen up and it was MERCEDES BANNISTER ESTABLISHED AT LA (Continued frou page 1)
clear that there was a disDefendunt.
Canal Zone Notes. BOCA longing to the Excutive Secretary of the New York Division turbance to the south west of containing valuable papers and a few hundred dollars. This Porto Rico, and a third Bermuda, another around Divorce new addition to the fraternal money, it is declared, is now missing, and further charges around St. Kitts. Continued from page 5)
world is St. Judes Lodge No. 64 of grand larceny will be made against the housebreakers.
TO MERCEDES BANNISTER: O:pbeus Musical and Dramatic of G, which has just been So much for the aspirations of men who have a hatred Seeing the unenviable. You are hereby notified that on Spt.
29th, 1925, Pitz Beresford Bannists Clab and its rules a:e being estal lished at La Boca, Canal for honest toil and who, it seems, feel that the incidence of plight filed in the above entitled court a revised to permit proper fooc Zone.
Marcus Garvey imprisonment should serve to make them petition wherein be prays for sn The inaugural ceremony IN WHICH HE WAS tioning under this name. The was absoluto divorce from you on the Club will probably wind up the fittingly performed on Fridny and prosperous by giving them the opportunity to feed on the PLACED statutory grounds of ADULTERY.
year with a Social.
Saturday nights last, the 24th and race consciousness of the people which Marcus Garvey the captain thought it best that you are required to cater your And you are hereby further notified 25th September, without a hiteh aroused.
to make St. Nicholas Mole, appearance in writing in the office of Tennis is Being Revived and great credit must be given the Clerk of said court at Ancon, to the promoters, Sandy and It may be amusing to know that about a week ago the Haitt, but the wined was Canal Zone, and make answer thereto Evans for the zeal displayed io WORKMAN office received a number of circular letters from travelling so fast that it head. on or befora November 4, 1926. lull in the rainy season has bringing this lodge to its present New York, signed by thǝse very gentlemen making startling ed him to land. Under these atoresaid the said petition will be takes If so givin lex iopetus to the teari: standing.
declarations of certain matters which if published here circumstances he made for as confessed, and the petitioner.
game and members of the La The special Supreme Deputy might have caused no little excitement and it is therefore Port Paix. but as the wind wake judgement against you by defan. ca Teatic Autochlortube and his assistant Bro Davis nothing to be surprised at if the facts set forth in the still increased he turned back rolie applied for in the petition, again running across the Club must be highly complimented for and the house Tonnis la wos on afternoons the masterly manner in which the above article from the Negro world are well founded. from the land as fast as he SHEIBLEY chasing their tennis balls.
different ceremonies were perform ED. WORKMAN, could. The wind continued to DAVID LEON Clerk, ed.
rise to such an extent that oil EMPLOYEES ASSOCIA After the initiaticn and confer.
Attorney for Plaintiff ring of degrees, the installation of JUSTICE MARTIN Past Rulers Council No. brought into use. By mid after o clock on Thursday TION HELD.
bags, tarpaulins, etc, had to be officers to guide the destinies of the lodge for a term of six months of Inc.
a night on Thursday it was night.
Reception For McCarthy. was carried out, when the follow(Continurd from page 1)
ing were installed :The officers and members of the NOT LESS THAN 100 MILES Belliveau which left KingShe passed the Rosalie Lewis W. R; perly may be considered by the Branker pleasant formal reception AR; Evans Per, Sec; P, Court ia passing teatene.
est Rulers Coun. il No. 1. of PER HOUR.
ston on the 14th for Turks F, Inc. are asked to be present was give a Mr. Edgar McCartby, Harry Asst. Sec; Moore Treas.
member o the La Boca District Block Advis; Blackman position felt that he should do October 4th 1926 at 30 at a. Friday. The schooner Toussaint like may others in his tits regular ineeting oa Monday and this continued until Island.
me the In Inst; Evans Cond; Settle something to augment his small the St Andrew Lodge Hall, Gua. was now at the mercy of the more than one occasion done The Mary Sultan las on Teacher Ellis aoom Sealey DK earnings in order to better care for chiapalie, for the purpose of NomiWednesday evening last. Mr.
Past officers made were bis family and he consequently nation and Election of Officers for wind and anything cou the voyage from Turks Island McCarthy left months chose what he considered the easiest the next tern. All members are have happened.
ac Ctor visit his family in Tiini Evans, avansele Blackman, or most profitable plan. But a asked to be present, in two and a half days on Capt. Ebanks kept a cool this occasion she took seves dad and returned a wek ago Harry Jackson At the close of this ceremony all House 23, 18 Street, Gunchapali, certain Mr. Bunyan Cadogan head, and used all the tactics days. It was kno vn that she lo king and He Dr. Wendehake at this disposal. Fortunatel. had left Turks Island and and has brought back a weal Justice was done to the many groddians who by their lowsindedess shortly before dawn, he saw after four days had passed an of knowledge as to the changed enjoyable sine to a pleasant close. have helped to make life more mis MEDICAL CLINIC signs of the storm breaking and had not made this port, it tak erable for their fellowmen than it 7, 025 Front Street Colon What is known to Mariners was said by many in the shipplace during the psat ten or filinformed the Canal Zone would bave been, trea OPPOSITE STATION as a dead sea running off ping world that there was no ten years. He said that labor is PHONE 11 occurred, and this further hope for her safe rival.
having its say more than ever in TUSCAN LODGE No. 32 iany if there lands a the M, revenge for a little quarrel between.
brightened the hearts of the Yesterday Mr. bs the indid Working men Assceathem in wnich Toussaiat referred captain and the members of head of the cover and doing som: good work, All members of the above Lodge dead in his desire to pratice hooto Cadogan desecration of the Have you tried the his crew. strong wind several of his friends went Me Wartby is also represprung up and the schooner on board and 4d the Bard and is considered one of their lodge room on Monday night sed a more sympathetic heart than nauired his District on the are hereby requested to apoear at doism. But Judge Martin posses new Beer began to make headway. captain, complim tig hin the most wid awake members October, 4th, at 7, 30 o clock for Buoyan calculated and he certainly After this fine weather was on the able sea un he ut ibis branch of the Asstela. the purpose of transacting business showed it in the sentence he pro Kronen Brau experienced and the schooner displayed under such trying of vital importance.
ton, coquced.
arrived in Kingston shortly circumstances.
class on wood Mess; of


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