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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Further Developments of The New Exclusion Law NEW FRANCE PHYSICAL HONOURS Negro Startles America With a New Invention danger who appeared at and him.
his 00 day Home enter Type of Nogro Boing Senegalese Rifleman in Developed in Moroccan Campaign.
Chambers of Commerce Protest. Writing in the September number France is proud of the record of His Attorney Gets Offer of Three ing Say 90 Per Cent of Busiof Current History Magazine, its race troops, its Senegalese rifle Million Dollars For New Patent of in ness Done by West Indians.
Replying to the many anxious enquiries being made of Mr. Herskovitz arrived at bis against odds 10 to 30 son, coloured labour foreman, asserts he has been advised pology Department of Colombia Pere is the citation accorded the University reports that new Senegalese bygler. Mongogo. who But Refuses Same, physical type of Negro is being under Captain Auboin, he helped to developed in in the United States, hold the pust of Aoulai for Lorain, Sept. Claiming to have perfected a proto our West Indian people and others, we are not in a position 000 individuals in Harlem and at recompensi Mower Thank eine by Victor Evans, his Washington attorney, that a patent us about the progress of the new Immigration Law affecting conclu ion after an examination of riflethan worthy of the cess to make pure copper as hard as steel, Edward HarriMay 10 1925, to give any further details but will call attention to the Howard University, following article published in the Diario de Panama of this city, on Thursday afternoon last: The results a violent. has. Consus figures which state that bombardment. Badly bruised, he said, that a three million dollar offer from Eastern capitalists only It is quite possible that by tomorrow the President of Negroes. aper mulatto. undertateling into the defensive organiza.
the republic will return rejected in part the imnigration law the amount of mixture which has con for en hoger be felted the first that the process was simple.
20 per cent of American noticed that the enemy wrs trick has been refused.
an absolute Local business men have financed Harrison. They saw approved last Friday by the National Assembly. At least gone on, and the results obtained corn three enemies upon is several and a that great many others who have followed step by step the probably 80 per cent had mixed breach the artillery hard elected which the patent has been issued is used in smelting prime progress of the aforementioned law, alightly reduced, Mr. Herskovitzed the same danger which threaten. copper, which is done in vacuum, they say, Harrison began ancestry. This figure might to Feeling the his experiments four years ago when employed as a moulder Wishing to verify the truth of the rumor, we called at states, because his measurements all points at once, be arose bravely in Des Monies, La.
the office of the Secretary of Foreign Relations, but this were badertaken in the Nurements and furiously blend a home bareler The new type disclosed by the relf duened high official confined himself to declaring that the Governelectrifying his comrades measurements CHARGED WITH MURDER is tending to become well first enemy.
Undoubted not definitely state whether it would be vetoed or not. there is increasing social pressure and fine intrepidity, be saved the ly on that by his audacity GETS SEVEN YEARS This morning we learnt that the Japanese Minister had against associatiog with members forwarded a memorandum to the Secretary of Foreign Reloof posits group among both partout dainke til very integrante dez; For Stabbing Her Sweetheart Through Jealousy.
lations expressing surpriss that the Assembly should legis Negroes and the whites, North and without being told and in whatever South, Mr. rakovitz instances a momentary ituation, always blew According to the JAMAICA MAIL late against the immigration of Japanese seeing that very recent investigation of illegitimate the salute to the colors, thus con of October 2аd :NEW SHOE FACTORY.
few of them are residing in Panama and that there was no children conducted in Harlem which tributing to keep up the magnifi Louise Walker, the young wo cause to justify the alarm mainfested by the Assembly. showed that in only cases out of cent inorale of all, Europeans and man whose trial for the marder of new 20, 000 reinforced concrete From statistics recorded in the Japanese legation there are (Continued on page 8)
S:eadman Case, her sweetheart, building situated in the vicinity of natives. Exchange)
only 5 Japanese residents here and from 1919 to 1926 lasted three full days, was, as pre the city abhatoir, is now housing their immigration has been decidedly slow, leading to the com viously stated, found guilty of approximately thirty thousand dol.
SPARKLETS presumption that in a few years it will grow less.
manslaughter and sentenced to lan worth of German made shoeChief seven years penal servitade by the miking National de Calzado. a Justice in the machinery. This is The Association of commerce represented by promithe (By K. nent merchants of both Panama and Colon have also reon Thursdaye Circuit Fabrics public shoe making and quested the disapproval of the law, as local commerce will be The Aberrations of Youth.
on this end for service and showed an interest in the proceed daily greatly affected by the application of certain of its clauses. As natural result of the inevi enviro pent, my friend George logs that is perhaps, un paralled in daily output of from 200 to 300 he signers of the petition to the President state that there table aherrations of youth, the the Lilliputian, expressed, among the history of a murder case.
one buadred persons will be emare at present 50, 000 British West Indians residing on the young Mr. Young, West Indian other things, that he would Editor of West Indian page of probably into When the Court opened on ploved in the new factory which Isthmus, that at least 90 per cent of these colored folks are THE PANAMA AMERICAN, in che newspaper controversy with me Thursday morning, the Chief Jus my start business during the latter the upkeep of business and that if they should leave the of bis ap brother West Indian and which drew in last week issue one which has given bim a great vindictive attempts over Cartoon number three tice announced that the case was part of next month.
country as they have intimated, business would diminish while at the time scrambling for for the purpose of drawing the deal of trouble and soxiety, inns by 90 per cent.
ight much as he was anxi us to pass on Polico Rocolvo Now On the other hand, the Centro Criollo of Culon has material dipped in a milhares de inte helt om The boy contempt before the with Arms gotten up another petition in which they strengthened their of ontbing brother one at considered was right. He felt then brother, seekly observa the rate of 50 each) plus food httle dubious as to wbat was tbe from 7000 em 310. 500 tbe prisoner such sentence as he dla resolutions adopted by that body and published in our as weekly aberrations. It management, To properly connect shipmont of five bundred right sentence to pass and he had edition of day before yesterday.
would appear as if bas fitted on a pair of gloves and eve story, George, on the previous decided to consider the matter modern Lee Enfield rifles, five Young laocheon hundred bayonets and other armaevening, was of the opinion that carefully during the Though offically we know nothing of the form the ready tor a fray, be being a faithful the employees ought to be better interval and would pass sentence ments including sebres for mounted policemen and 60. 000 rounds of vetoing of the immigration law will take, the general student of pewapaper strategy and judges of that to do with their as Preclosed opinion is that the bill will be returned to the Assembly by has already made unenviable pro their own pockets. Of Judge the President with recommendations that certain objection The Psychology to le malo boks handicapped by a lapse of memory, ushered into the dock, she looked Panama Police Department.
gress in the for the teaching at that time, he was took bis seat and prisoner was England on Tuesday em xet for one able clauses be modified, especially that forbidding the re That boy is good.
ho bring a member of the em extremely pale and gazed turn to Panama of residence of those nationalities whose into space as if her miod was ployees associatioo! One of It is regrettable, however, but staunch supporters from Little a blank! deadly silence environ Pleasant Vishor immigration the law prohibits who may wish to temporarily genuinely travel abroad.
true that as distinctive privilege, objected to friend Judge commenced his address to Isthmian West Iodians, not netook the floor on a pointed the Court room when the Mr. J, Cambridge, real estate cessarily Negroes, one of our and dis man of Colon and Chairman of the PANAMANIANS BORN OF principal idiosyncracies is to use up Richards point of view and pointed devoted to self or community im might be asked to pay into the Justice said that he was bound to mittee, was a pleasant callerea Cemis of our time which could be out to him how much West Indians tinct tone of voice the WEST INDIAN PARENTAGE provement in trying to coiled un lent Chiari e Republic if Presi accept the verdict of manslaughter office yesterday afternoon.
Treasury Mr. Cambridge visit to Panama Will Hold First Meeting To Organize For the greatest amount of cbstacles the new Immigration Bill which has blaughter, which beyond all gues was primarily in response to Genoral Benefit.
the way of our own efforts. reading in the National Assembly, der characteristio which belie any The Little.
gestue which we make for the the la memorial in his capacity as Chairsome (Papamaians born of West Indian our Government.
The National League of Criolles, under the direct supervisioa of purpose of creating sympathy for that the under mario pass would be similar to that dent Chiari, to whom he presented (note: number who behaved our cause from the other side.
West Indian not parentage. who are not registered exactly as Walker behaved, but under any freign flas, will hold its The League headquarters shall Our common cause is much big and at 10 lintly exaggeram 70 a young wom80 in England man of the Welfore Committee, an amount in whose conduet was roughly like British Consulate Notice first Queeting of organization on vicinity. The sentence would be seven Panama City, than of us able to real free day to dober oma. 1926og branches in the various parts of the pretence to wrong in het wachaguo years, Denal servitude but by scoa figures The British Cogeul at Colon 8:00 m, at The Panamaian Republic, where there may be prove it by indiscriminate use of aimed collected from them. conduct Walker would earn au Federation of Labor Hall, tuated Panamanians of Antille parectare. words which happen on top after a Friend George was thereby soft appreciable remission and in ac would be glad of information as at 14 Street West, No. 71. The protection and interest of mental shuffle sometimes does ir ened down considerably, after cordance with usages bitherto to the present whereabouts of Antilles who are Panamanian citi. reparable damage. It is a good which he decided that, after all, known to him he would direct that constantia Violet Bennett, dressThe object of this meezing will zens, will always be considered as thing that, after all, most of our 50 a head and a year there at the end of three years the sen maker, native of Jamaica, who be to protect and educate ander our own, and their membership will braggadocio appears only as amuse. after, pooled where the employees tence be brought up for considera Buildid, mouredidedest Muller all always be.
mert to the disinterested observer: themselves would direct its ex tion. Colon.
of Antille be of heated to attend the Govern and of the various clubs will beings, the inevitable e berrations of Walker burst into tears when The management of the League he knows they are our shortcompenditure to their owo best interests, was when she heard the sentence.
ber head. Her steps were irregular munt Schools, and will be protected under the direct supervision of youthfulness in one form friend George The dense crowd to the back of and she sobbed loudly as sbe weat against any activities a ainst bem the Secretary of Public Schools, another.
that may tend to hurt their Citi and of the Inspectors of Govero. Re Cartoon Number compares fe you with friend the Court roun found ach outlet for along towards the motor carwbich pent up silence There was a so0n bore her away to the scene ment Schools in each Province The League also will organize and District of the Republic of Say what you may, a barber shop Ime you are aware, the smallest rush for the door god the voices of ber configement.
is one of the most attractive places the 128 a rule delight in stirring up of men, women and cbildren were Pauama, Mr. Maoley, who biggest trouble. Question them defended La professional schools, for the discussion of in ogled profusion Jauce of the Panamanian Govern Antille parents an enemy of the move for an up to date tonsorit they are likely to tell you that the but the clatter of boots was verdict of manslaughter is optional The Walker, is looking up some author politics, and on this conspicuous weakness and schools, etc. under the direct vigi The League will consider all it brother Bubington Simon demanded sileace of the ities on the question as to whether a mentit. it soil and a parasite of the Republic, greatest men are generally the emporium pulls through it will, so our institutions are over crowd. who try to inculcate in the minds addition to filling a long felt want, smallest men with audible the giant intellect.
St. Judge adjourned the Coart for five in a case of murder to which pred of self defence has been made.
ed The League will also install of born Panamanians, a different serve as another miniature poliminutes and left the Bench. Larged counsel has made ao orphane elueat onal sehools for nationali y, or try to bring to the tical battlefield For instance: On In a delirium of grief, penitence plication under Law 25 of 1872 and both sexes, if the goveromeat in tin child mind a higher regard for Sunday morning last in Mr.
ALL ROADS WILL LEAD to and agitation, Louise Walker was will make submissions to the Chief Stations for that purpose are over foreigo institutions and ideas, Josephs La Bock Tonsorial Parlour THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF led away by a policeman on whose Justice on particular thetaluie o owded, bu. these schools wili le. Coatinued on page 8) wieb ie reputed to be the best JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW. shoulder rested the full weight of Law to scatter path beo by way of of colemplished tions as on as if brother in a clear as a case passed years מו in dollars or a gord scheme gentle Benship as nursery


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