
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands VIGOR TONIC pochal is ADO of sc nic beauty but would beauties Range which JH VIGORATINE AND ben JAMAICA 86444 TRINIDAD Developing The Tourist Shipping Pier Now In Traffic.
EION SATURDAY, THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD URGES GOVERNMENT HELP ENGINEERS COMING Formation of Tourist Board The Northern News of MonAnd Need of Providing Necetego Bay for its issu: of the 25th sary Hotel Accommodation.
ulto says: While Montego Bay and all St.
Jam scheered at the coming of His Excellency the Governor, Sir An This AL rrcent meeting of the Trinidad Chamber of Commerce, Edward Stubbs, paying his first a report of the committee apott cial visit here, last Saturday, Invigorating Elegant Tonic pointed in April to go into the that was not the event that took place bere that only tourist trade of that colody, was possibility of developing the day.
AD event of great importpresented.
and anc: was also taking place that Preparation The report covers somewhat though very few persone wide tield, special reference knew it at the time. Indeed it Health Imparting being made to the activities was not until days after that is highly of the Tourist Trade Board of representative baard that that Jamaica aud similar organiz:day a survey was made of the WINE tion in Bermuda, The commitwaters in tbls harboor in recommended tee states: We have gone carestraigbt line for tbe whart of the United Fruit Coupiny out to the fally into the possible etapnels of tourist trade development.
big ship anchorage, a survy in Debility, We feel that Trinidad is rich in that was made for the Unit It natural features thes Fruit Company by members of that appeal to the visitor. Our their stad.
Neryousness arterial roads possess excelThe idea, as we understand it, promotes digestion lept olled surfaces second to is to extend their wharf into deep none in the Britisb West Indies water so that their ships will be Female Weakness at we improves Ipolot out that the able to go along side and load secondary roads fruit instead of having to be of the Northering the sending the fruit by lighter out the appetite are not so satis actors and less to the ships Impoverishment lay sometimes capable of carrying a very conDearly a mile away, wasting a deal siderable tourist traffic. While of time and subjeciing the and gives tone fruit to unnecessary handling of the Blood the existing routes bave much and energy As is known the United Fruit to attract the visitor the present HEALTH system does Company have shipping for and to build up a mit of an extended circular same time now a vast qu. ntity to the IMPARTING excursion of fruit and the prosp cts are This aspect of the question we feel apart from its that their output will continue o whole system run down constitution economic value to the develop to grow, bence it is said to espe WINE ment of the Colons generally, with the increased business a bears directly on our reference.
vej water pier has become an The cosmopolitan nature of absolute cecessity.
our population, their modes of It is said that ibe pier will te living, our trop. cal plantatione, built by expert engloeers from our posts susb As deep sea the United States who will be. terbia coming down shortly.
all combine to make and gold Speaking of Enginee we are Trinidad both loteresting and a stay in also remiaded o ray we underpleasani.
Your com a ittee is convinced that the tourist trade stand that architects are also ex.
pected from the United States to DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or to this Colody can ba developed put up a big hotel somewhere in to advantage, but in our opinion Montego Bay. times a day. quate hotel accomodation is the arst essential Mention is the need of Ret ing shipping companies to An: Exciting HoneyJAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
cooperate in developing the trade, and financ al assistance by moon SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS the local government, and the committee recommends :the Government be According to a story wblih asked to constitute Tourist has reached the ears of a Trade Development Board, with represents:ive of the GLEANER which the Standing Exhibition recently a gentleman and his Committee should co operate newly married wife ve bit and to quite illing for the a experience they High Winds do Dam bent u boidea, but the house and Residences In Gity Another search was instituted at the relation to this Board in subsidedrain still were spending spot was thought that can Stoned other about to age In The Eastern continues the stone was thrown, and on some bope of success: were ught in In de. They BLOW AT CHRISTIANA tindiog no one the police sob That the Government might beavy rains and had to take Parish.
Christiana, pt. 24. Heavy LADY ON GIBBS AVENUE 18 doubt as to whether the missiles the farther ex loitation of the officer, it is alleged expressed bis consider, as the traffic warrants sbelter under a tree. Some of the rains bave been falling here since workiog people who were in the last evenlog, with strong winds HER GROCKERY, GLASSWARE, were being horled by anyone be oatural scenic assets of the vicinity came under the tree, and for so ne reason or other the BANANAS ARE BLOWN DOWN IN periodicalls. No change up to the ETC. SMASHED DURING PAST longing to this bundane world. Northern Range, and those of FEW DAYS.
AN ARREST MADE the East gentlers and bis wife went to sr. THOMAS AND LIGHTNING present (3 No damage as and North Coasts: another spot, Within few KILLS ONE MAN yet reported, Late on Wednesday evening əroment should support finan That, if necessary tbe Gorminutes of their removal from KILLED BY LIGHTNING DEVELOPMENTS EXPECTED the police arrested a small boy cially the proposed scheme to Undernes heab the tree there was Port Morant. Sept, 24 Severe terrific BLOW IN ST. ANDREW.
named Neville Barr in connection improve existing hotel accom pəal of thunder preceded weather bere last night witn by sh rp flashes of lighting. with the affair. The boy was modation by guaranteeiog perThe Elgrald of tho 25th ulto taken before Mr. C. Levy or centage of interest on debenberce lightning and deep thunFour standing The GLEANER of the 25 bulto dering. Today at about 30 m. states that during the past three Thursday and charged with a onder the tree were killed by by saysthe ibe lightning stroke, there were vivid flashes of light weeks, residents on Gibbs Ave. breach of Town and In Kingston during Thursday ning with fatal edect at the Ado Avenue situated on the great o Act. He pleaded guilty accommodation in proseded, te! That botel gentleman and his new bride bad escape. Still they bai night beavy showers of rain lantic Wharf, when one man was Rocktont Road near Kensington before she lady whose house bad another weber scilexperience be unwise to enter upon Point there was a deluge. The and taken to hospital and several turbed over the contio 1008 stop at the court and was ordered to That the Chamber abould a.
They went out walking along a wlod Weather still log of two bruses, the resdience receive four strokes with the certain thoroughlare, and not wlod rose to 46 miles an bɔar and others injured e tashe and he toob banana unfavourable: beavy windo prenat po e lands counting die olie och samaradewitch. Trore dentence operating West Indian Cruises one represent to vaillog. Bananas alldamage than the other.
knowing that the pol ce were a nations.
practice several ballets missed revoked that be made fine imposed, Very little damage bas been around.
Stones and other ssiles began both of them. They bad port of call for not less than 48 done to the roads except in cer FROM GOLDEN GROVE to all on the roof of the buildingsFURTHER DEVELOPMENTS duck.
tain places wbere land slides have hours, The two events were of a Occurred.
Our Goide Gro e correspond and it was thought advisable to It is, however, stated that the The report was unanimously thrilling nature, and are not ent writes to the effect that summon the aid of the Polise as IN ST. ANDREW likely to be ea ily forgotten by heavy Showers of rain accom electric bulbs, shades, glass win prcsecurix is not certain thai adopted the newly married couple. Hear winds were blowing in panied by wiods have been ex dore Lerockers, and other articles in diebe boy who bas beer damaging, ber property. As.
Bt At drew last and perience sbat. were being but no reports of any dam bave been turned into streams On more than one occasion matter of fact it would take more or American Interests in age in the parish were received There has been slight damage re, police in private clothes were than one porson to cause the Trinidad.
up to midnight.
ported to the banana plantations sent, but they falled to locate the damage that has been doze, and spot from whence the stones there are certain rumours of FROM MORANT BAY came.
serious nature as to the perWhat everyone is Morant Bay, Sep. 24 Heavy They searched in different Letrators, of the deed. cable despatch from New saying accompanied by ralos places around the building, but developments will to How, but hi hat Trinidad Oil Fields, Inc, It is certain that interesting York, cate Septen bor 15, states were experiet ced here early this no trace could be found.
morning. The velocity of the the mean time the police are bas been organized by American Things, however, took such KRONEN BRAU winds was about 20 miles an Have you tried the serious turn towards the sa 17 and maki, farther enquiries.
keeping an eye on the premises interests with British asaoel boar. There have been po reports ates and bas taken over 27, 000 new Beer part of this week that it was acres of oil properti. on the of accidents up to the time of superior to all found necessary to ask for more island of Trinid More than writiog, but the damage to bacapolice, than had been formerly Kronen Brau nas must be very beavy, especial12, 000 imported beers Rent Receipt Books in Spon semi proved lends, witb estimatacres are proved or sent. As a matter of fact whilst ly in the tastean parts of the one of these was on the look out sh and English for sale at the ed oil reserves of more than par sh. The winds kept up for he received a blow on his arm. Workran Printery (Continued on page 7)
is made of That persons who Wer6 tures.
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