
THE TORKMAN FATURDAY, OCTOPER 9, 19. PAGE TAREE Additional Church Services.
In. eresting West. Continued from page 2)
seventh Day Adventist Church CEE 75 000 000 barrels. An Active driling campaigo bas been arted.
Close relations exist between this company and the General Asphalt Company and certain British Companies. The des cumpany already has acquired uue proved or seml proved oil lands tbad any of the other cou aut now operating in Trioidsd.
That finer flavor BTREET CALIDONIA ROAD (mwe Lothrina Park. PANAMA Babbath (Saturday) 94 DB th Behool: 11:16. m, fa!
Wp Holy Commusia will be adain ered 12 noon today 30 pm. Spanish Clow: 30 pm M. Soci ty, meeting 80p. Junior and Senine Standard of attainment Class p. Veapers Bunday evening 30 u. Bere options Lecture. The general public is sordially invited to turn out in large sumber.
Don forget the ereoptican Leetup on Sunday night. Come and bring riend with you.
ANTIGUA of Lucky Strikes makes for them an 27 ever increasing host of friends.
Soap Making Enterprise Recommended sventh Day Adventist Church WEST INDIES SHOULD TURN OUT MARJARINE SUPERIOR TO THAT IMPORTND FROM HOLLAND Because it toasted EDUCATE THE PEOPLE TO BE PRODUCERS Ied. STREET BROADWAY COLON Sabbath (Saturday) 45. Babbath abool; 11. 15 Geral Worship 430. Young people booting 1, 80 Vespero Bunday wening 30 Prechlag You she cordially invited to sttend there wervice and bring your friende, Service Salvation Army Hall, the hidden flavors of the world finest tobaccos are developed. Of over 200 brands, Lucky Strikes are the only cigarettes offering this costly, extra process. That why LA BOCA CORPS 30 am. Ke Drill 11 Holio Meeting p. Bunday Bohool. 80p. Open Air. 30 Salvation meeting.
We extend cordial ir vitatoa to all.
The Salvation Army Luckies taste so good when bieb reason millions can resist PANAMA CITY CORPS.
Services are follow5. Enrly Prayer Mooting.
10 nm, Children. Directory Meeting aod Brigade. United Open Air Meeting 11, Holiner Meeting to be non ducted by Commandant Martin, p. Company meeting and Brigader Open sir. D. Junior Open Air. m. Beparate Brigade open Air Mooting 30 m, Big Salvation Meeting.
Other notion for the work will be given from the pulpit 45 LUCKY STRIKE The Church of God IT TOAST CIGARETTES Mooties ped (From The Antigua Magnel)
With one of the principal materials id sap composition found on the spot and with plentiful supply of cbeap labour one or Uwer of these lonies, Jamaica, Trinioad, Dominica or even Brit lab Guians should be the centre soup mak de activities and ab uld be able to put a brand of ROAD on the markets of all the Islands to compete in quality with any of Englisb or American manufacture and which could be sulu below the price of the in ported article.
Olber cum modities used extensively in these parts are lard and margarine, bob of which are manufactured from ol Woy sbould we bave to purchase inferior margarine from Holland pure and Urdt beiter.
could be made out here? Then the re is the cocoa bean gr woln many of these belardi and shipped away to return in the tom of powder o xed with certain other substances and soli at twenty or tbiry vine the original price as e ody.
with the coming into operation of the sui gent American Immigration restrictions, West Indians will bave to cease longing and yeaining to dobiven ot refuge from economic depression in that great country and we will HAVE TO DEVISE WAYS and means for establiebing Industries whleb will provide regular and Jacrati e employ ment for our sons and caogblers.
It is said that nothing b: ppena by cbs Dee, but that our destinies for os. Well, it looks it we are reaily at the down for with the fouading of a college of tropical agri culture at Trinidad. more and more technical knowledge will be diffu. ed; sud wb tbe students graduate from Ibat institution they will be forced 13 pot wha they were taught Into roads and water enl otbe practical execution.
essentials to the comtort and Apparently one reason that Government foster or in tiate bealth of its citiz ds. 30 sbould CAD. adduc to explain why plate wbereby economic 8 ve West Indians never special tress might be alleviated.
ised as manufacturers of any.
thing else benide sugar is be. It is better that the people cause we were never be educated to be prolaorbi should be how. The staff of the various ducera as well as consumars thao Departments of of Agriculture in that they sbonld lost arsund, to ure will bave to be the best days of bi more who will be able to show and then as flotsam and jetsam their lives how Foob and such an article be peste and maisance to the in the laboratory can thritty onas in the community by!
with advantage be taken u) by begging from door to door or by com merela) men. produced en becoming encum beradees by masse sod sold at cheap and being either put on the pao per profitable fgute. Hure In Anti reliet list of accommodated Government owns tousHouse. the Ands of crear of land on the bich street bus no choice in baking cord could be grown; also of laws and 89 we on bis coro, drying it and converting to repede in the welfare pollo owing machinery for grinding ok all those who make the profess to be so deeply init into flour; and lastly there is poor to do something whereby Department of Agricultore.
With such a combination, wby poverty might be relieved and an impet vs given to industry.
shouldn government entertain some sort of proposition like bl. offering at a pepper BARBADOS corn rental to so. ne group of iodividu Ja on condition that they planted same would be reaped and handled at which Cricket Crowd Beats the Granary pary and that the partment of Agriculture thould Umpire.
Turnish expert advice gratis, This wou a not be necessarily. CUFFED AND KICKED HIM ON Bocialiptie venture Deitbe: could it be garded a Government CONCLUSION OF GAMB POR During in business, although GIVING OUT BATSMAN LB.
du advcate.
BUSINESS IN GOVERNMENT The STANDARD of recept dato or a business Government. Just A38: fors Mr. Seon, Mgistrate of as it is incumbent op Government Amog Police tu lock alter the providing Contioued on page 7)
are ab of new era, Paname, Arouten Street, Hocine 25, San Miguel Sunday at m. Praget meeting and Goupel weeting at 11.
ind 30 Sunday School at p.
Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting reeeday 16 Young People Wedeceday 30 m, Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
BRO, C, Pessoa. in chargo. Red Tank, Canal Zoue, Suoday Behoo Do Gospel meeting on Thursday 30 Sin. GRAY Now Providence. Gospel Moeing 11. 30 sm and 30 Sunday Snbool p. Wedneeday at 30 Gorpel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. MeDONALD atun, Canal Zone Goupel Meetings 11. 30 a. sad 30 m; Ruoday Johool at pm. Wedneeday 30 pm.
Joepel Meeting. Prid y at 30 Prayer Meeting Bro, GEORGE GRIPPT olos and Streeta. Gospel met og at 11 303 and 30 Bonday chool At. mydogeday, at 30 o no. Gorpel Meeting. Friday at 30 Preyer Meeting Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON ses ed waste Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD dewl ped Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness behalf Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Totters. Useful in. Chronic and Syphilitic Rbeumatism, Mercurial Affections and Discases caused by Impurities of the Blood An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD, me in corn For Sale at all Drug Stores No, MARIANO AROSEMENA 86.
SAN MIGUEL Bunday 80 Prayer Meeting 10 sm. Children Service; 11 am Divine Service. Preacher, supplied. p. Sunday Behool, Superinterdeat. p. 30 pm. Goo pel Service, Preacher Supplied.
The usual weekly services will be Ondueted on Tuesday and Thursday sight, at 45 BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 vine Service. Preacher Sur1 80 Sunday School, Superintent dent. p. Gospel service. Preacher dupplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Prayer, All other notion for the week will be given from the Pulpit, Bro, WEKLEY, Acting Pastor cbargo. ca pied.
And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT


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