
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 9, 1926 PAGE SEVEN genial Cider Champagne Riley, Wallace. Court Chesterfield Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products COURETTES Lesen.
ConJewelry Shop The Workman Printery Panama Past Chief EL GAITERO (Continued from page 6)
THE ONLY ELABORATED dinner of itselt displayed.
master plece of the culinary art and the bandiwork of our Spanish Cider with its Becretary wite.
The following Toasts were own Carbonic Acid delivered: The King of England by Bro. Wasbington Boyke, The President of the United States by Bro. Alired Rouget, The President of Panama by Bro.
Cliford Jarvis. The Executive The definite Council by Bro. Altred Whereder you go, you will Toe Panama Past Chiet Ranfind Chesterfield steadily ger Court by Bro. Miguel Hive URETIC AND REFRESHING increasing in foror among charm of character which was responded to by Trade Mark discriminating smoker. Merritt. The toast to Sister Courts by O. Bachelor AS a rule, men accustomed to but Representative of Court Brock VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ one tobacco in their cigarettes find The toast to Court Pacific by Representative of Court Atlantic S, Chesterfields as pleasing as they are which was rasponded to by Bro.
VILLAVICIOSA different. Robert Jones, Te Toast to the Fortr ters Miscellany by the SPAIN For Chesterfield, combining the spicy Reprezen ative of Court Paradise fragrance of Turkish with the mellow nevolnce by the Represen ESTEBAN DURAN of Court fullness of choice North American toMinerva esponded to te toast SOLE AGENT baccos, appeals to most men as an to the newly made Past Chiet Rutgers, wbich was respond. For the Republic of Panama agreeable departure.
orive by Re was bandled hv the So skillfully are these fine tobaccos of Court Ld and blended that the Chesterfield taste, 3r ber Cherry from Court fuller, spicier, yet free from harshness, Atlan ic dellsered ibe Toast to the BO IAL ADVANTAGES of quickly takes on the definite charm of the Order. Brother Altred character.
Pasnier deliver. one of his usual stirilog solus and the Toastmaster after calling upon the Senior Past Chief Rargar to Regular Assortment of deliver a closing addies, cosed the gathering.
och Al xander for mis brilliant Much credit is du Bro e manner in conducting the beCIGARETTES ha loa at the barquet table and SUCH ASfurnalling the dvies of Toastmaster. Appended are the names Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, of the Past Chiet Rargere preT. Bachelor. Court Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Brock No. 6725: Clitford Jarvis, Hirds, SB. Alleste Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
Wa bington yke, Fred Polack Palmaud, Morris, Fred Branker from Gucr: Lind etc. etc. etc. 8448 Bros.
Jerome Chief Engineer Fined way, w. Phillip Altred Swib, Sam Merrit, Babicgton Heavily.
Sm. Cheava as Parris bn Soal, Robert Jarior engineer James McNally No 19198, cha J.
Cruickshank from Court z zah of the Panama Rilroad steamer Alex ander 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Cristobal was given thirty days drington ug as, Jas. Me EL EXCELSIOR in jail and fined one buedred Pounn, Marshall, dollars for an alleged attempt to Panama City.
Thomas Budd Septions Corner 12 Street East Avenue steal wni ky stored on the Cristo James lº Richardsor, Jas. Alex.
bel docks for shipment. MeNally arder from Court Minerva No.
who said he was intoxicated, had 928 9281 Allied Riley Alfred removed a case of the Rouget, Miguel Hive o MacWe make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also store but was seen by the watel. polay Bayne, Fred lubis, Allan watches. Our prices are the lowest and our nura ed yote attention of a polior. radile Nc. 9292; who yelled This Clas Wotel CALL IN AT Workmanship is guaranteed.
man on duty sho arrested MeNlly. The engineer from Court Wallaca No. 9111 sul sequently Fletchr. ginald Morguson, is a your American ssid to be shno.
Butcher, robert Jones, WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED about twnty thrre years of age The case was tried in the Cristobal Reid, Edwards JEWELS AT. VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
Magistrate Count to Thursday of Youth orange si oberta. Ash week Jobo Eist mord Court Pacific No: From this date on, 9751, Bros A, Cherry, from Court Atlantic. be gathering AUCTION SALES was also graced by the preserce No. 93, Central Avenue of Brother and sister Thoroe will be held every day from a. to p.
from Court Alaotic No. 9914.
ASSORTMENT OF Continued from page District Robert Forde of Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall Church Village, St. Michael s, LEGAL NOTICE GOOD STATIONERY be pleased.
James Morray, Reuben Green, Dudley Ramsay, and David Nurse of Ills ad, stod Notice of Pendency of Su it SOUVENIRS, charged by Cuthbert Harvey, a lighterman, and cricket umpire, UNITED STATES DISTRICT with assauitlog and beaing blm COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE.
a few weeks ago Mr. H. Adams, BarristerBritish Coroner Accuses Ameriat law, appeared for the com plainant while the defendants Balboa Division were represented by Mr.
can Sailor of Murder.
Reece, Barrister at law.
CIVIL No. 788 The evidence for the prose. AND cutor was to the effect that on FITZ BERESFORD BANNISTER London, Sept. warrant for the arrest of Lebon 10tb inst. he was one of the Plaintiff, Emmanuel Smi a member of the crew of the United States umpires in the cricket match destroyer Lardner was issued to day by the Gravesend between Spartan and Pick Coroner following an inquest on the body of Emil Paredes, Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages which Defendant.
Complainant was appºaled to by ca as played at the Par MERCEDES BANNISTER a Filipino member of the crew of the Sharkey, another Pickwick bowler for American destroyer, Divorce against Ward and gave his Unusual circumstances mark the issuance of the warSummary of Contents: decision against rant, since Smith is actually under arrest aboard the Lardner History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years faction of complainant action The crowd marked their dis satie TO MERCEDES BANNISTER: You are hereby notified that on Sept in Spanish waters, the destroyer captain having refused to Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, and at the conclusion of the 28th, 1928, Fitz Beresford Bannister surrender him to the English police. Despite this he has above Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, match the defendaats met com petition wherein he prays for a been committed for trial at the Maidstone Assizes on the plainant while he was going to absolute divorce from you on the Coroner warrant.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, the pavi lon snd beat him. Forde statutory grounds of ADULTERY.
held him wbile the other defen And you are hereby further notified The Coroner explained to day thar Paredes was a mess Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual dapts cuffed and kicked him, that you are required to enter your attendant on the Sharkey, which was recently off GravesPlayers appearance in wriiing in office of At this stage the case was pedrerome or and court the Ancon end, with the Lardner. At a dance ashore on August 26th Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and adjourned for the snmmoning of Canal Zone, and make answer thereto six Filipino sailors and three white ones became involved witnesses for the fence. on or before November 4, 1926.
Interesting If you fail to do so within them in a quarrel. Shots were fired and Paredes was injured in aforesaid the said petition will be take the stomach.
as confessed, and the petitioner vil NEW EDITOR Paredes alleged that a fellow named Smith, the gunPrice. 50cts.
take judgement against you by defau.
and demand from saíd court the ner mate of the Lardner had shot him. He realized at the relief applied for in the petition.
dance, he said, that the three white sailors did not like the Mr. Grantly Adams BA. SHEIBLEY Filipinos being present. As he was going home with his (Oxon. barrister at law, Clerk, bas Secure yours now there will be a great rush assumea editorship of the Bar. DAVID LEON companions he just heard Smith fired several times. All for them, bados Agricultural Reporter, Attorney for Plaintiff know was that fell. Smith hated Filipinos.
on the retirement of Mr.
The jury returned a verdict of wilful murder against Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Whitfield Smith, Mr.
Panama Adams is said to be a vigorous Rent Receipt Books in Span Smith and the Coroner stated it was his intention to comThe writer with inordinatesh and English for sale at the mit Smith if he was at large and not under arrest.
appetite for controversy. Worker Printery situation he said, was not satisfactory.
whi ky rom Segons ir The Workman BOOK STORE Auberley: Simmons, Interesting West STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Vs.


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