p. 8


up won nora Dhole. Good Races sbore.
with horses e to do their which they are the body, due to CHURCH SERVICES Atlantic. Glee Singers Herskovits with friend that your needs are modelo en fact. by Marsbal li is Last Sunday Races Whole Health And To Morrow Races Stowaways From Half Health.
Jamaica Short distances will be speciel Os fast track and before a features of the eight races which large crowd of race goers. Itante of the stud Aguila, with BY TERENCE DE BOURG.
will make up the card at Juan ARRIVED AT HALIFAX Franco Park tomorrow tbe alteraoon Jockey Mucoz SENT BACK. close study of humanity in With expection of the first race Iesture eveat ot aix and this land of sunshine and rain in wbich Don Simon, Harold, one balt turlooks for class bas oft times set the writer wou Saca Clavo. Rago and loflmo are JUAN FRANCO TRACK direct cable despateh frora imported horses in fine style dering why some peoples shoud booked to run five furlongs, and Halifax, N, S, dated Sept, 22nd at Juan Franco, raze track on be more Alive most of the time Sunday afternoon last, making than others. Tokiog ad averago the feature event which will bring states that wben the steamer TO MORROW the distance in 22 5 and group of people, with whom the out six starters, Zambo 126, Andalusia arrived here yesterday beatinz Monte Toled ono Irisb vicissitudes of life can be said to Dbole 120, Super Gioria 97, Pere she brought with her three stuwbörse Brave List with Jockey be equil, the answer is at once Sunday October 10th, 1926, que 119, Frou Frou 115 and Aways who evidently joined the Perkins up, the stud El Carmen foudi, viz:šilver King 102, to ruumile. ship at Kingston, Jamaica, Whea the other six starts will be foi ste she was about three days out o In dealing first with an indlebtry Araucana and Raul Espifour furlongs.
vidual who is iesling vitally alive Buck Dancer, Novicia, Arlequin, Russian Jew, a Gerunan Jew aida the Jamaican port these men, The program which consisted we find that be his discarded Tigre and Peter Pan will try Roumanian gave themselves of eigbt races was commenced beadache tablets and all artificial up.
with stiur. furlong bandicap fur tonics aud is practicing the major tance for the second event; while Jew Santie herhale class native ponies, this part it not all of the following Ocurrencia, matched with Jus. but according to the story he told bis escape to event being won by Zaps of the program. 1) Sleeping witb open Races for Imported horses tice, will run over an equal dis: the Immigration Authorities yester Stud Valparaiso, ridden by wiadows. b) Indulging ic deep Baez.
uance with Araucana, Mercela das, had his papers stolen.
breathing, the that and for Native bred Ponies and Colonese.
It afterwarde to Five class dative ponies Russian Jew had 520 dollars in tben rejoined the Andalusia. The bo Baeza afternoon sout bio tboroughly ventilates the lange; Jockey ka five mounts of which he following course la calle thenics. d) eating only whea will also contest over four fur Englie logs.
WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE money They will be Fenomeno, him, the won on two, placed one and bungry, following the dictates Simon, Zapa, Dictador and cost when he was examined, aod Don money being found sewed in his sbowed twice.
of a normal appetit. Indulges Payasso.
the German Jew bad 125 dollars, Chiqui, class native pong in the free use of pace whe wholesome Fenomeno is again booked to the Romanian not having any owned by ridden by Muncz, won in splen. the correct budily posture while Duque and water, externally and interually) AN AFTERNOON OF EXCELLENT SPORT take od 91 lbs and run fout fa cash in his posses ion. It longs in the last event, with very difficult to take out a clear à form the tbled race of five sitting or walking and list but Zapo, Chiqui, Rialto, and Cotory of what they had been doing fa logo and paid 10. 80 the not the last cultivating a real cocbs.
biggest individual pool paid on love for the the green lls, the Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
Another attraction will be in Jamaica. Except one of them previous to their joining the ship tor tbe afternoon. Muno whistling winds through tha four furlong distance ron in who said he had worked his way First Race Starts p. Sharp rode two other winners, Meelab trees, the song or tue birds, the which slx new borses are boked north from Valparaiso, They will in tbe fourib, five furlong music of tbe rain on the house.
to compete. The starters will be be sent back to Jamaica aboard bandicap for class an imported top, the babbling of and Infante in ibe and the thousand and one things trol ng water Ark quin, Popo, Dolly, Socia, the Andalusia when she next sails, ADMISSION Kitty ll and Kiss Me.
feature event that go to make a perfect lite as The two new imported borses, enjyed in the animal kingdom. Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
Canal Zono Marshal Chumbo Gordo and Socia owoed la contrast with No. 14w. NEW PHYSICAL. by E, Duque and Quintero, find another individual who hardSues Government Two (Continued from page 1)
respecuvels, sbowed up goody feels the sensation of keen 500 were the fathers alleged to be as that this white.
sbey were entered. This was case almost similar, and no machine is five turlong handicap for class radiating, vibratiog or pulsating imported horses. Hidalgo with life as it should, yet is satis Debut In Capital the New in bis physical Judge Jackson, Canal Zone District rode Chombo Gordo and getting Bed as it were, taking it as bis Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity measurements occupies a position Court Jurke, won over the Auditor off at a good start with Socia, lot to go through each day with AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE between the African and the white of the branama Canal beveral years ridden by Perkins, bebiod, led an acbing body, complaining ana Appearing ontbis end of the man, concludes as follows: ago for part the field to the winding tape in tretting. Whenever his best (Aaghiosn Catholie)
Isthmus on Sunday last were the On the face of the results which salary for alleged rental due for the order named. Novicia ridden friend (ba Sentry who is is always St. Paul Church, Panama Canal Zone living quarters, was by Bar came in tbird, Belle on the lookout for trouble brew Rov. Nigbe ngslo, Rootot. aggregation of young West Indies which. it must be confessed arengine Coloriage og er riting and been obtained from ebit etudy Siera in the Caonl Zone District sauvage with Navarro up fourth ing inside the human machine)
Court a few ago duys eingetro Groom de hacer city of Colon. So rely oneratches the surface and Sbaltz brought in Altanera sends out the sigoal io Holy Communion Rect last.
the form of headache, dizze Catechist.
10. 15. Matino Ac. FiR. Atwell. pose of having a joint Musicale at on we shall have to think of the Auditor and Paymaster of The spells. etc. be quickly bastuas one of our leading theatres, the American Negro not as an African Panana Canal, for withholding store and 10 30 a. Byly Exebarist sermon, Variedades, with the Panama Sym type in which there has been salary, which is alleged to be due Lucky Strike Cricket purchase nerve kler as one The Rector 12 noon. ly Reptia phony Orchestra, one of our clas. mixed a small amount of white him for the months of July and would do to decayed tooth cal city League blood, a mixture which is still August of this year. In additioo.
wben is interfering with peace3 pm Church Behool.
At the theatre the Singers continuing and that will continue Marshal Lieser 10 reeking in the fal slumber in the middle of the The Ree or 30 Choral Brentong, vermor were greeted with a small but long enough finally to achieve the dollars damage, according to papers same suit to recover five thousand by satura ulog bigbt, meeling of the Lucky Strike ton with some kind of cotabsorption of the Negro chemical West Indians dominant wbite 10. We which have been bled on population. We on his behali Cricket Committee was held on and placing it inside the little St. Alban Church, Paraiso and Wedoesday evening last in the routen bole, though some Panamanians, and must think rather in terms of this bis Attorney Faitman, ually CANAL ZONE. the program was one of those New Negro, with his relatively Attorney John o. Collins of the Lobos, no elves House of becomes the work of the Dentist (Rov. P. NIGH PENGALE, care musical treats, conspicuous in homogenenus form and relatively Panama Railroa Company bas. 179 Central Avenu, in tbis city. The President Al Toerefore it is pistoly sean that with bia nice little instruments Priest in Charge this stabilized typebeen appointed special elocationary and other detracting the business of living in this District Attorney of the Canal fonso Ferrelra was in the chair the saftest way out of an later 81. no. Holy Communiso end verm» items which are so oftea tbrows American culture, and who, with Zone to represent the Governor and with Oscar Foole and mittient or regulir morning head p. Church Scuol and Co firms in on program; published to be his start fairly won, will prese en bis co defendants in the case. Treasurer and Secretary ache la to stop killing the pain tion Instruo ion Me. Osborne, musical.
in the American community as a Rubervely, and tbelt proper a. gets to the root of lbe Catechist.
LATER DEVELOPMENTS Later developments in places.
The Symphony Orahestra gave a full fledged member of it. 30 to. Choral Evensong sod adThe competing clubs z; Bardemonstration of IN MEMORIAM.
Lieser suit against the Gover.
tenders, Millionaires, Chuteurs, Stang, as it may seem to nor, Paymaster and Auditor of the Mr. Oborne Catechise for woich Mr. Garfield Murray, the that the Punnist Conductor, is responsible Panama Canal for Sports and Acrobate cricket come, it is true to say recovery clube were represented, and bav. healing powers of the body are ioterpretation in Haydo, Bon and Brother Harold Anderson, that Judge Guy Martin, Die In lovir. memory of our dear of alleged salary due bim, St, Matthias Mission from Mendol soho, Chopin, are certainly wonderful and ing complied with the require LAS BABANAS Rossini music mas of Zone, to start play on Monday Dext. the dot try to belp themselves on the (Rov. NIGSTENGALE, ters met with much suc Jess who fell asleep oa the 8th of Oct. has disqualified bimself from ments necessary it was decided thare are a great many who do road to better heath. There are 11tb inst at the botamian Park: Isny simple little things that Prioot is Caarge.
program with live wet prendered Little did we know it was for eternity, presiding over the case, as it ihver.
The Glee Singers interspersed the 1918. years)
ves construction of the Law Millionaires ures one can do without additional pm Church Sobool ieces with splendid piano accom. Nobody knows our bsarts longing, which also applies to himself as clube were appointed a committee expanditore to secure more PEP 30 pm Evensong and addrone District Judge. Ordinarily, the paniment by their Pianist, Mise And a few have seen us weep: to have the grounda prepared and VIGOR to the body Mr. Richards atechist.
We shed our trars fron aching hearts, macbine, Lavergneau, Miss Kampie, who case would now be While others are asleep.
ibe papillon renovated and otheisad if you dar rader will just 51. Poter by the Sea, La Boca troupe, also rendered the vocal Oit times we sit and think of him, Special as a member of the made all the necessary ste 10 sang soprano as Judge Blackburn but it is understood that Marsbal arrangements for what promises stop and take little Inventory to be a very enjayable cricket of your Body Machine, providing Aborios Epirospal (Angliosa Com Bache. Miss Rimpie possesses That grief can call its own.
solo, passed By Your Window? When we are all alone; wow For memory is the only thing, Lieser attorney will object to you are in the No. Class as by Herson.
this, claiming that Judge BlackUnder Item Good and stated above Holy Communion 90. The a soft melodious voice, singa mezzbura, in MOTHER, FATHER AND SISTER trate, is an appoiatee of the Govhis capacity as Magissoprano sod shows that sh tare. the President urged il Dotice some, it will at once has some control over her voice.
error of the Canal, The attorneys clubs taking part in the competiol. Your food com bigation is Holy Baptiom 30 am, She sang her little piece sweetly Yellow Journalism.
con to do all in their power to too mixed, too many different would request that a judge bo Matine, and addres 11. Lay and merited the encore which she sent from the Uoited States.
make the tournamett a success and credit to all concernbd so that tbings at one weal or starch. Render Me B. Hunter, received. p. Churob Schal The chief aim of a newspaper is the donors will tell no regret at es together. or proteins toChoral Erensong, sermon. 30 to. Mesdames Olga King and Adela to print news so that the public New Paper at Jamaica.
having donated the beartiral getoe, all different. 2) yun sropby to foster sport amook whatever. 3) You are sleeping not taking any exercise The Ree or Walker Headly added two fine Confirmation Class 30 m. Mon former interpreted Thurlow Lieur Dewspaper. pub innovatios ļoto the Journalistle contributions to the program. The way kaow what is happening. If it fails to West dians in Panama, doesn ance Felice. an enchanting make the news. It It was a elded that the next 10 room with closed dours day Wednesday after a, service.
The JAMAICA MAIL is a new meeting will take ulice windows and MULCARE, Priest in Charge. song of love, while Mra, Walker, Tishes it. If there in breathing and rebreathing foul Wedousday the 13th inst.
Headley sang With Verdure Clad. concerning crime some is of news field in the Isle of Springs It is Al. 14) Perhaps you are forgetone of Hayden classics.
a tastily got up column sheet, The Rey, F, Nightengale, have been committing people newsy and picturesque and accordting to drink water. 5) You St. Barnabas Church, Empito PANAMANIANS BORN may bave a rotten tooth that The Litany aly Bucharist and Ber of St. Paul Church acted as plais about the kind of newa the bids fair to fill a prominent acts. Therefore, if those who coming to the published prospectus (Continued from page 1)
needs the attention of the DenChairmao.
rather them teaching him those of tist. 6) and last but not the mon 10. 45. The Rootor Anniversary Service of the Girl papers carry would stop commit tion in the social, political and least the country of bis birth.
perbaps you need the Friendly Society p. The Rev.
ting wrongtul acts the newspapers dustrial life of Jamaica. We wish No boro Panamanian memher Doctor io take a peep a scur Dean F, Meredith of St. Luke Regular Meeting woull not contain any of that this new paper a long and useful coated tongue and ask kind of news.
of the League, and those you Cathedral, Ancon, will be the proteet is the business of the news welcome it among our exchanges.
career and are heartily pleased to eu under the Bye Laws and Con something about your Colon or preacher. cordial invitation to It stitution of this Organization, lower bowel.
The Isthmian League of Bri paper publisher to give the reading will be allowed to use any other great many people really Tuestay 12th inst. Grand Sacred tish West Indians will bold its public facts. To do otherwise would flag but the flag of Panama, aud do feel bashtul or rathor pre Concert under the auspices of the regular meeting in Paraiso od mean that he had betrayed his 25, 000 Offered For in all conversations etc, the lan judice agaiust playing after Girl Friendly Society. Don Wednesday the 18 inst. and in trust. The best way r3 remedy any guage of his country shall pre they have reached a certain age, miss it. Doors open at 30 is to let the publịc know Panama City on the 16th inst.
One Day Acting order The President Mr. Mc. that it exists. Many evils live and dominate.
All th se who are interested in to be vitally alive one should It is reported from Hollywood, Carthy, teacher, of Li Boca, who thrive in darkness. It is the newemovement Matins and Addrage, Church bas just returned from his vaca paper job to turn the cordially at whenever tens Coltivare the playlaloopirit School and Evening Prayer will be non trip to the Woolelodies, the world may gaze upon them and United States, was offered a con.
so that welcomed.
the much as possible. leave held at that he be to see all the playing to the children, Las Cascadas, and at St. Simon all the members at these meet. see all of their ugliness. There is no to appear Dr. Wendehake for grownups are more in need Mission, Gamboa, at the usual ings. Matters of importance to way to adjust wrong under the roll of Queen in a flun of play periods than the kids; hour ty the Lay Readers, the Society will be dealt with. busbel. Light has a teudency to based on Leou Tolstoi Resur MEDICAL CLINIC their bodies are young and fresh JT MULCARR Prior in Charge purify anything. Let the news rection, which is being made in and it will take a long time to 025 Front Street Colon get stiff as our old joints. The Root Receipt Books in Span truth at all times aid this world of the offer is accepted Queen Marie papers continue to publish the California by Edwin Carewe. If OPPOSITE STATION des will be tben to oil up this our exit from this dear old Ish and English for sale at the ours will be a better place within would be highest paid movie per PHONE 11 old body machine until we take world.
Worlar Printery which to live.
former of the world for one day.
of representative in acest composed it the droit.
that and other great mu trict Judge the Canal Park. ro heard by wise BUDIO)
not all, of the Rector.
are and thereby on wben this are


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