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OFFERED CUBAN 50 POUNDS PLANTERS Proposed Immigration Bill Vetoed By President Chiari British Navy to Wage War on Slave Trade an extensive scale.
seeing ber and made a help came mme Miss To do the Job Says Visit Jamaica to Get Writer of Anonymus Labourers for PlanLottor tations.
And Returned to National AssemAsk Aid of the League of Nations bly For Adoption of Suggested rob anything but to hell you and that several parties who are com did go into room to The Jamaica Mail understands To Lead Crusade Against Traffic was offered 50 to do the job.
nected with in Modifications.
In Human Souls.
The above words or words con Cuba are desirous of roming to veying exactly the same meaning. Jamaich to acquire lands to go in war to rid th world of a curse of slavery and the Seldom in the history of West Indians on this Isthmus ore said to be contained in an for the cultivation of citrus fruits anonymous Jetter received by Miss has such widespread interest been created in any measure Annie Douglas, Mairon of slave trade is being prepared for by the leading nations of affecting their presence here as in the much discussed Im the Kingston Public Hospital, to as the construction of the roadway human souls, which still survives to an alarming degree, Late news from Cuba states that white Europe. In a powerful crusade against a trade in migration Law recently passed in its third reading by the words the end of last week.
from Havána to Santiago will be National Assembly and sent to the President of the Repub Die newspaper readers are aware, commenced on the 1st prox, the every resource of modern statecratt will be used, and when lic for his approval ur veto.
Douglas in her bedroom shortly be a vicious assult was made Obe province of the republic that sugar arm of the British navy will fall upon the vessels of the is entertained in the Oriente they fail, resort to armed force is expected. The strong From the time of its presentation before the Assembly fore 12 o cloek on last Thurs y estates will be drainea of its work slave traders, if the present program is followed out.
by Honourable Deputy who sponsored there plehet minden forceThousands of meu will be.
betere hose who saw the impracticability of enforcing cer a beleiere di ed ilmselt eiplayed in the road building en standine le norefinations of this be bartering up flesh takene The league is to called upon to is corner of Miss Douglas room terprise, which will tain of its clauses and predicted a sweeping modification of see ia the act of last four years.
Some days ago it was published at league coincil, which haa taken upon itself the burden President Chiari last Monday returned disapproved the pro truck here on the bestand inflicting a by a group of four Americoa con Fall to take activa steps to end once for all the slave trading jected law recommending certain modifications, additions bad wound which bled severely and deletions, of the 24 clauses being rejected as unsuit As soon as Miss Douglas became of the work has been acceoted by which has so far persistently defied scattered attempts able, as unnecessary and as unconstitutional.
aware of the presences of be assail the Government. The cost of the that have been made to run it down.
ant, she called out loudly loud 10, 000, 000 dollars. The American leading nations of the world on record as determined to Before the reading of the President message accom and the man, quick get aw of one million dollars for the due put an end to slave running, will be brought before the fleet of foot roadway will, it is understood, be The famous anti slavery convention, which sets the ico panying the returned bill, a lively discussion took place tall of size, contructors have given a guarantee among the Deputies as to whether or not the President had round in a state of prostration, was perforinance of the work, while they assembly of the league this year for ratification by as many when exceeded the time limit allowed him by law for returning hou the vetoed bill, Deputy Garcia Fabrega leading the affirm perinted largely to fright. She was the coutre etors) have obtained the nations as possible.
into bed by two of City ative while President of the Asseinbly Arosemena and three ourses and immediately of New York.
BRITAIN DEMANDS ACTION Secretary of Foreign Relations Alfaro vigorously defended afterwards she received medical In viewhof the Government road Britain has decided to take a vigərous stand, and press for The British government has gone even farther, Great President Chiari side, which ultimately won out, It might also be interesting to our readers to note that (Continued on Page Critinued on page 8) a formal definition of slave trading that will write the while great minds like that of President Chiari saw the practice down as a crime against the human race. Great national and international complications likely to be brought Britain wants the slave trade put in the same class with SPARKLETS about if the Bill became law, certain would be zealots anong piracy, England wants it set down as the general consensus the natives at the Atlantic end are urging the adoption of the (BY CK. of opiniɔn in civilized states that slavery is a crime beyond law and nave petitioned the President to that effect claimthe pale, and then England will feel free to turn upon slave ing that the law responds to a long felt neccessity, embodies The Two Plays And on the nights when our girls ia ships, wherever they are found, the big guns of British very valuable help for the labouring class in general and Other Things.
the respective troupe grace battle cruisers, The entire strength of the British navy, if an encouragement which must be taken into account herethe stages of the Cecilia and Varie necessary, can be brought to bear against the slavers, once There are a few items of news dades Theatres the Follies at the united action of the nations of Europe brands these after worth some further airing. In the the Variedades and the Show Girl slavers as outcasts and enemies to human society.
The following is the text of the Raci il exclusivism is not con first place, one of our local eclesi at the Cecilia. As a matter of fact Presidents message regarding the went for Penomen to the reason Nighter gule, is writing daily rehearsals by cach troupe but have come news of significant correspondence between the foreign astical leaders, the Rev. I have already vi ited one or more From Geneva, where the League Council gather, has bill: et It is for me the cause of great is living. The security of oue inter: able daily Star HERALD, in the or, to use the language of the play: international moments or which the editorials for our local and Gener not yet seen the girls in real action, offices of the leading countries of Europe and the secreregret to find myself constrained national existence must be sougbt of West Indians.
to veto tle bill on iminigrut on not only among ourselves but also an editoris Weite (Continued on page 8)
If were wriebts, in the writer, ediwhich you have sulmitted to me stul. but can editor operation all the countries of assure you that of these fo: my approval boys are mment on to serve NOTED FAITH HEALER TO BE that us piime of the real the motives which bave Impelled and caonot afford to wound them, this must recognise, bowever, that Amerien. We therefore should not srovation in local journaliem, tury dapper stuff exactly DEPORTED.
is a news item of paramount in the people want. According to you to legislate in the manner you Furthermore the termalluded to: portance. Of course the cature of Milton knows what his people The poted Helen Beard (alias You have perceived the clamor is commented, is too indefinite to solumu is obvious to its readers; it in the and to them Priece of Wall Street. Helen Blair) famous Faith zaler Ro Chauffeurs on the heard communi y against the progress, wen ins The Executive considers that the tend to further emphasize the statement is ilton is net only going would seem come to the end os her Canal Zono.
fill the bjective meditate by the law is knows that the theme would Whatever truth might be in that Lucky Giweromete tole endor het vasion of harmful climents which Assembly representing demo pucessity for us to close ranks ne pole ons nie positions each clements abounds, a Assembly innovatiou is another of the several as the in detriment to our chatic peorde among whom the help ourselves to collectivelyle and up comes in that service but improve mye. io activities et lest or fare upon it Helen Panama is concerned, for the Thirty traffic acciednts day more advantageous, and you composed in its majority of have acted patrioti ally But this ties affiliated with the peopr Vast thing our attention to to make the she has invental Alcalde hos decreed that she be repürtel on the Pacific side of the Play is certainly deported.
Canal Zone during Septemerr last, bill is extremely compreheosive; it party, is not resourses of which we are a brilliant addition to to his already This woman, during her several iavolving as lents to six persons, of pronibining not yet able to furnish the proper compliative genius. As for the years sojourn in the various parte hunderade ambiche e licentals Tere and contrry to our con. the entry of stitutional principles If it should for the sole reason of their being develop. While we are in prepar lives op Der in country. become a law. will do the is every to believe that be occasione hi promise, and there chequered career and bar on several issued tu chauffeurs during webe be form in which it is drafted, it has not been the intention of the exploitation and extract from us wall, toy seres on some of the prettig op het hier it has been for lack of denied licenses on account of not woul without doubt create pro Panaman legislators and therefore buoks of gold 100 that me on paper, we will munity and provoke not a few fence of the provision as it appears Gaskin, versatile Atlantic New York in Panama and are every palete. she has in licenses were eincelled, one because th things and girls wish to point out the inconvenhe qualified.
found perturbations in the comillustrated to Another item of be of reckless driving while under controversies and difficulties of an in instance trumped.
Years ago she was arrested in the influence of liquor, and the international nature, in the Republic has ever obody side scribe, aod well known dissen. in for an uproarous time from the individuals of the ter on some orthodox dog has switching on Why not then seek a legal to the entry dogmas reon of the footlights to the Colon and charged for obtaining other because the holder was formula which te theliomeetrine bilet de the orthy moral con monfliwango bo proste dobila de control the curtain kaóter the last money undert alec pred enses rehea convicted of a felony, Ose chauf ditions, industrious. act. Of we all know more she vowed to re unite separated was warned by letter to the attains desired, the the debaters from the entire to and where the girls do their stuff hovere for which she was hand effect that further violations of Republics akin to ours because bal Silver Clubhouse a Literay So. always interesting happeningsled somely paid but failed to accom the traffic regulations would result know that migration of certain elements to in the cancellation of his license.
the Republie, will be just liberal of their origin, the characteristiss ciety who are booked to take the in tell us by way of his Follies so very long ago this Blair woman of their population and other par affirmative of an important quesup to that. Well, Dalrymple and virtually efficent?
It will be remembered that not New Paper.
tico, ou consider, this bill on in Republics colonized by the Spanish maeum at the La Boca Clubhouse story, the incidents lead ng up a perial Hotel from edile bobalcony of It should be of interest to readOs ers to know that the JAMAICA migration aad with calmness of uation, and there is no spirit, inspired as up to the present whatever to close our doors reason during the latter part of this the Panama Follies. they are bish sbe displayed a bold sign as MAIL can be had at the WORKNAN of individuals.
by love for the homeland, that you Antilles, whicb are today colonies Miss Eudora Re of the Panams us to breathe an air of satis bered that during that period she three times a week and is very to this month or early next month. Mr, sure to grip, huld in expectancy. Faith Healer. It will also be reme. Printery. This paper is published Even in the Gaskin gave bis re affirmation to release tense moments and cause seek the desired solution, opine, Honourable Deputies, exist a multitude of colored per Atlantic side during the past week. It is necessary to add another of other European nations, there Follies who was a visitor to the faction.
several her for alleged fraud, Bishop Morris Confirm that Article of this bill is incon sons whose entry into the country venient. According to it, day objectionable meget on cor Chinese, Japanese, inn of the Executive, the object or ibido e perder wille not permite mena UN. has invited me to another to find and be some months ago AT ST. ALBAN CHURCH, Among the other important items paragraph to this week aberra. Eventually Class.
Brother Hutchinson of the was set free. After this she seemed Hindus, Syrians, Turks the lawwbich is tioning, are which stand business Negroes to the territory of the Re the exclusion of certain undesirable out prominently. They are the Musicale at his Division (No. 17) period elements that she the black race can be plays which are to be staged tomorrow afternoon at at PARAISO Doesn this last reiseforeth of obtained in any more practicable comidea diogethe theatres during the Both Hutchinson and Cespedes Nuevo on the Sabanalaron el and the meridian, whatever that mºans. loomed up in the village of Pueblo certain of by doubling the amount of. class of nineteen was confirmed Americas the doors of the Red the deposit which, in accordance are to be the Panama Follies, Burke. the latter Chairman of the was from this latter place that fate public will ever stand closed? That with Law 55 of 1925, must be made rum. en and directed by Dal and erstwhile writer of se it is generally believed, the spirit Canal Zone, last Wednesday night Executive Board of the A. seemed to have overtaken her of camel Zalban Church, Paraiso, the Cuban the Dominicans, the by those who wish Helen Ecuadoreans the peruvia merand to the territory of the Republic, the show Girl written and direct. Cracks. for the Panama Ameri forsook ber, which has caused her by the Rt Rev. James Craik Mortio, blackAmericas such an increase would constitute ed by Milton Garvey. Both are blamed Association, In ad ition to can. are inveizling me to join the downfall.
There was a very large congregaWel is alleged that it has been the tion and the Bishop preached will be subjected to our insulting stage Plays melodrama as you (Continued on page 4) spouse that they are negroes?
will be given a chance to verify (Continued o page Continued on page 8) notable sermon.
вее them do their. writer of or even editor would comment preparentieth cen what everywhere in the 13 were story in drastis having power setting the in the article in question.
bis of capital isso Of and that be found in the pany plish.
rable. days on information lodged away.
she the opiogained the tions of at three was discovered our the


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