
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands VIGOR TONIC ere ve campaign should be XAN care of AND MUITORATING JAMAICA What Are You Doing For Your Boy?
To Spend 20, 000 don know what is bec mPounds.
of my by. He is going to the doge. He bas me worried sick. IN EFFORT TO CURB don know wbat to do with him How often in recent years have PANAMA DISEASE.
we beard this complaint from ihe lips of anxious parents! The THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD The GLEANER understands lear boy who is the family black sheep has bee me un macageable.
that His Excellency the Governor le absolutely refuses to recog.
bas lnvited the members of the Advisory Board on Plant Diseases ze parental authority, and bas begun to assert bimself. His to meet him in conference at an early date.
companions questionable The ravages of Panama disease coming bad, and instead of being bartacters, bis habits are beand its spread in different parts An of the island are matters which This a joy to his parents he has caused them many beartaches. In bave been rlving tbe Executive despair the distracted mother serious concern, and it is felt nen that the time has come wben a Invigorating Elegant Tonic rushes to the pastor, telis him her tale of woe, and asks, What pore active luocha to control the spread am going to do with my boy?
of the disease. Of course nothing and But, we might ask, What can be done Preparation without money, and are you doing for your boy? Are you giving bim the proper atand tagana Industry is of such vital importance to the colony Health Imparting tention? Are you matlig him that is is felt that an expenditure is highly realize that he is an important of 20, 000 to tight Panama member of your house hold, or disease on a sistematic scale WINE are you trying to impress bim would not by any mos be too recommended with the idea that be is a necesDuch to spend. At the coofersery evil, and that he is entitled ence which the Advisery Comto do consideration?
mittee will bave with His Excelin Debility, The trubla with mary parents lency the Govern se, the whole It to day is, that they are paying situation will be discuss:d; and there is kood reason to Nervousness too much attention to so called society, and not enough to their believe that the Givernment will promotes digestion children. The mother must keep submit a workable scheme for up with Mrs. Jones bo is a the sanction of the Legislative improves Female Weakness great society woman, and who is Council present till the important functions, The children are big the appetite enough Impoverishment The Food Supply.
to take selves, La is of them and gives tone ing them alone. She cannot be a ber excuse for leav.
The Morant Biy correspondof the Blood popular woman if she remains po bome all the time. The father at ent to the and energy GUEAN R, writing HEALTH cont nts blmselt with the excuse on pt. 27 states that food is and to build up a that it is the brother place to very scarce, also eggs. Yams to the take care for the children. He are sold between 18) and 201 JMPARTING wants to be a good fellow. He per cæt, for ordinary negro too crave popularity. He yan; egg, for whole system for a this is a WINE can run down constitution always be found at the club; he problem to be solved. In the never misses a card game. The he banana section the people are mother is never at home, neither pol Ivating as beretofore.
is the father, and the poor Th re is a steady demand for neglected children are left to fruit here, the three companys themselves. Tbey long for combuylog, od izs are regular paplooship they seek recreation, for this time of the yea.
and it they can not get it in their те The congregation of the diffhomes, they will find it elsewhere.
erent cburcbes are called on to make special collections next Sunday as thack ffering for DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or Very often the boy gets in with the gang on the street corner our miraculous escape and a and then the trouble begins donation to tbe suff. rers of times a day.
The street corner gangs ara Turks Islands. We are sure to more or less a nuisance. At indo our sbare. Thomas is not tervals the law is enforced and the least of the Apostle.
the yang must move. Where can JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
these unfortunate go?
United Fruit Company Across the street is a salcon, and SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS the unscrupulous proprietor welcomes them. They are invited TO EXTEND WHARF AT bave a drink, then in order to be goad sports they all buy a few MONTEGO BAY (Continued on page 3)
The Northern News of the 25th inst. publiebed the followingstand that architects are also ex. but fortunately it did not last for when there is a fire in lower St. reasons. He thought Masistrates While Montego Bay and all st pected from the United States to alte two minutes. Taere were Andrew the Brigade bas to should restrict then selves purely Why pay double price James cheered at the coming of put up a big botel so wewhere bopes that this year would have all the way from Kingston and and simply to their decision and His Excellency the Governor in Montego Bay.
ben one of the best for gooi in case there is also a fire in it the Court of Appeal desired for inferior imported Bir Edward Stubbs, Pying bis bit, in the export of bananas ng ston, the situation would any further information applicaBoer when you can first slal vit here, lasi from Jimsics, but ca, but other ba arkeward Provision will, there. tion would be made in the kual sections bave a similar tale to fore, be made on the Corporwav.
buy a superior Beer epochal but was not the only event that took place Short Gale tell, then there must be a great ation estimates for next year such as BALBOA for here that day. An event of great se. back to the fruit industry for for the bransa Brigade in lower half the price.
importance was also ace some months as most of the re. Andrsw.
that day though very few maining trees cannot be expected St. Andrews Golfers sons kjew it at the time. Ideed DOES DAMAGE TO BA to do ul. or quite a whil It was not until days after that a NANA FIELDS TRINIDAD Visit Venezuela.
representa ive beard that that the usual political and diplomaday survey was made of the (From Weekly Gaardial)
tic channels have not been able In continuation of my report of To Improve Fire The extensive oil mining to occomplish in the past in waters in this ha bjur in straight line for the wbart of the the 25:h of the damage done to Hint To Magistrates carried on in Venezuels and achieved in the future by relaoperations which are now belog regard to the surtax may be Brigade Service United Fruit Company out to the banana cultivations by the kile the large exodus of residents tions which have spruug up. big ship anchorage. survey that wbich passed over here between was made for the United Fauit and 10 o clock yesterd sy moco The GLEANER understands Mr. JUSTICE SAVARY ON IR Iof tbls Colony to that Republic with the sporting field and und Company by mimbers of their ing savs a correspondent at Batb, writing to the GLEANER that His Excellency the Govetbave led to the coming closes social functions.
REGULAR PROCEDURE of thla Colony and Venezuela The idea, 88 we understand is on the 27th September 10, nor bas caused a letter to be The recent visit of a team state that the gent to the Kingston and St.
a position to of to Into deep water so that their ships will be damage has exceeded my calcu Andrew Corporation aporovite gelters from the St. Androw Wrightson Road ImproveMr Justice Savary took oppor. Goit Club to that Republic to ment Scheme.
bestion. With the exceptions of of the expenditure of 593 10 tunity to elve blot to Magis play against the Caracas Club able to go along side and load Golden Grove Estate, which has for the purchase of a trailer, trates from the bench in the case has come none too soon for it truit instead of baving to of Lackan vs. Jordan in the must be recoguised that it a loss of 1, 250 100ts, and pump for the Fire Brigad)
sending the fruit by lighter outchelor Hall which is under 1, 000 WORK TO COMMENCE 18 Court of appeal This was an ap an important ste It will be remembered that peal from Mr. Vincent Brown to residents la influential posithat will lead to the ships which lay sometimes the regular checking bas not!
FORTHWITH nearly mile away, wasting been you made, but from all few days ago the Brigade of St. Andrew sentencing tion in both places getting to deal of me and subj cting the ap As a part of the Wrightson pearances Rhipe has suffered Rave a demonstration at wbieb the appellant on three cbarree know one another better. Road Improvement scheme the trult handling, Fat to known the Valsed preta 178s of between 9, 000 and 10, 000 the colonial Secretary was to 21 days to run concurrentige.
Tae Brigade li fairls charges of a of assault and battery significant step forward was City Engineer submitted at made Company have been shipping for roots. The damage bas not been well equipped, but wbat 15 In agreeing to the dismissal of these phen it was arranged that Thurday meeting of the Local confined for along the needed is an additioral trailer matches should be played some time now Vast quantity of mainroad leading from Bath to trait and the prospectus are too Rnine great house, are to be pump. The Governor author the appeal her. Justice Savary annually for silver challenge Authority an estimate of the output will of bability of tennis star from. nee it is said to cope wito seen eleron uprooted and broken was asked to the expendi co Gaber attention of the Solici trophs. Then there is the procesor filing up tne lands south bpractice the Road coconut tries. It is also reported tur. and as stated above, be tor General sith Matbat country visiting us. In the The cost of covering bou se the increased business de to from soutentimated de 1, 100 water pier has become ao abao saffered to a considerable extent proportion to get be pune The Court of Appeal. Magistrator, he of racing strings al meeting 1928, and other four mon bloomber September December lute necessity.
bananas, and a few fallen co order for it will be placed im said, were getting into tbe habit in both countries. But built bp expert engineers from Golden Grove right up bave suf.
It is eald that the pier will be conat trees. All the estates from mediately.
of arguing the points raised on believe that a definite advancery of an Assistant Sanitary Another matter which the the notes, which was irregular. bas been made because of the Inspector 198, making a total the United States who will be fered to some extent. It goes Corporation will shortly have lo this particular case the Mag visit already referred to It coming down shortly.
without saying that if the wiod to make provision for is ibe Istrates die missed his reasons in seems as if the atmosphere is The Authority directed that Speaking of Eagineers we sre bad continued for five minute al establishment of braoch brl two lines and the rest was taken clearing, and am hoping that the work be undertaken forthalso reminded to say we under sad tale would have been told, gade at Cross yads. At present up ln arguing the points in the what representations through with.
lads also king stelt to bananas, in


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