
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 17, 1926 PAGE TAREE cood Cider Champagne Setting Rives Credile andament la chere alla mollertale. And Chove all, Charlesfield te pularity to foole, and to fole dane new standards of taste the world over LO top making of the Chesterfield blend; change any one and you change the taste it is no longer Chesterfield, But the starting point, of course, is tobacco quality tobaccos cf rare delicacy; the costliest of aromatic Turkish, the choicest of rich, mellow North American leaf.
Is it any wonder, then, that Chesterfield so skillfully combining these fine tobaccos. is setting new standards of taste among smokers the world over? Bleci.
Jewelry Shop Chesterfield CIGARETTES and we couldn bim This thing be lowes TS Menefeld LIGGETT NYERS TOBACCO CO. LA lica.
What Are You (Continued from page EL GAITERO THE ONLY ELABORATED drinks, acd at midnight, or in the early hours of the morning, they stagger Into their homes helplessy intoxicated. Then the mother Spanish Cider with its us to the priest and with a telle bio ber tale of wie. She lo own Carbonic Acid worried sick because of ber son actiops; abe don know what bus come over bim, be was such.
boy. She can never see wbere be in feeds him, clothes bim, bo to be blame, Sbe bim. good home, and, poor deluded sool, she tbloks abe bas done ber duty; but if she could but see the URETIC AND REFRESHING Almighty God while she tells her Trade Wart cares to minister, she would se Him in wrath Gager of pointing VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ ACCUSSiion at ber, and saying You parents are blame for your buy delinS, quencies. You are responsible VILLAVICIOSA bis sins, You have not ben SPAIN aithful to your trust. You have neglected him for the empty pleasures of this world. You are ESTEBAN DURAN Paarisee in your home, and you must oon day answer to My SOLE AGENT Fathr, who is in Besven, for For tho Ropublio of Panama your We bave parents sl32 who are supposedly good cburcb membere; who frequent the Sacramente; who are generous in the support of their church and who are looked upon a model parisblopers. Their boy, however, buckolidar. He often mister Maon, lo never been at the and the prople sympatb iz his parents. He has such a. EL EXCELSIOR good father and mother they nay. But way we sok Why was Corner 12 Street East Avenue he permitted to miss Maor the firat time He came home drunk, get We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also. is the 20wer: Nothing was ne about it.
watches. Our prices are the lowest and our frequent occurrence.
Workmanship is guaranteed.
Then the parents don bother.
as is tbe use of botbering, he won go any way, dod with WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED this excuse they go od to church tblaking they are good Cathc.
What mockers! If you are not sure that your boy will go to From this date on, Mass, why not bring bim to church with you? Why not enAUCTION SALES courage him to accompany you to the sacraments? Why not will be held every day from a. to p.
give him proper entertainment at home so that he will bavo DO de fre to frequent saloons and Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall questionablo resorts? Th. your be pleased.
boy will be able to get up for Mass. He will lead a good clean life, he will be a credit to you, and in later years he will always bless you for your vigilance.
How different is the model Catbollo family. Charcb togetber, alwaya gether at the Communion rail.
The atmosphere of their home Is Regular Assortment of made to wholesome for the boy, that he has to desiro to seek companions on the Streets or lo dance balls. In the family circle nis advice is always sought. He to pool SUCH ASMon in the household le ore at Importance. It the father is.
Kolght of Columbas, op bulo ga to some other Catholic organajoying club facilities Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine be brings his boy down to meet the members. He is permitted Tablets, Sh oo, Hair Dressing, bis o use the gym Desium, he has swim in the pool.
etc, etc, etc.
bis father AssOCI sits 30 thio kips topic Catholic of the day aro discussed with The Workman Printery proper speech.
conversation 10 broached, pone la permitted. The ever ing for all in is very anjoyable one, and when 93 CENTRAL AVENUE the boy leaves for home he is deeply impressed with the men Panama City.
whom he has met Be to vard to his next visit to the clab. He has no desire to join sbe e gang on the street corner; he vesn crave company, be wheneyer be cares to; be can enjoy the athletle facilities; he lands Waits on Secretary of can meet wish clean mloded men, who ar joy each other company because they are clean. The boy State for Colonies.
atmospbere. Ls raised in morally clean and be naturally London. Sept. 28. The Leeward and Windward Islands blokee and once and the mood according to a deputation that waited on Colonel Catholic should to the parents must go the credit, Amery yesterday, are threatened with complete isolation because they ketp their offspring through the withdrawal of the Canadian Royal Mail Service, on the right path; they did not and the Secretary of the Dominions was requested to bring permit bla young mind to the matter to the notice of the Canadian Government.
become trained with foolleb modera Idens; they showed the Sir Eustace Finnes, Governor and Commander in Chief good examplo, and God wil of the Leeward Islands, who headed the deputation, said it reward them for their falthtal was understood that the Royal Mail service would be withness. The Victorias.
drawn shortly. He referred to the trade agreement of 1925 between Canada and the West Indies and said, Canada in this agreement undertook to provide an adequate fortnightly passenger, mail and freight service between the Dominions Have you tried tho and the Islands, The deputation, Sir Eustace said, did not desire to now Boer impute any lack of good faith on the part of Canada, and Kronen Brau Dominion and the Islands, was appreciated, but these were her action in placing two steamers in service between the only cargo vessels.
Alwayı at Take Notice House Rent Receipt Books Ho Ro Co Famous Products Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, SPANISH ENGLISH zulong He later sentlemen. The No improper He looks Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Societies be ao co to the chuberto pabor Deputation From Leeward IsCAN BE HAD AT The Workman Stationery Store


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