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OUT exports, because tourists PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1926 CONSONS sex Proposed Immigration THE WORKMAN (Continued from page 1)
an ample guarantee for this purpuse in view of the fit that under Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen ou appile a the presect requirements only three SALROND, at the office No. 83 Central ton. Correspondence on all mattes colored antillians have entered the Tenue, Panama, de of public interest invited Republic during the last eighteen PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be months.
written on one side of paper only, and must also call your attention Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of to the consideration of a very im 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaNo. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue purtant fact: the enormous cost tion but as a mark of good faith.
which the preparation of the census Three We do not undertake to return reof the colored foreign elements jooted correspon ence.
sidrot the country wou in PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 velve of British West Indiansſa loué The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS there are about 50, 000 residentia the territory of the Republi and it SATURDAY OCTOBER, 16, 1926, would not be too far fetc ed to that of other nationalities tuere are mºny thousands more.
THE FATE OF THE PROPOSED of all the immigrants to which IMMIGRATION BILL.
said article one refers, the only tbat of the Chinese. In spite of the OF THE HIGHEST ORDER restrictions already in existence and The storm is simmering down to a calm and West the heavy tax which th are te.
Indians, Syrians, East Indians and Chinese are feeling to pay to come to the Re.
hippy that the President of the Republic has thrown oil puble, there continues a constant upon the troubled waters which were stirred by the much Work Done While You Wait flow of individuals of this face. discussed immioration Bill recently passed by the National which justifies the prohibitory Assembly and vetoed by the Chief Executive the nation.
measures decreed by the As emily.
The Japanese colony existent in The progess of making legislation is intricate and a prothe posed laws must pass through several avenues before it can ZRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED tots country iuriguificant se number of Japanese citizers in emerge from the law making body as a statute of the Panama is 225 11d the movement nitional code. From the solons it goes to the President of this immigration does not cate a tendency to marrone and finally to the Attorney General who must pass upon its Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices appreciable anmber O, thio constitutionality. Finally, the various diplomats must cru.
tinize its political features with the right to register protest Ladies Garments Carefully handled hand, these immigrants dedicate their efforts, principal y, to plius if the interests of th: nations which they represent are the barber trade, in which they thereby prejudiced.
do not conpete with the namins as with rare exceptions this trade While the bill was in process of formation there was A: REID Manager is mostly in the hands of foreigners, much ad) among the various colonies here. It was natural The Hindu colony is forned but not altogether necessary. There was not a sufficient knowledge on the part of the people concerning the manner 363x63 se osses WESMES principal y of merchants dedi.
ocated exclusively to trading in in which the bill could become law and consequently an oriental undue amount of excitement prevailed among West Indians of these petent or bazaars, and the employe specially, some of whom suggested the awkward and imrespectively business causes This portant recourse to mass meetings and memorials.
2018 SSSSSSSX SESEOXSC303 SSS Socios no ec comic injury to the Panamans, but on the cootrary con The saner and more thoughtful of our leading, people tributes in a nvisible good mensure towards admonished us to be quiet and composed basing, their exit is an attractiva fur the hortation on the principle thit to be patient is to be strong.
and We have seen that they were right. In every case of the Isthmus, whd are those who trade transit passengers the kind when agitation is ill advised and likely to prove danprincipally with trade.
bazaars gerous the necessity for calm reflection is the best consid However, regarding them and uration.
others originating in British India, who come here in search of wo. Now all have observed that in the regular process of As laborers or chauffeurs, we could legislative proceedings the bill has been halted. This has well restrict their immigration occurred in the proper form by the action of the proper a the authority. The message of President Chiari to the Honor.
permitting their entry in Republic able deputies of the National Assembly which is reproduced in this issue of the WORKMAN is couched in clear, deliberaIt is also worth considering that with the exception of the tiye and incontrovertible language, and we feel certain that Chinese and the Japanese, none the best interest of the nation will be served by the of the races nationalities spontaneous acquiescence of the members of the august mentioned in said Article of Assembly.
this bill are denied ise igration to the Canal Zone and forther.
In reviewing the sutject we must not fail to do justice more many of them constitute a to the Honorable daputies wh pro mulgated the bill. The considerable portion need of legislation on the inmigration question is imperative sonrel in the service of the Paox beyond the shadow of a doub. mental picture of the huge ma Canal and the Panama parades with which the national schools of the city figure in rond. Those individuals could the annual Independence celebrations must bring vividly to reside in the territory of the Republie as tu accuruance with our thought the outstanding fact that herè a multitudinous the a reement for freedom of group of active, virile and stalwart youth is growing up in transit between Panama and the our midst for whom the country must provide a future.
Canal Zrce, it be impossible If immigration were allowed to continue unrestricted BASE. S0x60x50 SOOSSASSSS to prevent them from entering our the problem of providing livings for the people of the nation territory It will even be necessary to adopt a measure which would and offering opportunities to the newcomers would be enigexempt from the effects of this matical. The econ mic outlook is not promising and this the law, those individuals whose law makers have seen. It is this: view of the situation that NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES imun immigration is prohibited, who has moved them to action and it is our encumbent duty to CALL IN AT are to the service of the Parama Canal or the Panama Railroad.
try and see the question as it appears to them. We must Missionary Demonstra The Executive Power considers therefore extend to them or unbiased sentiments if even the bill is impracticable and impossible.
tive Program.
as more practicable the restrictive systein by which we could s1 efThat some form of legislation will ultimately be adapted iect an absolute if ever cannot be questioned. The President has plainly stated that Solvie prohibition Nors thetarding the foclewent but with due respect for the opin dermed convenient or nebessary he recognises this inevitable necessity. Whatever may be nescher; on Sucday the 10th iust ioa which seems to pred, ninate in done, the well being of foreigners who are already here 80 members of the the Assembly should not be interrupted: we claim that we must not be Et opian Church bgan their hibition, suggests that Article be open in favor of pro.
made to suffer any inconvenience arising out of the action No. 93, Central Avenue Sabbath School Missionary De anended to limit the. pro isition monstrative Program, which was to the Chinese, the Syriacs: the of the legislative body of the Republic for the reason that que a treat of youd things, Turks and North Africans of the our presence here antedates the problem, but we readily ASSORTMENT OF The renditions by the Choir Turkish race, and as regards the agree that it is only just and reasonable that the coming were excellent; and of the thirty others in the form indicated.
people of the nation be provided for as far as the government xitus rendered it is hard to Article may be considered can arrange.
GOOD STATIONERY Uwch was best.
unconstitutional, because it dimiThe Honorable Deputies will not abandon their efforts Bro, Moore who Superi Dishes or restricts the right of tends the Mission, has been giver domicle as defined and consecrated to make laws anent the immigration question, but it is now SOUVENIRS, C: believed that they will exercise more moderation in their success of manse congratulations for the by the litte III. of the Civil Code.
work. Their attention will no doubt, be diverted from Program, wbich proves anar laws: the foreigners alluded to in From the point of view of our resident foreigners, especially West Indians, and turned tistic mind. Bamers, Songs, Reciprincipally upon im nigrants who look forward to making thit article, may be classified in taloobs. Dialogues, and Solos two categories, namely. first, 11. 04 were all lo barmony. The Chair wro are istablished in the country their first entry into the country. We are sure the bill, man Griffith having stated without acquiring the right of do when revised, will restrict promiscuous immigration and toe La ure and object of tho Pro micile; second, those who have ac prevent the flooding of the country with an unwieldly gram, made way for Miss Te resa, quired that right in accordance alien surplus in the labor market.
a huse addrese was momentous. with the provisions of Chapter 1, The motion song Its Love by Title II. Book of the Civil Whatever is done, we feel certain that the best interests the little tots Gladys. 5d Code, of the people of the West Indies who are already here will Olvin Jayes was vociferously not be prejudiced by any legislative enactment. Let us Foreigners falling within the pplauded and encored. Master first category could rwise no ocje pursue our usual course with composure and reliance upon Why throw away your old, but no Hubert James also received the good will of a nation whose Chief Executive has pro doubt interesting, books when you loud applause for the manner in tion to Article of the bill, but nounced its pleasure in having us live here as a recognized whicb be recited Masterceptiog those alfected by the pars.
those of the second category, ex menland Your colony regularly dumiciled according to the constitution of can have them neatly bound at Alfonso Some Things to Keep grup bave acpuired rights which the Republic. THE WORKMAN Wot der to come for his brain baridi odralios in die laies, with shodila was par excellent and is yet would be violated On the other it does capacity. The solos Beneath the position on 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Cross ADVERTISE Great og Legibles and Ambussador of the have been proposed by the Opposite Cecilia Theatre Jayes can never be forgotton or the Magistrates of the Supreme by those wbo saw or heard her Court of Justice, according to the IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS (Continued on Page 5)
provisions of Article 98 of the Con. Continued on page 5)
GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted as ATor ESPERANZA LAUNDRY ortion of the perRail.
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