
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1926 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Monthly Report Attractions at the Theatres one ар end OF THE UNITED NEGRO IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION AT COLON, CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA STRAND Following the usual commendable custom since its establisbPANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON ment the above Association preToday Saturday Oct, 16th sents the following report of its Today. Saturdy Oct. 26th Today Saturday Oct, 16th Lilian Rich in Today Saturday Oct. 16th operations during the month of and Low Cody in SEVEN DAYS Lao Chaney is September:Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 17th TIME THE COMEDIAN THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA My Dear People :Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 17th The more have to do with Richard Dir in Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 17th Richard Barthelmess in Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 17th the work of United Negro Im SAY IT AGAIN Conway Tearle in JUST SUPPOSE Charles Rey in provement Association, the more And reasons to believe that THE MISTIC BRIGHT LIGHTS Monday October 18th there is an Almighty and just Monday October 18th God who sees all. knows all, wbo Charles Ray in Monday October 18th Irene Rich in Monday October 18th is present every wbere, whose BRIGHT LIGHTS Lillian Rich in COMPROMISE George Brien in porer la invincible and wbose STION THE JESTER ROUGHNECK judge Dent is sure. Il every momTuesday October 19th Tuesday October 19th ber of the United Negro 10George Brien in Tuesday October 19th Tuesday October 19th Jack Horie in provecent Association will see THE ROUGHNECK with me and accept this great Hoot Gibeon in WILD HORSE STAMPEDE Vers Raynolda ia trub the Organization will ex THE MAN IN THE SADDLE WITHOUT MERCY perier ee no difficulty in keeping Wednesday October 20th Wednesday October 20th up its triumphant march to socVera Reynolds in dnesdoy October 20th Richard Dir in Wodnesday October 20th cess WITHOUT MERCY Syd. Chaptin in SAY IT AGAIN Richard Bartholmens in am delightfully pleased and THE MAN ON THE BOX JUST SUPPOSE very much gratified to observe Thursday October 21st phat the members of our Organi Thursday October 21st mation are all God Lesring people Richard Barthelmess in Thursday October 21st Charles Ray in Thursday October 21st Our experiences have lead us to JUST SUPPOSE Raym ord Gritlitb in Lroe Rich is BRIGHT LIGHTS out incplicit felth in a Great WET PAINT COMPROMISE Bource of Power wbo controls the Friday October 22nd Irene Rich in Friday October 22nd Foldsy October 22nd Friday October 22nd destiny of rach and every COMPROMISE George Brien in Eleanor Boardman in of on and of all else. IndiviJuck Hozje in dually and collectiv lg.
This THE ONLY THING THE ROUGHNECK WILD HORSE STAMPEDE method of reasoning does not Iancur with the opinio of some Saturday October 23rd Saturray Cete bor 23rd Saturday October 23. Saturday October 23rd Conway Tearle in very good neople, but we are Vera Raynolds in Richard Dix io Wuo. Pairtarbs in beveribtlees unwilling to change THE GREATER GLORY THE NEW CHAMPION WITHOUT MERCY SAY IT AGAIN cur views because they have been justitied by practical demoustra.
tion. dodat hy Thnse of us who are responsi ble for the succesful o Jeration of our organisation and West Indian Con pa pos) to point out eat the for its reduction to aa equitable to functions and demanded. CANAL ZONE NOTES verion: Auxilliaries foily reli livlog. Tois ilfe tas prasent distress and rpk xy surn, say five balboas.
that we ar mere instruments in tinuation School of the nations and this greater the hands of Great Arcbitect. Article 29 is also inconvenient. also tranemitted to this progeny As such we a e bound to succeed trouble threatening to break because the Republic of Panama The dew phlbaopby of lite over bumanity are indica tions being through it geographic pusi real gues9 work; there is not LA BOCA to all our efforts. course there The better class of Weet that we are cearing the end of Lion a country of compulsory tran one single fact contained therein.
are times when the best of in India parede la Colon and the old order of things. This sit, the prohibitioa which the article The man wo belle ven the ble struments become dull or ts Silver City will soon be having is but a prepara ion for a hatter involves, rould cause serious pre life is obtained from the winate For the past two weeks raid out of compliar ce in some way. what they have. og been pray, day when rigb teousness will judice to the individuals affected. protozva, and that by maki prevented the usual Tuesday jaet as bow we some times, inading for a first class Continuation control the affairs of earth. The law should provide for the es desperata effort to recover bio eveniog meetings of the La Boca from the path of rectitude and Hines.
vertently or otherwise, deviate School conducted on Eaglie Not only ll tib9 nove world tablislineat of immigration stations self from the borrors of the Athenaeun.
however eight, but the sharpening. the There have been from time to be one of peace and righteous where undesirables in transit may present lite by bis owa schemes understood ibat Becretary Neely of the correcting band of the maichleur tim. complainte a nome parenta beraie, bohappinesoplado ancestry for them to await ehipe eventually land him ea tbe sa Athenaeum, called a special meetpeso, but my be becomes methode, tbat will who Master Workman is ever present about the training of their obedient to the lows of Christ here before continuing to remodel and bave thics children, especially their growo klogdom. ia just for combrought up to the proper stand up girls. It is well koowo that Scriptural voyage.
ing the way to bis, mind which ing debate between the AtbandeArticle 21 is unneessary be. bistorical many of these bave been with We are not attempting to dedor drawn from scbool long before proof will be presented in 80 cause the Executive Power basalj leads to the abyss of final death, em god the Cristobal Clubhouse Man on being on this planet Literary society as discussed.
pear possible for our God, best use it does not ap they have even compi. ted their port of the statements made ready taken the necessary steps to with all the glories of prospects The theme of the subject for purpose. before let debate. Article 21 violates Article 23 of his arms and wait for his bro military training le detrimenta comprehended and explain the lo grades for reasons wh! ch it 10 hoito. We however acice with the West Indies parents are not be treeand no collection win that the law te may not like what lov ter ble opparbanding to improve ang Bselets will argue for the. Admission to the lecture will the Constitut on which establishes aber to bring bread and push it 16 16 the peace of the world. It is be declaration of m085 setze understood that Celstebal Liter of a great writer in exposed to such dangera taken effects and this is edect that ible rast universe of ducating their children, because every occurs when restricting by means of bimself a character wortby stáratlye.
oors, with ite thousands of man or woman before be is plex, Interlacing laws. all mani permitted to take care of the Proposed Immigration by virtue this would be the care but no man cao, even with the law rights or concessione acquired of life, by improving bimself in of previous 4 provi. moral and educatiocal abilities. wondrous Intelligent young must satisfy. patern Harvest Thanksgiviug Bio 18 and adaption means to ende, ints and interested government tbat to Sopreme Intelligence that he or she to qualified intelect(Continued from inge 4)
with those Chinese at present ab. firm grasp of these qualities be Services Seat from the country with perable to pull bimsell out of the designed them all. The heavens ually and morally to trato tbe letitution.
witb ita wyrieds of stare Pe volevou miods. few of the mission to return within three ye. ra, condition into wbieb the buman big through space without the teachers who shine in tbe local sent because it affects not only dle of iaw of 1923. This article is further inconve. in virtue of the provisions of Art family has been lowered through November 14 the annual the overwhelming Influence of Harvest Tankegiving Beyloes oligbtestenterference ons with schools al Colon iod the 2, the interests of the individuele ra will be held at St. Peter. La Tam presenting separately the the arcb enemy Batan.
the orber, ble earth with its could ever hope to enter a schoul affected by the law but also affecto motifications resulting from the qu eh rush through space, or to their bomeland as teachert! otbers.
which we are deconeclous: Man bolds in die possession Byat 6, a. 1045. and the Under the direction of Mr foregoing observations and also certaia Godilke goalitice, the 780 GRAND BARVEST MUSICALE will be given constant accession come into the the one halindoActing that the compose of preventing fraude in the opinion, are necrosary to complete, Adam, theo qual tien co bat up those otamno woola of tbe It is proper that the purwhat was given to 80, o.
ture of the tloleso fern, the laws bere, the organ 2ston has com formalities be established to insure wlocloner of the. of immigration, certain with wh ch improved; but be connot het by week for more Information of instinct is the brate creation, pletely renovated himself from tbe the special adoption the scd spacious ball upstairs on affected; but that may be acrom.
large the identificati o of the foreigners road to deatb eternal, ll be does about our Harvest Tomo lengiring various organe kod senses of the human body, al declare en in ulub. Broadway and there plished without pot accept the provisions made activitlo.
necesity Life, Where Did It for him. Toe Lew philosophy will be opened Welligent Law maker by whose Ostober 18th, a first class school severe.
on Monday of adopting measures unnecesssrily of life can save no map from Cristobal Silver Clubhouse wisdom all bas been establisbed. for all parents wbo will like to Come From. death, it can briog no bappiness Many persona wonder at the bare good and safe school for If, as hope, there observations to the bomen family: be phenomenal successes which we their children of all classes 10 are accepted, it will not be difficult bappiness its preachers say it furowell social was given aobleve from time to time: Some attend.
to find a conciliatory formula (By Philip Lewis) brlogs, is one, whicb at its end, Miss Ima Edwards, the Advisor have expressed themselves as which would correct the defects Tbe alm of the school it Many Unsclentifte Scientists bas disgrace, con pt tad foal of the Mary Church Terrel Girie on Saturday nigbt, October 9th.
belog ogrees bly surprised olunderstood is not only to teach pointed out, have endeavored to prove that ruin.
what has been All kinds of games and song within the short period of two to the common subjects in the Articles and 14 are inconve life exlate of itself without an Life lo a precious gift. The were engaged in by the girls and and this in spite of the no. schools around, but to prepare nient because the time limits there antecedent. But reasoning this sinful one which the buman Advisors and a good lime was en UDPO Miss in or antagonjste. In this for the States on the 17th, ot com particule examinations enabling them to the census of the foreigners affected there could be no reproduction Boal decay. The everlasting one there should be no tensor for leges and bigh teboole in the establishes and for the issuance of life. The only conclusion to Christ Joue, who has secured month to attend school. We are tho rery fact that we are not onr own keepers, the corre ponding certificates of which we can camels, that is with the worlts of bio precious more tha sorry to part with bot very much to the contrary, It eince there is life on this eartb, blood, Nape who is found with Miss Elwards who has been competent certificated residence are extremely short.
are noder the immediate control teacher of several years exper will be sufficient to indicate that it must have come from some out it at the end of the establish. quite a zsalone Worker in bed of Supreme Force, is more than jense and bigbly respected in the West Indians oaly. total about source of life, and also this source ment of the Kingdom of Christ Reserve work but what is our sufficient to loss is ber gain for it is ber inexplan wby we bave the community will be la charge. 50, 000 as already indicated and the must be both eternal and sel will exist.
been able t3 wenther every storm the publicunde belangrik om fore, this without considering the other Many sell sufficient Egotista Chineso total do love than 4, 000, existent.
tention to father her knowledge in Girl Reserve woik.
emerge with ed later concerning fying colors. We have great program before us Rcbool.
increasing the time limits in now prosesses, to the develop. NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES and we are goidR to coptioue to reference to at least three months ment from protoplasmic cells indo our very best to promote ih and one year, respeotively, Earth Greatest the, to larger bodies which finally Why pay double price bapplnees of our fellow men and Executive Power should be author reached the existance of man. Coatinued from page 4)
for inferior imported ourselves Members of the United Negro Conflict Near ized to appoiat the supernumerary and, wan is now Evolving 108 on the platform. Dialogues, Die Boor when you can Improvement Association should personnel necessary to carry out Rreater being of renown. But it cussing Sabbath School and that work, because the empleyes to this be true, we may still ask the Practical liglon revealed buy a superior Beer boinfaltely proud of themselves. have the bonor to be, Sanday October 17 1926 might be sufficient to baodle their plamic cells get their life?
which article 17 of the law refer, questiou: Whence dip the pro conditions as they are lo mans These suoh as BALBOA for Yours for progress and religious circles today.
7:30 Mr. Harris will ordinarge work but not the extra The Bible clea half the price.
peace profound, deliver lecture at the Flower ordinary work we refer to cow. to be the clearly sbows Jebovabwere also very welghty and effecHEOTOR CONNOR. President of the Isthmus Lodgeball source of lite, Luke tive.
Broadway, Cclon, between ech Article 11 whereby the sum of 38: Gen. 7: Jno. 26. Toe Those who were abrent mlased and 7th streets on the subject, Ten Balboas in fixed as a tax or word Jehovat means, selfex si. dish of good things which Have you tried the EARTH GREATEST CON fee to be paid for the insurance of ing: one possessing immortality would have made them strongest Dr. Wendehake are the of life. He eremorally, now Boer apraoging for the meeting, sidence, is also considered in conve Tois lite which Jehovab possess Socially, and spiritually. Truly MEDICAL CLINIC however, state that the lecturer nient. This tax or lee would be ex. Ies, was moditi. to its simplest the best thłogo are always put Kronen Bran is not propbet of epil nor is tremely enerous for the majority of from the breath of life, and up to small parcele. However 7, 025 Front Street Colon his object that of scaring anyone the individuals affected by the law wus breaibed into the nostrils of another diah Is promised for the OPPOSITE RR STATION into being goo1. Rather it is ble and would suggest its elimination Alam, this caused all his orgada y season con festing dowoward ibe socompliebed enter And PHONE 11


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