
FAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER :7, 1926THE ATTENTION MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS ganggo ang gagasanggigognagagaganggangana bowled there is web, brlying tem ber 9th in Vas up to sen Workman Stationery Store mother on Thes bu THE BEER who Up to date Jewelry bis There The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
can las an meet on him, were Bausen ir be is. cong Fuller Jewelry Store Wicked Mother Burns De vaid mine voor het in die Gricket a Game of Dr. David Smith Her Child Thrills.
SENTENCED TO THREE The Bitb and last of the cricket MONTHS Test Matchs between Eagland Dr. Smith the Snake OFand Australia te ntly bas given bite Specialist of Guabito, the Brisb puble th ills that it Bocas del Toro, begs to Magistrate Told Her That She Friendly Societies and Secret Orders will remember to: a long ti se. offer his professional service Was a Cruel Wretch, Cricket bas not the swift es to any patient. Wherever clonent of football, where all found, his snake bite remeA late issue of the Trinidad IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF the players are in to loo all the dies have never failed to WEEKLY GUARDIAN says:time, bat for a yory simple reaViolet Neale, 17, sobbed pon there is a more profc u a effect a speedy cure. The hysterically at the Police Court iaten ity in its thrille. Te rei. Doctor also specializes in when the City Magistratoorson is that of humerable and nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers of cricket other complaints such as Uridered her to be imprisoned with bard labcur for three months for separat duels. Every time the and ball is Obstinate ill treating ber three years old Coughs.
cbſid. Evidence was that she deliberately prepared duel be Should you need his prowilfully borned the Infant tween the bowler, who seeks fessional services, do not fail bands, and Mr. Van Buren told get the ball past the batsman nito write or come to the Docber that Suitable for Lodge Business bit ibwicket and th she was a cruel wretcb.
tsman: tor personally when you can Violet who se ks to hit th ball as bard room at Belle and as far as he (ap, with the be cured.
Eau Road, Belmont, which she ten team mates of the buwler all all Address. AT THE rented from an East Indian waiting on tiptoe to Io e cept the DR. DAVID SMITH named dboo. Madhoo and his bill. Buch gme calls for the wile Popo, who stayed next door highest qualities of skill, reSpecialist beard the child crying out to its source, self reliance and judg. Guabito Bocas del Toro that night, saying went to the Individual. The Mamma, don burn me.
bats. nn must be able to await Republic Panama.
also beard Violet reply, Yes, Harga 2000. goo. ggggg agoggagoggagogga sugatag ngagoggagoggend the attaccols, then decide In am not golpg to beat you, but a fleb what be intends to do and am going to burn you. The child then do it swi tly and resolatel kept on crying, and the Indian The bigbest premium is couple went out and saw it.
Individual put sk il aod success Violet moved that same night. 0! this is one of the thir and the police found bar at that make the game uniqne51 St. Vincent Street on Sunday the individual bas to subo denate last himselt to the cbanging needs of Lance Corpl. Taylor of Belmont, bis team. At one ume he must discovered ber whereabouta, SUPPLIED BY be slow and cautious; at another instituted inqures from over be dust be enterprising to the hearing a conversation in Palbam polnt of recklessness, whatever Street lost week. When he went own desires may be. the buuse at St. Vincent is no other game that so. com. In every form can be seen Street, be bad come didicàlý in bines Individual and colloctive floding out if the fendant and effort.
here at its best See ou her child Id were really on the Cricket mast bave had an inpremises calculable ettect on the charae. Wrist Watches, He told the Court that a woter of Englishmen and, lo spite man named Myot, wh) be Inter of the popularity of lawn tennis, Bracelets viewed there, allegad tbal Volet is brewed from the best the number of young men who was not in the place. It was ooly play it on Saturday afternoons Diamond Rings wben the policeman threatened js increaside. The effect beglas materials obtainable to obtain a search warrant to at school. The schoolboy bats and a hundred other adornlook for her that the accused to march out the long ments and you ll recognize appeared with the infan distance from the pavilion to the why this is the LEADING When Taylor saw the condiIt is specially suited for this climate centre of the largs, tield that of the. he sent it to ad it was admitthe Bospital, Le requires and there, JEWELRY HOUSE in town ted by Urich, who testiis superior to all imported beers sold with every eye crit cally fixed ask prices and you ll find stil each of those frestdled yesterday as to its conditios. prepared here and it sells to the public at attacks another reasonBe must not He let d1. red by apburned, inflamed, and to come extent septic. He was of opinion HALF the price.
be btrayed into that the burns were caused by incautiousness it be finds the 122 Cothral Ave. Phone 623 hot liquid, and must bave been towling too difffcult for scortis.
very painful, And each time, once TRY. OUR NEW BEER what to do, there must be no 900 PODOPODOBOSODE 3000, His Worsblp: Did they appear to bave been treated in any way?
hesitation. This certainly teaches There was a dressing of carself reliance, But, naturally, TRY was bolic oil upon them.
schoolboys and young men do Wɔuld not that increase the not play a game for its moral KRONEN BRAU in? It must have been intereffect on th. ir character. They ded as an play it for the excitement of The defendant swore that those innumerable separate ON DRAUGHT she left some milk on the fire SUPERIOR TO ALL duels.
at ber bome in Belle Exu Rad ad In the least of the test matches OR BOTTLES wept cut. When she returnwhich was played on the famous DOVODOVOD000 000 1000 1000 ed, sbe found her little girl socis burned and serer ming. The Sarrey kruud, tbe Oval, the child told her tht she had been wbanging fortunes of the play bad un burned by the hot milk. She usally intense. Bad weather and WILKINSON put sweet oil on the spote, and afterwards got some ointment alow play bad made it impossible to Enish any of the first four Contractor from the drug store for it. malches in the iraditional three Intended taking it to the doctor, days: there was no time limit she stated, but the es and Builder th for the last match and on the advised me not to do so.
fourth day there was a sensatBhe alleged that the Indian ional collapse of the Australian wbo was ber landlord gave her House No. 20 baternen and England won.
notice to leave for unpaid rent, and that abe heard that be was Of every description the first day the English bats 28th NOV. STREET, trying to get her locked up, men made disappointiggly SAN MIGUEL To the general because she had said that she surprise most of the botter in Box 411, Panama, woud Althoukbabe believed that DONE WITH NEATNESS AND tralian batsmen did not do as well. Then the remaining Austhe landlord was at enmity with bar, she su no moned b!
and bis DESPATCH tralions of whom less was ex pected, proceeded to put a dir Plans and Speciications Froo wite as her only witnesses.
Their evidence was in lavour ferent aspect on the state of of the prosecution.
bauecerine vaplabbena on First Slass Workmanship Mr. Van Buren said that he did was not quite understand why it was AT THE the Rollehobloge. Then Satisfaction Guaranteed that the defendant did not take and the iwo beveterons, the ber child to the Health Otice idol of crowds, them when it was burned. Could she Sateliffe, made Defendant: Every body told me almost as high score as the FLOWERS whole English team not to do so.
made in the first innings. The rest of the Abogado. Attorney at Law His Worsbip: For what rea sou!
team did riting well and the final No answer When the Magistrate insisted OFFICE: No. 44 ST scores was a very large one. This left the Australian in bad, but Upon reply. Violet blurted out British Consulate Notice BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY don know. She broke down not an Impossible position TELEPHONE No. 1377 and commenced to sob.
They began to bat with the His Worebip said he was quitel The British Consul at Colon crowd in a fever of eagerness.
satisfied that the Atle child did would be glad of information as hope and fear. Could Australia Practicing before all the courts of not recelve the burns by acol to the present whereabouts of the Republic since April 1914 made the big score required for victory? Then to the amazement dent, but that they were to thot Constantis Violet Bennett, dress ed by the accus wiltully and maker, a native of Jamaica, who THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER of everyone the batsmen coldeliberately. It Was quite at one time resided at Muller Lapsed before the English bowobvious. Not Oaly did she not Building, Fourth Street, Colon.
lers in the most dramatic way Dentist Howell take the child to the doc or lor WITHOUT AN EQUAL and their total ridiculously small.
treatment but there was the evidence of the East Lodians, wbo Don fail to try it HOUSE 912, LA BOCA said that they heard her threalening to burn the child instead What everyone is CANAL ZONE.
Iniportant, of beating 16. think. Mr Van (Opposite the Restaurant)
that you are saying Contributors in general Office Hours: a. to 1p. m, No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required. and our Atlantic side writers KRONEN BRAU to p.
bard labour for three months.
in particular, are asked to DAILY Inspecto: Power it quired it draw breath when writing the chila bagbt not to be seot to superior to all ADVERTISE and Condense their contribuPHONE 1941 BALBOA the Industrial School but in imported beers tions considerably, to ensure Specializes in all the branches order was made. Toe little girl is IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS publication.
still in hospital.
of Dentistry, decides KRONEN BRAÜ antiseptic.
and neighbours JOB. PRINTING moderate score. The not pay bimbis reor.
affairs by he end began Hobbs, Agata WORKMAN PRINTERY explaio?
bad Contra Crespo Baren The penalıy be imposed was


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