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PRICE Cts. Cy.
New Immigration Law Signed by President Chiari Amended Law Passed CONDEMNED HURRICANE Jamaica Producers Aim MURDERER AT CUBA Third Reading in Assembly Doties Goalors to Take Take Great Toll of Livos At Owning Line of Steamers Him to the Scaffold. And Does Much Damage Full Text of New Measure Exclud Butte, Mont. Oct. Tory In Havan alone there are Association Plans to Build And Vettere a convicted murderer 3200 families homeless. Esing Foreigners Resident In was hanged at the country jail timated loss, 100, 000, 000.
Equip Five Large Vessels For here exrly this morning after he Republic, had been overcome with tear gas, President Machado organisTrade.
iollowing an attack upon count ing Relief Committee, Just as we were about to go to press with our last form ofers who attempted to lead him to the scaffold.
Havuna Oct, 22 Latest reports On several occasions within the past few weeks the and after our Editorial page had been printed off, the news Ertering Vetteres cell, Deputy the island of Cuba by reason of the interests being organised for the preparation of a scheme state th the dead exceed 650 in Jamaica Mail has referred to the possibility of Jamaican new Sheriff Robinsou instructed Immigration Law has been sanctioned by President Chiari The con le manied pain to prepare for setores whicho visited edhe diela nad which calls for the ownership by such interests of a shipe and forwarded to the Secretary bir, Foreign Relations to be the elemento nerobi a piece of iron aumerable and the homeless exceed ping line to provide the proposed direct service to and from yesterday the wounded in National Assembly.
Appeals for been.
ode: The full text of the law as amended by the Legislative pipe tre feet long which he had Commission and approved by the President reads thus. officer from ane cell following him completely distroyed and it is call with this extremely important proposal. The Jamaica in bis bed and drove the More than 10 districts are It is now possible to give further details in connection We have studied with all inter.
culated will est the objections of the Executive Executive Power says that it can pipe and a knife made from a na alone the dead are est mated at ment is convinced that the Association should not only pro. Regarding Article Two: the down the corridor brandishing the amount to 100, 000, 009, In Hava Producers Association is the body referred to: Its manage.
Power, to the Immigration Bill and be regarded as unconstitutional large spoon.
opine that in part it is well fouad. and adds that it is inconvenient Robinson leaped through the familie at 1, 600, with vide cargoes of fruit for the proposed service; but that Jaed.
Presidential Mes ºr of the reasone advanced to de sage some arguments are advanced do another fier for the corredor do envelope work one dietoly radion and own its own ships for the transportation of bananas and has immediately taken monstrate the inconvenience of Ar. wb ch tend to demonstrate its and another officer locked it. Con ticle One, that which explains that uaconstitutionality, the truth is himeded the corridor, Vettere and it is expected that today the other commodities to the United Kingdom. it has come and des and tramway service will this decieion owing to the fact, that one scheme which was not be fort iddea merely because for that reason, as indicated by the Judge who had sentenced bin to death, he dired anyone to Gmed, submitted to the Imperial Government on behalt of British language used. In they are negroes, is both just and that article is reicher uncoopinion Committee and repablid capitalists contains conditions which it is felt in some correct. In effect, they are negro tior subscript ons are solicited Public quarters, the colony will not accept.
of geod moral conditions, indus. tional nor inconvenient. The right fold, of is no: an acquired and Private automobiles are being The principal stipulation is that there should be a guarantriebe for bilan o rable; into should she necording to our computed two derm opere dit geehand became online rythu let hele historiete tee by the local government that in the event of the colony Other them than tot by tional entry into our na: neither the civil status of a person, spraying it into the her lieve that such is not Furthermore we sincerely we Consequently it can well be stipula corridor Presideat Macbado has ordered dr ving Vettere to his cell, where all bu iness closed in Havana the homeward voyage, the company should be paid for the in foreignered whore ishimisembly, is sought, as gration is probibited, who aban: for fifteen minutes before the lint in protectieg property from The English capitalists referred to state that they are willing which we understand it, is to free the dion the country of their own voli prisoter dropped to the floor.
Pananan workman from the rulineista liste dobre law of 1934 he lig in the cell, and he was then Intest reports, in at least three of 19, 000, 000 10 be obtained under the Trade Facilities Act, His arms were according to the island will pillerers. There is widespread to have about six constructed for the proposed service if of ous competefore, we ernsider that according to which, the Chinese carried to the gallows. There in the country could provinces. the problem can rem in here provided they com shouting as the trap was sprung.
ould revived sufficiently to renew lie and Santa Clara.
to defray the cost of building and equipping the ships.
satisfactory manner, by arloping ing plied with certain conditions and He was propounced dead in six the severest in eighty years, has tion has submitted to the Government suggest that the the modification which we pres nt not The storm, wbich is recorded as The proposals which the Jamaica Producers Associathey da right to it. Toinutes.
sheet by also done the greatest damage to o which the prohibition against but as a concession which the Vettere steadfastly maintained the island, leaving thousands of State should guarantee interest and sinking fund on a loan of immigration would include the legislator conferred on them. is Innorene of the shooting of homeless behind to receive help 2, 000, 000 to be floated in England to enable the organizaof the Antilles and the begroes whose origin hind symbol. alleged that it affects the rigl. In support of the claim that Antone Favero here list Novem, from the Goverament and other tion to place an order with British shipbuilding firms for language is the Article is incrovenienti ber of which he was convicted.
the construction of five steamers as large and as well izes the Fatherland so perfectly, such prejuice a: the result of the not Spanish. If.
others, but we cannot see any appointed as any of the ships which are operated by Messrs the it is clear that this Elders and Fyffes, Ltd. in their fruit business to England point of must deserve all law, if the foreigner absent him SPARKLETS you to sell. defr uding his creditors it and the Gontinent, attention, because thus contribute towards the defense o will not precisely be because bi the National language return is prohibited as he do the under SHIP WRECKED CREW PICKED UP AT SEA other observations of the Executive conditions, but because of personat Heaven for the Survi the situation and added that, as of the Fittest which with scavenger aspiring to be a scientist ioventor be would strongly to Article AFTER DRIFTING FOR TWO DAYS AND HALF One. It is true that there are mine the commission of a puoI had hoped to be able to un object, rebel and, of few are ishable act.
and Hindus Japanese ravel the truth as to what would fight against the introduction of Colon Oct. 20: Buffeted about ing there just as the revolution at present resident in the Istb. However, in the form of a com be the exact state of affairs if the sea notorious departure from by wind and wave on a wild waste broke out.
mus, but it is no less true that we promise, we consider as acceptable Browns, world scavengerz, repre: the standard code of ethics. It of water in a heall cock leadily Capt. Frank left here on Friday are not legislating only for the the modificatiun of the Executive senting one half of raankind, and is the fittest that will in end which was steadily with Bluefields for his destination, tions have the right to be protect. country of those foreigners whose representing the other ball, were to selves out of the scavenger class das Beker of the yawl rigge bois of this city. About eight hours and nire bours, Capt. Frank board consigned by Robe Feuilleed now and this is the aim of the immigrationimited probibited who receive equivo Monetary are prettiere able to would be entirely notre Moupe beorge Whitaker and in. page 8) compervation. it contribution to the upkeep of man. 19 the standard from which they of the surviving members of his owt from Colone bo ran into a heavy LABORER WORTHY OF HIS HIRE urate into the apparent un penetran altairs to come in tad biked to be able to pene. cams. In fact, it is wholly impos crew of five, arrived in Coloa on se, and as he progressed matters grew worse. He saw sible for such a horrible state of Tuesday night on board the New have to run for it, and headed for ascertain whether come into eftect, he Zerland line steamer Color weich Little Coro Island, where there is a contentment would prevail over said. Then what about those who rescued them in the nick of time.
SAYS CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER light and good anchorago. By ncon condition, whether the are not fit As a matter of fact Capt, Whitaker recent mari on Saturday, the winds was blowould to have guns70 miles That the new Exclu ion Law is opmeet you cannot stop the on themselves and the Lazaruses keep ust inventors. They are filling a plied the barber trade in Colon. ried away. Suddenly a huge wave for the Lazarutes and even for gers are as much fit as the scien. Tucky. For years and years he had bour, and the top rigging an was causing untold comment ward march of a stronger race, by adverse goes without paying and powal mwen you cannot protein advancing scientific researches and place which must of necrosity be al the old and new Imperial hotels. strack the craft and everywhere wewe, then at the Hotel Washington. practically turn luding Captain coming in direction at times froin your own race by exclusive laws as inventions for the benefit of all killed; and, that being the turtle.
places wroup of workers as both his Frank worked free, are actually dependent on on each the One of the most striking and said, that the only way to overcould eventually become stage as the Lazaruses are in theirs; but two of the free, for existence. thoughts trended measure is the following editorial our vices, Nature clamors for the trended steadily toward crew were imprisoned in the boat comment which app are. and will thereby automatically eliminating The News a wekly not acd, of course, turn of the argument it appears right deck of his own veseel. All his case of the remainder struirea getting the interest of the Catholic faith, place of a country then the Puritans It is believed that this was the scavenger, anyway. And the pose, and for about three years whatever bandhold they could building his the uptorned boat, was desperate.
of which the Rev, Thomas Me of the United States would have identical state of mind in which the scientist io veators are now working late craft at the Folks River yard. There was a lifeboat lashed to the Donald M, is President. been first, instead of last. What is Russians found themselves when to perfect means to eliminate that it was a great day for Barber deck, but this was under the water.
The article which appears under nearest to its source is strongest. they decided to experiment on the class work, and in a short time Frank as he has long been Captain Frank dived and dived and the above caption read thuss Not only is the laborer worthy may pag8 be tricked, You scheme, first by disposing of their seekers of work in that department known, when the vessel was laun nally after working an hour or latent Czar and then goods will strave; they will be pressed Colon docks. It was stardilybrought it of his bire but also of respect be forces today but tomorrow it will and chát:els with a view, Enect out of ex stencedie! Bul nabout eleda dobrou at around tordithe brote breleased the small craft and to the surface into the chief producer of mock you. You may discriminate likely, to the world. His pr duction is not against the West Indian laborer, poor of the ide them among the how long will it be before that built boat, the best of everything, which the men crawled to an exAccording to the perfected questioned, pro personal work in its construc olueta clothing but this labor will corquer, in the newspapers the Russians failed and and added Belode fire bicioned and Frank himself bad put a lot ba usted condition The capsized vessel was then and other like comnurdities but ir. course of time, and he will be in the demonstration of their idea that Christ ouly God knows the exact tion.
abandoned, While the oars of the gher sense he is the ti ne and after His birth and only hope of society in family law maker has finished his swan should therefore receive, an equal over sineteca hundred years have sa 7Addres, to Colemhin, to Man men before the little one man is as much entitled to, and span Trips were subsequently made to lifeboat were found in place, the little pod ethically the stay of society, the it will be against the North under the present order of things. fection of any such scheme is can: Very good, and then, too, on nearly steamships were sighted at a dis.
and Chinese to other has proven impracticable reliau broken auch scheme the per petition was keen and cargoes not During the ensuing to several of narrow and short sighted states. American. And so dowo the long. To discriminate against list of foreigners who have caused the Browns who is rspiring to be cave been made in that aprecien or the other whereby additional once a steamer came nearer and for Soliciting the opinion of one of pitched is Browa, much progres every drip there were so manlipun ca ne going toward the States, and the by to bloom like and burden come law, besides all because th:se races tre wia ing him where there is much food for Aad nature is to work upreto per when coming up from Mandingabó dought that tibey were seen, but being a confession of national the race, thought in the Russians idea, be was many days, so. Fnally, the weakness is against national devel. ontinued or page 8) deprecated my way of viewing Continued on page 8)
be was held up at Bluefields arriv(Continued on page 8)
sources, language, it is View also (BY WCK)
coulu very ble and no Browns would carFour days as birber, explained jof cf bis unbiased disse:tations on che new come a stronger raco is to teach the one refusing to serve the other Well. suid Brown on the face the time when he pace the quarter and were never seen afterward The of the last issue of have paper published every Sunduy in a racial element in the Ve held themselves but co one wants to continue to be savings were devoted to this pur around in the water and on in the eur eurvival of Cow. If laws fittest. and foremost kind.
Nature will not to divide use of of limited to focd the for the curreat 18 In a


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