
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands VIGOR TONIC fron Meine AND INVIGORATING a to the WINE SAMAICA 14.
Apalling Catastrophe MANAGER AND FOUR LABOURERS Removed From Com.
After Months of Drilling When THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD There was an Explosion. LONG DELAYED REFORM, Port of Spain, Sept. 18. The At the approach of dawo yesmost aprailing oilfeld catastrotrday morning says the JAMAICA phe in the history of the develop AIL of inst. upwards of ment of oil in tte island took ty men who were serving place on Saturday afternoon in determinate sentences in the Gneral Penitentiary, were rethe Fyzatad district on lauds of An This the Trinidad Friendship Petroved from that institution to leum Co. Ltd. east of the fields The District Prison at Spanish of the Apex (Trinidad) Oiltields, Town, wher Prison Discipline Invigorating Elegant Tonic Ltd.
is rore rigid than at the former new well, gusber, was ce being brought in after months Arrangemets for the pri and Preparation of drilling operations, when the soners moval were concluded gas which it was ea itting freely, un Tuesday. At 3p. a strong igoted on coming int cintret Dulice guard moved out from Health Imparting is highly with flames from the boiler Saiton Street station to the maintained, the Tricidad GuarPenitentiary, to take charge of dian is formed, through a ibe burdened criminals. By WINE fatal mistake.
recommended clock train car was in front RADO of the prison gate to receive terrific gas explosion took them and transport them to the place from which arose a horriwhich place a in Debility, fying sheet of flame, Mr. RH CAP Conveyed them to the It Berry, General Manager of Peta ciunt capital, where they will roleum Options Ltd. who was Temain for some to come probNervousness superintending the operations ably until a penal settlement 1, a promotes digestion RONIC personally and two othere, a tatablished for this particular Trigman and a motor driver, class of crimicals.
improves Female Weakness being trapped between the rig and the boiler and burnt borriIt is worthy of note that for bly.
years Bernard Toole, who Dis gone on leave prior to the appetite retirImpoverishment second rigman who was log from the public serv ce, in last seen alive beneath the bis capacity as Director of Pri and gives tone batch way of the derrick met sons, pointed out, year after bis death where he stood, it is of the Blood year, the need of providing a believed.
separate prison for convicts of and energy HEALTH toe indeterminate class. Pris The property of the Apex and to build up a Oilfields was menaced through uners of this class are entitled to IMPARTING tbreat principally to a well, No.
cartalo concessions which are 72, on which drilling Operations not allowed those who are under whole system run down constitution were being conducted but the going punishment for a definite flames did not spread that way period. Id terminate men must and precautionary measures bave some form of recreation; have since put the company and their recreatiou at the Peciproperty out of danger.
tentiary took b: form of Surday cricket and tennis; they must The flames which shot up to a beight of nearly 200 feet, were also t food of superior quality seen for miles around and al o to that supplied to ordinary prisoners, from heights in Port of Spain, and the water front. The fire It is frequen:ly pointed out by attracted thousands of people Mr. Toole to the Gvernment Wh DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or who came from the surrounding that it was a mistake to keep such men at Rze Town; for their country also from the city on Sunday and Monday and the influence was bound to affect the times a day, discipline of the institu ion. The dense masses of ascending smoke were easily discernable Government acaqulrei from long distances.
arinds Town, for the purpose of a penal a properly near Spanish JAVIER MORAN The South bad seen and heard settlement, bat beyond this the before of many fires, nearly all of authorities did not go towards SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS confirmed to destruction of oil, bad, however, been the conversion of the proparty into a penal settlement. Mr stored or gushing. Saturday O Coole prophesy came true; tragedy, involving the death of for it is kuown that after the 78 by burns to one was the first tivemode presumed ard Irjary first outbreak in the Penitentiary, of its kind and shocked the comsome of those who were engaged og tre riot stiti iha10 posed scheme; for the reason latter to do all that was possible munity arousing also a ware of were instructed to riot by sympathy for the dead, bereaved determinate men, who bad TRINIDAD that that battalion is due to em under the circumstances, He Heavy Rains Flood and injuter.
The list of casualties is as promised them tbit support, bark during the trooping season went carefully into the matter which support, how ver, was not of 1927 for Malta.
and now comes then the secreti: Trinidad Scholarship Railway Track follows: forthcoming the rosers being The battalion to b3 sent out tying news that the issue has DEAD Mr.
left to taka their fligging. to relieve the Gren wards been settled mutually and ami(American) General Manager; Winners, 1926 Matters reached an acu e stage will, it is said, b: kept in Jama. cably. Instructions hhve been Owing to the heavy showers of diad; Thomas Julian, 24, TriniBenjamin Duranti, 33, Grenabetween the parts when, on a rain which fell about noon yester: dadial: Joseph Lamkin, 28.
Saturday. there was a pi ebed ca, in which case it will be issusd to this edoct kad the new Decessary provide additional method of calculatiog the earn day. the battle between ordinary prison barrack accommodation at Camp. lags of the traiamen comes into From FORT of Spain GAZETTE 19s1 September, the Railway native of St. Vincent ers and indeterminates in the Report has it that a batalion of effect today.
Through the courtesy of the tracks between the Eastern MISSING (PRESUMED brick yard, in whsich several of the Aghland Light Infantry of the contestants were injured. will relieve th Green wards.
Tae issue between the Director Director of Education, we learn Quarry aud San Juan were flood DEAD) Cecil James. 34, Eand the clarks is receiving the that cable, received at the ed, doing damage to the Up track nadian.
TNJURED Blackhatt. alight Future of the Local former.
terday afternoon, announced Mr. passage of trains. Pilot working buras)
Train men And The As stated in our last Saturday I, Scott, student of Queen had to be resorted to, in order to Garrison, Director Issue, the railway are having Royal College, as the winner of admit the mid day train from time of this week, havling bana this year University Scholar San Fernando and to despatch CROWNING FATALITY Das from the stations along both ship, and Mr. Devenish, student the Local and other train.
of St. Mary College, the wino ir AT POINTE PIERRE War Office Intends to MainThe General manager and the Scale of Cr lculating the Form es into. ngaton. Toe haulage of the Science Scholarship. Obiet Clerk, together with the to night will the largest tain Fuil Battalion of er Wages, Intc uding Over cordfor any one night in the bls comparison with last year a Chief Engineer and Inspector re sad accident occurred on European Infantry Here.
time, Is Amicably Settled. tory of the railway and the traffic results show the honours to be Boyack, were early on the scene Wednesday morning last in the branch is tuned up to the again fairy divided between the directing the operation of trains. Gasparillo district of Point aAFTEER THE REGT.
RECORD HAULAGE OF FRUIT will come into the Kingston from versed with. Maynard one that effect repairs, and it is expect pamed Lavinia Archibald went to minute to face the issue. Trains two schools, the order being her Several track gangs were put on Pierre. On that morning a woman the Port Antonlu end ai sisu occasion capturing the Untversity led that conditions will was in bathe as Scholarship for St. Mary and by this morning.
normal in the district but unfortunately It is stated that with the Tae JAMAICA MAIL of the from the Montego Bay section.
Franklin the Science Scholarship gut beyond her depth and was coming dishandment of the inst. aunounce that as the result for Queen Royal.
rowned. She was well known in West Ind a giment, the War of a deputation consisting of four the district and her death is Office authoriti propose to men, which walted on the Direet.
What everyone is Young Scott is a son of Mr, strengthen the European troops of the Railway on the 22 greatly lamented, She was baried Scott, CE, City Enstationed ia Jamaica, the following afternoon, Rev. Fr.
tember last, the earning of train saying gineer, and is the second member wbom, as a parent, the success men will, from today, be colculJ, According to one report which ated on a scale that will be found Dowling, performing the of his In carry of his two son must be exceeding ceremony in Gasparillo succeed comes fron usually informed more advantageous than bere KRONEN BRAU ing off the Island Scholaite ly gratifying, bloe ribbon.
His elder brother Church and also at the gtaveside.
Bures, a battalion of infantry Te young Devenish, wioner of University (Continued on page 3)
will be maintained between Upт superior to all New. the asked Barlanan, instead of the force method of lculating the earn Scholarsbip at the age vorsitz the Science Scholarship, and to being then six months younger lations equally warm. Mr, Devenbill station, obis parents. We extend congratualvided imported beers between Jamaica ings of guardsl brakes med and than the winner of to ish is the son of Mr. Louis Deand Bermuda; as is now the case. baggegemen when the worked Havo you tried tho day; and has closed bright venieb, planter of this Colony: It is not likely that the bara overtime as distinct om the career as a student at Oxford, Our hope is that their scholastic and detachment of the Green regular day work.
where he recently graduated success may prove to be the now Boer Howards at Bermuda, will be Mr. Powter listened to tha grier.
Rent Receipt Books In Span with honours to Roman Law and opening for both young men of Kronen Brau transferred to Jamaica for duty ances of the men as set out by sh and English for sale at the Jurisprudence. We offer siencere useful and honourable careers in early next year under the pro the deputation and promised the Workvian Printery congratulations to Mr. Scott, to the future.
TamAmerican Pharmacy.
Berry, Sepfamily to fore, 1922, won being


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