
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 3, 1926 PAGE THREE Interesting West. EL GAITERO (Continued from page 2)
THE ONLY ELABORATED BRITISH GUIANA Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid Pistol to Control Gartman, Cider Champagne PROTEST TO ARM GEORG. TOWN MUNICIPAL SUPERINTENDENT ZE Good tobacco speaks for itself the world over PERHAPS PROTEST BY DR. ROWI. AND URETIC AND REFRESHING Trade Mark Study the tobacco or trust your taste. Either way you come to Chesterfield.
ERHAPS the most significant proof of Chesterfield superiority of taste is the fact that smokers who try them once are so likely to hold to them permanently.
For it has often been noted that while sojourning in the United States, smokers of all nations have not only come to prefer this distinctive cigarette in its homeland, but have actually carried that preference with them into all corners of the earth.
Truly, such popularity must be deserved.
VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ S, VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Ropublic of Panama man Chesterfield Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR Corner 12 Street East Avenue CIGARETTES Te make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Workmanship is guaranteed.
Cupertes Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
The cartmen employed in the Georgetown Municipal transport service are said to give trouble.
on occasions, and as a result there is a proposal under consideration to give perul si to the Superintendent of the service, Mr. Mc Brauker, to use a pistol with a vien to the effective and efficiat control of the unruly type of men.
The matter was raised at a recant meeting of the Georgetown Town Counel by Dr. D. RWland who sai be bad seen a letler in wb it was suggested that Mr. atkur should be given a pistoi to ule gang of a abuut a hundred men. The idea was quite pe posterous and be Was sure it was not allowed y.
where else. If thy da who was u fit to rule themen they shculd not keep bim in their emple. Dd be work in er or ut losing bis lite and was be afraid to ko about at night without a pistoi? He protested against any such proposol and boped the latter would not be con id rd.
Mr. Thorne said that it Rowland had been on the Council for a much longer period he would be known the class of man they had to deal with ag a cartman. There was no s re to tell one man that be should sboot another, but the cartinan was an abominabl, ing and whoever had 10 deal with him bad to adopt extreme measures.
They had hid donkeys and other property of the Council Injured by wortbless cartinen and it was very desire ble to keep a constable on the premises or to make the man in Dr. Lowland: That me o: sbooting the cartman Mr. Toorne replied that the law allowed a mac to shoot another in self defence. He bad found it necessary on two occasions to defend bimself, and it was only the sight of firearms that scared his opponents.
It necessary from time to time in dealing with that class of min to terrorise bim.
Mr. Crane suggested that the Council give a form of recomm.
dation to the effect that the Superintendent was a fit and proper person to use a firearm.
The whil, thing was ue outР come of an alteration between the Superintendent and a ran whom he bad dismissed and be th ugtit th: Council support the officer if possible.
Roland hopeless confessioa of incomptence and mismanagement be had never heard of, He protested against any servant of the Council being authorised to use a pistol.
Mr. Phillips said he bad not seen the letter refered to.
Dr. Roland: Where is Where is in?
Rowladó having ben banded the letter by the Town Clerk, tbe Council proceeded with the business on the agenda.
From this date on, AUCTION SALES will be he every day from a. to p. charge.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall ATTENTION!
Take Notice was Regular Assortment of House Rent Receipt Books Ho Ro Co Famous Products SUCH AS chit that should SPANISH ENGLISH pr: sald that a Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine ablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, etc. etc. etc.
more The Workman Printery 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Panama City.
Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Societies CAN BE HAD AT link with the days of elatery and the Dutch in the Colony was ST. KITTS wents for the y ar 1925 1926, Che gross revenue amounts to snapped when dea claimed 90, 404 17. 10, ir cluding an ImMrs. Janet Barrington, a cerLe a grant in aid of 3300. Toe Says the St. Kitts Unloo uctal expurditore was 88, 888 95.
Coast Berbtc on Thu olay, 19th Messenger in an editorial, W: Credits to Sinking Fund amoun of Village, Eust inst, from a private source at the deceased had been born in le tenebre Intention of Dr. Bodblic 9065. 421, 59d 14, use the to 2055red Africa 113 years ago and brought Costello, Medical Superintenden Reserve Fund of the Presidency to the colony as a slave. After of the Cunningham Hospital moi amounted 10, 750 The vale of the adopted country and has now appointment at Roseau. Domi. which was less by 363 ihan in 292, 817, died at a very ripe age leaving nica, not to renew his present that of 1924. The value of the exchildren, 50 grand. and more engagement with the Goverl ports amounted to 279 637, an tban 150 great grand children. ment of this Presidency exc as of 28061 on that of thj The service of Mrs. Barriok.
previous year.
ton largely attended funeral (Continued on pige 7)
was conducted at the Congreg. We are glad to note that at a tional Church, Norcey New meeting held at the Basseterre Dai y Chronicle.
Boy School on Saturday 4:b The dead body of a poor East instant, the Teacher AssociaIndian named Jankie was found tion was revived and from what under a tree near the villages of we have heard the teachers Why pay double price Houston and Ruimveld, Deme intend to use the Association as for Interior imported rara. Death was due to large means whereby the tone of their quantities of crows destroying schools may be improved.
Boer when you can the poor man.
The Treasurer and Comptroller buy a superior Beer of Castoms, one Honourable such as BALBOA for ADVERTISE Johnson, has submitted the half the prico.
Firsocial Returns on the Trer In The Workman It Pays sury and Savinge Biok Depal The Workman Stationery Store


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