
XX DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING essence The one app toe did the the work of a a friend.
Dust The Immanence of God In Nature THE WORKMAN BY THOMPSON The fallacious and pernicious Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies belief that God the Fundamental VALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tlon. Correspondence on all matte: Reality, created magically the venue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
world and all it contains out of PO Box 74, Pagama All copy for publication must be notbing during six literal 24 written on one side of paper only, and hour days, or 49 thousand years Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of according to some theological Tae Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue dogmaticians, is being rapidly 3ix Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
and relentlessly exploded by Three 60.
We do not undertake to return regenuine philosophers, scientiste, jected corresponence.
and trained thinkers obserPANAMA CITY Telephone 695 vers throughout the world today. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS It is indeed absurdly impossi ble to get something out of SATURDAY OCTOBER, 23, 1926, nothing. It is the consensus of truly enlightened opinion and practically demonstrabla facts HE IMMIGRATION BILL AGAIN.
that, tbe world and mankind evolved out of the substance or of the Fundamental The West Indian population is once more thrown into OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Impossible conception of God. The a panic by the new immigration bill which was passed this obsolutely God, week by the National Assembly in place of the one rejected wrote the late Rev. Aubrey Moore of England, is that which a week ago, when the President put his veto upon it as being out of harmony with international relations.
represents Him as an occasional Work Done While You Wait visitor, Science had pusbed tha The redraft which has now passed through legislative delst God further and further process the full text of which appears on our front page away, and at the moment when in this issue, has been forwarded to the President, who, in it seemed as if He would be due course will either veto or confirm it. Should it be vetoed TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED thrust cat altogether, Darwinism appeared, and under the disguise it will share the same fate as its unworthy predecessor; if ola confirmed, it will undoubtedly become a question for the It has conferred upon philiogogovernments whose subjects are affected thereby.
Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices pby and religion an estimable The question of restricting the movement of West Inbenefit. by showing us that wa must chose between two alterdians who have not a ten years residence or who may not Ladies Garments carefully handled natives. Either God is evers.
have married native women or who may not possess real where in nature, or He is no estate is not only unreasonable but absurd. As has been wbere. He can not be bere and pointed out on several occasions, West Indians came to this not there; He can not delegate country to take part in an undertaking that brought about REID Manager dis power to demigods called second cause.
We the indepndence of Panama and opened up to the nation frankly return to the view of the manifold avenues of general prosperity.
os seus. 336ASSACOS SEX direct Divine agency. Tbeimma.
Now that this nation is walking happily along the road gence of Divine power in nature of progress this action on the part of the law makers be.
from end to end, the belief in a God in whom not only we, but comes profoundly perplexing. It can now be seen with all things have their being, or absolute clearness, that the representatives of the people we must barisb Him altogatber.
are definitely directing their attention and concentrating Man havirg been taugừt to betheir energy upun the tremendous numbers of West Indians lieve in an anthropomorphic God, in this country, external to himself and residing It is a critical situation which is being forced upon in a distant beaven, it is not sur us, and for which we are in no way responsible. Dark prising to us that he has come to regard himself só insignificantly.
clouds are hovering and sinister portents are apparent. The and to entertain such narrow, sugiants of political imprudence are at work with their vain perficial, materialistic and abhobut flashing counsels and we are the objects of their force.
rent notion of the Intipite Reslity.
But we must not lose heart. The battle is now on for good measure. It is a battle of right against wrong and we Being an evolu lonist, the Libershall win. The President is to be heard from again, and al thinker applies to principles of evolution in bis study of the we shall patiently aweit his action. He is the Excutive Bible. He finds in this marvelous head of the nation with sufficient power to safe guard the collection of religious interests of his country from injudicious legislation. He views the situation from a more eleveted platform than Recommended for Removing the Humors of gressive revelation of the Pre.
ot those who make and pass the laws and he has the power of God in the soul of man. He sees vetoing them when necessary, as is so in this case.
Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, that the baman race has grown. as the Under the di tressing conditions the sanest advice to Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic knowledge of God and righteousour people is to keep cool and refrain from pointless loqua.
Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disness. The Liberal thinker does city which is as unprofitable as it is undignified. What not believe that there was a perbenefit can we derive from mouthfuls of aimless chat? We eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
fect revelation at first wbich man lost.
and is gradually recoverhave not the Deputies to deal with, but the government of Panama at whose peak President Chiari stands. The Presi An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing. On the contrary, he finds, as be studies the Bible, that from dent has to take into consideration the fact that he stands ing and enriching the BLOOD.
the begining there has been an in the eve of the world and that his actions will be comincreasing capacity receive the truth, and therefore an increasing mended or condemned according as they are or are not in understanding of it. It is is such consonance with international comity. The whole thing For Sale at all Drug Stores Liberal and studies may end like a bubble.
which have naturally led up to West Indians must exercise the greatest caution and the New Pbilosopby of Life that self restraint and steer clear of dangerous complications. It And in Large Quantities by is revolutionizing the lives of of thousands is easier to be incited tɔ folly than to be delivered from of thinkembarrassment; and we can not be sure that those who JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy ing people everywhere, During past fifty years, the New would sound the trumpet and call our forces to hostility Philosophy of Life bas practicalAGENT will have any potency to extricate us out of a dilemma, if ly developed more self reliant, events develop unfavourably. Caution is necessary and we progressive, Intelligent and real should be heedful.
ly happy people throughout the SOOKOOKOSOWS Sexeciosis SSS world, comparatiyely After all, we are not as helpless as some would have Ing, than all the bibliolators; us think and while we are not to flatter ourselves with the blood atonement babblers and shady confidence of a miraculous turn in this political prognosticators put debacle it remains for us to console ourselves with the good name, to keep their record clean!
have done for ncarly to thousand NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES years. The long dreary reflection that bad laws lose their force with time. This is The mere possession of money may be no evidence sanctimoniaus lace of billelatory a land where, like the moth and the mosquito most things, whatever that a man has succeeded. If he cannot control (From Our Correspondent) do not at all constituts true hapin certain relations, are ephemeral; vigorous now and and himself; if his aims are low and vulgar: if he is greedy Death of an Old Timer. Lite is not based upon any new.
piness, The Now Philosophy of inactive later.
grasping and selfish; if he takes advantage of others; if he robs others of opportunity; if he has used them as stepping fangled notions officious prog: postications, but upon the stones upon which to climb to his fortune, he is a failure Failure Not Disgrace.
eternal laws of Father Mother measured by all and that constitutes a real man real values years a native of Westmoreland, refer to Mr. Joseph Loftus, aged 74 Nature. We can, with great pride that are worth while. RECORD. Jamaica, died at bis residence and such celebrated scholars What an unfortunate thing that the idea should be here on Friday last the 15th inst, and thinkers who are originators He came to the Isthmus in 1884 as Ralph Waldo Emerson: Victor and ardent supporters of same, dinned into the ear of youth everywhere, that it is a disgrace and after some years stay on the Hu to fail that is, to fail to make money, to accumulate proIsthmus he went back to JamaiElbert Hubbard, the late ca, and returned again to the of Haryard University perty CALL IN AT Isthmus ID It is not a disgrace to fail; but it is a disgrace not to do Elliot, E, Carpenter He came to New Providence as James Martineau, one level best to succeed. Not failure, but low aim is one of the Pioneers in 1915, and Dr. Frank Crane, Dr. Henry crime.
lived price pally on his farm Frank, Andrew Jackson Davis, Multitudes of poor people to day, who are not known until the beginning of last year Charles Filmore and others too outside of their own little communities, are really great when he finally settled down in numerous to numerate here.
successes when measured by all that makes true greatness their heroic endeavours, their brave battles for years with As a young man, he was never is definite in amount and dele. Is knowledge something that member of the Christian obstacles, playing a losing game with heroism. Their great Church, but he was converted in mined in character, or is it some.
patience and self controi under the criticism of those who March No. 93, Central Avenue do not understand them are evidences that they have tern Lecture delivered by the deeper and deeper into the conlast year at Magic Lantbing which is ever growing and un folding penetrate succeeded. The possession of a noble character is the Rev. Surgeon; since his stitution of things? Are we living lived a greatest evidence in the world that one has succeeded.
ASSORTMENT OF a truly Christian life; and On the other hand, if a man has gotten a fortune, but in a world wberein all things illness be bore testimony to the Been disclosed, or are we living during his last present and future, have bas left nis manhood on the way to it; if he has bartered his officacy of the Christian faith in a world wbieb, as Immanuel good name in the process of getting it, he is still a failure GOOD STATIONERY When he realized that the end Kant puts it so vividly, is but a no matter how much money he may have accumulated.
was near, he said to those at his little island of the known. washed clean record is the greatest kind of a success.
bed side that it was the Holy on every shore by the vast And SOUVENIRS, spirit who, led bim to the meethow few men who make big fortunes manage to save their (Continue on page Continued on Page 5)
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD literature SEE Individual thought hundreds tbe speak together 1906.
of Oxford University Larson, The Workman BOOK STORE the village.
88 men conversion he past,


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