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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Sees Better Understanding Between Negro and A, Officials At New York Lose Their Case contaitis of fire escape.
bad NATIONAL SELECTED ASSEMBLY BIBLIOGRAPHY White Approves Resolution of Reference to Negro Asking Cancelation Life in America of Permits.
Southern White Women ConverỨnd the title The Negro in Two Members of Anti Garvey Another connection with Industry Helen Louise Pier ted to New Way of thinking the per minusgration blog Louisa Spalding (white have Faction Exonerated on Burglary Resolution approved by corupiled selected bibliography of About Negro.
last requesting the Deportment The compilation was made in con National Assembly on uesday references to Negro life in America.
of Foreign Affairs, is reque te Wisconsi. 400 difinite topics the arrest and imprisonment of officials of the Antinection with the course given by Chicago. Realizing the need of a better understanding to immediately It will be remembered that a few issues past this journal rary School of the University published a report taken from the NEGRO WORLD about cancel those between the Negro and white races, and believing that a permits in favour of individ of the country and white students in the South are now entering into the the immigration Law was approved wited States. The principal sub case, and we thoạght it peculiar that a paper which would judice and friction that exists between the races, colored has been prohibited, issued before ierassed. by leading white and Garvey movement at New York. In vain we searched the Negro scientists experts of the succeeding issues of the same paper for the outcome of the request is in study of interracial problems with much enthusiasm and zeal.
of a resolution introduced by Rejcete treated are Statistics, Econo mie The movement had its genesis in the Stu lents Vol: proved by the 32 Representative and chi dren in Industry, Organis sult of the case. Such was however not done. But today unteer Convention at Indianapolis in 1923 and has now who attended yesterd y sectioned Labor The Negro in the City of the case decided in the Court, which appeared in the Negro Women occurrence should be impartial enough to publish the representative Vallarino, 18 ap Negroia Agricult. Snoployment. The announce in glaring, decked headlines such an important The Health of we are able to furnish our inquiring readers with a full report spread through the States of Tennessee, Virginia, Alabama, and is as follows. The National Assembly of Pan Housing Pubic Health Recreation, JAMAICA GLEANER of the 12th inst: the Negro Georgia and Louisiana. The working plan encouches interracial meetings among the students, at which problems ama. Considering: Disease, Economic Waste, Mortali are discussed with frankness and candor.
New York, Oct. Marcas represented by Attorney Lawrence tyReTo promote a better understanding between the two the Chamber was legislating in the Bureau. That at the precise time when sources. Caluintian Press Garvey and his lieatenants suf Browar fered a heavy setback Thursday when George Weston, president Association left the Bar they were As the victorious officers of the groups and to effect a changed attitude towards the sense of probibi ing the inn. igraN grs, on the part of the whites, much time last year was tion of undesirable elements, the INDEPENDENCE DAY the Anti Garvey faction of of the affectionately məbbed by their devoted to the study of the bistory of the Negro in America Department of Foreign Affairs, is and of his contributions to the development of this country whereby a rierge runter of the in.
loyal members On Wednesday next, was is were exonerated Polder 30. aod Wesley Disappointed on following testimonial of a white co ed in a Tennessee in dividuals affected by said pro ibi third. this Republic toi cerebro er by Magistrate Bernardo se Douglas, in the Portailure the rebate hand tion could return to the country: the 23rd anniversary of its inde sitting in the Washington Heights orders of their imprisoned chief, stitution: Until last August (1925) my only contacts with That even though the law was nendence. As ili previous years, the Court, on a charge of burglarising Uriah Gittens, acting as Garvey Negroes had been those one makes in a small town with not sanctioned by the Executive inunicipality has raade elaborate as the office building now occupied secretary, who was the complain ant, dashed from the room the ignorant, illiterate, happy go lucky Negroes. and my prwer, the Assembly, faithfully well as apropriate preparations by the Garvey faction.
attitude was formed accordingly, To be fair, must say interpreting the wish of the Pana. for the observance of the Day.
Followers of both factions, male With the aid of a night watchman (Continued on page Continued on page 8)
and female, crowded into the in the Universal Negro Inprovethat there was in my town a class of white people on the Court room and listened with a was made to prove that Weston meut Association a fina! attempt same level with the Negroes and toward whom felt much great deal of attentiveness, Silence the same. The difference was this. While did not dream SPARKLETS among the spectators would be and Holder had entered the building of judging all white people by this same unfortunate class, occas onally broken when apparent of the association at 56 W, 135th did tend to so limit my judgment of Negro people, The (BY CK)
enemies of Garvey sizgled either Street through a rear window on at actual change has come about this year largely through questioa that was put by one of the second floor by climbing the friendships formed in our Commission, rough the fellow. Open Competition; We of the Star Herald as to why a question by the complaining Books, papers and money were the attorney or ship experienced at the Tennessees Christian Student Con: Must Enter And Com States, in part From among our robed in their Plack Cross ourse the building by the men after they we don do big breiness here. He witness, few of the women were alleged to have beea removed from ference at Chattanooga, and through the discoveries made pete Favorably: pec opened the door for about 20 in reading things written by Negroes. To be able to claim There is a loud yell from west foreign elements as well as from uniforms.
persons to enter and rand ack the friendship with a colored girl has introduced the personal Indians from every quarter of the the natives of this country the The hearing lasted for two place.
element into all my thinking on matters of face. And this Isthmus and the echo resounds and querry often comesWhy don bours. Neither Weston nor Holder Although Holder and Weston bad an eagerness to know, where once was condescending kind. plus is gone forth outside of the things on a big scale. upon appeared as counsellor for Holder not put on the stand.
has meant that where once was indifference is now is the nir to over flow; the sur West Indians launch and do was put on the witness stand. corroborating witnesses they were This is Attorney Lennie George who bounds of the Republic of liness is now sympathetic understanding, and where once nothing short of a and the Canal Zone; is now re our modest and unpretentioue was re enforced by two other The charge against the opponents was a sense ofs uperiority is now a feeling of kinship, verberating from eve y corner of figuring in business relations. It is lawyers. The Garveyites (Contin ler! on page 8)
the West Indies and forcing its way a criticism that requires analytical every nook of the civilized treatment for the NATIVE WORKERS OF THE relegated to the savors of conclusion that we LITTLE LESSONS klass of undesirables after having don because we can Past ON LIVING PANAMA CANAL ribuenta (BY STUDENT OF LIFE)
so much towards the perience and common knowledge this DOW have led the writer to believe that TOPICS IN BRIEF Present Memorial to Minister of Foreign Little Republic, Pretty high pile of we can This make the question indigoity, pretty high pile of in open for further analytical treatment Relations Anent West Indian Workers lier ity placed on tube and the Archange the thin pedof people with the editor kind permission Canal Governor Returns the editor Patient and persistent reader, chorus hum us that in The following is a translation from Spanish of a me muftled noise will diminish iato similar to those (Chinese) who are yours truly is once more among morial presented to the Secretary of Foreign Relations by a sobs and we will swallow another hera can merely eke out, an exist those present, probably you have Colonel L. Walker. Governor delegation of native workers on the Canal Zone; to be accumulation of saliva mixed with that evewitnesses of the not missed me, but have missed ocations with drosped heads make revelation of weekly. eight to be correct. Never of the Panama Railroa Company, The memorial which bears 45 signatures appeared in the to forget the whole incident in a poverty and extreme in pecuniosity the less they were kept safely with Mrs. Walk and their dough EL DIARIO DE PANAMA in its issue of Saturday the 23rd, fortnight. We are easy to forget. of these people. their homes and against my return, and read the ther returned in the Panama Railroad accumulated bundle with interest. road inst, and reads as follows: we should not forget; neither their cloth However, after giviag! Much water has run under the vacation of two months in the are unworthy of Nad stek mbip, Carrillo from should we adversities these To the Secretary of names oa Wednesday after a matter to your attention in the Let us ce facts with a normal them the merited credit for being bridges since went on vacation: United States.
Foreign Affairs: hope of it being considered and our the midst of these things comercialists and for instance there is K The undersigned Panamanian petition granted.
and se to improve our positiva that the higher born, naturalized and by adoption, Jo the gross for volume he Burgess, Col, W. Heald, Super all workers of the Canal Zone of workere that are utiliza baaday by better knowing not only our surround themselles with every magnificent offer to write an article Acting Governor, Colonel selves compiling) og ment with the end that it will see the norvelous internationol water is some amount of truth in that wrote the poet, and there latinos are richly beneficial to language of Mutt and Jeff be admits that their im sterbood; to which, in the eloquent sud Captain John Downes, Marine through you approach our Govero. Canal Zone in the functioning of is but our cause Whatever is, possible comfort and live in great ccntemplates or the Sparks tendent of the Panama Railroad Superịndent of the Panama Canal fit to take into account the worthy way the percentage of Panamanian statemeat. In open competition, the countries in which they settle. Aix nix. ard more emphatically were among other officials and their wives who with reference to workers small not winning, Our Apology nothing doing. ve said my say on Met casa daratageous situation that withstanding this, we who easo our opponents on the field kaow it. but wonder Motor cars to meet the Governor Io referring to West Indians all the ttle Lessons he picked and his family on arrival at Cristo why we don do tig business on that particular one.
faces the Panamanias workels of the there a salary in return for our hence we are to be happels us among other things that.
tion ioferior to those of the others that very necessary field in the the success we are achieving in While in the States the Governor bosem to be torn asunder for last thae piese their services there and development of a community, the small enterprises in explicavive a new immigration law, which far ob ral of the Budget Bureau to present our Again, gentle readers there is the appeared before the Director Genehog and anisersal benefits to the who are natives of other countries Chinese and other alisus here are what we could do in Higier busi vious reasons refrain from com estimates for Canal appropriatious world, de Our complaint in this respaet merits without the hope of better Wh pping us to a fraszle. Wherever nese if conditions warranted our menting upon; there is one thing for the next fiscal year.
Indians he is foreed to carry a handi Then the points out that we are Save once agaid been given an opfor in the archives ot the Secretary have a sia to expiate.
that the reason some Ja accustom do 10 a mode of livide portunity to demonstaate whether CORRECTION of Forsigo Affairs there reposes y e la stand together;whatIn our Editorial, paragraph 4, epresentatious of past years that Mr. Secretary knows perfectly in public and private life recently strictly European. We are born or not they e and bred in we have made without our beicg well the marked differeuce be sent up the cry, Away with the which conventional Dere phere in ever you contemplate ding in the second line, for the word hospital.
really matter HOLD HANDS and carry ly please read hostility able up present time to obetween the customs and habits of hinese or place a handicap upun second nature ore it through, and do taio any betterment in our condi. the native Panamanian and those bice. But West Indians are in un salaries ca tuwe pay exhorbitant ren tend to HOLD HANDS, DON Municipal Council tion of labor. We haye not lost a. we redistri: opporturity to express in eloquent example you know that while they bute and all too freely in most tals for box likes apartments.
The time has come for you to Seeks Big Loan form our aspirations and in times will support passively ill treatments cases, of our win. But Live and let we improvise conveniences as best like this which approximates the and abusive words, we guided by a live is one of our inherent good we can to offset the domestic indig economize to the point of parsimo.
dobra qualities, pities. and we are always niousness to make an effort no During this week the Municipal favorable ratification of a new in loftiness and dignity worthy to visit our homelands. matter how strenuous to accumu Council adopted a Resolution ternational treaty that will regulate applauze know how tn repudiate FACE FACTS AND FIGHT But in the face of this he says: We late a little treasure on earth. to authorising its President to request the rights which the treaty of 1904 and protest and claim the considergive to the United States, we think a ions and respect of all men worthy the argument madduced by the prise on the Isthmus. The Chinese. sunset of your lives and the educa Assembly whereby the municipali y Let us for a moment investigate patronize every commercisl enter gild Life pathway; and ensure the authority through the Natione it opportune to again bring the (CO nu on Page 8) Editor of the West Indian Section (Continued o page Continued on page Continued on page 8)
it is now Panama were into it world that we are most ex thumvins have Chinese the dire their But we we bewail mind in successful them. be reply one West longed to an accuraed nation which one can legislators and other men a social you not in nature hopeful


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