
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands VIGOR TONIC THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD Wh Ist ONIC yo ol AN him guilty to deal with the Iben proceeded INVIGORAT TIME AND near and WINE JAMAICA 4444444444 TRINIDAD From thr Port of Spain GAZETTE Penitentiary Brick Insufficient Evidence.
Yard Fire LAD APPRAL AGAINST SIX Early Dhcovery By Wardar On!
Duty Baulks Plot (7) To Do Considerable Damaga ATTORNEY GENERAL FRANK OPINION.
Vbat would surely hue resali ed in a disastrous fire pancially, and at the present time, decentiy attired lad of abɔut 20 Damed morally, sayt the HERALD of the MoDonald, in the 16th Inst. as avoided by the An This Appeal Court yesterday corprompt action of the Warder op stitutued of Thair Honours Sir watch at the Penitentiary Brick Geo. Walton, Kt. and Mr.
yard in Tower Street last night, Invigorating Elegant Tonic Justice Thomas sought to and the ready response of our reverse the decision of the Acting Fire Brigade.
Assistant City Magistrate who patrolling the premises and Preparation ccavicted the Warder attention was arand sentenced bim at the instance of Detective Corbin, rested by a smell of smoke, and to six months imprisonment on a search being made he discor Health Imparting with hard labour on the charge ered that a very bad outbreak of is highly of the larceny of a bathing suit incendiarism bad been probably from a yard in Frederick Street.
planned WINE recommended The prisoners who work in the The Hon. McGregor, Attorney General, appeared for brick yard use ballast boxes for the respondent, a member of the carrying bricks, supported by cittas made from cor. These in Debility, Constabulars; and appellant was boxes were packed up against It unrepresented.
In presenting his case to the the varding of the loam shed. as usaw. beside which building 18 Nervousness Court. appellant at the outset the oil store in wbich valuable asked Their Honcurs to elimicale promotes digestion atock is kep. The coir cottas from their minds for the pur.
were packed upder the ballast Female Weakness improves poses of the decision in this case, the fact that he had previous xes, and the watchman discovconvictions because he said that ered ibat a should not make him the appetite SLOW BUT SURE FIRE Impoverishment every following cbarge laid bad barnt its way through the. He coir was endangering the and gives tone Josm ebed of the Blood ubat tboth the case conterdin He turned in bis are call at 10 o clocis, and in a couple minutes and energy HEALTH really d Set to the uraial see two bathing suits Fire Chief Graham and his mer and to build up a on the fence and one on the were on the scene. They tackled to the IMPARTING ground, be did not take away the bly, and it is pleasing to any of them, and even when the state that the damage done whole system run down constitution detective saw him in Court one amounts to a couple of poundsalthough, as tba Fire Chiot obser.
told bim of the charge of morning listening to a case and ved bad that watchman been be bad against bim, appellant, at larceny halt an hour late in discovering once denied the accusation and it, tha dimage would bave been wakiog the above explanation, considerable, as the olt sore was to vited the detective to take him endar gered, to tbe yard where be WAS His Worship the Mayor was alleged to have committed the early on the scene, and travelled offence and and there the sult was back to the Brigade Station on arrested one of the big engines. bers at the brick yard included Appellant went on to DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or policemen were not like angelsors Owen Wright, Deputy loexpected always to speak the spector General Sidley, Sub Ic4 times a day.
trutt and so dissatisfied was spector Michelio, ison Superiothe magistrate with their story, tendent Rppin. whose quarters had to visit the spot blmland adj)
jln the brick yard) and other Prison officials.
even bere, appellant was JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
the one deprived of the opporlarge number of persons unity of accompanying the Ma.
gathered in the vicinity, but the SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS gistrate as did the polica who high red walls stood in grim wight bave sbowa the Magistrate silenc3 between tbem and the a position which had be been doughty fe fighters at their present he would have been able work.
10 contradict, Io view of the fact that the ATTORNEY GENERAL FRANK Commission of erquiry is so far OPINION.
still functioning they not having turied in their report as yet it is no longer desirable that the not then give out very mucb for pert assured our representative bave terminated in a tragedy this be found himself in rather Tbe Attorney General said comment on the evidently planned publication as he bad to tirst sub that there was no reason why a week, was by merciful and pro anomalous position as counse)
system shoul: be continued.
destruction would be at this time As already stated in this jour. mit the result of bis inspection large acreage should not bevidential intervention cbanged indiacreet.
nal. the Prison Commission will to bis principals in England.
He brought under cultivation. to what is now regarded as for the prosecutor. After giving moet on Thursday to prepare was, however, quite satisfied that also engagement as the mind in die werely an accident without very notes of evidence, the considered to Its report for presentation to tea property owners should be ec serious coosequence, let Reforms at Peni the Governor COULD BE SUCCESSFULLY GROWN couraged to plant their lands in hope.
oplaion that be had formed in ON VERY LARGE SCALE Tbe Dordock machinery was this case was that bowever tentiary.
in. rainfall was very An additional feature in our fa being tested and it is understood accused suspicious the behavicur of the bution during the twelve months was the protective tarid that we intendent was caught in the where he was for his folly in MEDICAL EXAMINATION OF deserved to stand dustry Mr. Walmealy stated that in oad, this was a great assistance. powerful machine wbicb was going on private premises, it WARDERS WAS COMMENCED the trees at As Mr.
YESTERDAY LIKELY THAT BIG ENGLISH COM Bamble had been given up for made his investigations on behalf cathering him to quickly! Fura conta dot prie of a large Syndicate in Eagland mind to throw bimself in the which in bis sɔmetime to convict the of WEEDING OUT PROCESS PANY WILL SEORTLY COME bealthy and it would be takers and on his arrival in London will mind al were 80 HERE TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN long time to bring back the ven make good report to his princi. geposene dine store breaking the grave and so numerous that he ture to a good producing concern.
would PROPERTIES, frankly The MAIL of the 12. fpat.
not to More modern machinery will, It is expectrd that he will rerather heavl to stress the few ly minte says: It was learnt yesterday on some however, turn shortly when further 10 and bɔanced bis bead on evening that a medical examinanouncements will be made as to iron work getting some bad cats the accused; slightly against EXPERT WAS HERE he left the matHAVE TO BE INSTALLED the scbeme.
a and severe shaking up. It is ter entirely in Their Honour tion of warders employed at the sincerely to be hoped that the bands. In his personal General Penitentiary was com: Mr. Humphrey Walmesly after and it is estimated that therel menced in the Institution that sbould be a crop of not less than gentleman wil Dot sufer very bad be been the Mariston Investigating Left Island day. The idea of the examination 200, 000 lbs. of tea.
Superintendent much and that he will soon be called upon to decide this case 1s Last Saturday out those who may he The expert paid particular atagaia to carry to weed would on tbe evidence have Narrow Escape.
tention to climatic conditions and be usft for service, in which Successful issue come to the conclusion that it this piece of excellent work was not sale to convict on the event they will be struck off the strength, places being which will be a monument to evidence.
From what a representative of assured our representative that bire men dretted from the West the HERALD has rathered, there which the produce should be dealing Wearing Apparel Caught In his professional skill and Works Sir Goo. Walton, in giving bis maasblp.
India Ragt. Last Satarday is every of big this ed here.
first ental English concern coming to Powerful Machinery At decision said they had each perjournal stated that the The average cost per lb. of proDornock.
used the evidence carefully. He batch of men to be drafted from Jamaica to develop the Tea in duction in his opinion should bad and so had bis brother Thomas expressed their opinions India Regt, which is 5030 to be On Saturday Jast Mr. Hom leave a very good margin of profit and now they had be re what the disbanded, will be twelve. phrey Walmesly an expert in the totho cultivator. He thought WAS BEING DRAWN IN.
Attorney General Independently It is currently reported that coltivation of tea ft she island Rumble bad Very doe solls had to say on the evidence. It another result of the recent after concluding a three weeks light losm which IS MOST SUITABLE Fortunately by Quick Move Why pay double price was quite remarkable that the enquiry into the working of the inspection of local conditions.
Mr. Wolmesly spent the for tea cultivation.
ment he was Saved Owing for Inferior imported Penitentiars will be the septraof them had arrived at the same conclusion.
This was a tion of the stores which concern greater portion of his time a Indeed said Me. Walmesls, u to The Breaking of GarBeer when you can where there was suspicion but number of Government De Ramble, St. And, whereas to Ceylon had such solla as Ramble.
ment buy a superior Boer there was something lacking, partments from those of the well known, the tea industry was that country would save a lot of something wanting to convinC6 prison. Certain appliauces and persued some years ago. money, as at present the planters such as BALBOA for one beyond a reasonable doult anitorms for the police and other. Seen by representative short there have to expend a great deal The Falmouth correspondent half the prioo.
that appellant really in fact did departments are kept at the 13 before the vessel left lass in procuring artificial manure of the JAMAICA MAIL writing to steal that ault, The offence was Penitentiary; but it is said that Saturday the expert said he could with the soil at Ramble, tho ex that paper says. What might (Contioned on page 3) Inspecttas.
To Develop Tea In be bave beer, howe There were sale wero elemeats doubt garment but in doing so 30 tell preler which tell able to be about through to three Case


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