
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 30, 1926 PAGE THREE Interesting West. EL GAITERO THE ONLY ELABORATEN Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid of the pel ce Cider Champagne URETIC AND REFRESHING Trade Mark No finer tobaccos could be brought together in one cigaralie than the Turkish and North American leaf used in Chesterfields. perfect balance of fine tobaccos VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ S, VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN TURKI KURKISH leaf is famous for its spicy aroma, North American tobaccos for natural sweetness and fullness. But to most men a blend of the two is more satisfying than either type smoked separately.
So in Chesterfield these fine tobaccos are expertly combined to secure fullness without harshness and richness without over richness, each tobacco type contributing its own inherent goodness to the final blend. It is a blend unique among the world cigarettes.
ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Republic of Panama (Continued from page 2)
alleged to have been committed on the 9th and he was arrested the next day in the City Magisbrate Court, taken io custody and to make sure that he was rightly accused, he on his own sugges iɔn. went back to the spot with the pul ce and there bebind a door besar bathing suit saping that was the one be bid seen wb o be bad passed in that yard, and which the woman siad she had lost. It was quite a possibility that he mixbt ba e gone there to the urical as he said, and be aight have taken the bathing suit, he might bave changed his mind and rteur, ed and put it back there. Bu all that was mrely surmise or ej ciure, Tne evidence at the trial really pointed to something to enque about and having Rot weil iate their viry, one bad to the sestion was it safe to convic? oa the evidence before bizn be formed the opinion and strocgis too, that in this cise, tbe decisio should be reversed, Mr. Justice Taon 19 occurred The conviction was qussbed and appellant discbarged.
THE CLONY WIRELESS PLANT In connection witb the propoBil which has been the subj. ct of recent editorial reference in this paper, that the colony Wireless Plant should pass from the hands of the Governor ent by way of sale to the Pacific Cable Bard, we und rstad that soother offer by different laterests, has been, or will be made, to the Government, to purchase the concern in the event of the authorides finally dec dior to so dispose of it. In view of this, it hoped that those members of the Finacce Ocmittee wbo dissented from tbe conditions of moded salo recommended by that body, endeavour to get the Governmeut to consider the whole offer; bearing in mind that the ia the light of the new less Piani. not been pu.
up in open market, it beboves the autborities in the the colony to adopt the best term It is possible to arrive at at ia the matter olesle.
The public will therefore, a valt with very much interest, oficial consideration of this new pbase of the question, and be manner 10 wlico the Government will acquit themstlves by way of toal settlement, Chesterfield Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR Corner 12 Street East Avenue CIGARETTES destila We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Workmanship is guaranteed.
question Wireless interest From this date on, AUCTION SALES will be held every day from a. to p.
that the ATTENTION!
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall be pleased.
BRITISH GUIANA Take Notice Regular Assortment of House Rent Receipt Books New Public Abattoir For Ceorgetown.
Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly gerous condition, andecially from was As reported in the Demerars Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Acrosy of the 30. September at he Statutury meeting of the Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Georgetown Town Coun: il beld on the 27 ult, Mr. Philips was reported to have said: Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing. H: bad insp cted the Abattoir with the City Engineer and found etc. etc. etc.
it in a very bad condittion. He therefore, moved that the Council raise a loud of 10, 000 for the purpo e of erecting a new abat The Workman Printery Mr, Thorne sc conded. The Mayor said that the mo93 CENTRAL AVENUE tion not only had his sympathy but his strong support. He had Panama City.
in three consecutive years urged on the Council the necessity to erect a new abattoir. The existing structure was in most dar.
dis. Pension List.
Demerara Railway grace to the city, the sanitary polot of view. Whea Tragedy.
he was in Trinidad last yea yea, be DEMANDS SUPPLEMENTARY inspected the very fine abattoir VOTE OF 25, 000.
tkere of which the citizens Were LABOURER CRUSHED TO very proud. He instructed the At a meeting of the British DEATH Town Clerk to write the Govern Guiana Legislature on Tuursday ment with respect raising last, the Colonial cretary inof the loan.
timated that the sum of 30 000 fatal accident occurred on Mr. Baker, the Irrigation Ex already voted in supplementary Taursday afternoon last on the of Damerara Bauxite Company pert. whom the Jaunalca Govern estimate under the head ment are getting out in connecPensions would be exceeded concession Trewern to arrive tbere in December next circumstances the Government Whilst the engine was tion with the water scheme is due by a sum of 25, 000 and in the Mine and Three Friends Mine.
The majority of the elected proposed to include an additional back to Three Friends Mine the of 25, 000. There were 99 men who worked at Trewern members are in favour of the deaths which were not anticipated Mine it jumped the rails, and proposal; but His Excellency the Guvernor will nevertheless send and there had been six resigna three men who were si:ting on the front footboard of the engine e Message to the Ləgislative tions.
Mr. Webber inquired how wbere thrown off. One of these Council, and the Colonial Secre many of the six Civil Servants name Jeremy who hails from the tary will introduce a thereon for the sanction of the who had resigned had been com Islands, was thrown underneath the engine and crushed to death.
expenditure for bringing out and pelled to remunerating Mr. Baker fer his (Continued on page 7)
The Colonial Secretary med services.
tioned the names of Dr. Craigen, Capt. Reid, Mr. Soannon Mr. Sykes, Mr. o. Dowding and Rent Receipt Boo In SpanADVERTISE Mr. Harrison, the majority of whom had retired on medical Ish and English for sale at the In The Workman It Pay. grounds.
Workman Prin:ery, Societies to the between CAN BE HAD AT The Workman Stationery Store retire?


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