
THE PROSPERITY TAILORS CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 we throw DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING he that ools cannot do bo vegeta.
then Pol him to setim elf support facts! And and HUS WE ARE WE THEM PUTS BUSINESS to DO WILL NOT BUT SUPPORT QUR These Chinese a they Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD shift PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1923 120 OOONOSESS.
SPARKLETS THE WORKMAN (Continued fron page 1)
the Jews, the Syrians, the Turks he East Iadians and Americans, the natives all draw upon the West Published on Saturdays by Ratos for Advertisemen on applica, Ilari Color y for a large share of trade VALROND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes!
Male Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
frome special note of that large. our Imited and from All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Pagama inadequate earnings we written on one side of paper only, and something into all forms of current Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of business, without exception. All One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica this is the apology offetea why Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
West Indians don do big business Three Ble.
We do not undertake to return rehere, Ons 25 jected corresponence.
The Facts, Let Fase Thəm The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JENUIS But the fact that the Chinese who wire only able to eke out SATURDAY OCTOBER, 30, 1926, existence in their cuntry can reme here and do big business THE MEMORIAL OF NATIVE expl ins that they are able to do big business and they do it here herause there is LABOR.
the necessity it here They for having done busiress OF THE HIGHEST ORDER on such large scale disharmonizes Following upon the enactment of the new Immigration any idea inferring Law of the Republic, there comes the bewildering memorial are anything but intelligent and of the native work nen employed by the Panama Canal and busicess in big cities. Then we educated men; fools bg the Panama Railroad Company adiressed to the Secretary Work Done While You Wait have to face the facts that we supof Foreign Relations for perusal, study and transmission to port the Chinese be garden and small In the Governor of the Canal Zone a translation from Spanish his of which appears on the front page of this issue.
in LA Bora; help him to acquire a grocery stand grocery shop in the city, What could have prompted this action is somewhat TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED low him there and offer him our perplexing to find out, as native labor his hitherto not only further been docile but strikingly solicitous. The new memorial up in big business Let contains demands for (1) hospital wards for Panamanians at Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices face those so, bere is Ancon. 2) separate commissaries for Panamanians and (3)
the answer, pure and simple, to our the removal of West Indian foremen from the oversight of Ladies Garments carefully handled absence from big busiаess here: WE DO NOT YÊT KNOW HOW Panamanian workmen.
TO MAKE BIG BUSINESS AND It would seem that the memorial, following so close FOR OURSELVES upon the creation of the new Immigration Law, is related YEARNING TO DO to it either in principle or in fact. The motives in both inC. REID Manager BIG HERE, THIS WE stances appear to be indentical and although the documents AP UNTIL WE are different in character and spring from different channels, GIVE Berter su ΤΟ TO it is not impossible that the source is the same. The me. Soossssssssisi Cowosies 56 OWN SMALL BUSINESS, morial is replete with acrimony and bad taste, demonstrabig business ting, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the opposition sossessioooo3303cc os sexo which we see were not created in a day: if the owners were mere coagainst West Indian workmen is becoming more and FS temptibles in their country as we more pronounced.
There has not arisen a solitary instance or incident to certainly have manufactured their there, which this outburst of hospitaliy to West Indian labor on haig bu iness here from little busithe part of the natives can be attributed. The relations exis.
ness. And that just what they ting between the two sections of labor hive a ways been have done! Amplify these fnets if you like but so cordial that there never appeared the least sign of cleavtroth in them. Why should we you can destroy the age among them. They have, for over twenty years, worked side by side, in the cut, on the dump, in swamps, facts? who responsibility by clouding the ud in water, on the docks, in the sanitary gings and everysupport big business here to the where labor was called for they have moved and operated in absolute harmony.
that we made several attempts to fact do big business here but failed. We What has occurred? Is it that the West Indians have de.
are still loaring to do big business, teriorated socially and morally, or that the natives have imwe believe we should be proved along these lines? Have our people sunk and they Recommended for Removing the Humors of able to take care of some of our risen? Is there no bnger the possibility of natives and West own people in bysiness as Indians moving together, working together and living toScrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, conserve gether?
Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic our number must spend for their upkeep. We want big business men To the most casual observer the situation is becoming Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disand women whom we may look up exceedingly acute, and its portents are ominous. There is to and be an indication that the relations of cordiality and good will e proud of. Show eases caused: Impurities of the Blood Indian who would not be are being strained; but the overwhelming problem which proud of West Indian dry is presented by the entire situation is, who is responsible for An Alterative recommended for purify.
jewelry, grocery and other stores along Central Avenue and other the strange reversal of conduct on the part of the natives of ing and enriching the BLOOD.
parts of city! Show me a West Panama towards the West Indian colony?
Indian who, instead of That the memorial in its morbid tone of disaffection has West Indian of having diaa journalism segregated been submitted to the Secretary of Foreign Relations is no to a page or section of some other matter of serions concern to us. The natives have the right For Sale at all Drug Stores paper would not be filled with the highest pride in being able to take to say what they please, when they please and to whom bis wife, or sweetheart, his brother they please. They may have sent the memorial to the PresiAnd in Large Quantities by or motber into the newspaper es.
dent just as well and as easily as they did to the Secretary, tablishment of West Iodian and But for the Secretary to send it on to the Governor of the sbow him or her around where the JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy editors, compositors, photoengravCanal Zone is altogether another. He may or he may not.
ers and lipotype operators are en It may be that after a careful and studious perusal he AGENT gaged in turning out local and will conclude that it lacks merit and importance. Who foreign news interspersed with knows? He may decide to return it to the quarter of its advertisements giving prominence origin with the statement that it would be infra dig, for an sovi soroskoos to West Indian businers, among others!
official of his standing to submit a document of the kind to the Governor of the Canal Zone or any other official of the We Need to Wake Up.
American Administration in connection with the Panama explained by him in a letter to a public body, which has Girl Who was Sold to cuWedo besedebigo business here. Canal.
requested his presence at a banquet. Of recent years he Again, he may see otherwise and view it as containing has found it increasingly difficult to attend more than a Repulsive Old Man argue to the world on what we used material for justifiable complaint and official action. He small proportion of the dinners to whịch he is invited. He to be to and Jamaica. It is enough that, like may forward the memorial to the Executive Department of is compelled to classify dinner invitations into three cateCommits Sucide in All Her others, we are here to make a the Panama Canal and recommend favorable action. He gories. The first includes dinners of a national or imperial decent living. Let devote the may even attempt to argue the case in favor of his com character; the second those of organizations with which he Finery While Seated in the most of our time in doing that. We patriots is personally connected; the third those of independent Gaudy Wedding Chair.
are buffeted about because we are But for the Governor of the Canal Zone to take serious cieties which exist for the furtherance of some particular unstable in senti nent. The others know note of the memorial is a question out of all consideration science, art or trade. Invitations of this last class he now ON WAY TO HER NEW HOME What we ares West Indians just an conception. No one has ever suceeded in dictating or finds it necessary, on principle, to decline, so many are the as Jamaicans, Barbadians and even suggesting the policy on which the Panama Canal other dinners at which his presence has become, practically gltation in China for Aboll. Antiguans, We have bandicapped should be operated. The Metal Trades Councia body of speaking, indispensable.
It is not surprising that the tion of System which Does Not good leaders whether they originate ourselves in that way. Let American workmen on the Zone has not yet been able to Prince should thus have drawn a line. Public dinners as Permit Girl to Chose for from St. Vincent or Trinidad or accomplish this tremendous task, and it would be inore than those who go to them less frequently than the Prince know, Herselt any other fand in the Caribbean unusual for the Secretary of Foreign Relations or the can easily occur too often. They are admittedly tedious from which we emigrate, and sup, tremulous native laborers to hope achieve it. However, it is and unhygienic; but as a national habit they are not in the Peking, August The suicide support which the healtor for the them. Let give kind of no matter of serious concern to us.
What we want is least likely to give way to any other kind of social reunion. of a bride, in all her tinery, com section of the Start de bread and butter with a portion of comfort and a maximum Their growing numbers, however, are a nightmare to many mitted in the gaudy wedding HERALD dmits that we give to of peace.
the public men.
chair while on the way to ber Chipe:e, the Jews, the Syrians and new home, has filled the columns the rest of them, to our own people of the detiye Press for the past alsc; it may at first entaile a little Too Many Public Dinners.
sacrifice but sacriThe girl. the adopted daughter Sce the bigger the gain. And then, of an old opium smoker and if we must be looked upon as u Many must have wondered before now at the physical WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR endurance shown by the leading members of the British sealtai.
was about 18 and very desirables we will at least be sºtis.
Royal family in view of the innumerable public functions in adoptod parent had arranged eing able to win and bold a much which they are expected to take part. There is no busier sell her to an old crony of his larger percent of what we win bot for about 50: She made investimere wionere.
man in England than the King, whose holidays are never gations and fourd that be was a Jonger than those of an exceedingly hard worked profesNo hot irons or special combs required repulsive old man who alreads cional man; and after him the Prince of Wales probably bad a wife.
keeps the greatest number of public engagements. But Bbe begged to be released from Rent Receipt Books in Span even the Prince feels that he can be invited to dinner too SOLD IN DRUG STORES the contract, but the parent sh and English for sale at the often, His policy with regard to dining out has just been (Continued on påge 8) Workman Printery extent of 90 percent. It is ao ribe because Sain percentage orwell what West me the goods, TO.
us select Contra Crespo


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