
Attractions at the Theatres months second During Park one Dalle in a spill badly Since his arrival on the Istbmu two ago, with Davis. Teacher Baptiste has been demonstrating a distinct superCECILIA AMADOR AMERICA STRAND iority ass cyclist aot only over the local wbeelmen but also over PANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON bis partner, Davis, whio, In the Isle of Springs bis made himToday Saturday Oct, 30:h selt famous as a cyclist in that Today Saturday Oct. 30th Today Saturday Oct, 30th Today Saturday Oct 30th and Lillian Rich in Jack Holt in he was styled the Hooded Conway Tearle in Terror. BORN TO THE WEST This is Davis SEVEN DAYS THE GRATER GLORY. Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 31st visit to the Isthmas, as far as we Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 31st Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 31st can remember; during his first Pola Negri in Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 31st he almost dwarfed most of our GOOD AND NAUGHTY Richard Barthelmess in Mae Murray in Jack Daugherty in local wheelmer JUST SUPPOSE THE MASKED BRIDE. THE RUNAWAY EXPRESS present visit be, of course, met with bard lock in bis Grat Monday November 1st wa ap: Monday November 1st Monday November 1st Monday November 1st pearance at the Colon Baseball Jack Daugherty in where be both bad and was Irene Rich in Wm. Harris in Patsy Ruth Miller in THE RUNAWAY EXPRESS mixed up in some bad spille on COMPROMISE THE THRILL HUNTER ROSE OF THE WORLD a track satuated with water from Tuesday November incessant showers of rain. But Tuesday Noven ber 2r. Tuesday November 2nd Tuesday November 2nd Patsy Ruth Miller in on the same track Battiste won Jack Hoxie in Rod La Rocque in Special Cast in bis entries ROSE OF THE WORLD Including a 15 mile WILD HORSE STAMPEDE THE COMING OF AMOS GRASS race in wb ch he put three laps on his field which included Dayis!
Wednesday November 3rd dnesd y Noverr ber 3rd Wednesday November 3rd Wednesday November 3rd On Sunday last Teacher Special Cast in Richard Dix in Pola Negri in Mae Murray in cane first in each of the four GRASS SAY IT AGAIN GOOD AND NAUGHTY THE MASKED BRIDE races he entered, riz: Scratch, in wbich DePaus came Thursday November 4th Thursday November 4th Thursday November 4th Thursday November 4th Apcond and Markland third: Two Mae Murray in Mile Open Scratch. Davis second, Charles Ray in Jack Daugherty in Wm. Harris in THE MASKED BRIDE Markland third; Five Mile Open BRIGHT LIGHTS THE RUNAWAY EXPRESS THE THRILL HUNTER so, Markland second, Davis Friday November 5th and Nine Mlle Open Friday November 5:h Friday November 5th Friday November 5th Scratch in which Markland took Wm. Harris in George Brien in Patsy Ruth Miller in THE THRILL HUNTER Rod La Rocque in fecond place, Davis being elimi ROUGHNECK ROSE OF THE WORLD THE COMING OF AMOS nated account of being mixed up in a between bimself and Saturday November 6th Saturday November 6th Saturday No vembur 6:h Saturday November 6th Battiste about 80 yards from the Gloria Swanson in Vera Reynol is in Special Cast in Pola Negri in tapa. Battiste wheel was FINE MANNERS WITHOUT MERCY GRASS GOOD AND NAUGHTY damaged wblle Davis ran away from bim; but the former salvaged bis two wheeler and made the wioning post first with Markland who was also delayed in the third position, taking second place.
CANAL ZONE NOTES Although last Suoday events WHITENS THE SKIN The West India Regiment Another Negro Singer.
did not feature Nimbley and other crack cyclists from the LA BOCA Creme Blanc Mirette Commenting under the above CHAUNCEY NORTHERN TO SING Pacific end, Marklaod from Colon caption on the disbandment of IN EUROPE.
represented Panama in perfectly good style and the West India Regiment, the deserves our Marvelous Cream WEST INDIA COMMITTES CIR New York: Chauncey North unstinted applause.
But young Big Bebate Tonight Prevents and removes frech les, moth patches, CULAR of London says inter ern, the young Barlem tenor Battiste is apparently a scientific aliawho has been singing with rider and it is not an easy job to sun tan, and other skin blemishes The disbanding of the West remarkable suceess during the beat bim The Athenaeum vs Alliance Society is thus season SOLD IN DRUG STORES what Tennyson described as recital recently, prior to two tbat eternal want of pence year tour of several which vexes public men. As the in Europa. Nərthern will open countries Gatun Lake Give up The tain goes up in the same time our readers will wish his engagements abroad with auditorium of the Clubhouse at Dead Body o clock this evening and Mr. it will be held to one of the lodge La Boca Team Wins that the mxe of reconomy, which three concerts in London, and has become a pressing necessity will then leave on an extended Cliford Sewell will, shortly after Bal on Calidonia Road, it is the the leader of the Cristobal boys said.
Lucky Strike Trophy come other antecito have fallen tour of Europe, where he will give France, Germany The body of Aubrey Fitter sball have finished launching preWest India giment, Secretary King of the District latterly recruitod entirely from coloured, banana dealer, who limitary arguments in deferce of The European tour of Northwas drowned in the Catup Lake Resolved. That Compulsors meeting, from the correspond popular Lucky Strike cigarettes the of the question, read communication at the last is something more than ern was arranged to give bim an to recovered on Sunday afternoon Military Training is Dangerous Ir Secretary of the Association, were made doubly popular last Margreats tradition to anap al tore opportunity to be heard of week, was largər District of the night (Saturday) when lead informing the the with the early days of Northern, who of British has been last, bis Wo contact with a tree stump in the for the negative to be supported death of a financial member of Lucky Strike tropby, a most colouisation. It owes its origin to Rolne, is regarded as one of the studying with Leon Lake, and was swamped about by Menors Wideten de opened in this food chain who mended of coveted silver loving cup donated the American War of Indepen most gifted young tenors of his three miles from Gatun.
Cyrus of the La Cristobal was a member by ToIt He Boca Athenaeum. It promises to Cristobal. Colon WA District.
remarkable Pulsa Dorota bacca Company (Pemana roma re779 When tollowing the blare have longer and bits recitala Fitter 12 year old son who be of the most interesting the of the to the winning ne de capture of Savannah by was with bis father in the inter clubhouse debates held features of ber is Association each member Coloured Basketb. ll Team, was British in ihe preceding year, musical life of the city.
Cayuca at the time, escaped the the Canal Zoe for many years, obligated to contribute twenty presented by the local rep esen many loyalists Alocked into the fate of his father, by swimming even more than that held some five cents at the death of a mem tative of the Company, Mr. British camps where they were Institute, where he began baik a of to an adjacent stump in the lake. years ago at Oristobal in which ber in good standiosd over winners of this season cortest, which the South Carolina Rogi: Natbaniel Dett. Maban, to the La Boca team, formed into separate corps, of musical studies from which he was rescued.
under Dr.
Society was Association to be tarted tbe La Boca Post Morten examination defeated by the Cristobal Societs. 20 the representative of the Fred Clunes and ment was one. The Regiments was held over the body, after The Athengements, the said, Por cars desires that all members of La Boga team members of their themselves in the operations Holy Confirmation at St.
has made elabo: deceased membe. The Secre Captain Buster Brown of rendered good account of which it was interred in the rate it is Gatun Cemetery.
the entertainment of their guests the District take steps to pay team, as well as all the other which followed. including the Peter La Boca, and knowing it to be a fact that in this death tax as early as teams which took part in the action oft Briar Creak on March this Society has never failed 10 practicable.
competition, greatly 3rd, 1779, when he British Mystic Rose Function put on interesting as well as enThe Apostolic Rite of the praised by the Lucky Strike under General Frevost routed tertaining programs, it is cer ASSOCIA representative for the fine General Lincoln in the attempted Laying on of Hands (Acta vlil. 17, tainly got out of order to recomsportsmsuship TION splayed by capture of Charleston and the xix. 5) will be performed by mend to the public a most enjusthe unique occasion marked the able time with the Athenaeum them through the games for repulse of an attack on Savar. Bi. Rav. Sas. Craik Morris, the trophy. The cup must be abin as reg.
as time of Gardenry when the and their guests this eveniog.
of Canal. in Mystic Rose Lodge No 498, A. buld its regular Members.
a team before it becomes the they were incorporated as The close of Evensong Sunday next, West Indian Employees permanent me ing at Loyal Progress Hall, property of that West Iadia Regiment, which the 31st inst. The Class under Upper Calidonia, on the 21st inst.
Oa Tuesday last the generateam.
still bears the Caroline Lavrel preparation is the second that Association Notes. The Lodges on the lethwus were Secretary of the Panama Canal Saturday night fanction was on its badge. Daring the Na will have been presented at St.
Peter for the Among the West Indian Employees Associ. most beitting the occasion; it poleonic wars the distingui public ia cordially invited.
representatives were: Bros BodAt last Friday meeting of the tion issued a memorandum to hook the form of a Presentation again greatly kio, Md. Atkins from local District of the West Indian the Districts of the Association Ball and was attended by itself. taking part is the capture Rose of the Nile 481, Colon; Bros. Em sployees ict Association, plane informing them that the Execu athletes and their ladies Includ of St. Lucis, 1796. St. Thomas, Martinique, 1809, and Notice to Correspondents.
Ellis MeFarlane. from Roselor were again initiated to augerent time Coere who were for some re several of th ir friends from 1807. Beckels. Green.
Guadeloupe, 1810, and more re Contributors and correspondents Panama Bro funds to children considering Panama City.
offer to non memcently it has added to its battle are asked to send in their contribu.
bars Lily of the lotbmus, 471: pext Christmas, and Chairman honours. wbich include Asbanti tions not later than Thursdays to. Com appointed a so as to swell the memberBros. Selon, Prescott, Boyce, mittee to arrange a program to ship, bave now decided to make Corporate Communion of 1873 4, West Africa 1837, 1892 iasure publication. This is impereP. Orange Flower 447.
Girls The Worthy Mistress Sis. An. children themselves will be asked 1926. The entrance fee In now months effective November 1, of Palestine 1918, East Africa Monday next, Nov. 1, is All 16 which tell their own Cameroons 1915 rie Mendeza being sick, Deputy to contribute liberally their moral 50.
British Consulate Notice Mistress Sie. Ethelyn Thomas and financial support Saints Day. Io compliance with In this cou at The Secretary memorandum standing Rule, every Branch both couatry the Regiment is The British Consul at Colon presided, ably assisted by several ite of the Brothers. The Second points out clearly that the con of the Girls Friendly Society is best known for its Zouave and would be glad of information as Mr. Davis, one time Dis. cession is to lend a strong induce under the sclemo obligation of Queen Victoria, who, on seeing Constantia Violet Bennett, adresse. Degree was conferred on six whereabouts of members ard two new members trict Secretary Treasarer, was meni to West Indians to or meeting at Corporate Com all repared to the banqueting District on the Board to succeed the pressing necessity for units. St. Peter Branch, La Boca, and picturesque dress, asked, Why at one time resided at Muller were initiated at the close of which elected a Rapresentative of the ganiza at once as there is now munion on tbüt day. Members of the French Zouaves in their maker, a native of Jamaica, drebe room where addresses were deli Mr. T. Williams who has reof St. Barnabas Branch, En should we not have some Zouaves Building, Fourth Street, Colon.
vered on the good and welfare of signed, baing now employed in DEATH.
pire, are therefore minded of the Role. Andeby re 00We hope that there may the Order, while partaking of Panama City.
notified ified Keeping this Regiment and its of the good thinge provided. Mr. Davis election is for the large numbers for traditions alive by its establishHenry. aged 85, wa anexpired January December of Josephineinde ce 81 Prother Corporate Communion, cadre; but it Have you tried tho should 1926 term.
Prado died on Sunday laat in the Balto rent, organizedesde prove that the recently at st. ment as Ancən Hospital after a week should endeavour to attend the the battalions were affectionately of old Prer 19 now Boer Dr. Wendehake Miness. The deceased had been service at St Barnabas. Empire, called, Plans were also approved at living in Colon up to the time of atom.
Is Kronen Brau MEDICAL CLINIC last Friday meeting of the bis illness and was removed to trust that its plate and trophies Distrist for the holding of the hospital about week before Rent Receipt Boois in Span guished history. will be carefully, won in the course of its distio7. 025 Front Street Colon meeting in Panama City during by his brother. His remaios the coming month. The exact were interred at the Coroz sh and English for sale at the preserved a memorial of the dia Regiment has made to the Taate has not yet been learnt but Cementery.
Workman Printery. PHONE 11 contribution which The West In military bistory of the Empire.
The arde Italy.
La Boca, Oct. 24 eFiles are litary unit. It is a repository World.
advantageir be one According to to were offer concertion Non solo te ole ole olemasoleo big ortion or their seren en part de para a well represented year. The Walters story: too be now belog written, we OPPOSITE RR STATION


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