
PAGE SIK THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 30, 1926 Predicts Drugs to Ablo metri di Domaine de Nicaragua Chief of Dr. David Smith lish Sleep State, a Daring Man THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS had ar Workman Stationery Store aue of th: poisons by THE BEER reacions port on the Pacite Up to date) Jewelry entirely.
The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
war, Certainletic supermen.
Fuller Jewelry Store become geniuses. tbcamp.
AND CREATE SUPER MEN AS IGNORES THREAT TO KILL HIM Dr. Smith the SnakeWELL AND GOES OUT HEAVILY OFbite Sp cialist of Guabito, GUARDED Bocas del Toro, R, begs to Busin ss Man Thinks Re.
offer his professional service search in Organic Chemistry TO DINNER PARTY.
to any patient. Wherever May Lead, by Use of Drugs, found, his snake bite remeTo Astonishing Changes in IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF Experience of Mr. A. Mitchell dies have never failed to Hu. nan Life.
Hedges And L:dy Richmond effect a speedy cure. The Brown in Republi. Doctor also specializes in Poilad ba, Sept. The other complaints such as Uripossibility that research in or The Daily Mail of recen: nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers ganic chemistry, now aimed at discovering dye stuffs, may lead date publishes the following by and Mr. Mitcbell dges wil Obstinate Coughs.
to astonishing changes in bumi life, evo elimination of the Should you need his proten from Managua, Nicaragua. We had been here six days and fessional services, do not fail necessi y lor sleep and attainthere was no sign of ar volt: in to write or come to the Docmentol gelus and reform of Suitable for odge Business fact, the the Presidert, Generator personally when you can cbaracter bs use of drugs, was Enviano Casmorro.
expɔoodd to day before the ranged for us to sit several be cured.
jubilze convention of the Ameriinteresting places in the interior, Address: can Chemical Society by Irener du Pont, former President of AT THEwhen like a bolt from the blae. DR. DAVID SMITH du Pont Nemours Co.
a revolution broke cut. We thas the en that srme adults Specialist Everyb:dy zdmits Jurs per night than sleep mr: bɔurs per President is a strong, fearless Guabito Bocas del Toro others. said Mr.
du Polat. Mao. But all hose bist able to seems likely that this is Republic Panama.
judge be is said to be the right to 8o. ne slight difference eltber in ang mga gama ngomong para manggagago man in the right place, but the United State: Gorero mentrethe Dalure of accumulated poisons which necessitate sleep fuses to te cogoise bor, otie for their removal or lor a less rapid 50 Soowse Sessos nations bave followed suit, and this naturaliy coustitutes a direct elimination of th Incentive to political opponents those who sleep less efficiently. Would it not seem likely that o foment a revolu ion.
the may be bastened The first intimation we had of by some catalytic agent or even the revolution s that for 500 that the Antidote itself way be prepared and administered, thereSUPPLIED BY yards the railway De twen Managua, the capital and Cor by either decreasing the amount into, the chief of sleep required or doing away had been torn up. The nex with the necessity of sleep morning the train from the north was dynamited and the line cu. In every form can be seen Such a dissovery, he pointed All telegraphic com a untcations here at its best See our out, would increase the time of were destroyed and we were prodation and leisure 50 per completely iso oted, Within Wrist Watches, cent.
lew hours the couctry was trane Taking up the matter of mental for ned from peace and content Bracelets stimulants, Mr. du Pont suggestment into all the torrors of ciyil ed to the 4, 000 delegates prosis brewed from the best Diamond Rings of CONSCRIPTION ROUND UP.
dogs tend to stupils materials obtainable In the capital all cony faroes and prevent hu dans from thinkand a hundred other adorning clearly, he said. Oiber telephones, and tel. graph lines ments and you ll recognize drugs, such as cateln, taken in were commandeered sod taken why this is the LEADING tea and cute, in over by the Government and JEWELRY HOUSE in town It is specially suited for this climate some extent stimua e the mind, Is it not poswholesale conscription sible tha: there exists still other is superior to all imported beers sold place. Men and boys welking ask prices and you ll find still compounds which might stimualong the streets were rounded late the old to a greater extent another reason. here and it sells to the public at up without being given time to go to their homes ard say gooda 80 that mentally all the users would supermen or bye, while men of all ages were HALF the price.
taken from the shops, business, Remarking that it is poverbial offices, ad backs and rusbeJ 122 Cotnral Ave. Phone 629 that if one liver is out of order it du tiitely affects one outlook.
On this night we were giving. be continued that it an unofficial dinner at 80 to the M. WILKINSON does lot seen unreasonable to President, Mr. Harold Patteson uppose that one character the British Charge Affaire, tself is the result of the sum Mr. Deonis, the American Contractor total of certain chemical reactions Charge Affairs, and eighteen in the body, and he added: of the most prominent people and Builder When the nature of this is in tbe capital ander tood, may we expect that by injecting proper compounds SUPERIOR TO ALL was startled by a report that on bis away from the Presidencia House No. 20 otu in individual we may make to dine with us the President his character to order.
When would be assassinated.
23th NOV, STREET, 00:06 XSSOS we left the botel we fouad the SAN MIGUEL Professor Brookes on avenue from the Presidencia to the doors of the Legation, lent to Box 411, Panana, RP, Segregation.
us for the occasion, distance of ball a mile, lined with the National Guard with loaded Plans and Specifications Free Professor Brooker, the Dean of ritles ond fixed baconets, while all traffle was stopped.
the Faculty of Commerce at the Transva ili University College, who Punctually the President First Class Workmanship has is devoted his life to resea. ch rived in his car accompanied by among natives, addressing his personal guard. Two other Satisfaction Guaranteed the Christian Association Confercars followed filled with armed ence. bas declared that there was Of every description men, and during the whole time DO su bocity to prove that was with us there were at Dative of Africa was inferior to least twenty armed guards with FLOWERS the Ex:opean. He quoted Ameriloaded guns and belts of cartcan Army statistics to sh. that ridges in the ball withio a few there is a bigber scale of intelliof the ble where we sat, Abogado. Attorney at Law, gence among Negroes, and stated wbile DESPATCH outside the doors and at hat he was unable to agree that OFFICE: No. 44 ST the gates was a large body of colour prejadice was in born besoldiers. BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY cause our ancestors did not feel When the President left, Lady TELEPHONE No. 1377 It when first coming from (Richmond) Brown and walked seas, and there was no outcry AT THE with him to his car. Officers Practicing before all the courts o againt marriage between sbouted their orders, the guards the Republic since April 1914 Europeans and aborigines, People and soldiers closed round in a to day, be said. were afraid solid body, and as he drove away say what they honestly believe we breathed a sign of relief.
because tbey feared their neigbHYSTERICAL WOMEN bou opinion. This was moral Dentist Howell cowardice.
Segregation would not never remember more solve the native question, which beartbres ng sight than the one could only be solved by political witnessed the following day, HOUSE 912, LA BOCA and social martyrdom.
wben bundreds of conscripted CANAL ZONE. Witty Lord Advocate.
men began to march out of the CALL IN AT city. Most of them were lodians. Opposite the Restaurant)
Virgin Islands Cost U: S, and every few minutes their wind Office Hours: a. to 1p. 235 Per Acre.
Keed witted and sarcastic Lord wlib them where di zens of their piercing yells out Young who was Lord Adrocale to p.
in Gladstone second Adminiswomen many of whom carried DAILY Washington. The Virgin Istration, met one of bis brotherbabies and lead children of all lands, St. Tbomas, St. John, and judges, a short, podgy, pomppus ages by the band. Many of the PHONF. 1941 BALBOA St. Croix, purchased by the man, who walked with a slight women were wildly bysterical; United Statas from Denmark limp. He was carrying a stick tears streamed down their Specializee null the brancher for 25, 000, 000 in 1917, and bars in one hand and an umbrella cbeeks, their hair was flying in of Dentistry lng a total area of 132 square disorder, and their cries were miles, cost the Govarnment in the other when he met Young No. 93, Central Avenue unforgettable. 295 ner acre. This figure over in the corridor of the ceurt. Now Most of the men were in rege, shadows th: cents, per acre Young, he said, you cannot tel. and many bad no sboes. They and slaughter one another. They ASSORTMENT OF bad been torn away from their cannot read or write and there for the Philippines, and the me when carry a stick as well bomes without warning and bad Core know nothing of the cond 35. 80 an acre paid for the as an umbrella. Oh yes, can, no idea what they were fighting tions which have provoked the Zone. The 26, 051 repliel Young directly. It is Panama Canal GOOD STATIONERY Virgin Islanders inbabiting the becacse you don want to be for or whom they were goldg to revolution, fgbt agalast.
islands at the time, the United called the desc we have never wivressed apy Rent Receipt Books In Span States took possession are said SOUVENIRS, thlog to qual in cruelty the to ba steadily decreasing in And he burrled off without Dubor.
waitiog for his confrere reply.
spectacle of these bappy child: en sh and English for sale at the of the la:d beirg fo. ced to go out Workman Printery TRY OUR NEW BEER 01 h, KRONEN BRAU the city.
At 30 JOB. PRINTING work be DONE WITH NEATNESS AND feet over iben WORKMAN PRINTERY Fang Walking The Workman BOOK STORE paid for acre


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