
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 19. GE SEVEN Interesting West Additional Church Services. Continuerl from page 6)
Seventh Day Adventist Church Announcing Politics in British Guiana.
That on and after October 20 STREET CALIDONIA RCAD (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Babbath (Saturday) 945 a. Bebe th Bobool: 11. 16. m, Groers! Workip 30 pm. Spanish Close; 480p. PM. Society, berting 30 Junior and Spine Stradırd futainment Cl pm. Vespere.
Bunday evening 30 Sterepticas Lecture. The ginetal public ordially invited to turn out in large unter Don forget the Stereoptioun Lee ut on Sunday night. Come and bring riend with you.
THE Seventh Day Adventist Church LUCKY STRIKE STREET BROADWAY, OOLON Sabbath (Saturday) 45 sm Babbath tebool; 11. 15 General Worship 30 p, u. Young people meeting 30 Vespere Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching service. You are cordially invited to attend these services and bring your riende, to pay AND The Church of God British Guiada bas been golthrough the throes of a demorSirarion led by the NEW DAILY CHRONICLE against a Bill granting tiity years monopoly, says the VOICE of St. Lucia with the opinion of continuing for another twenty years making it seventy years altogether, to the Demerara Electric Company Limited. From this long distance and without all the facts in hand it is difficult for one to judge but the following lines from an article in the New DAILY CHRONICLE gives a glimse of the Brate of affairs: take him from dance at GovI citizen bires a car to ertment House to. bis bome in Hutekdane, he must go to jail, il be prepared to fine. He must take bis wife not a Government Houte reception in a team and walk bome. This applies similarly to the Cricket or Football ground at Bourda or to and from any private bouse within the orbit selected by the Eserc Company. Even this Messrs. Cameron and Shepherd admitted. They however argue that it is permitted to take a het is permitted to attend a funeral to in bired car and go as far 88 Repentir; but the rab comes it one dares to return from either place and be set down with!
440 yards of a tram line; there is jall to be laced if you come back!
On the otber side the DAILY CHRONICLE writes We bave no desire to enter tbe lists as special pleaders for the Council, who should be quite competent to defend themselves.
but certainly, the public have a right to be protected against these alarmists. On sunday last readers of that organ were treated to another of its last distorting genius when in its usual flamboy ant sytle it made a gallant to analyse the Bill, picking boles in its construcilon all the way.
Vader the caption An Extrao dinary Ordinance, the Tribune of the people living up to bis reputation as well as to the grest aim of bis existence, sougbt to gain cheap notoriety by some dubble blowing and very considerately advised every citizen, for the sake of ble or ber own future lib. rts. to puruse carefully eaeb section of the Bill before becomes law.
VICTOR PREMIUM Paname, Arore mena trect, Houre 28, an Miguel Sunday at m. Prayer meeting and Geopel meetings et 11.
nd 30 Sunday School at 3p. Monday at 30 Testimony Moetine Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People Meeting. Wednesday at 30 m, spel meeting. Thursday at 30 Open air meeting, Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting Bro, C, Pessoa. ir charge. Red Tank, Canal Zoue, Sunday Schoo po te Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 pm, Sie. GRAY New Providence. Gospel Meeing a 11. 30a. and 30 Sunday Snbool p. Wednesday at 30 to. Gogpel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 m, Prayer Meeting Bro. MeDONALD Gatun, Canal Zone Gospel Meetings 11. 30. and 80 Sunday School at pm. Wednesday 30 Goepel Meeting. Priday at 30 pm Prayer Meeting Bro. GEORGE GRIPFITH Jolon. and Streeta. Gospel meet Ings at 11, 80 am and 30 Bunday Echool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 o Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 m, Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON DEPARTMENT efort Bet at will be located Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness.
Inside The Earth AT THE No, MARIANO AROSEMENA 86 SAN MIGUEL Sunday 30 am. Prayer Meeting.
10 nm. Children Service; 11 mm.
Divine Service. Preacher, Bro.
If Experiments In Japan Are Successful It will be possible to Predict COMING OF EARTHQUAKES Modern Cigar Store p. m, Sunday School, Superintendeot. p. 30 pm. Gov pel Service, Preacher Bro. Reece, The usual weekly services will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday night, at 45 BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 a. Divine Bervice. Preacher Bro, Small, ied. 30 Sunday School, Superintent dent. p. Gor pel rei vice. Preacher Bro, Small supplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Prayer, All other notice for the week will be given from the Pulpit, Bro. WEBLEY, Acting Pastor in charge.
Or Volcanic Erruptions And Also to Tell of the Mognitude of Each It radio experimente now being conducted in Japan are Puccessful it will be possible it is 131 Central Ave. Panama, deciared, to toretell the coming of earthquakes, and thus rob this act of nature of some of its devastating effects, says the Daily Mail.
For many years instruments bave recorded earthquake shocks but none has yet been invented. Three stations will work by wbich it is possible to deter: in conjunction to locate eartbmine when and were they will quakes in a given area.
occur, The new system is uiderstood Though the seismograph or to be a method of clamplog on eartnquake recorder, lo ase at the earth floor highly sensitive present is sufficiently sensitive radio receiving apparatus, and to récord eartbquake shocks, it then through application and does not measure minute slips the use of an instrument called Or the earth straics which pre the oscillograph to obtain a cede a big earthquake.
record of all motions and noises.
The new radio seismograph It Radio bas already rendered is claimed, will measure the service beyond valuation to the emapatidg from either the por particular.
slightest movement of sound world in general and to Japan in Three years one or dense strata Immediately we wireless Station vaurioita below the earth surface, Asshed to the outside world the TWO terrible earthquake It is hoped by studying the formater, and the file has surprise ATrecords thus made to discover that the Japanese are following method of foretelling not only the progress of the new disthe location of a coming earth covery with the keeness interest, quake or volcanic eruption, but in the boze that radio will exable them to escape in time from Radio seismatic Instruments has so frequeutly visited their the terrors with whicb nature which locate the direction from homeland.
which the sounds proceed are being used so that the area conRent Receipt Books In Span cerned can be located on the map by means of bearings in the way sh and Engilsh for sale at the that ships find their position at Workman Printery GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted Have you triod tho now Boer Kronen Brau Important.
ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Contributors in general and our Atlantic side writers in particular, are asked to draw breath when writing and Condense their contributions considerably, to ensure publication.
also its magnitude.
Only First Class Ones Need Apply ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN It Pays DO 13


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