p. 8


INDEPENDENCE DAY CT Panem are suferings ander that ed for establ shments of breds. Good Races Action tagasyear patheticilers of the Ulice to Africa is given few out.
nited States, como particular those employed Catschein of the war. a danger be a and point of thinki in the who in obliged to Oh Pab.
STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Independence Day Officials Native Workers CHURCH SERVỊCES Races. Continued from page 11 (Continued from page 1)
22nd Sunday After Trinity of Garvey is regarded by sone who After an loterval of a few are weil aeqaninted with the presof honor. Yod know also of the AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCB weeks during which time race; ent mechanism of the whole organintrigu for example, that are used (Anglican Catholie)
by the British West Indians to goers, race horses aed race prcezation as a last minute play to stav St. Paul Church, Panama moters have had no doub, a well off the injunction proceedings instigain favor with their superiors.
earned and well spent vacation, tuted by ite Weston eroup restrinThe Panamanian workers of the Rev. Nightengsle, Rector) sm Holy Communion Rector ube promoter, the Panama ing other groups from using the Jockey Club, have revived thiogsiname of the Universal Negro Im the painful sitution of West In10. 15 a. Matias Mr. Atwell, and will again start them going, provement Association From ali in PROGRAM din foremanship by which West Catechist.
on Wednesday next, lodeper dications Garvey has made lis last Indian foreman use every method 10 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermon, derca y, with aa attractive stand.
within their means to under va ue pm Church School.
our labour and Didc 8ce Wednesday, November 3rd, 1926 difficult Ssveral libel suits and actions for prograu which is 30 Solemn Vesp Ta Sermən put us in a expected to bring out no less false arrest are expected to be filed situation. It is they tban fifty native and imported this week by At:orneys for Westen a system of intrigue be Rector have employed Anaouncement At Vespers tofrom horses 6) run over distances and Holder ranging from three fongs for year to year and which has oh ain morrow special reference will be JUAN FRANCO TRACK them a a considerable advan made to life and work of the late The Warning native ponies to seyen furlongs tage over us. In the commissaries Dean Meredith. hearty Invita: for the best importda thoroughThe AMSTERDAM NEWS of Oelo.
and restaurants and in all the tion is extendel to the puble.
ber says: Cagee ous discontis this Moulay Al Saints DayIn the class race for en ting out the vital forces of the are put above us and this evil Holy Communion at a, Choral importe borsºs, Prot, Zin bo Universal Negro Improvement condition shows no signs of coming Evensong and seremon with ProReina Mora and Parque are Society. The Garveyites and the to an end This spirit of discrimi. cession at 30.
booked: but befo e that Zimbs anti Garveyites are at each other nation, we maintain, has no reason Tuesday. All Souls Day Holy to exist.
a feud which prob bly Communion at a.
is also booked to run in the throts in fourth event of six and one half will end in the death of the parent Races for Imported horses One of the new clauses of the fyrlong against Frou Frou. suIn spite of the bu rew Panaman United States Trea St. Alban Church, Paraiso canando Blade. To the back and for Native bred Ponies ty establishes that in case of war CANAL ZONE.
year para be 126 shorter distance in the seve sciation between the United States and any (Rev. P. NIGU PENGALE, ibs but will so zealously fostered, the other country, Panama ipso facto furlong wbich is expected to b: Ass Priest in Caergo.
possessed a the feature even of the day.
becomes a belligerant on the side AN AFTERNOON OF GOOD RACING standing virtues, chief among of her ally the United 11 am. Muins address Curelist.
The native ponies Zipo, Cand. which was the fact that so largos seguently Panamanians und p. Church School and Co. Si me wood, Chiqui, Cococbr, a apd bo y could organize it seif, funcion Rain or Shine eno neno are Slisiei tə rua tive and pro per for so long a time with is the tion letreion Mc, Oebote, Canal fark 148 as the curtaia ralse. a definite objective in mind. This bave to participate and this action 30 pm Choral Erecaong and adfollowed by a three furlong dis. in itself is an achiev. ment which will take upon is the consequence drese.
tatce in which eight other the Negro in Americi had devor ADMISSION Mr. bome Catechist war, if this clause should be tive horses are booked to com before enjoyed outside of the fili come emp ulsory pete.
of religioa ours situati for ur county both St, Matthias Mission Brave Lassie, Dad, Bomba, Jealousies and self ag zrandise. Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. from a natio and internatio al LAS BABANAS of view. Do Dholzana Araucana are the in ment, bowever, tre now having not you (R: NIGHTENGALE, tries to the eighth race wnich definite purposes are beiys laid up their day in the UeV. Its just and reasons le Mr. Secretary Priest in Cargo will be ves furlongs; and an DON MISS IT that in time of pure and tranquili. p mn Church School there are two nin. ry enverts: oa the table while its Asaders are ty that those who will have to face to face 15 pm Evensong and address the exth, which will bring out covater charges and incarcerations.
out engaging in personal charges grave responsibilities in future should be given some Arango, Carcajada, Tanga, The misses who save of their Mr. Richards stechist.
priviliges puan Cecila. Poncho Dow? Is there Is there any reason or ju tice Roto, Super Gloria. Ma ad money and enerey to staba ize orto discriminate in behalf of strong Pater by thu Saa, La Boca Shimmy, an the ninth which will ganizati10 stang Negrups are be be ers in case of war would not Am stioun Episo spal (Anglican Com ing bring ou: Buck Dan se. Trans une forgotten, while its lea lor lip be under any moral or military oh.
Jate, Mabel, Micosa, Sen, struggles with itself in fury an! in ligation to the Voited States? The toun)
Jingre. Tgro. Belle Sauvage and sel Jestriction. Disintegration has Panamanians would be Holy Communion 3) a The set in UFO what was oace a great shed their blood in the benefit of Rector.
those who now refuse us a modus Tomorrow program prones Itoly Biptism 730 a good deal of entertainment, as self saving if the misse, who com It would be Loth graceful and vivendi decent or worthy of a man; 10. 45 Holy Eucharistie Servies while those who today enjoy these The Reet.
the entries and the weight 18.
signed them. w ll as the prise the UN. could be keps privileges would not be bound in 3p. Church School variety of the distances to be ru, ustaut to face, no a emigration to any way.
seem to be all il proportioned breath. co the problems which 30p. Choral Evensone, sermon dark continentp. AND This situation is what we the followed by Holy Carfirmation.
workers of the Canal Zone feel Al Saiate Monday Nov. 1st.
besit the Negro in America. If the flames of organizitio of the Negro Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 sboald be taken into consideration. Holy Communion at sm.
NATIONAL ASSEMBLY could be and studied by the government. MULCARE, Priest in Charye.
orderly scientific wiy he could Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages In case our contention is just, put mness and initiative into the Continued from page 1)
which we we again maintain we hope plan wh:ch should be pursuel liere an agreement would be reached beached St. Bartholomw Church to bring about his complete enu iaSummary of Contents: with the United States Govern LAS CASCADAS man people, had expressed its sen cipation, wbat consolatioa would ment tending to a betterment of 11 Matins and a dress timent in a precisa a nd categorical ba e joyed by the black path find History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years the co ditions. At last we to have alloted to us in the Ancon aspire Church Sshool 237 pm manner.
ers of Full Particulars of 1900 Tour. RESOLVES: Cannet Somthing be done to Hospital a ward with native PanaInteresting Report of the 1906 Tour, manian nurses sod attendants or To regnest, very respectfully, preso ve the UN I, give it a Matins and Address, Church as in eifect, it requests, of the virile leadership of integrity, at new Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Spanish speaking employees of School and Evening Prayer will be Latin birth, and also that there be neld at St, Barnaba Church, Em Secretary of Foreign Relations, plan of action and save it is the Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual the immediate cancellation of the nodel in form at least, from which esta lished commissaries for Pana pire; and St. Simon Mission, manians which would be con Gamboa, at the usual hour ty the permits issued in vor of the new units of racial solidarity may Players with the entire exclusion Lay Readers.
individuals who e entrry into the be create and dedicate to the of West Indians and Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and country has been forbi den in al service of the struggling race?
JT MULCARB Priost in Charge.
in would be given to definite manner, as said permits Interesting oppomniane to sul positions as were issued, if not in an illegal heads of sections which are today Little Lessons on manner, at least very precipitated.
Claimed by Death.
Price 50cts.
entirely in tbe hands ef West InThe Secretary has replied signifuing his disapproval of the Resn. Continued from page 1) have to record the death of Trusting that action will be di.
lution on the ground that it is Eliz Lewis a bative of Ja naic, rected by our Government and tional future of your affspring.
contrary to article 60 of the Cor from the dist ict of May Pen, in Secure yours now there will be a great rush the efforis will succeed in influ You have given of your hard stitution.
encing the minds of the authorities earned pittance to missions; have the parish of Carendon which for them, of the Canal Zone, we subscribe observed self denial week to aid the sad occurenes took place on the Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN ourselves Mr. Secretary your ser. heathen who in their darkness are Leper Colony Supt. To Re 12 Cetoser at Almirante, in the vitors and compatriots; a percent better off than cas del Toro, RePanama you signed. Report public of Panama a ter a lingerSome of you have given a The 45 Signatures follow.
illness of nearly five morths tenth to the Lord now that no should remember two It is roported that Superintend. After suitering for mon to.
INDEPENDENCE DAY things fiest: That charity begins Leper Colany. an institution sit 28 days. hen at home. and secondly, That the spital, her she remained for GIRL WHO WAS. it INTERESTING LECTURE Lord helps those who help themuated on an isolated spot near the that she would not recover. was (Continued from page 1)
selyes; duty Pacifie entrance of the Panama Independence Day is also official and family to give a tenth of (Continud from page 4)
Canal where leper patients frem took her out and she lived fo: 26 your The public are remir ded of the ly observed by the Canal Zone income to your account 10 both the Republic of Panama kod hours. Hers was an infan like interesting lecture to be given by Government, and on Wednesday stage once a month a self denial the Canal Zene are treated will life during her last hours, and sternig refused, probably resign from the Pavama who knew her.
ba; left a lasting imprezy on all eacher McCarthy at the Goddes next all business on the Zone will week, to increasing your savings, Arrangements were made for Hall tonight Saturday, the 30th be suspended except those which for therein alone lies your earthly Canal and accept a position wih the marriage feast, the wedding IRVIN the United Fruit Corpany at clothes were secured, and the under the auspices of the Isti or the Canal proper and io pede the off without the narrow bigotry of inst. This lecture will be given will prevent the actual functioning salvaton. The heathen are better Marta Superintendent necessary ceremonies performed League of Britib West normal passage of ships through the Christian religioa; and the Tucker has just returned from a Vacation spent in Senta Marta Panama Canal Tanker CHAFFED BY SERVANT Lord does NOT need your money, Indians and the proceds are to the great waterway.
be The day arrived for her to go dorated Ito aid the Dorcas where he had been in charge of the even though the parsons claim be Traffic in September.
ho pital to which he will probably to ber busband bouse. The Soci ty.
Owing to uncontrolable cir MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. It servant girls laughing and chafbe assigned should he resign from is a gieat pity that cumstat cas the magic la tern Whyte or another, with your inter.
the Canal.
During the month of September fing, dressed her in her wedding lijes which were to accompany 1926. 119 tank ships transited the clothes. While they were doin the lecture will be omitted could undertake to nevotiate for the Lord Jehovah as a weapon over (Continued from page 1)
est at heart, could not emulate the New Paper.
Canal, with an aggrrgate net ton this she had a razor amənd her but Teach long departed Moses and holding nage, measurement. many jest McCarthy has It should be of interest to read. of 675 800 on which tolle ore 13697. placed in the clad bridal ebas stated that the lecture will bale promillion dollars loan locally your heade compell you the ers to know that the JAMAICA 688, 26 were collectedolo point and was sent on ber way.
or abroud. The loan would be used threat of his displeasure, and its sub nevertheless be highly. NAIL can be had at the WORKNAN net tonnage, tanker traffic for When she reached the groom ally to and Printery. This paper is published and beautifying parks and other selvas so that in time you would be all wh)
are acquainliree times a week and is very september showed an increase of house it was notícud that blood ted witn many of the islands in publie places, able to come out of the house of approximately 83. percent over was dripping fron the chair, The the Caribbean.
bondage into the Ganian of your the same traffic for the correspon curtains was drawn aside and the As was formerly annonnced own particular isles.
ding month a year ago, while cargo brid: was found buddled in the there will be no admission fee Notice of Removal BELL Have you tried the tonnage sbowed an increase of 110 bottom of the chair with her but a silver collection will be per cent over the cargo tonnage wrisis cut and washed. She has taken up. Doors open at pm, bled to death on the journey.
of September 1925, new Beer Notice to Correspondents.
David Leon, Attorney atsbarp.
The younger generation are Law, has removed his offices Contributors and correspondents Kronen Brau using this as a reason for the Rent Receipt Bools in Span labolition of the old weddi: sys. According to an old custom tbe to No. 175 Central Avenue are asked to send in their contribu She and insure publication. This is imper Workman.
of selecting a man of her choice. they were married.
dio. tive and must be adhered to.
kept alive. that in an that of America.
ducted which dians.
hundred Province (Sigoed)
is meet ingilla you begia as a ten to yourself bank Santa mian in especial those ewsy,


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