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FURTHER BRITISH DETAILS Jamaica Legislator Moves Resolution Requesting BISHOP Cuban Government Against Free Entry of Labor the The i: of the country which which talk so it Monday 1a Connection With The Says Colour Bar Bill An New Immigration Bill Abomination.
Government To Communicate The latest in connection with the bar Bill just passed in South Africa In referring to the. ideous colour Says Secretary of Agriculture With British Consul at Panama new immigration Bill dito na an exchange, says. tion introduced the National and the most Replying to Application of Cuban re New Immigration Bill. Assembly at Mon lay: session and hideous piece of legislation exer which if adopted will be an addi pleed on the statute book of South Sugar Mill Owners.
tion to the New Law. The text of In reference to the cablegram which appeared in last the resolution is as follows:Africa. was description of the South Havana, Oct. 25 The Government cannot allow the Sunday issue of the STAR HERALD to the effect that African color bar bill given Deputy Rosando Jurado intro by the Bishop of southern Rhodesia tree enfry without limitations of any kind of Antillian the Jamaica Legislature had move to Bar Panamaniansduced at Monday session of in a missionary address at Mine labourers, Secretary of Agriculture, General Delgado has entering that country unless a deposit of 500 was made, the National Assembly resolu head, England.
informed the Cuban Sugar Mill Owner and Planter Assothe following extract taken from the JAMAICA MAIL of the of the present year which deals face, he declared, he is not allow ciation and the National Planters Association which tion aimed at additioning Law 13, Because a man has a black 30th ulto. gives the correct version of what really transpired with the question of barring unde ed to develop and utilize his petitioned unrestricted authorization to import as many in the Jamaica Legislative Council:sirable immigration.
gifts, He cannot rise beyond a cer. Jamaican and Haitian labourers as the mill companies might The Meinber for Portland has given notice to move the The resolution tain height, nor practice bie arte deem necessary for the harvesting of the coming 1926 27 following resolution in the Legislative Council. That Hon. Jurado, provides that unde skill in what are called the skille crop.
whereas the Kingston press reports that a dispatch from sirable foreigners should be re to the last ditch in the name and trades.
General Delgado in his decision points out the fundaPanama, dated the 23rd inst. states that that Republic now used to get a beliebt ibeir nationality bonor of the mental reasons why the Government cannot grant the rerestricts Negro immigration from this, as well as certain Locuments, and if this period much of witbin a. liberty and freedom. quest.
other countries, be interesolvedrtmunties Council the perfectly clapses without their having done been stopped in one place because The He says that the entry of Antillian labourers can only with British Consul at Panama as to the veracity or otherwise of the so that they be expelled from the by cestopping bis bag ili ces billeged be authorized in absolutely indispensible contingencies and report referred to with a view in the event of its confirma Republic territory, unles they twat he was damaging the presente de providing that the persons or companies bringing them tion, of obtaining the sanction of the Sacretary of State for are married to a Panamanian or of the white man. Seven y five per offer the necessary guarantee to the authorities so that as the Colonies to the enactment of law prohibiting Pana are the owners of real estate regis. cent of the young European popu. soon as the crop is made they will bæ sent back.
tered in the office of the Public considered infradig lation did no work because it was General Delgado declares that the Government will manian immigration to this colony.
Registrar allow the entry of the number of men necossary and facili.
Notice to correspondents.
tate the requisites for their entry.
The reso ution is at present in PANAMA 23rd ANNIVER the hands of the Secretary of the Contributors and correspondents The Secretary adds that no fear need be entertained.
SARY OF INDEPENDENCE. Assembly, and will formally be are asked to send in their contribu. that due to the intensification of the public works ptotions not later than Thursdays to grammes the Antillian will not work in the cane fields.
for first debate some time during insure publication. This is impera Such a danger doos not exist as the Jamaicans and Haitians Fittingly Celebrated During Three Days of the present week it is believed. tive ard must be adhernd to. prefer cane field work and besides for the construction Festivities.
work native and foreign citizens now employed will be SPARKLETS given the preference.
The important bodies mentioned above maintain that The celebration of the 23 Aoni.
versary of ladependence of the Tragic Death of Mr. BY CK)
without a free entry of Antillian labourers the coming crop Republic of Panams was fi tingl cannot be harvested at a profit and that the situation of the observed throughout, commencing Allen Boyd The Big Debate. argument that when a nation is sugar Industry will become still more critical than what it Tuesday the 3rd and continuing The debate of the subject Re ns it were, struts around with fortified with superior strength it, already is.
Wiruotil Thursday, and except for a the entire three day program was rent in th: Nu isip D vision trnining is detrimental to thie peace fights of gets unnecessarylynr. used MANY HELD IN CUBA FOR Allen Bəyd, perican, general solved. That compulsory military heaving breast and either picka few intermittent showers of ril enthusiastically carried through at Petro Migu I, and Nicanor San of the world, promoted by the la minus any untold event.
chez, Panamni chauffeurs were Boc to fighting heat at the slightesi Воса, Athenaeum and held at the DEPORTATION.
The program, proper began on hown to death and almost beyond La Boca Clubhouse on Saturday provocation. There was a crossdeserv more than pass but the Cristobalites wor!
fire of arguments, pro and coTuesday morning with a solemor cognition at 45 on great question was Late vana Newspapers state demonstration to the National worning last, and a Ford truck on ing mention. gret Cemetery to pay tributa to the which both were riding rent to debated and at that it was Il de Helen Th: Show Giri that deportation of several women St. Paul Excursion of dynaLiterry and Panama Follies of ill repute and over a hundred raemory of the nation illustrious pieces when ten pounds of the Cristobal mite, amounting to about 4) sticks Deball pitive, won by going to be two major Plays for dead the fathers of this republic Chinamen areased if drug pedwhich that eham Another reminder that there are dling and illicit activities as mem Much talk is going the rounds revielle hiyo kyg ers from the road wtorek o pre telt ans portion for Silver the of the recently dissolved Chi about the Exeursion to Colon to Firemen and Pclice Corps at after being exploded a few minutes in the Judges this season. They are to make clock on Wednesday morning Cristopher Howard, West Indian, Tong society are held up on take place on Thanksgiving Day, on the truck. We could muster for the now. Number One is to inore forceful a woke citizens to the realization helper narrowly escaped a similar Largu nent in re pective bow at the Velount of lack of funds. Due to November 25th, by the committee of their side than the Theatre within that it was the 23rd Anniversary of fate; he was just a few minutes a fortnight from the the wholesale deportations made and members of St. Paul. Church the dependence of this young liefore the explosion sent back by bome team Tue Judges decision in the past months by the Interior in this City.
Show Girl to Department of of oreign All who are preparing to go on pro titutes, republic and from then on there Mr. Boyd to where they had was a popular one. As a matter of which have some amount of af: bour agitator and other pero this excursion are advised to secure was a fact, the Afirmative ał the infectionate leasie; not berause cicus elements the special fund their tickets early and avoid the enthusiasm noticeable through the The accident cccurred at a point side rails around a debating course love the lovable Milton, but due to appropri stod in the budget for the great rush on the morning of the city the entire day.
about 150 yaris nor:b of the low cowbicbuposi vieny theme si cele the fact that a La Boca auty passage of the undesirable aliens 25th, In tie altero001 there was a will be playing in the leading has become exhausted. It is now very good debesise role as Helen and Fred. Brath. Jealculted that it will cost at least gaging the attention of the whole game of cricket which is en gala horgo race ineet at the Juan Sate of the edro Miguel Locks, hugged tenaciously. The Santors Track which attracted a wext si le of the Canol, Mr. Boyd have to produce a super abuna opposite the control fouse on the of a of question that nature would waite, the steno musicacr, als 12, 000 to deport the Chinamed. Isthmus will be piayed at ihe Colon fair crowd despite the great down body was dismembered. It is be dance of genuine argument were another prominent part. But ly submit a message to congress representative teams Bocan, will President Mactado will probab. Base Bill Park between selt and pour of rain just about two lieved that the dynamite was they to be given a decision over Fred mayonyet desert Miltoul lext November saskiag for an Pacific and Atlantic sides.
from the o clock whcih lasted for one hour. Paul body was cut in two, wbile test was anything but an easy one him for my comedy drama The the fund to be voted for in Many other attractions in and cricket the the affirmative. However, the con. Not very long ago wanted to pan deportations, he idea origi. com boys from was complutely de test was this the the truck send are the Hill; he alburulta quota of Woliday makers and alistet: The dynamic was being sides were a warm of the fact that it side stepped to offer for reasons ties back to their country on the the Atlantic Siders that they are only nally of to show and jovials spent bs one and all rood which is being constructed by clinch them; that there is a way to lo:t one of my copies of the play such a plan was faally abandoned the day when the championship una Whole the day was joy with transferred to aihe Empire. Paji is necessary to produce facts and to not fit to publish but deliberately transport Maximo Gomez, but no easy mark; and the 25th wil be convicts.
Thursday was edicated to the almost compel the judges or will.
flag and during the early part of already been picked, that of the Mr. Boyd was formerly a Zove eace to disabuse their other sake of the leading lady. Play the day the veterans of the Indr policemau that was in 1908 when certain areale) by cutting awuy Number Two is to be Lea. News From The Bahamas some weeks ago.
Pacific si de having been published from the side pendence paraded the streets of he first arrived here the city carrying a beau iful flag United States. From that posither side. Th debating sa bave most affectionate leaning: islands settlements of the Babamus tion to visit the windy city oo that from the roots from the tree of the cock Panama Follies to which Other attraction will provide of the nation.
tion he rose to general foreman in oth must also frankly admit that amusement for the boodreds of peothe Municipal Division at Pedro tegy was conspicuously present Nassau, Pet. 22. The northern ple who have expressed their intenDuring the three days concertet. Miguel. He was commonly know that occasion. The Cristobal boys for the following reasons. admire band the el. drove in facts and clinched them Miss Eudora Reed, one of the group weathered the last tropical occasion. An excellent orchestra the parks which were Leautifully as He it is were furious in cuttias leading hurricane with no reported fatali under the management of Mr. Girilluminated for the occasion.
from under the arguments of the for her winsome smile nor anytbing New Providence, seat of the Colon widely American characters of this Play, not ties and small property damage. field Murray will discourse sweet it is considered what a SNATCHES HAND BAG Dame, than any other min here. 10 cbed them but apparently failed present mana And Miss Reed been reliably informed that Milton less amusement for the mominal having koowa more Isthmians, by La Boca os were alıve to the coca be tempted to cojecture, but for ial Government, cacaped without wambers for music lovers.
they produced facts and elin her heroic effort: for serious dacage.
in helping her fine opportunity it will be to make the trip and put in a day of harmalmost to salv. ge the all Isthmian North Ameri. to remove enough earth from Victim of Love.
To Face High Court ha hd also of argument is admirable girl on ge!
West Indians acd Panamanians add Pananalita os udduced by the Cristobalites. For haven been able to place the selecteres Sandnes nations from for this or everybody to muke up his mind to his sitting in charges it will be easy for of friends. The latter fact was clear.
oll Panamanian, was held in Olie ly proven at his funeral Aslance, the La Bocats showed wise. Secondly, admire Dalrymple more hours at appropriate inter go over to Colon on the 25th, Get Jose Maria Vergada, 22 ear when where covers some for of the most esentialemen te of and academic knowledge of the from space, and that Dalrymple ab in scientific music extracting his thoughts Ready.
coatri thousand dollars baid by morude bated by his own people one of learning, and that superior educa spokea drama; he is the posses. draws his musical and dramatic PANAMA CANAL TOLLS last to answer a charge of Lahe best appeared as a contribution tioa has proven to be the most sor of some gehuine raw material Knowelge from the thoughts of It is alleged that on the who worked with him.
Vergada Saturday aftergoon inherent animal passion in man to that as it may, both ping curile det mestere put the area and he is Near S2, 000, 000. For October a band bag worth 00 Mayor Bwyd was a 32ud de. ble to altogether eliminate. But have drawn their beauties from the that which know to be a fact is fight a passion which is impossi are from Little England but information is however, light stuff During the month of October, and containing 90 in currency gree Mason and prominent member the Cristobalites pulled down the Isle of Springs; the result has al: that both Plays give promise of 1926, 445 commercial vessels auu and cobracelet worth 375 from of all the High Oriers to which the screen over that and produced ways proven to be a formidable furnishing us with a gay time for 19 small launches transited the the person of Miss Mary Austin. Americans here are connected.
another act by driving in the combination. In addition, haye some time. Continued on Page The utes Bioned adduced, in Sto be Milto in y Helen. the LA be u kete the revival of interent to win the the la Path hint to look as impracticable.
had loaded or auld seili love bim for the the and a was, is believed, the most fra they When amoag the many inmoang Wreaths a


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