
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands VIGOR TONIC when being til utilized shall pened and FONIG pot XN INVIGORA TIMES AND Enquiries JAMAICA BRITISH GUIANA The Activities of Royal Demerara Legislature Mail Co.
TO VOTE ALLOWANG FOR WIDOW OF LATE COLONEL BLACKThe GLEANER announce that WOOD the Royal Mall Steam Packet Company and the Nelson Steam Navigation Company ara The British Guiana Legislature negotiating with Messrs. HarTHE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD will be invited to approve of the Jand and Wold for the construcrayment to Mrs. Nora Blacktion of five 15, 000 ton Passenger wood, widow of the late Co.
vessels which will be laid as soon Black wood, O, Inspector as the coal strike is ended.
General of Pollce and Commano representative of tbe dast of the Local Forces of a GLEANER called on Mr.
grant of 500 to cover the cost Gay, local representative of the of pasages, etc. of herself and Cos. in Jamaica to An ascertain whether there was any This children and provide her with temporary means ans on arrival in likelihood of these new vessels Eogland. The completed in Court will also be asked of the panction of the the resuscitation of the Com Invigorating Elegant lonic payment of an allowance to Mrs.
pany West Indian Service. Mr.
Blackwood, to cease altogether Gay informed the pressman that in the event of her re marriage.
he had received no news as yet and Preparation and in the event of ber death to the plans of the Company but be paid to the guardian of the the vessels mer tioned above children for the benetit of each would probably be for the Com Health Imparting is highly in equal shares until death or the pany South American trade.
attainment (whichever They are about the same siz: as occar earlier) of the age of 19 in the s, Orca, WINE recommended the case of the son and the age With regard to the West Inof 21 in the. 21 in the case of the daughter. dian service Mr. Gay said it was The allowance will be the amount regarded by the Company as of the interest (p yable halfbeing only suspended, not aban in Debility, It pearly) on a sum of 1, 500 which the directors are al doned will be invest for the purpose ways ready to consider any proby the Colonial Treasurer and posal which the Colonial Office Nervousness will eventually be realised and or the Governments of the West promotes digestion refunded to revenue.
Indian islands interested might up improves Female Weakness The service was suspended Sugar Shortage In The cwing to the outbreak of war and the taking over of most of the appetite Impoverishment Colony the ships by the Imperial Goreru ment. The ships that were and gives tone left were not altogether suitable of the Blood Says the Demerara Chronicle and after the war the cost of of September 21 short time building ships was enormous and energy HEALTH ago the prices of sugar began to and consequently the Company rise and made it evident that had to wait until things came and to build up a to the IMPARTING either the stocks were running normal. Hence a start is now out, or that sugar was being exmade, as stated in the news Item ported to the detriment of whole system EINE run down constitution mentioned above.
home retall trade, a the seriour ous icconvenience of the local consumer. It appears that this To Supply Electricity scarcity is still marked, and that many house holders are experiTo Newcastle.
encing considerable difficulty in procurlog supplies pursued in Water The GLEANER understanda Street, yesterday, solicited the that the Military Authorities opinion that this shortage is of a bave decided to convey electric very temporary nature, and it is power to Newcastle for the light DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or even now at its close. There is. is understood, no fear of an ing of that compound, and that de they are prepared to embark times a day.
acute sugar famine, because at this of on an exp. oditure of about tbe year tbe estates are either 4, 000 next year to bave the lines lald the about to commence grinding, and obtained.
JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
sugar supplies will then br. avallIt is quite likely that the able to cover all demands.
Jamaica Public Service Co. will SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS The cause for the present undertake the work at an early shortage is attributed, by one exdate, as while no provision was perienced sugar merchant, to en made for it on the Army EstiIndirect process of over selling mates this year, the amount will of the last crop. This was the rebe put down next year as sult of the failure to realise the.
European troops will be maio estimated yield on talned both at Up Park Camp It was thought that the export of and at Newcastle duriay the the time has arrived when po Observance of Health Week BARBADOS People And Things in the home market, which was sugar was not in any way starve summer months: more spirit licenses shonld be The work on the Military issued. As a matter of fact, on FROM THE WEEKLY HERALD Co operating with the English an Hospital at Camp as already the occasion of the visit of Major Under the above Caption Cler export at normal times.
ed to the amounts bandled for stated, is progressing. and Wood (now Lord Irwin this Health Society Trinidad has been nell W, Wickham, writiag in the will extend over some period. matter was impressed on the same renget. Heerless Wale perom The Workingmen the lastaud pulpit WEEKLY HERALD says:The general opinion was that Office. The Government in the bave combined to aid the cote Association. Barbadians are losing their stocks were on hand in just sufposition as the most eàterprising of an unusual shortage, until cient quantities to alloy any fear For Extension of the past have been very loathe to mendabla movemeat and medical people on the face of the globe.
action. and to but the ministers of certain speak authoritatively on bygiens BIG BANK HOLIDAY DEM In Demerars, authority Sewerage.
bad to such time as the new crop is denominations ONSTRATION, have been very and kindred matters have been be tovoked recently to Con ground and marketed.
keep active as they feel that there are lecturing in achool rooms and undertabers out of the Hospital These very active gentlemen bad One of the schemes in connec more drinking establishments other cantral gathering points la Rain prevented many intend been in the babit of visiting the To Improve Live Stock tion with the sewerage extension than are necessary for the com all parts of the country. In addiin Kingston is the laying out of munity. Certaln of the elected tion there have been lantern ing spectators from witnessing Hospital throughout of the Big Demonstration of the the the purpose of canvassing for The Board of Agriculture Spanish Town Road, says the the movement and what action lead bells by Sacoltary Inspectora Barbados Worleingmen it and the door alle. As soon as a patient with the object or improving the sewerage farm along the members are being interested in lectures, the distribution dealing last Monday but boa died GLEANER. proposed main from the pumping da tation mains to be seen and bygiene measures, surprise no effect one pitheton poberentebe the form the family and get the job. States for a Devon bull and eight foot of the United in Darling Street to connect to business premises in the City bour of strating. stpone the They must bave become some Shropshire black faced sheep.
by a with the intercepting swer a: TRINIDAD corder of North and Bond and the award of prize for the coupla of mounted policemen. what of a nuisance Yet they there last week brought the and an carriages put to The Nils which arrived Streets The most cleanly kept parlours, cake and followed by several expenditure in.
ays, barbers shops and and motor the dressed have not passed volved will be fully 6, 675 unregretbull and seven sheep rams the estimate for laying out the PORT OF SPAIN MAGIS Ice cream carts; a Health Exbi parade of men and women carry. ted. It is baing argued tha. can and ewes on ewe haviog bition of children under the age ing banners and flags marched vasaing apart, they served a died on the voyage.
farm is bgured at 6, 620, The TRATE of to the accompaniment of a very useful parpose, as the HosBoard of Management of the steady stream of applause and pital authorities frequently had Kingston and St. Andrew CorTo Clean Rosds of Lunatic comment from Baxters Road po need to send for the relative THIRTY YEAR LOAN poration have given their sagethrough Broad St. Palmetto the undertakers being swifter Chauffeurs ilon to the project and in due Square Roebuck st. Country than a post card or even a telecourse the approval of the GovFIFTY POUNDS STER Road, Passage Road and to phone message! Who will any For Sewerage and Recon ernor will be sought to the Two licensed chauff u who LING Westbury Road.
longer associate ondertaking struction Works carrying out of the proposals, were placed before the Port ofSpain Magistrate, on Thursday Os arriveng at the new Hall will slowness? Barbados is how last week, ou charges of driviog For Breach of Promise which has recently been pur ever, behind Demerara. Our folk The local Government is invichased and repaired, the gather must wake up.
Liquor Control to Be motor buses in dangerous ting the Legislature to authorise was addressed by various manner were fined each in the raising of a 30 year loan of ing Miss Eleanor Caines, a pupih speakers who had been invited members and their friends in 55, 170, 173 to defray the cost of Discussed. default 14 days imprisonment. teacher some time ago attached by the Committee of the Associa. Qulged in dancing until about the sewerage, road In addition their licenses were to one of the Govarnment Ele tion. The speakers impressed 80 Then a concert trio straction and water schemes for cancelled for the onexpired mentary Schools in Trinidad has upon the members the need for amused the audience with songs Georgetown. Another motion One of the matters which will period for which they were held just been awarded 50 damages ateady work and co operation dances and quips until ball past seeks the sanction of the Court vome up for consideration at the and both of them disqualified for as heart salve in an action for they would make the Aesociation five at which time the President of a grant of 764, 372 from session of the Legislative Council 40 years afterwards. The Magis: breach of promise of marriage of real benefit to the working Dr. Neal declared the colony funds towards the cost is the question of liquor control trate in convicting them said: brought against Charles class and so to the whole com fucction closed and the gathering of the sewerage and road reconin the island. It has been repre: In clean the roads of such Peters, who also belongs to the munity.
After the speech making. dispersed after a most enjoyable struction schemes.
sented to the Government that lunaties it can.
teaching fraternity, the ball was cleared and the days entertaloment. Continued on page 3)
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