p. 8


PA JE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 6, 1926 OUR SPORTING PAGE Independence Day Races Lucky Strike Gricket Tonaga Competition Hon. L, H, Tennyson Team Get Ready Everybody suitable BIG EXCURSION TO COLON it is must against Australiesented Eaglaia THANKSGIVING DAY Thursday, November 25th Freeman Trian Leaves Colon at p.
First Class 50. Second Class 00 He play protest, Bill. second Myers The Panama Jockey Club, ACROBATS DEFEAT COMING HERE INCLUDES after an interval of slew weeks, CHAUFFEURS.
MANY WELL KNOWN restarted the Panama racing 8? acon with good prrg am of PLAYERS.
Dine races at the popular Juan. The third game in the Lucky FOR THE Franco Park on Wednesday Surike Cricket Competition was Sir Wm. Morrison. President of af: rocon last, Paoan Iadep nu played at the Isthmian Park on the Jaunaica Cricket Board of Cor.
derce Day, The wsther wa Monday last between Acrobats trol, has just received a cloudy and under that there laia and Chauffeurs in westber callegram from the Hon. Lionel Tennyson, a un uody track, but as the Club. that was undoubtedly for an motio: is Rec Rain or 8n of good who, as previously announced in this journal, will lead a touring ue de events were carried out The usual large crowd which team of English eri ke ers on soce lolly.
fo:low cricket was conspicuousls visit to ttis island in the ca:ly The Indepence Cap offered for absent, due to the fact, months of next year, says the Jatw year old imported horses be inferred that there was no maica GLEANER of the 30th ulo.
was won by Carlo Carbone music on this occasion, and that As will be sren from the nines Popo ridden by Jockey Escobar, th: gay lot who delight in trippublished Popo took comand immediately plng in light laatastic BL below, Mr. Tennyson is ир after the raising of the barrier were consquently not attractea.
bringing out quite a strong eide, in (In aid of St. Paul Church)
and led the field to the winn ng The spincing of the coin recluding, as he does, several men who have post thereby upsetting the plans suled in favcer of the Chauffeurs of many who had placed Arlequin an Captain Pitterson decided to The team, as cabled out, will coras the favorite.
bave first try at the wickets bu: sist of of. Hon, Lionel Tennyson Chichi Moore was the star could only get to togetber a total (Captain. Hampshire. Jockey for the afternoon, win. of 52 runs fop the entire tean Mr. Feader and Mr.
ning in four successive mounts. For bis side Captalo Pitter son R, Holmes (Surrey. It is believed that this is a Juan made top core of 22, Barrow was Mr. L, HilFranco record. Chichi ου on next with 11.
der and Collins (Kent. Fenomer o inibe tirs: race of five After the customary few min.
Rev. Gillingham, Mr M, turlongs for class dative uses intervales the Acrobats Morris, and Capt, Nicholas ponies; rode Don Simon, win bad their try at the wricket (Essex. ning the second race of three and by steady and careful play.
furlongs for class dative ing put op to el of 71 runs Mr. Jupp (Northampponles; then be took shimmy to thus exceeding tbeir Opco. tonshire. Train Leaves Panama at a.
Mr. Arnott (Glamorganshire. the winning post in tbe tbird race eats score by 19. uns. Ko gbte Ernest Tyldesley (Lancasbire. of five furlongs for class was bero for Acrobats by con Mr, Alfred Tennyson (Old oni.
Imported horses His fourth tributing 30 of the 71 runs, while victory was when he won on the Alleyne came next with 15.
ar. also one professional wicketkeeper.
the Stod El Aguila entry, Frou The scores followFrou, over Zambo and Aracuada CHAUFFEURS C.
In the early part of this year Mr in a slx and one boltrace for the Green Pe.
Tennysog was here with the trio: Spear Blade, the fourth A, Biron stpd. Pile.
team, and prove himself a great favourite with all who met him horse previously booked having Mootoo run out.
been scratched. In the sixth race Blackman Pile. and saw him on the field. He ed for England against the Austraentry srom the Stud El Aguile. Challenor Pile.
brought in Shimmy another GET YOUR TICKET EARLY AND FOLLOW THE CROWD lians at Lords, Leeds, Manchester in second place. but was award Barrow Archer Pile. 11 and the Oval. He aleo es ptained the term which went to South ed first place on Pitterson e Myers Interferred by Colonel Arango de Africa in the winter of 1924 25.
was dis qualified It was Tudor, St. HI.
Mr. Fender, who is the captain the concensus of opinion that, c, Holford Pila Grand Music and All Isthmian Cricket Contest of Surrey, ie a good bat, and a good bad Kiss Me, In the first rhue, c: Chester bot out bowler. He played in Test Matches not run the entire course in a Extras Suroriadnom AON azaingt Australia in England in false start he would bave a ded another link to bis four const cuTotal 52 with the English visitors in 192021 tive wins.
Henry White Reina Mora won Mr. R, Holmes, also of easily the class event for Pile OM, w. Intercolonial Cricket Surrey, bas quite a good reputa11 2 24 imported horses. She was ridden Pinder tion.
090 by Sockey Hdalgo. Perkins St. All Tournament George Collins, who was here 6 brought Pereque in with the MC. team this year,. 0 12 place; wbile Pierrot came in last has had a long crieket career A, with Escobar up. Zambo was ACROBATS CC Recently, we intimated in our Freeman is a clubmate of bis, and scratcbed. Rid Blackman Regular Assortment of Sporting columns. says the is one of the foremost bowlers for ckey Perkins alss bała good St. Hill Buckman merara Chronicle of September bis club. He ie better known diy riding in second place in the All yne Ch ster. 1522. that Barbadian cricketers amongst his collengues as Titeh.
nad started to train for the tor nad He is a bowler to be feared, being first three cts on Candlewood, Haynes Coster Repulse and Meddior and won on Archer e Green choing Inte. oloni Turnaof the googly type Brave Lassle in the eighth race man ment, which will be held in the is also well represented on SUCH AS 30 Island in January next We now of six furlongs for class G. Knights Mootoo the side, with the Rev.
thoroughbrede Myers e. Mooloo. laro that preparations for the Gillingham. He is a sound bat and In the mutuels the biggest Hurdie solut. Pinder 1b, e. Bariow. 10 selection of the Trinidad team Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, generally gets well up in the aveo were gan recently, in an irrages.
amount paid aas 01 Brave LyZ Plc and Barrow.
formal was, when fex promiMr M, Morris is also a use sie 14 30 ing given it retura Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Dent cricketers it dolged in some Extras for each 00 investment.
fal bat and capable of getting runspractice at the Dots of the Oval, The day program ended wih Mr. Jupp. of NorthTotal (for wicket. Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing,. 71 on the invitation of th, Queen a four furlong race tween BOWLING ANALYSIS Park Cricket antho iti ants, level of the club. He for Essex as class imported hors s, with Over two dan fist class etc. etc. etc.
J, Pereira Bocis riuden by cricketers were vited.
professional. About this player it Medina taking first place and Black. 7035 Definite arrangeinects for th however, belonged chief credit for Translate secund. 0 21 the Test Biron commencement of. 0 the great advance of his adopted RM oto). 04 Matches on which the selection county. He shared with Woolley Harvest Thanksgiving Ser. Barros of their team will ba based bare. 21 3 the distinction of scoring oval pot yet been decided upon.
vices At St. Alban thousand ruos and in taking 110 The same condition rules bere, 93 CENTRAL AVENUE wicketts; he showed and until it is known tipit ly up Wright, bis SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11th. Gold Finding Device when the tour will take place, Panama City.
chief assistant. Jupp displayed his. a. p. 30 Makes Successful Test. fat reaching plans cannot be laid old soundness in defence and by our cricketing au: horities.
plenty hitting, while he varied his bowling accord Harvest Tbar ksgiving Services however, tbat The latest revelation in science some informal. Drae:lce, to ing to the state of the pitch.
will be held at St, Alban Church, Mr. Arnott, of Glamorgan, Paraiso, on Sunday November to startle the Isthmus is the gold plagiarise from our ibidadia CHURCH SERVICES Peter by thu Sea, La Boca figured as both a batsınan and a 14th, finding device at present being contemporary, will be started in The first service will be a cele operated by Lieut. Comdr. about a fortnights tim.
bowler and acquitted himself well This American Epispal (Anglican Com.
bration of the Holy Communiou st Williams of the Britsh Royal should give god time for prac as both.
23rl Sundy After Trinity munio. Navy. test of the device was tice, since our men are kept in a The name Ernest Tyldesley will Holy Communion 6, 80 The give the Jamaican bowlers somebe rendered by uke members of the ruined cathedral at old Panama in local competition prog amine At p a musical program will made ou Thursday last in the fairly good condition with their AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE (Anglican Catholie)
thing to conjure with. He was rechoir sisted by other talent from the presence of the Secretary of markably suceessful with the bat Holy Baptism 30. St. Paul Church, Panama the district Foreiga Allairs, Dr. Alfaro, and Matins and ddress 11 am, Mr. last year, and scored no fewer then Evensoog at 7:30 pm will conguard, Hunter, Lay Reader.
seven centuries in successiva clude the services of the day At a depth of about feel tw. PANAMA CANAL p. Church School matches. He bad a great average hearty invitation is hereby exten gold ornaments and vases coffins were discovered containing Rew, Nightragalo, Rеotor.
ses in which 30 Choral Evensong, sermon for the season, eclipsing even bis a. Holy Communion Rectur deu to all The Rector, previous season record of 50 per Continued from page ear rings, 10. 15 am Matin P Atwell, MULCARE, Rector.
innings. In the frurth test match and other trinkets. At a further Canal. Tolls on the commercial Catechist.
against the Australians this eumdepth of about nine feet the ex. vessels aggregated 1, 989, 213. 93, 10 30 a Holy Euchariot sermon, St. Barnabas Church, Empre mer bis contribution was 81. It is cavators struck the top of a tunnel and on the launches 124 56, or a 12 30 ngon Holy Bapiam, The Reeter Classified Ads.
Matins and Address 10. 45. Lay Jamaican public will see fine exbievident if he is playing in form the but at that point work had to be total tolls collection of 1, 989 338. pm Church School.
suspended owing to rain. Opera7. 30 Solemn Veepsre Sermon bitions of the art of batting Church School and Confirmation Class 10. starts a route of stores tians were to be resumed yesterday The daily average number of be Reator p.
In fact the side as a whole is very in your town working for you, but up to the time of going to press transits of seagoing vessels for the Evening Prayer and Adrew p. have to get into practice it thev strong, and the local players will bringing you a steady weekly income.
No selling Write quick. Vann, our reporter wes unable to ascer month was 14. 36 and the daily The Lay Render.
Box 3, Sta. New York ts in what further developments average tolls collection 64 168 19. St. Alban Church, Paraiso are going to put up a fight against J, MULCARE, Priest in Charge. the visitors has been made.
The average amouat of tolle paid EARN 25. 80 PER WEEK by each of the commercial transits St. Bartholomw Church was 470. 14, CANAL ZONE.
as compared with LAS CASCADAS No capital required. Get in business 4, 528, 31 for the month of Sep (Rov. P. NIGH TENGALE, Priest in Charge.
Holy Communion Seron 11.
yourself selling CARHARTT St, Matthias Mission OVERALLS, shoes, gloves, sbirts and Have you tried the Church School 30 pm.
trousers, the world most famous garAlthough tolls collections during 11 mm. Matins address Catechist.
LAS BABANAS ments, direct to wearer. at odd times the past month were less than p. Church School and Cot firma JT MULCARF Priest in Charge. Rev. NIGHTENGALE, now Beer or full time. Over twenty thousand during the two preceding months, tiod lastruction. Mr. Osborne, agencies. Write today for particulars.
the monthly average for the first Catechiet.
St. Simon Mission, Gambos Priest in Charge.
Will teach you how to sell by mail. Kronen Brau 10 months of the present calendar 30 Choral Eventong and ad Matins and address 11 a. pm Church Sobool HAMILTON CARHARTT, MANUFACTURER, Market San Pedro year is slightly in excess of two drees.
Church School 30 pm. pm. Evensong The Rev.
Streets, Los Angeles, Calif.
million dollars, Mr. Osbore Oatechiet MULCARE, Priest in Charge, Nigbengale.
Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products SCI Jihyo Essex is Black formerly C. Ch ste. The Workman Printery more pro minently tba It is were gold gold crosses tember.


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