
Denies That he Backed the Strike; Calls For Healing of Old Sores.
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misdeeds Liridon, Oct. 16 An appeal to bars old feuds and close the Libe able Party ranks, to lowed by the significant statement that he is prepared to discuss with all who would meet him in that spirit. for the traming of an ade quat. Liberal policy to at ajuntry needs, wash feature Inf Mr. Lloyd George peech at Barnstable today, Blare the announcement of Lord Oxford retirement as Liberal leader the speech bad beet awaited with great interest, az it had been anticipated that lord Oxford would announce his re lection of at least nominal Liberal Talersnip and that Mr. Lloyd to make bis owo party position clear.
Lord Oxford retirement robbed to day speech of controversial interest, and Lloyd George, who during the whole recent contropersy with his chieftain had refused to attack him personally, was able with good grace to eulogize gitat Liberal Leader, Lord Oxford, one of the most illustrious of the party brilliant array of leaders.
Hregretted that anything controversial should be assoc ated with the circumstances of Lord Oxford retirement, but he desired, he said, to correct one inpression which might have been drawn from words which bad been used.
SAYS HIS FOUGHT STRIKE refer, he said, to the legend that approved the strik dido approve it, c ndemnd it unequivocally at the time as toliy, and discbevious foily a that. But also condemned the of the Government at that time. We are unfeignedly glad that Lord Oxford health has been restored and that the nation will cot be deprived of his doe intelgence, his unrivalled experiene, bis unique gifts of impressive utterance for many years to come. regret there should be a y.
thing controversial in the circa starces of his retirem nt, and regret more than that should have been mixed up in these controversies, but do not propose to refer to them.
am a xous to forget our un happy days and to recall the happier fine when our partnership patled u1 lo carry on to the statute books meaures which brought a gleam of hope and comfort to millions of housebolds where the breadwinner was stricken duwd, either by years or disease.
PLEADS FOR PARTY UNITY With the unity of those great days, lib:ralism will be eclipsed by even greater achievements on one condition, that we cease 10 los er suspicions, personal griev.
ar. ce or rivalries. Sling them all onto the du gbeap and work tosetber in the spirit of unity, ami y ard good will. am pre pared in that spirt to discuss with all who will meet me in the same spirit for the best method of common action for the advancement of a real, constructive policy, adeqnate to the great needs of the country today and worthy of the highest liberal traditions of the past.
Mr, Lloyd George condemred the way ia which both the Goyernment ard labour bandled the miners sirike. It professed that its duty was not to interfer, but simply to keep the ring. The trouble about keeping the ring (Continued on page 7)
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