
Get Ready Everybody 30 BIG EXCURSION TO COLON THANKSGIVING DAY Thursday, November 25th gile First Class 50. Second Class 00 per It looed ranke; to macy saan Anwar.
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 13, 1926 gonoravim FINAL PARADE OF THE WORKMAN RECIMENT Witnessed By Thousands of Published on Saturdays by Ratos for Advertisemen on applica.
People WALROND, at the otice No. 83 Ceatral tion. Correspondence on all mattes!
Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited. GLORIOUS PASSING.
All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Panama RP.
FOR THE written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Goodbye, Westles el One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicadone! was the uttered thought Su Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
In the miod of the vast throog Three 600.
We do not undertake to return reat the Polo Grouad yesterday.
One 25.
says the GLEANER of tb, 29. jected correspondence.
alo, as company after company The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS of the West India Regiment swung past the salating base in SATURDAY NOVEMBER, 13, 1926, their last big parade. Some days ago Colonel Mudge, General ficer Commanding the troops in Jamaica, said farewell to the CENTRAL BODY ISSUES CIRCULAR (In aid of St. Paul Church)
Regiment, on Tuesday Bis Excelleocy the Governor had the same The Central Organization, recently formed on the the people of Jamaica turned out yesterday Pacific side, and which is comprised of representatives of in their thousands to say their the various fraternal and friendly societies along with dele.
official goodbye to the Regiment gates from all other organizations and certain private indi.
that has been so long with them.
viduals, seems to be in real earnest and is making all efforts and whose record in peace and to establish itself upon a firm and permanent basis: and if war le one which the entire West Indies is proud to own.
its hope of success depends upon the boosting it is receiv.
THE FRIENDS OF THE REGIMENT ing it may safely be assumed that nothing is going to But without Invidious distincimpede its materialization.
lion It may be stated that JamaiThis body has just issued a circular embodying the ca sustains a severe lose in the resolution unanimously passed at the primary meeting, a Train Leaves Panama at a.
disbandment than the rest of copy of which, we understand, has been forwarded to all the Islauds. To the others the societies and other organizations. This is a call for another loss is a public one the loss of meeting to take place at an early date, not yet mentioned, Train Leaves Colon at p.
an hobourable institution, to Jamaica, it is not only this, but but which will be announced through the press. Whatever personal loss, for ot all be it does, this body should not lose time in developing its thousands who saw the splendid formative features, as much of its future operation will defarewell ceremonies yesterday pend on its incipient formulations.
it is to say there was scarcely one who had not some The resolution reads: We, the representatives of the sonal loterest in the Regimentvarious West Indian organizations in Panama, meeting in who did not regard bim or berGET YOUR TICKET EARLY AND FOLLOW THE CROWD solemn session at the Manchester Unity Hall on the 29th of self as a friend of the Regiment: October, 1926, to decide on the attitude to be adopted by To many the interest consisted of a friend or rela:ire serving the people here in the face of unfavorable legislation by the in the Commissioned or Panamanian Government, do hereby resolve, in our own Commissioned ran nonbehalf and for our own protection in the present con Grand Music and All Isthmian Cricket Contest move it consisted of pleasant tingency, and for all future occasions, to form a central memories of the Regiment in social life or in sport: to others; organization, a se ciety or club operating in the Republic of Panama.
sense, Jamaica own Regiment To this end we pledge our loyal support to take back and one of which she has a right to be proud But to all of us to our organizations the opinions expressed at this meeting 300 SOX there comes a sense of personal and the decisions agreed on, and to request that bona fied deloss of the passing of Westles.
legates, empowered to act in the name of their organizations We sball miss the officersbe sent to a subsequent ineeting to be called by the same tbat cheerful and sporting body committee which convened this meeting, to form and put of men who for years have been into effect a Central Organization as above mentioned.
the rallying point and the staadThe circular bears two certificates of membesrhip to be ard of good fellowship and good sportsmanship throughout the filled out by authorized officials of the various bodies cirisland, whose example has ba cularized and given to the appointed delegates who will use an incalculable effect, in the long them at the coming meeting, and subsequently, for the years of the Regiment histors, period of one year. This looks like business, and the move in making the people o! Jamaica the Staunch Britishers they are deserves the hearty support and cooperation of every sec.
and ever will be.
tfon of our community.
WA shall miss the rank acd The time for active and stirring work has come and is file equally much, for their exripe and ready. There is now no room for delay or proample, too, is one of straight crastination; no time for idle dreaming and hoping for sone Recommended for Removing the Humors of living, good discipline and good miraculous deliverance out of the economic slough into Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, sportsmanship their influence, which we have been shoved by grim and relentless circum: too, carried to the classes they come from througbout the entire Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic stances. We must rise and act in concert for the realization is one truly difficult to of the hopes which are inspiring us; and we must act Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Dis.
over estimate. 80, with mingled quickly. Others have acted and are now reaping the rich pride and sadness, we cald yesWe are reward of experienced and practical organization.
eases caused by Impurities of the Blood terday Gcolbye, Westies well done!
in the rear, and far behind; but there is no reason why we An Alterative recommended for purify.
THE FAREWELL PARADE should not make a sprint and with daring dash make for ing and enriching the BLOOD.
Yesterday rain started the front, or at least, a respectable place on the crowded fall about 30, and conticued track of life great marathon.
steadily till round o clock, and We have failed in many past ventures on several everyone began to fear that the accounts. One was the failure to synthesize our ideas and For Sale at all Drug Stores parade could not come off. How ifase them into a solid unit of general interest. Each of us ever about 15 the rain aged and the rest of the evening was has demanded that his own view should be prominently And in Large Quantities by fine and clear tbough the sun set forth and as this was impossible, no promise of success did not come out.
appeared. Then again, most of us are excellent captains It was a splendid tribute to but poor followers. We can stand dignifiedly and well at JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy the popularity of the Rogiment the head of an organization, be it never so dem cratic, but that in spite of the discouraging AGENT weather conditions, there was we are altogether unable to take any other place in an an immense crowd to see the organization when elections cause us to step out of the parade.
soko From o clock right up to 30 Those of us who fail to obtain exalted positions, howan endless string of private cars, ever impossible it may be for us to do so, easily become distaxis and buses turoed in to couraged and discontented and gradually slip out of the orthe polo ground entrance of ganization; while those who ever attain to the highest posiWILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES South Camp Road 30 numerous were they that many people who tions of honor find it impossible to fall back into a secondary (From Our Correspondent) came in care despaired of ever place. In this way we will kill any commendable movegetting in at all, and gave up the ment as we have selfishly done in the past.
Young Markham Conattempt, In addition, bundreds of people The representatives of the various organizations will do valescing.
of the trams streamed into the well to keep in mind the primary purpose of the Central No hot irons or special combs required ground, even up to as far as the Body. The idea of aspiring to and filling positions should be Mareb Past.
remote from their minds as this will be the ruin of the Luther Markbam, fourth son The three enclosures were organization. The interests and progress of the movement SOLD IN DRUG STORES of Mr. and Mrs. Markbam, filled, and people were standing should be the chief aim of each member, and not the satisbas returned home after three and four deep around faction of individual ambition.
period of weeks illaess in the the whole extent of the polo Colon Hospital at Colon; be met ground. There must have been, Another thing to be remembered by the constituents with an accident on the at a conservative estimate, be of the central organization is that no individual member David Leon, September last, the facts are as tween 7000 acd 8000 presentfollows. Luther bus Why pay double price will contribute much help to the success of the body if he bad the day been fine gre.
como spends his time seeking his own laurels and trying to palm for interior imported passion for hunting, and on the viously, there would undoubtedly ABOGADO ATTORNEY off as an autocratic wiseacre. Cooperation must be the morning of the date above men have been over 10, 000 present AT LAW Beer when you can praise is due to the watchword if success is to be achieved.
buy a superior Beer from his father to go fishing excellence of the arrangements Private Bender of the made by Lleutenant Ford for the Office: 175 Central Avenue such as BALBOA for United States 63rd Service accomodation of the spectators; hall the price.
Telephone No. 1015 Pagama Squadron, who is stationed at everyone had an excelleit viewFrance Field, and who was and also to the handling of the Box 1012 Ancon, Canal Zone spending a month vacation bere volume of motor trafic in a very with three others of bis com restricted space, ADVERTISE Rent Receipt Books in Span of these men was publisbed in rades. report of the conduct (Witb Licenses to Practice before THE SPECTACLE the Courts of Papams and the sh and English for sale at the The WORKMAN newspaper on their picturesque Zouave kit led When the Regimental Band ta IN THE WORKMANIT PAYS Canal Zone)
Workruan Printery (Contine! op page Continued on page 8)
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD island, to Contra Crespo with


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